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Effect i f Shear Deformations on tie

Bending i f Rectangular Plates

V. L S A L E R N O
Consulting Engineer,
Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation,
Bethpage, Long Island, N. Y.
Mem. ASME The three partial differential equations derived by Dr. E. Reissner'2'3 have been reduced
to a fourth-order partial differential equation resembling that of the classical plate
theory and. to a second-order differential equation for determining a stress function.
M . A. G O L D B E R G
The general solution for the two partial differential equations has been applied to a
Research Engineer,
Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, simply supported plate with a constant load p and to a plate with two opposite
Bethpage, Long Island, N. Y. edges simply supported and the other two edges free. Numerical calculations have been
made for the simply supported plate and the results compared with those of classical
theory. The calculations for a wide range of parameters indicate that the deviation is

LI HE field equations governing the bending of plates li is the thickness of the plate, and the sign convention employed
when shear deformations are included have been developed in is shown in Fig. 1. Associated with Equations (1) are the modi-
detail by E. Reissner. 2 ' 3 Employing this theory Reissner treated fied stress resultants
several examples of technical importance. 2 ' 3 Problems concern-
ing rectangular plates sustaining a load p(x, y), in which shear _ bV, vh2 b2w b2w \
V = (2a)
deformations are considered, do not appear to have been treated 1 * ~ o bx + 10(1 - v) t d.r2

in recent literature. In the present paper, Reissner's theory is

applied to a simply supported plate with a constant load p and VSVj vh2 b2w b2u>\
M„ p = —D + v (2 b)
to a plate with two opposite edges simply supported and the other 5 by 10(1 - v) by2 bx2 )
two edges free.
H, „ -(1 - v)D
General Theory
Reissner showed that the solution to problems of this type Reissner demonstrated that, for the case p = 0, a stress func-
depends upon a system of linear partial differential equations in- tion can be introduced to yield a solution to the homogeneous
volving the deflection w and the two resultant shear forces, Vx system of Equations (1). A particular integral must then be
and V y . The required system of equations is found to account for the loading function, p(x, y). In the present
paper a particular integral for an arbitrary choice of p(x, y) is
h2 h2 dp dV2f
given. First, Vx and Vy are eliminated from Equations (1).
F- V2FX (la)
10 10(1 - v) bx dx This is accomplished by differentiating ( l a ) with respect to x,
( l b ) with respect to y, adding the results and employing ( l c ) to
h2 h2 dp by ho simplify and obtain
V„ V2F„ = -D (lb)
10 10(1 - v) by by
DVHu = p - —— V2P (3)
5 y
= ~P (lc)
bx by where

where D is the flexural rigidity, 1 - v

12(1 - v2)

1 Dean, School of Engineering and Science, Fairleigh Dickinson

University, Teaneck, N. J.
2 E. Reissner, "The Effect of Transverse Shear Deformation on the

Bending of Elastic Plates," J O U R N A L or A P P L I E D M E C H A N I C S , vol. 12,

TBANS. ASME, vol. 67, 1945, pp. A69-A77.
' E. Reissner, "On Bending of Elastic Plates," Quarterly of Applied
Mathematics, vol. 5, 1947, pp. 55-68.
Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division and presented at
the Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., November 29-December 4,
Discussion of this paper should be addressed to the Secretary,
ASME, 29 West 39th Street, New York, N. Y., and will be accepted
until April 10, 1960, for publication at a later date. Discussion re-
ceived after the closing date will be returned.
NOTE: Statements and opinions advanced in papers are to be
understood as individual expressions of their authors and not those
of the Society. Manuscript received by ASME Applied Mechanics
Division, October 27, 1958. Paper No. 59—A-66. Fig. 1 Rectangular plate element with forces and moments

