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PERSPECTIVES ржж-ýжYжжýwхжýý&Yж

Р е rs ре ctives Р re- l пtеrm ed i ote О 201 8 National Geographic Learning, а раrt of Cengage Learning
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Рrоduсtiоп Мапаgеr; Daisy Sosa Pre-lntermediate Workbook + Audio CD
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Print NumЬеr: 02 PrintYear:2018 i
ý Who are you? 2

ý where the heart is 14

3 Health апd happiness 26

& Learning з8

ý Family and friends 50

ý Doyourbest 62

7 Tell me what уоч eat 74

& ВчуеrЪ choice 86

ý All in а day's work 98

ý ý Remote control 1,10

Vocabulary list 122

Credits 126
Ж & НеЪ really into musiс
VOCABULARY Регsопаlitу 1 Саr]оs has lопg, curly brown hаir and а beard,
2 Angela ls tall and has lопg, сurlу blonde halr.
@ Revision Choose the best words to complete the
3 Richard has very short dark hair.
4 Lily has short, straight, dаrk hаir, __
1 father has по hair. |e's bold l beard / Ьrоwп,
5 Nick is tall and bald, and he has а Ьеаrd. _
2 IVу sister is lопg l tall / curly. She сап touch the ceiling
in hеr bedroom.
6 Emma has long, straight, Ьrоwп hair and glasses. _
А Does your Ьrоthеr have bold / о beord / glasses? ф Complete the adjectives to describe personality.
В No, he doesn't like hair оп his face.
4 I\Лу hair isn't straight. |t's short / Ьlопdе l curly,
1 f, ... п..__ _

5 lVly mother, Ьrоthеr and l ali have dark hаlг, but my 2 s ,с ао

fаthеrЪ hаir is different,ll's black l Ьlопdе / lопg. 3 con ,",", еп ,_,

wеаr d beord l glosses / short hor, but опlу when l'm 4t __,_"_ en - , d

read i пg.
5 e,_s_, -9 , ._g
6 п,,,,_,_,v,_,.,,__'__ s
ffi Revision Look at the photos. Match the descriptions 7 р ... . u ,.,,.. .,__,,_ t"

with the people. 8 iп " , _.. g ,"__ "_,_.". t

9ch_ t
10 r ........х
ф Write the word that means the opposite of each
description. There is опе word you don't need,

intelligent Iazy loud naSty

ne[VoUS serious Shy weak

1 kind, he pful

2 active, hard-working

3 funny, cheerful

4 сопfir
sociable, confident

5 calm, relaxed

6 quiet

7 strong

ф Look at the sentences and photos in Exercise 2,

Choose the best word to describe each person.

1 Li{y is active / lazy.

2 Еmmа ts iпtеlligепt / loud.
3 Angela is kiпd / пеrvоus.
4 Саr]оs is sertous / fчппу,
5 Richard is соlm l hard-worktng.
6 Nick is cheerful l поstу,

2 Unit'l
@ Read the sentences. Are the adjectives logical (L) or not positive personality traits Negative personality traits
logical (N)?

1 l don't understand the maths lesson and l don't have

time to study. l'm чеrу confident about the test

tomorrowl _
2 А nasty frlепd is usually fun to Ье with.
3 Good teachers аrе kind to their students. _
4 А cood worker is lazv
5 ltЪ always good to Ье honest when you апswеr а
question. _
6 А рорulаr реrSоП is usuallY vеrу sociable ý Extension Listen to the descriptions. Circle a|l the
7 А фу реrsоп feels nervous talking to new people. adjectives that describe each person. ЖW
1 Ноmеr intelligent / lazy /careless / organized /
8 ltЪ not easy fоr ап intelligent реrSоп to understand helpful / selfish / generous
пеw ideas' 2 Маrgе kind / helpful / active / аfГесtiопаtе /
@ Listen to the descriptions. Complete the sentence аппоУiпg / patient / selfish
with the correct form of Ье and the adjective that best з Ваrt generous / rudе /clever / funny /
fits each desсripjШ, There are two adjectives you honest / аппоуiпg / hard-working
don't need. ;жжжfr
4 Lisa talented / intelligent / паstу /
active easy-going funny helpful honest hard-working / polite / impatient / neat
lazy loud nasty shy ta lented

1 our teacher
PRONUNCIAT|ON -s \lerb emdings
2We @ Listen and choose the чеrЬ that has the same ending

3 The neighbours
sound. týlжж
4 Му flatmate 1agoes 5 afeels
Ь thinks Ь jumps
5 Му aunt
с dances с misses
6 You 2 afollows б asees
7 Му boss Ь acts Ь puts
8l с f|xes с practi5es
3aenjoys 7acalls
@ Extension Put the adjectives into the correct category. Ь sits Ь stops
( touches с changes
affectionate annoytng careless generous
impatient organtzed patient polite 4aplays 8awears
rude seIfish Ь looks Ь laughs
с watches с wishes

Who аrе you? 3
LlSTENlNG ф Listen. Аrе the sentences true (Т) or false (F)? f*iffi
ffi Listen and choose the correct words to complete the 1 The passage explatns why we don't like some things.
sentence. Ж}ffiЖЖ

1 He's _, 5 She's very 2 People Like something опlу because it looks, smells,
а honest а popular sounds оr tastes good.
Ь friendly Ь fit 3 What people think about something makes them like
с hаrd working с kind
or dislike something.
2 ShеЪ iпtо _, She en;oys 4 People often believe that expensive things аrе good.
а music а Wгitiпg
Ь art Ь walking
( Sport с drawing
5 People ike things that they соппесt with positive
3 He's а bit He's
а intelligent а cool ф Correct the false sentences in Exercise 1З. Listen
Ь loud Ь serious a9ain if necessary. '},"\ý"Ч
с shy ( nervoUS

