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Name: Darwin E.

Bautista Section: 12 Arts and Design

Making of Miss Saigon Essay

Making of Miss Saigon in my perspective is very difficult. From choosing actors/actress,

from teaching them and making them adopt a role that is far from who really they are in real life.
That production is is a beautiful as what I’ve expected. Seeing them backstage behind the scene,
I see people who work hard so much. There is passion and dedication makes them more
motivated. Directors, stage managers, staffs, musicians and dancers, they really did a great job.

Hoping someday I could also be a part of a big show. A Grand Production worldwide. Miss
Saigon in the making is a lot of stress, miscommunication, fights, arguments, and giving up
moments but, they are passionated enough to give up on what they’ve benn committed fo. That’s
why they made this production perfect. The show is very professional, the actors/actress and all
people onstage and backstage are very professional.

It makes me melt seeing our kababayan being a star on this great and big production
internationally. It makes me so proud, it’s just another proof that Filipinos are natural born
talented. It’s hard to adopt another environment with another races of people. But Filipinos are
too versatile not to adopt. It looks so entertaining and a beautiful show but behind it? It is a very
kob well done.

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