54 / MARCH 1960 Transactions of the AS ME

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It is readily seen that particular integrals to (1) are given by 2 The solution for an infinite plate should be obtainable from
a finite plate when one dimension of the finite plate is permitted
dV2w kh2 c>p
7xl = -D (4a) to increase without limit.
c\t 10 dx With the foregoing conditions in view, we construct a modified
Levy-type solution in the form

t [ 96 , • ,
dV2w kh2 dp
7„, = -D (4b)
w = (10a)
and with 24 D —- Y(y) sin px + —— (ax - x-)
1, 3, 5 . . L ap5 5
= + (5a)
7 „ = F„i + 7 „ 2
P = m = 1, 3, 5 . . (106)
then 7,2 and F„ 2 must satisfy the homogeneous system of equa-
tions. The homogeneous equations will be satisfied2)3 by
Equation (10a) yields the solution for an infinite plate, by letting
7 = 1.
7*2 = (ба)
In anticipation of subsequent use we note that the Fourier-
series expansion for (x2 — ax) in the interval 0 < x < a is
7„2 = (бб)
dx 8 A 1 .
sm jux
= - t h T, 8 1 (11)
1, 3, 5 .
where the stress function <f> is governed by the equation
Substituting (10a) into (3), and making use of (11) leads to the
V24> - ^ 2 4> = 0 (7) differential equation governing Y(y); namely,
d*Y d2Y
In Cartesian co-ordinates, the solution to (7) is (12)

4> = (Ci sin qx + C2 cos qx) cosh r\y

The complete solution in even functions of the argument is
+ (C3 sin qx + Ci cos qx) sinh r/y (8)
Y = Ch cosh py + Ce py sinh py + 1 (13)
where q is the separation constant and
Consequently, the form of the deflection shape w is given by
10 (10a) and (13). The Laplacian and its derivatives are obtained
from (10a) and used in (9) to yield the shear resultants,

Hence the form of the resultant vertical shears are completely

determined bj' Equations (6) and (7) in terms of the deflection
function w of the plate, namely,
,h, 2
P 2 F J cos px

+ ~2r)Ci cos qx cosh iqy (14a)

dV2w kh2 dp
V. = -D 4p v^ i f d3Y dY~] .
dx 10 da: —
~ ) , TT I — - p'
M2 — I sm
+ t][(C 1 sin qx + C2 cos qx) sinh rjy 1,375.. ^ L -J
d y 3 d y

+ (C3 sin qx + C4 cos qx) cosh yy] (9a) + 2 g C j sin qx sinh r\y (146)

dV2w kh2 dp where the symmetry of loading and axes requires

7, = -D
~dy iff Ity C, = Ci = C, = 0 (14c)
— q[(C\ cos qx — Ct sin qx) cosh -qy
The development by E. Reissner 2 ' 3 indicates that three
+ (Cz cos qx — Ct sin qx) sinh r\y\ (96)
The problem thus reduces to the solution of Equation (3) subject
to either stress or displacement boundary conditions. 2,3

Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plate

Simply Supported on All Edges
The analysis is now specialized by considering a simply sup-
ported rectangular plate having a uniform load p, Fig. 2. As a
consequence of the constant load, terms multiplied by derivatives
of the load in the general field Equations (1) to (9) are zero.
The usual solution assumed for w is either a double Fourier
series or the Lev} - solution. 4 Neither solution, in its original form,
appears to have the required flexibility to satisfy the following two P# / ft2
requirements: W/////////////A
1 At a simply supported edge the curvature should reflect the
effects of shear, that is, w x x ^ 0. vx

4S. Timoshenko, "Theory of Plates and Shells," McGraw-Hill

Book Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1940. Fig. 2 Co-ordinate axes for simply supported rectangular plate

Journal of Applied Mechanics MARCH 1 9 60 / 5 5

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boundary conditions can be satisfied along each edge. For the Numerical Calculations
simply supported plate, the obvious conditions are
The maximum deflection occurs at the point x = a / 2 , y = 0
w = 0 along all edges (15a) and is

il/„ = 0 along all (15b) m—1
_4p (1 + C6) kh (22a)
The third boundary condition is (-D
aD 1, 3, 5 .
du> 12(1 + v)
V a = 0 along all edges (15c) The maximum deflection consists of a term representing the
ds oEh classical solution and another representing the increase in deflec-
tion due to shear deformations. The second term contains the
which states that there is to be no rotation of the edges in the
thickness of the plate h as a multiplier and is given by
direction of the edges.
Before calculating the constants of integration, it is observed pa"
(Aio)mnx = a' (226)
that all even derivatives, with respect to x, of the first term of IK3
(10a), evaluated at = 0 and a, will be zero. All the derivatives
of y, evaluated at x = 0 and a, will likewise be zero. where
Consequently, conditions (15a) and (156) are automatically m — l
satisfied by virtue of the form of (10a). Equation (15c) implies
( - D
that Vy = 0 along the x edges, from which we find = 0.34220 ^ (22c)
1, 3, 5 . .
( 1 cosh a , „ )