4 He's into_. She rеаllу ikes _, ф Listen to the lecture and choose the соrrесt
options. &*ýýýЖ
а Sport а dancing
Ь books Ь singing 1 What is the lecture mаiпlу about?
с photoqraphy с reading а the united states of Аmеriса iп the l9зOs
ь diffеrепt characters from california
ffi Listen and complete each sentence with the name(s) с characters and personalities iп а book
and the correct verb in the present tense. ;;] #.'"ffi d being а lеаdеr of а famlLy
Ье like (х2) palnt Why does the professor say this:'novel оr long story'?
think Want (х2) а The students had two tasks,
Ь The почеl ls not true.
1 to go to the cinema с The lэооk ras mапу stories.
2 busy this afternoon,
d Д novel is а lопg sto.y.

3 fruit and flowers. Why did farmers leave their homes?

4 paintlng is difficult, а There was not enough "ain.

Ь Land was cheap in California.
5 action movies,
с They were ап9rу with their neighbours.
6 DJ Spooky
d А firе burned their crops and fields.
7 to lтeet Up tomorrow.
What does the professor рrоЬаЬlу think when he
SayS thrS:
'ltЪ not еа5у to leave
уоur home]?
а People mоvе around а lot.
Ь N/ost of the professor's students ]ive abroad.
с people enjoy staying in the place they kпоw.
d Some people enjoy the weather at home.
What does the рrоfеssоr mеап when he says this:
'mоче thеir whole family across the country'?
а The fаrmеrs had to mоvе to а пеw country.
ь The fаrmегs had to leave the united states of
с The farmers had to mоvе to а new place iп the
united states ог America.
d The farmers had to find а state with mоrе rаiп.

There аrе two апswегs fоr the пехt question.

lVаrk two answel,s.
Which реrsопаlitу words does the professor say iп
the lecture?
а fearfu] d hel pfu
Ь calm е Shy
с brave f honest

4 Unit'l
GRAMMAR Present sirnp|e and рrеsепt Right now, IVlina and Jacob _ rn front of а statue.

сопtiпш*us They taking selfies.

а standing;enjoying с stand; enjoying
@ Пеаd the sentences and decide if the action is taking
Ь аrе standing; enjoy d stands; enjoys
place right поw (RN) or is а generaltruth (GT).
Fоr some rеаsоп, Mina and Jacob _, and Во
1 Julia is wоrkiпg оп ап article fоr hеr sсhооlЪ
п noyed.

а not smiling; Ье с аrе not smiling; is
2 She is writing about the new students iп her class
Ь is not smiling; is being d doesn't smile; being
this term. _ Now he _ them to smile because they _
3 .JuIiаЪ school welcomes new students at the begrnning
of each term. _
4 а ask; not looking с is ask; look
Тhеrе аrе three new students in Julia's class this
Ь is asking;do поt look d is asking; no looking
term. _
5 Aiex is fuппу, laughs а lot and tells jokes when he
6 They _ to the park now because Во _ to take
photos in frопt оf the fountain,
meets пеw oeoole.
6 N/iп smiles а lot and seems rеаllу happy to Ье iп the
а walks;want с аrе walking;wants

Ь is walking; is wanting d walking;wanting

@ Complete the sentences with the present simple form @ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs iп brackets.
of these verbs.
1 it4y brother rеаllу (like)music
Ье create 90 hope
and (Ilsten) to it all the time.
mind practiSe study think
want 2Не (play) the electric guitar and
the drums. НеЪ rеаllу talented!
Naomi to the best school iп 3 Не and his friends (Ье) iп а
the city. band and (write)cool new
She а lot because she wants to SongS.
g0 to university, 4 lVу friепd Mlei plays keyboard and
3 She to study computer science. Ging) in а band with my brother and his friend N/aia. The
4 sometimes she the only girl iп паmе of their band (be)Victory.
hеr class. 5 This month, they (practise)all
5 But she not day every Saturday fоr their concert,
because she computers аrе бl (not, сап) watch them еvеrу
rеаllу interesting, time they practise because l

6 She that she сап show other (study) fоr an imроrtапt ехаm
girls that computer science is cool 7 Butl (want) to go to their big

7 Naomi coding at home сопсеrt оп the 25th!

8 She пеw apps for her friends 8l (поt, know) how to play апу
to try. instrument at the moment, but l

(lеаrп) the keyboard. lf I'm good, maybe l can jоiп my

@ Choose the correct чеrЬ forms for each sentence.
ьrоthеrъ band!
1 Во has а пеw саmеrа and _ how to take better
photos. Не _ to take photos of people. @ Choose the correct words to complete the questions.

а is lеаrп; liking с аrе lеаrпiпg; is like 1 ls / Does he intelligent?

Ь is lеаrпiпg; likes d lеаrпiпg;likе 2 ls / Дrе уоur classmates kind?
3 Do /Does you like cool music?
2 His friends ltЛiпа and Jacob _ him. They _ to
4 Does / Do Simon play the 9uitar?
have their photo taken.
5 дm //s l late fоr class?
а help;liking с help; аrе liking 6 Does / /s it rаiпiпg?
Ь is helping;is liking d аrе helping; like 7 Do /Does the Dls play good music?
8 Дrе /Do you а good siпgеr?

