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The HandEyes device, an assistant and aid for the visually impaired, has evolved.

The creation of
Ecuadorian university students can now be used as a shirt accessory.

The invention was one of the winners of the Ideas Bank of the Secretariat of Higher Education,
Science, Technology and Innovation (Senescyt) two years ago.

HandEyes is a robotic device that allows visually impaired people to perceive objects in front of the
user to avoid accidents.

It has a sensor that records the distance in continuous time. This information is processed
internally and translated into an auditory or vibration signal: in the former, the tone becomes low-
pitched when the object is far away and high-pitched when it is close; and in the latter, the
distance is processed and a signal composed of pulses is emitted.


Product features: Allows access from the back of a wheelchair.

Specifications for the caregiver: It would be necessary to activate the lowering of the chassis and
exit of the rear ramp.

Disadvantages: Usually the wheelchair user would have their space in

which would correspond to the trunk. Other models are currently being manufactured in which

houses in the central part of the rear seats the space for the wheelchair.

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