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Factors that influence our costumer choices:

I think that we can all agree that when buying something, our choice
is, in many cases, influenced. In this essay I am going to disscuss some
factors that influence our decisions.

Firstly, the impact famous people have on us these days is so

powerful that we do nt even realize. And what I mean by that is that we
tend to idolize the idea of living the same, so thought, wonderful life as our
idols. For example, recently a celebrity everybody knows, Kylie Jenner,
posted a video using a specific brand of lipstick, also talking about its
quality and perfect color. I was not surprised when I saw that the next
week most of the people that I knew or random people were wearing that
same lipstick. Even the ones that were never wearing lipstick, decided to
give their money just because a celebrity thought it was good.

Secondly, the toxicity of social media is present even in our shopping

carts almost every day. I noticed lately that most of us have this weird
desire to be, act and look as the others in order to not feel left out or
“different”. And in this way, let’s talk a little bit about “the latest fashion”. I
have seen numerous people that went to the Mall to buy a specific pair of
jeans, not because they truly liked it, but because their friends thought
they were “trendy” or because they saw others wearing them.

I would say that the most powerful factor is peer pressure because
not everybody follows the advice of a celebrity, but almost everybody is
influenced by trends.

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