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DAY 1: 24/8

1,Perry and Lilley are brother and sister.They are from the same family.But they are very different.Perry
likes reading books but he doesn’t like watching TV.Lelly watches TV every night but she doesn’t like
reading books.She reads the newpaper.Perry likes Chinese food but he drinks a lot of coffee.Lelly drinks
tea and she doesn’t like Chinese food.She eats a lot of Mexician food.Perry likes listening to classical
music.Lelly listens to jazz.She likes playing jazz piano.Perry and Lelly are very different but the feel the
same about one thing. They are happy to be brother and sister
2,My name is Mike.I’m from to US but I move to Hungary two years ago.I left home because I got a job
in Budapest.I teach science at an a university six months ago.I married a beautiful women name
Maria.Maria grew up in Budapest but she went to college in the states.It was very surprising to meet
someone who spoke my langguage so well. We began to go out and fall in love.

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