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13. What do you think of politics? A Doyou lke #7 B inate C Rwes yesteioy. 14. Tomorrow is my sister's birthday. “DIALOGOS INCOMPLETOS Oe ‘A. How are you going to celebrate it? 41. I'm looking for my bag. B. How old are you? C. He is twenty years old. ‘A. It must be in the garage. B. He's just lost it. Castres 45. This shirtis too small. 12. Is your home near here? A. You shouldn't buy any shirt. A. Yes, it’s only two blocks away. B. You should have bought a bigger } B. Yes, it's far away. size. | C. Yes, it’s out of your way. C. You must have got a smaller size. TEXTOS INCOMPLETOS: Canada Canada is the second 46, country in the world, after Russia, with a total area of 47 ten million square kilometers. It 18. of ten provinces and two northern territories. The capital city is Ottawa and the largest city is Toronto, 49. in the province of Ontario. The population of the country is over 27 million and .20. 80% of Canadians live within 200 kilometers of the United States border. 24 approximately seven million French-speaking Canadians and 22. other people speak English. The 23 of Native Canadians is less than 3% 16. ‘iz. 18. 19. A. large A. almost A. consist A. many B. larger B. also B. consists B. two C. largest C. beside C. consisted C. both Instruimos CONTINUA EN EL SIGUIENTE PLIEGUE (ARRIBA) # atic

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