Who are you? 5
Ж Ж How аrе уоч feeling?
VOCABULARY BUlLDING Adjective Which of the following best restates the saying'Body
complements and soil аrе опе'iп раrаgrарh 4?
а Belng aware оf our natural surroundings can help us
@ But the words in the correct order to make sentences rеmаiп healthy.
and questions. Ь ltЪ important to wash your hands at least once
every day.
1 you / апgrу /Аrе / results / your / about
с People who аrе careful about what they eat
sometlmes 9rоW their оwп food.
d Being сlеап is the most important thing you сап do
2 the / She's / about / test / wоrriеd in order to stay healthy.

What did а study in Japan show about the effects of

being outdoors?
3 get i easily / children / Do / frightened а А walk iп the woods takes at least fifteen minutes.
Ь Spending time outdoors can cause measurable
changes in the body.
с Forests and natural places аrе usually far from city
4 Тhеу'rе / about / presentation / nervous / the
d People who live in city centres have high blood
5 excited / holiday / about / We're / our
ý Write the паmе of each country next to the correct

6 Ьу /students /The /the / seemed / lecture / bored Canada tinland Japan south Коrеа

1 Researchers measured changes iп the body caused Ьу

spendinq time outdoors.
news / l /when / onTV/watch / upset/ l / become/
The government wants to know mоrе about its
реорlеЪ moods.

8 Iooks / about / Не / апgrу / something

Researchers have found evidence that being outdoors
contributes to the'happiness effect]

9 Каrеп / ls / of /dogs / afraid / big

Local governments рау for healthy outdoor
experiences for their people.

READlNG @ Match the information (а-е) with the paragraphs


@ Пеаd the text and choose the соrrесt options. а measurable effects of Ьеiпg outdoors _
1 Why do Finnish rеsеаrсhеrs rесоmmепd that people Ь а question we all wапt answered _
spend about five hours а month outdoors? с the'happiness effect'_
а in оrdеr to lеаrп mоrе about urban areas d а weekly dose of nature _
Ь so that they сап stay healthy
е a'Healing Forest'_
с because winters in Fiпlапd аrgчеrу cold
d because they wоrk for the government
2 According to раrаgrарh 4, which of the following is
not true ofthe Saneum Healing tоrеst?
а visitors аrе offered а tea made frоm elm Ьаrk.
Ь Visitors hike along creeks and through the forest,
с Firefighters fought а firе there fоr three days.
d Гirеfightеrs practise yoga lп order to rеlах.

6 Unit 1
This is уоrлr brain оп паfiдrе

\What makes you happy? lt's а qtrestion п,,е Sotrth Коrеапs that'Sbiп to bul ее
ir*iЖ,,,j&1 а11 - Body
\\,ant anапswtt to. Docs Гоос1 rnake 1,,ou happy? Do soil аrе onc.'At the Saneum Healing Fогеst, east
lVhzlt allout оГ Seoul, 'lreeltlr rапgеfs' оf'Геr visitoгs elm-bark
рiсtuгеs оf puppies шаkе yott fее1 caln.?
being orrtcloors, п.alking in the sun ог l"riking irr а tea, tlren take therrr on hikes along сгееks and
Гоrr,sг: thгоuglr forests of rеd maple. oak :rnd pine-nr,rt
trееs. During one visit, 40 firefighters take раrt
'Реорlе uпdегеstimаtе tlre liappiness effect' of being
in а fгее, thгее-dау ргоЕ4rаmlпе sponsoгed. Ьу the
outdclors, sa,rrs Lisa Nisbet, а psycl.ology рrоfеssоr
1оса1 gочегппrепt. АГtег а пrоrпiпg of hiking, they
at Cana(la's Tl,ent Llnivcrsity. 'ý/е c]on't think of it as
enjoy ргасtisiпg yoga and аrrапgiпg delicate dгiеd
a,way to increase lrappiness. ý7е think оthеr tlrings
flоъ.егs. Arnong tlrerrr is Kang tsyotrng-r,vook, а
irr,ill do tlris, like shopping or Т\'.' But thеrе's а iot
46-уеаг-оld tirеflghtеr,Гrоm Seoul. 'It's е stressec1
оf eviclence* to shоъ, that being оutсlоогs in паturе
1ifе,' he says. 'I want to live hеrе fоr а month.'
nrakes реорlе fЪе1 lэetter. In fact, sotrre collntries аrе
рrоmоtiпg natllre ехрегiепсеs 1ь опе u,lr1- to help 5 Rеsеаrсhегs cen mcasllrc hоп, з fitteen-minr_rte
pcoplc \lx) l1ealtll). walk in the ъ,oods callses changes in the body.
А study in Japan соmраIеs реорlе u,lro spend
In Finland, а 1агgе пumllеr оf реорlе Ьес:оmе sad оr
time iп forests and in c:ity сепtгеs, The реорlе
clepressed in rvinter. Тhе Finnish Eaovei,nment,w]nts
r,vho spencl time in natllle shоп. а lоwег 1evel of
to kпоъ. п"lrу. It pays геsеаrсhегs to ask реорlе
stress, and lоwеr Llloocl рrеssllrе and heert r2ltе.
a}lout thеir moods аГtеr r.isitinE] natllral end urlэап
\Ъshiftrmi Ntliyazaki, one of the rеsеагсhеrs, believes
areas. Do they 1Ъе1 1nole nefvolls оr mоrе геlахеd?
оur bodies rеlах in pleesant, паturаl surгоuпdiпgs
J'he геsеаrсhеrs studied people's responses. They
becattse tlrey аrе огigiпаll1, frtllп паtuгаl places.
аге гесоmmепdiпg а minimunr natllre dose" оГ tjve
Y/lren м.е slotv cl<lwn, stop wогkiпg and take in
hоttrs а month, ог several short rrisits а week, to а
beautiftll natllral surroundings. ц,е often Гееl mоге
nllttlг]l l)lir(,c.
сlrееrful and оut mentzr1* реrfогmапсе inrproves.
4 In Soutl-r Коrеа, mапу реорlе deal ъ,ith stress Оur senses аfе better 21t interpгeting iпГогtпаtiоп
Ггопl work and schcrol. Rtrt this чегу hагd-rчоrkiпg abor_rt plants :rnd streanrs, N4iyazaki says, than tгаffiс
nation respects natllre. А чеrу old saying гепriпсls and higl-r-rises!

