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Niken Putri Syahra FO310402 Individual Summary Book Value Proposition Design Canvas In the value proposition business model, there is a value proposition and a customer segment, so that part will be specified as the value proposition canvas, First, we have a customer profile that has 3 sub-sections. First, there is a customer jab, namely a task that the customer wants to complete, the second, there are benefits or gains that a customer wants to ‘expect, and third is pain, which is the difficulty experienced by the customer when trying to complete the task, The Value Proposition consists of 3 parts, the first is products and services that will be offered to customers, Gain Creator or referred to as producUservice features that will later provide benefits to customers, and pain relievers or commonly called products or services that reduce customer difficulties, Here's an example that | will give along with how to apply canvas: ‘A legal tech startup client of course wants a lawyer who handles the case who is proficient in the related field, let's say this is a gain that the client wants to have, then the pain faced by the ‘customer is confirming the payment on an available website or the lawyer cannot confirm the completion date of a the case is waiting for an update from the court then the client job must always ensure that the case will be resolved as soon as possible and pay off the administrative payments of a case and if we look at the value proposition, for example the gain creator, of course, provides detailed services for the lawyer's experience which will make it easier for the client to choose a lawyer and provide light installments for underprivileged clients so that the services of a lawyer can be paid aff so that a pain reliever for customers is to provide options that can be done in cash and non-cash an condition that they keep proof of payment until the case is resolved and provide updates via the web with the status being followed up until the planned deadline. Design Empathize with our customers and learn about them, to create the best product that we can in designing a successful product or service, we must first put ourselves in the shoes of our customers. Try to figure out a way to solve their daily problems most conveniently. Secondly, determine the value proposition of our product by designing its components now we know which are the main customer pains that we can address. Its time to get to the main part: designing and crafting a product or service to address it. A good product has both a tangible and an intangible part. The tangible partis, obviously, the product itself, whereas the intangible one can be a warranty. Then, last is to study the market before we enter it with a prototype we know have an idea of our product value proposition and how it can alleviate our customers pain points, We can then start studying the market to materialize our idea. Doing so before we actually create it can help us find flaws in our concept or help us find more valuable features to add to it. AS such, we can start studying our market by going online and looking for articles, news, and even google analytics tools to help us gain insights. Another way is to empathize with our prospects and put ourselves in their shoes for a day, studying what problems we face in our daily activities, Test After finishing the value proposition canvas we are ready to move to test. The best and easy way to test ur value proposition is often to use it on a website with the product or service. As an example, there are a variety of AB testing tools that we can use. it can be as simple as trying different landing pages. Then, if we run a workshop using the value proposition canvas, we will be amazed at the examples, insights, and progress we make. With creating a value proposition is a method of clearly defining aspects of a product or service that a customer might need and why. itis a way of presenting inherent advantages that a competitor might not be able to offer and is therefore often referred to as a Unique Selling Point (USP). A value proposition Statement can be generated by using an ad-ib as part of the value proposition carwvas guide. It’s important to realize that we won't know ifwe have the right value proposition until we test itwith customers. However, using this guide will help us to understand how to craft compelling value propositions. We will need different value propositions for different customer segments. Think deeply about how our segments differ in how, why, and when they try and get jobs done, Onice we think we have some insights then test them out. Use different methods to validate our ideas and insights. Developing a value using desktop-only research and data doesntt work. Too often a business will use what they about a customer a8 the basis for developing a product or service ~ that approach contributes to the massive failure rate of new products that stil exists. Walk in the shoes of your customer, observe them, ask questions, be curious and test ideas. Evolve + While our organization is constantly evolving, use the Value Proposition and business model canvas as a common language to create alignment. To improve relentlessly and continually reinvent ourselves, be sure to measure and monitor our value propositions and business models on a regular basis. * Establish Alignment Using the value proposition canvas is a great way to align your goals. It enables you to explain to various stakeholders which client duties, pains, and gains we are concentrating on and how precisely our products and services relieve pains and produce benefits + Measure, Monitor, Improve - track the performance of our value propositions over time. Create organizational structures that allow us to improve existing value propositions and invent new ones at the same time.

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