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blackout = when there is no electricity

= when news is not reported

breakdown = when something stops working

= when something is divided into smaller parts

= when you suffer from depression and you can’t function

break-in = when burglars enter your house by force

burnout = when you’ve worked too hard for too long and you stop feeling happy in your job

check-up = a medical exam

comeback = when you try to become famous or important again

crackdown = when the authorities become very strict about something

downturn = a reduction (often in finances)

dropout = someone who leaves school or university early

flashback = when you get a sudden memory from the past

handout = something that is given to you – like a document or other type of support

hang-up = a psychological anxiety about yourself

kick-off = when a ball game like football or rugby starts

let-down = a disappointment

makeover = a complete change to make something / someone more attractive

meet-up = where you meet people (longer than a meeting – often hours or days)

outbreak = when there are lots of cases of a particular illness

outburst = when someone shows great emotion (especially anger)

outcome = result

rip-off = when something costs too much money

shout-out = when you publicly praise someone

show-off = a person who does things to get attention

tip-off = secret information

turnover = the amount of money a company generates

workaround = a partial solution to a problem

1. blackout when something is divided into smaller parts
2. blackout when there is no electricity
3. breakdown when you suffer from depression and you can’t function
4. breakdown when something stops working
5. breakdown something that is given to you – like a document or other type of support
6. break-in when news is not reported
7. burnout when you try to become famous or important again
8. check-up when you’ve worked too hard for too long and you stop feeling happy in your job
9. comeback when the authorities become very strict about something
10. crackdown a reduction (often in finances)
11. downturn when burglars enter your house by force
12. dropout a medical exam
13. flashback when you get a sudden memory from the past
14. handout someone who leaves school or university early
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15. hang-up a psychological anxiety about yourself
16. kick-off a partial solution to a problem
17. let-down the amount of money a company generates
18. makeover a complete change to make something / someone more attractive
19. meet-up when someone shows great emotion (especially anger)
20. outbreak when there are lots of cases of a particular illness
21. outburst when a ball game like football or rugby starts
22. outcome result
23. rip-off secret information
24. shout-out a disappointment
25. show-off a person who does things to get attention
26. tip-off when something costs too much money
27. turnover when you publicly praise someone
28. workaround where you meet people (longer than a meeting – often hours or days)

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