evidence ct sigtl that shotts sслllеtlэ|ltg is tпl,е ог correct mental relared kl the пtiпd
dose arl cl t?l()u llt oJ' so пtеt h iltg, ttstl al ly m е clic itte

Who аrе you? 7
ý Ж l expect mу friends to understand
GRAMMAR VеrЬ рёttеrпý: vеrЬ * -fng or 7 Do you think you сап mапа9е

infinitive with fо (get) your work done before Fridау?

8 lpromise (come) to your party

@ tlsten and comp|ete the sentences. ЖЖЖ early.Then l сап help you get ready.
1 When the musicians Ье9iп 9 Devan is beginninq (lооk)fоr
you mUSt Stop talking. а job.
Do you plan after you
@ Яrе the verbs in bold correct? Correct the incorrect
l always еп;'оу to my friends
after school.
1 Не enjoys to go оп holiday with his family.

4 Не prefers ьеfоrе dinner.

5 Oscar can't help
2 l want to see that new film next weekend.
when he hears
sad music.
3 Do you enjoy trying пеw restaurants?
lveitries hеr grandfather еvеrу
4 She needs to lеаrп eating with chopsticks.
l hope ten cOUntries Ьеfоrе my
21st biпhday. 5 Jim hates going to the cinema аlопе
8 Young сhildrеп lеаrп
listening to оthеr реорlе. 6 l need talking to you about our homework for
@ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 She usualIy manages studying l to study during the 7 Does she want to ca]l him оr to speak to him in реrsоп?
week so that she сап relax at weekends.
2 l don't want аrguiпg / to аrguе With yOU. 8 l'm trying to avoid to spend too much mопеу on holiday
3 She enjoys hеlрiпg / to help hеr you пgеr sister.
4 Не enjoys gоiпg / to go for а lопg ruп at the weekend.
ф But the words in the correct order to make sentences
5 Taaviwants writing / tоwritе an emailto his friend in and questions.
1 hates/class/Jean / being / |ate / for
6 Сап you |еаrп speaking / to speak English оп уоur own?
7 l don't mind sееiпg / го see that film again with you.
2 job / Не/ have/ Ьеfоrе/ he/ hopes/a /9raduates/to
8 Lana avoids gоiпg / to golo the gym at weekends.
ltЪ so busy!
3 the/atl l / stop/ need /shop /to
ф Complete the sentences with the verb + -iп9 or the
infinitive with to form of the verbs iп brackets. 4 us /with / come / he / Does / to / want

1 NЛу dad plans (read) five books

while hеЪ оп holiday. 5 loves / She / history / about / reading

2 Does he enjoy Gtudy) history?

3 l think it's possible to avoid (tell) 6 checking / after /dinner / avoids / Еmi|у /email / her
her about the surprise раrtу,
Frапk wants to start 7 salad / Не / a/eating/ рrеfеrs/ lunch/for
mоrе, starting оп 1st.January.
5 Ted can't help (laugh) every
8 enjoy / уоч /subjects / difficult / Do / studying

time Seth tells а joke

6 Саrа doesn't want (share)
а rооm With hеr younger sister

8 Unit 1
ffi Complete the conversations with the verb + -и9 or the
infinitive with to form of the verbs in brackets. some
sentences have two correct answers.

1А What сап l do when l feel sad?

В l suqgest (go) fоr а long walk
А Аrе you going to the beach this weekend? l rеаllу
want to go!
В l don't know. l promise (са ll)

you if l go.
А How's уоur homework going?
в wel|,1 hate (ask) fоr help,

but itЪ rеаllу hard.

4А Why don't you cycle to wоrk?
в l wantto, but l need (buy) а

bike first] ф Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

lп some Sentences both answers are correct. Are any of
5А Do you rеаd books Ьу the author lsabelle Yоuпgmап?
the sentences true for you?
В 1do.1 often beqin (laugh)
when l'm reading because her books аrе so funny, 1 ,Му friends and l like hеlрiпg / to help each other.
6А Do you want to get some sushi with me? 2 lwant visitlng /tovisit my grапdраrепts in Poland this
В Yes! l love (eat) sushiI
3 I\4yparents want mе spending / to sрепd mоrе time
ф Пеаd the questions. Choose the correct answer. studying.
4 They're rlght. l need лчdуiпg l rо srudy mоrе.
1 What аrе you doing?
5 ltЪ easy wа;tlпg / to lпostetime on social media.
а l'm starting to make dinner.
6 | avoid using / rо use social media.
Ь l'm starting make dinner.
7 l don't епlоу watching / to watch films on my laptop.
2 What аrе you dolng this weekend? 8 I рrеfеr wоtсhiпg l to watch them оп TV оr at the

а l hope to see а film with mу sister. cinema.

Ь l hope seeing а film with my sister. 9 lп fact, the best р|асе wotching / to watch films ls the

Do you want to study together for the test? new multi-screen cinema ,п гrу ciLy,
а Sure! l dont mind to study with other people. 10 l usually have а chance gоiпg / го 9о thеге еvеrу

Ь Sure! l dопt mind studying with оthеr people. month.

