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Name: Pacheco Edwin.

Date: 23/10/2021
Major: Marketing. Level: 2BT Acelerated.
Teacher: Fernando Salazar.


Reading at your age seemed quite interesting to me, set in the past, it tells, recounts and
describes in detail situations, places, landscapes, characters and reveals the story of a
fifty-year-old man named Tom who, after meeting a beautiful blonde in a pharmacy
relives the feelings of falling in love.
He experiences through parties things that he had put aside to dedicate himself to
working and making money. In the middle of his going out he meets a young lady named
Anne with whom he lives several stories that make him feel young and in love again to the
point of thinking of remarrying.
However, he was always aware of the reality of knowing that what he was living as a
fantasy due to the age difference and that Anne was in her youth with many pending
stories to live and experience, before this reality Tom decides to leave.

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