= M (16) Numerical factors associated with uniformly loaded and simply

supported plates are given by Timoshenko. 5 The coefficient a
Proceeding to evaluate the coefficients along the y edges, we of the expression
have, from (10a),
« W = a (23a)
kli2p.2 ~Eh7
Cb cosh am + C\am sinh am + 1 + = 0 (17a)
is given 5 for various values of (b/a). The corresponding expres-
vhere sion for the deflection modified to include the effect of shear is

nb pa4
(176) (236)

Substituting (10a) and (14a) into (15c) with :c corresponding to
sleads to (23c)
2C'e cosh a,„
C'tr) cosh
(f) - 1 = 0 (18) Table 1 gives the deflection coefficient a and a for various values
of h/a and b/a.
From the vanishing of Mv at y = ± 6 / 2 we obtain, after making It is noted that the maximum deflection due to shear deforma-
use of (17a) and (18) then collecting terms, tions increases with increase of h/a and b/a. For the ranges
chosen in the foregoing, the maximum percentage of deviation
Ce = ' A cosh a m (19) from classical theory is by about 4.4 at h/a = 0.100 and b/a = 1
Substituting (19) into (17a) and (18), respectively, yields (square plate).
The shear forces V x and V u are given by (14a) and (146).
^ kh2p.2 am tanh a,r For the simply supported plate with a uniform load we have that
cs = i
cosh ot„, 10 Ct = 0. Therefore, for this problem the shear resultants are in-
dependent of the thickness and are the same as for the classical
and theory.
The equations for the bending moments are given by (2a) and
Ci = 0 (206)
(26). Substitution of the derivatives of w, Y x , and V v and ex-
The deflection of the plate is now completely determined and is pansion of the constant load p into a Fourier series leads to ex-
pressions for the bending moments M x and M y . Each moment
^ p
1, 3, 5 .
(1 + C's cosh p.y
consists of two parts; the first represents the classical solution,
and the second the portion dependent upon the thickness of
the plate h. The increment of moment ( A j l / ) m „ x , which is clue
+ C'epy sinh p y ) sin /xx (21) to the plate-thickness effect and occurs at the center of the plate,
10 ,u3

where C6 and G'-0 are defined by (19) and (20a), respectively. 6 Reference, footnote 4, p. 133.

Table 1 Coefficients a and a for various values of h/a and b / a

-b/a = 1- b/a = 1.5 . , b/a = 2 . , b/a = 5 -b/a =
0.005 0.04437 0.04438 0.0843 0.0^843 0.1106 0.1106 0.1416 0.1416 0.1422 0.1422
0.010 0.04437 0.04439 0.084.3 0.0843 0.1106 0.1106 0.1416 0.1420 0.1422 0.1422
0.050 0.04437 0.04486 0.0843 0.0850 0.1106 0.1114 0.1416 0.1424 0.1422 0.1430
0.100 0.04437 0.04632 0.0843 0.0870 0.1106 0.1136 0.1416 0.1449 0.1422 0.1455

56 / MARCH 1960 Transactions of the AS ME

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Table 2 Coefficients 0 a n d 0 for various v a l u e s of h / a a n d b / a

-b/a = 1- -b/a = 1.5—^ b/a = 2— b/a = 5-

h/a 0 0 0
0.005 0.0479 0.0479 0.0812 0.0812 0.1189 0.1189 0.1246 0.1246
0.010 0.0479 0.0479 0.0812 0.0812 0.1189 0.1189 0.1246 0.1246
0.050 0.0479 0.0479 0.0812 0.0812 0.1189 0.1189 0.1246 0.1246
0.100 0.0479 0.0481 0.0812 0.0813 0.1189 0.1189 0.1246 0.1246