Do you have enough mопеу to рау for the trip? ф Comp|ete the sentences with а verb + -ing or ап
а l think l can mапаgе to save enough Ьу next уеаr. infinitive with fo so they are true for you.
Ь l think l can manage saving enough Ьу next уеаr.
1 I\4y family needs
what should we do fоr dinner?
2 l need
а I want to go to the newThai restaurant in town.
Ь l want gоiпg to the newThai restaUrant in town,
3 lwant
4 lИу friепd wants
Сап you play the рiапо?
а А little. l'm learning to play поw. 5 l Iike

Ь А little. l'm lеаrпiпg playing now. 6 l don't like

Do уоu want cake fоr dessert?

7 l enjoy

а lt looks so good! l'd like to trying а piece. 8 IVly friends and l enjoy
Ь lt looks so good! ld like to try а piece.
Сап you соmе to the party7
а and l рrоmisе bringinq some food.
Ь Yes, and l рrоmisе to bring some food.

Who аrе you? 9
ý ж Half а milIion secrets
TEDTALKS @ Лrе the sentences true (Т) or false (F)?

1 People buy postcards frоm Frапk. _

2 PostSecret is hard to u5e. _
3 Only people wrth special secrets сап use PostSecret. _
@ tisten to the TED Talk. Complete the sentences with these 4 People can send lost cameras to i\Лatty. _
numbers.There аrе two that you don't need. ffiffiffi 5 The prctures go back to the people who |ost their

2004 з,000 half-million 2014

cameras, _
tWo thrее four 2,000
lt/atty and Frапk work togethe.. _
@ Choose the correct answer5.
1 lt all started with а crazv idea iп November of
1 What is the speaker mainly discussing?

l printed up self-addressed а how mапу people visit his blog а day

postca rd s.
ь the secrets frоm his collection
с why secrets аrе important
3 You can see my wife struggling to stack а Ьriсk of
what is postsecret?
postcards оп а pyramid of over а

а а website
Ь а place whеrе people post their secrets
4 l had this postcard posted on the PostSecret blog
с а place iп Washington, DC
years а9о оп Valentine's Day
Why does the speaker mention ltЛatty?
5 Fоr years, my girlfriend and
to talk about how students use postsecret
we've made lt this Sunday mоrпiпg ritual to visit the
Ь to show that people in Canada use PostSecret
PostSecret blog together. . .
с to explain how реорlеЪ lives have changed through
6 Nly son's birth is on this саmеrа. Не turns postsecret
tоmоrrоW 4 What is the speaker's opinion оf lFoundYourCamera?
а Не doesn't think it is helpful.
Ь Не thlnks it i5 important.
WATсH жж
с Не thinks only people who like photos wiil use it.

@ Watcb the TED Talk. Choose the correct words to 5 What сап Ье inferred about the speaker and
complete the sentences. postsecret?

1 People make / аrе mаkiпg their own postcards, а The speaker will continue to wоrk оп PostSecret.
2 Frапk shares / is sharing реорlеЪ secrets оп PostSecret. Ь The speaker will stop doing PostSecret to start
3 Frапk collects / is collecting secrets on PostSecret right another idea.
noW. с The speaker will sell the secrets оп PostSecret.
4 People sепd / ore sепdiпghim emails wlth secrets, 6 Why does the speaker say this:
5 lИatty takes /istokingthe pictures offthe саmеrаs. 'Secrets can take mапу forms.They can Ье shocking
6 The mап says his hands shake / ore shoking, оr silly or soulful]?
ý Matcb the adjectives from the talk with the situations.
to explain that еvеrуопе has secrets
Ь to ехрlаiп а good secret
1 crazy а people who lose their cameras and ( to ехрlаiп that secrets аrе difГеrепt
2 special pictures
3 exuberant Ь МlаttуЪ idea
4 ingenious с trапk's idea iп NоvеmЬеr of 2004 VOCABULARY lN CONTEXT
5 desperate d email of а family that N/atty shows
6 еmоtiопаl Frапk
@ Match the words with the definitions.

е mап asks girlfriепd to mаrrу him 1struggling а а picture

f the secrets in Frапk's collection 2 calm Ь relaxed
3 рrороsаl с when а person asks апоthеr
4 lmage реrsоп to mаrrу him оr hеr
5 languaqe Ьаrriеrs d the difficulties people have
because they don't speak
the same language
е to have а hard time with
10 Unit'!
ý Ж What are уоч into?
SPEAKlNG 2л kind of music?
в the saxophone
listen to jazz
.:,:.]]]:,]i],r,:ja,]]]alt]:ii]ial]r:]]:1i.::iirali.]]:|::]]'al1]]ii}:,:]].]..ija:i:ari:]: a]]i:]]ar]:i]::a]]::]i:l]:1]]:r]iia]:]]i.]r:..]]l]].]r,r:]]]]i:..i:i:i].:]:].]

Talking about likes and dislikes

Are you iпtо.
. .

l ploy. ,

l lave to watch. . ,
в А bit. playing games,
|'m поt that interested iп, ,
but pro-9aming!
Watching other people play is so Ьоriпg

Do yau hove а fovourite, tеаm / kiпd of mчsiс /

4А place to rеlах?
place to go walking? в films so
/inrea//y ао,, Rea/Иadrrd/hrp-hop/ go to the dпегпа.
gоiпg to the mоuпtаiпs. 5А cycl i пg ?
Гhаt's Really? / |//ow!
cool. / пt:ullv! VyUW! в rоаd cyciing, but
mountain biking.

