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Discussion Questions for Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus

1. It is often alleged that Camus champions irrationalism. Is this a just allegation? Prove
your answer by citing specific passages from the text.

2. What is the paradox of freedom?

3. What is the effect of the realization of absurdity on life? Does it make improve it, or
ruin it?

4. What are the first two “steps” of “absurd freedom” as defined by the existentials?

5. If “everything is permitted,” “nothing is forbidden,” is Camus’ philosophy a

justification for libertinism?

8. For Camus (and the absurd man), what does knowledge consist of?

9. Why is quantity more important than quality for Camus?

10. What are the two essential components of the absurd?

11. In what way does the actor realize and live out the absurd?

12. What is the role of art?

13. What works that we have read this quarter fulfill Camus’ requirements of absurd art?
In what ways do they do so, or fail to do so?

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