Table 3 Coefficients ft a n d ft for various v a l u e s of h / a a n d b / a

-b/a = -b/a = 1.5- -b/a = 2- -b/a

h/a ft 01 Hi 01 01 01 0i
0.005 0.0479 0.0479 0.0499 0.0499 0.0464 0.0464 0.0375 0.0375
0.010 0.0479 0.0479 0.0499 0.0499 0.0464 0.0464 0.0375 0.0375
0.050 0.0479 0.0479 0.0499 0.0450 0.0464 0.0465 0.0375 0.0376
0.100 0.0479 0.0481 0.0499 0.0502 0.0464 0.0467 0.0375 0.0378

The largest deviation of the maximum bending moment from

(Ail/,), I,ax pa2 ( ^ j (24a)
= ft
the ( M x ) m n x and (il/„) m a x of classical theory is about 0.8 per cent,
the moments containing the thickness effect being larger than
where those of classical theory.
m — 1

(-D 2 Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Plate Simply Supported at

>3' = 0.12732 ^ (24b)
1, 3, 5 . . in cosh a„, Two Opposite Edges and Free at the Other Two Edges
The quality of the Levy method, which admits solutions for a
The values of the coefficient (3 for the maximum value of ilIx
plate simply supported at two opposite edges and various bound-
are given 6 in the form
ary conditions at the other two edges, is not altered by the intro-
duction of the shear deformation. Consequently, the solution to
(A/*)max = /3 pa2 (25a) this problem can be obtained readily by making use of the de-
The revised maximum bending moment may be expressed as velopment for a plate simply supported on all its edges.
The deflection function w and the associated shear resultants
(F/,U = P pa2 (25b) are given by Equations (10) and (14), respectively. Along the x
edges the boundary conditions (15) are still valid, while at the
y edges only (15b) remains unaltered. At y = ± b/2 Equations

(15a) and (156) are replaced by
P = P + P (25 c)
Vv = 0 (28a)

The values of and (3 for several values of b/a and h / a with Hr„ = 0 (28b)
Poisson's ratio equal to 0.3 are tabulated in Table 2.
The increment of moment (Ail/„) ma x, which is due to the thick- respectively.
ness effect h and occurs at the center of the plate, is
Proceeding to evaluate the constants Ci, C5, and C6, we first
substitute Equation (146) into (28a) which yields

-Mi)' (26a)
C, =
8p sinh a
where sinh ( f )
provided that q = p..
ft' = 0.12732 (26 b)
(* cosh a , „ ) Substituting Equations (10), (14a), and (146) into (286) and
1, 3, o . .
using (29) leads to the relationship
The values of the coefficient ft for the maximum value of Mv
[1 + v — (1 — v)a coth a]
are given 6 as C6 = C6 (30)

(iUv)ma* = ftpa2 (27a)

Finally, we have from the vanishing of il/„ at y = ± 6/2, after
The revised maximum bending moment may be expressed as using (29) and (30)

( i l / „ ) , M , = ft pa 2 (27 b) Wi2?/2
C6 = (31a)
10if cosh a
.2 where
3, = ft + ft (27c)
^ T] tanh a
K = ^ + 3 + ^ sinh^ 2a (31 & )
The values of ft and ft, for several values of b/a and h/a with p tanh
Poisson's ratio equal to 0.3 are tabulated in Table 3.

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The deflection of the plate is now completely determined and is
given by (10) with C6 and Ca recorded in the foregoing.
It is to be noted that for this case the shear resultants are not
identical with those given by the classical theory. This is evi-
denced by the nonvanishing of C4, Equation (29).
No supporting numerical computations for this case have been Substituting (10) in the foregoing we have
included in this paper. Ca rb/2
R*+R>= -Jo J-V2PdXdy (34)
Edge Reactions
Reissner2,3 indicated that concentrated reactions will not occur which is free of any additional terms representing corner reac-
at the corners of the plate. This can be easily shown as follows. tions.
From the sign convention given in Fig. 1, the edge reactions

Rx + R„ = J*6^ [Vx(a, y) - VX(Q, y)]dy The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance rendered by
Mrs. R. Fortunato in checking, Mrs. Mildred Sudwischer in
+ / 0 V „ ( x , 6/2) - Vv(x, —b/2)]dx (32) typing, and Mr. Joseph Sarno in editorial matters.

5 8 / M A R C H 1960 Transactions of the ASME

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