@ Put the words in the correct order to make sentences @ Vou are on holiday in another сочпtrу and meeting
and questions. new people.
Look at the questions from the conversations iп Exercrse 2.
1 into / Аrе / music / you
Fоr each question, use the Useful language and make
some notes about how you would answer it.
2 interested / l'm / iп / not / 9aming / that
ý Write responses that are true for you. Use the Useful
3 basketball /to l l /watch / love language.

1 Аrе you into sports?

4 Dо / а favourite / have /team /you

5 rеаllу / skating / into / l'm 2 Аrе you into clothes?

6 cool /Wow, / thаtЪ

3 What аrе you tnto?

7 mind / don't / hip-hop / l

4 what kind of music do vou like?

8 рор/ l / stand / music / can't

@ Complete the sentences. Тhеп listen and check your 5 What kind of fi|ms do you like?
answers. жýw
Аrе you iпtо (хЗ) Do you have а favourite (х2) 6 WhatTV рrоgrаmmеs аrе you into?
lcan't stand l dont mind
l love to (хЗ) |'m noi that interested tn

l'm rеаIlу into (хЗ) l play

@ Listen and follow the instructions. ЖW
1А sports?
Now listen to а model answer and compare it with
в wаф football. your ideas. ffiffi

Who аrе you? 11
WRlTlNG Ап iпtr*duсt*гу р*stсаrd 1 What is the паmе of the person rntroducing herself?
2 Where is she from?
@ Match the two parts of the sentences. 3 What уеаr is she in at school?

1 it4y name is а science and maths.

4 What are hеr favourite subjects?

2 l'm from Ь about you?

5 What instrument does she play?

3 l'm iп уеаr 9 с Osaka City in Japan.

6 What language does she like to sing iп?
4 Му favourite subjects аrе d favourite type of music?
7 What else is she into?

5 watchrng
l love е at secondary school.
8 She asks Julie about playing ап instrument and

6 also
l'm f really into hip-hop.
what else?

7 What g Кеп Sato.

@ Complete the postcard from Charlie to Amir. Write опе
8 WhаtЪ уоur h action movies. word in each gap.

@ Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. Dear Аmir,

1 When you tntroduce yourself in writing, the first thing

lVly is Charlie Fоrd. l'm
you tell the other реrsоп is
vапсоuчеr in canada. l'm

а your Ь уоur паmе с уоur city in grаdе В.

2 The second thing you write is _
а what you епjоу Ь how you feel с where уоu'rе Му favourite аrе gеоgгарhу and

trоm physics. l the 9uitаr, but l'm not

3 _ usually tell each other what уеаr they аrе in at very good! l travellinq to new
school. places and l'm also into video
а students ь Теасhеrs с classmates gагпеS.

4 lп а пеw раrаqrарh, you should write about _. What you, Аmir? Аrе you
а уоuг classmates Ь the weather с уоur hobbies video games, too? What аrе
5 ltЪ polite to ask the other реrsоп some questions
уоur favourite subjects at school7
а their interests Ь their grades с thеir рrоЬlеms l look forward to frоm you.

6 Ьу telling the other реrsоп that you look fоrwаrd Best regards,
to hearing frоm him or her. Cha rliе
а Start Ь Finish с Learn
ф Пеаd the profile. lmаgiпе you аrе Alex Green and write
ф Kead the postcard to а student in California. Then read а postcard introducing yourself.
the questions and circle the answers in the postcard.
Who: дlех Grееп
Му паmе is Апа Crrstina. from Mexico City. ltЪ а bi9
|'m What: Sесопdаrу school StUdent, year l 0
'l0 Where: Edinburgh, UK
and busy place! l'm tn year at secondary school.
Favourite subjects: ch emistry а п d есопо m ics
At school, my favourite subjects аrе history and English. lvusical iпstrчmепts: попе
lп my frее time, l play the рiапо and l love singing Hobbies: web design опd hockey
songs in English. |'m also rеаllу iпtо music festivals.
lnclude your name and Dear
What about you? Do you play апу instruments? Who is
оthеr information. [Porograph 1]
your favourite siпgеr?
Write about your favourite
l look forward to hearing frоm you, Julie. subjects and your hobbies. [Paragroph 2]
Ask the other реrsоп
Best wishes,
5ome questiOnS. [Poragraph З]
Ana cristina
write six sentences.
Use some of the phrases l lookforward to hеаriпg
you lеаrпеd iп this unit. frоm you.
Best wishes,

12 Unit 1
Review Filiре always buying
ciothes оr

@ Circle eight adjectives that describe what people think Sofia often is looking at the
about the singer. latest mobile phones.
Angёllque Kidjo is а popular Аfriсап singer апd 6 Right поw, Nele and Sofia drink
songwriter. She is frоm Benin, а small соuпtrу in West coffee and chatting
Аfriса. She wеаrs hеr hair very short and blonde. ShеЪ
7 They don't wanting to see а film
small, поt tall, but she has а lot of personality! ShеЪ very
with Filipe,
cool and confident, She's very active. She travels а lot
to реrfоrm her shows around the world. Апgёliquе is
8 Sometimes they аrе forgetting
talented, intelligen1 kind and helpful. She started ап where the car is because the саr раrk is so big.
organization, the Batonga Foundation, to help African
wоmеп and girls get ап education,
@ choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 l_ the instructions for the ехаm,

а am readinq с doesn't rеаd
Ь is reading d don't reading
2 She _ а пеwsрареr еvеrу morning.
а buy с ls buying
Ь doesn't buyinq d buys
3 They computer class today.
а has с doesn't have
Ь don't have d having
4 Аrе you _ the рiапо?
а practlSe с doesn't practise
Ь is practising d practising
5 lt4y aunt is а pilot. She _ а рlапе
а don't fly с fly
Ь flies d flying
6 _they rепt ап араrtmепt iп the city?
а Doing cDo
Ь Does d Doesn't
7 We печеr _ in the sea,
а swim с do swim
Ь аrе swimming d swims
Апgёliquе Kidjo

ф Match the sentences.

ф Use the prompts to write sentences апd questions with
the verb + -ing or the infinitive with to. Some sentences
1 Апgёliquе Kid;o is а Education is important to hеr or questions have more than one correct апswеr.
talented. ь She helps wоmеп and girls in
1 l/would like/buy/a new jacket
2 She is popular. Аfriса.
3 ShеЪ vеrу active. She's calm, not пеrvоus, in
4 ShеЗ kind. frопt of people. 2 They / usua||y / like / taIk online
5 She's intelligent. ShеЪ а great singer and
6 She's confident. SongWriter. 3 She / hate / shop fоr clothes
е I\Лапу people like hеr.
f She travels and performs а lot.
4 Do /you / like / he|p /your sister / learn English

ф Correct the mistakes in the verb forms.

5 What / he / want l rеаd / Ьеfоrе bed
1 sofia and her friends аrе likino
going shopping together at the weekend.
6 l / want / tell you / about the end of the film
2 They going to the shoppinq
centre almost еvеrу Saturday afternoon.
3 They аrе often seeing
friends frоm school there.

Who are you? 13
Же Different places
VOCABULARY Dеsсri&зirзg whеr* уоu iive
ffi Revision Complete the sentences with the correct
'] l'',,.,,,.&i,,,,,,.,..,,,,

words. ]Ж
lllýi Ь,.:*
apartment Ьаthrооm Ьеdrооm Clty
kitchen quiet wall

1 Тhеrеъ а clock оп the lп оt]r

2 l don't live iп а house. l live in а(п)

NЛу flatmate is sleeping in his

The food is in the
l don't live in а small town. l live in the

IИу street is busy. lt's not

We have а great пеw shower in our

ф Revision Complete the text with the correct words.

bathrooms bed bedroom dining rооm

ga rd еп kitchen living rооm walls

IVу family moved into а new house two months ago. So fаr,
l love it. The only рrоЬlеm is that the (1) _
аrе all white. ltЪ а bit boring, We want to paint them
different colours!
I\ly favourite rооm is the (2)
because l love to cook! We usually eat there, too. There's
also а big (3) iп the house, but we
91ly eat there whеп we invite friends to diппеr.
l spend а lot of time in the (4)
where l read оr watch TV.
l sleep well at ni9ht because my (5)
is atthe back of the house, away frоm the street, so itЪ
very quiet. Also, my (6) ts soft and

Тhеrе are two (7) which
is great. Опе is upstairs and опе is downstairs. When
sоmеопе is taking а shower upstai15, l don't have to wait
for them to finish. can just use the one downstairsl
Fiпаllу, thеrеЪ also а big (8) at
the back of the house. ltъ beautiful.There аrе lots of trees
and flowers,

ф ИЬеt the photos with the correct words.

chairs decorations а door а light а rеfrigеrаtоr

л - лсл
d 5Uld 5tdlI5 а table а window

14 Unit 2
ý Complete the sentences with the correct words. 7 lfyou |ike mоdеrп / historic buildings, then you should
visit the З06-mеtrе-high Сауап Tower in Dubai.
1 Please ореп the w ltЪ hot iп
here. ф Listen and choose the correct description for each
2 You have to put the milk in the r place. ЖЖЖ
з The whole family is sitting оп the
а ltъ mоdеrп. а Тhеrеъ по furniture.
and watching а film.
ь ltъ walkable. Ь ltЪ а very small
4 You сап put the flowers in а vase on the dining
с lt's crowded. apartment.
rооm t
а ltЪ the shopping с ltъ а traditional
5 The young girl has large photos of cute animals as
district. house.
iп hеr bedroom
ь ltъ а resldenttal аrеа. а ltъ а historic аrеа.
There аrе а lot of because the
с ltЪ very lively. Ь ltЪ very modern.
house has four floors.
3 а The area is very с ltЪ а lively shopping
The d to the bathroom is closed.
walkable. district.
ls someone in there?
ь ltъ а rurаl аrеа. а lt's а business.
8 Thel аrе offand the house
с ь
ltЪ the historic part ltъ а mоdеrп house.
dark. Everyone is sleeping.
of town. с ltЪ old-faShioned.

@ Match the words with the definitions.

ý Extension Fill in the missing vowels to form more
1 urЬап а place where there аrе а lot words for things iп а house or building.
2 walkable
of office buildings
ь not qUiei оr Ьоriпg
1 n 8 с_, _ l*-ng
business district
2 с_
рЬ_* * rd 9 s,*- nk
traditionaI с not old-fashioned
d а place where there аrе а lot
3 с_,_ Ь *-n _t 10 с "rt__n5
с_ rp._t 11 t_ ___l"_t
6 historic of houses оr apartments
7 5 fl____ r 12 w""_rdr_b *
shopping district
an area that people visit when
they want to buy thinqs
6 c_sh_ _ п 13 t- р
9 crowded not too far; safe for people
7 b-__ksh, lf 14 dr-w_,_,._r
10 residential аrеа travelling on foot
@ Extension Complete the text with the correct words.
11 lively 9 full of people
h from an important time iп the carpeiS ceiling cu pboards cu rta i пs
past drive floor sinks toilet
l not rural traditional
j iп an аrеа outside а city
k ап old way of doing things There is an upside-down house iп i\loscow that is not а
(1) houselThere, the lights аrе
on the (2) and all the furniture
@ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. and the (3) аrе оп the
(4) Ihе (5)
1 l\4adrid isvery restdential / lively at night. ltЛапу people
hang frоm the'bottom'of the windows instead of the
9о out and they stay out vеrу late.
'topJCups and plates аrе upside-down inside the
2 Tokyo is а crowded / ruralciIy, with а population of
kitchen (6) Even the саr оп the
almost Зв mlllion.
(7l is upside-down!The
3 ln 0ахаса, lt/exico, you сап eat mапу traditional /
(8) in the kitchen and the
wolkable foods such as tlayuda; апd tamoles.
bathroom can't work because the water would go in
4 Lined with expensive stores and restaurants, the
the wrопg direction. And thеrе isn't апу wаtеr iп the
Сhаmрs-Еlуsёеs in Paris is one of the most famous
shоррiпg / residentlaldistricts iп the world.
(9) - it would fall outl
5 Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey, is а quiet чrЬап / suЬurЬап
tоwп пеаr New York City.
6 Yоrk is а beautiful old1ashioned / historic city iп the UK
with Roman walls and mапу old buildings.

Where the hеаrt is 15
PRONUNCIATION lzdl апd /st/ in шsеd 3 what word does she use to describe а new tree?
а seedling с replacement
@ Пеаd the sentences aloud. Circle the pronunciation of Ь ЬаЬу d harvesting
Llse to, used to or used. Listen and check your answers.
жж 4 What does she say about bamboo?
а ltЪ very inexpensive.
1 Finding ап apartment used to Ье а lot easier.
Ь lt doesn't grow in а forest.
а ljuxzdl Ь /ju:st/
с lt grows very quickly.
2 Didn't you use to live iп London? d lt can't Ье rесусlеd.
а ljulzdl Ь /ju:st/
5 What else does she talk about protecting?
3 They used all recycled materials to build the house
а seeds (
а ljuxzdl Ь /julst/
Ь аir

d animals
4 Did you use to live iп an apartment?
а ljulzdl Ь /julst/ 6 What do you think the speaker is trying to do?
а persuade people not to use wood оr рареr
5 Не used а lot of bamboo to build the house.
а liuxzdl Ь /ju:st/
Ь convince people to Ье carefui about what they use
6 The city used to Ье а lot less crowded. and buy
а ljuxzdl Ь /julst/ с get people to stop using bamboo construction

LlSTENlNG d encourage people to only cut down new seedlings

to protect the forests
@ Listen and decide if each sentence is а fact (F) or an
орlпlоп (U),
@ Listen and answerthe questions. ЖЖ
1 5_ 1 How would you describe this young woman?
2_ 6_ а crazy
3_ 7_ Ь thoughtful
4_ 8_ с selfish

@ 2 Who cares more about the effects of pollution?

Listen and tick the topics the speaker talks about.
l€rl а the young Wоmап
1 construction materials _ с
her colleague

2 the Amazon _ both ofthem

3 pollution _ 3 What do you imаgiпе is mоrе imроrtапt to the young

4 saving forests _ woman?
5 cutting down and planting _ а а new car
6 hunting animals Ь good publictransport
7 rесусliпg _ с inexpensive taxis
8 the future of оur planet _
4 What negative things does she mепtiоп about getting
@ Listen again and answerthe questions. ЖЖ а саr?

1 What is the gist оr сепtrаl idea оf what the speaker

а traffic, poIlution and safety
talking about? Ь cost, parking and pollution

а the need to rерlасе all forests with bamboo с parking, traffic and insurance

Ь reducing construction to protect the trees 5 which statement describes hеr attitude?
с only building with bamboo in the future а She doesn't саrе about hеr quality of life.
d important ways to protect our forests Ь She only саrеs about others'quaIity of life.

2 What adjective does she use mеапiпg to notthink

с She cares about ечеrуопеЪ quality of life.

oboutthefuture? j 6 What saying do you think she would аgrее with mоrе?
а thoughtless G old{ashioned а Wе'rе all iп this together.
Ь shorгsighted d traditional Ь You worry about your life and let me worry about
с You сап печеr have enough.

16 Unit 2
GRAMMAR Past sirпр}е 7l (Ье) аfrаid of поt having friends and
being lопеlу iп the big city
@ Write the missing present simple or past simple form 8 Butl (change) my mind when l

for each verb. (realize) that my friends want to visit

PreSent Past Present Past me here iп the cityl
simple simple simple simple
are looked ф Write а question for еасh answer.

Ьесаmе make
cha nge moved l walked to the cinema and met my friends there.
fly See

Went spoke Не didn't go to the сопсеrt yesterday. lt was on Fridау.

grow take
had think Yes, l think cities need grееп spaces and public parks.
lived worked
We lived iп а city and walked ечеrуwhеrе.
w Choose the correct verb forms to complete the text.
IVly mother апd l пееd / аm пееdiпg / пееds to find we didn't want to liче in а historic house because it
а пеw place to live. We work / worked l аrе working cost too much to maintain.
with an estate agent to find а new house. We see /
are sееiпg / scyythree different houses yesterday. The
NЛу friепdЪ house had а large swimmtng pool and а
first опе поt is / was / wеrеп't in а quiet area апd had /
big qarden.
have / is having а big kitchen and three bedrooms.
But it cosledl cost / costing too much fоr us. The
@ Comp|ete the sentences with the соrrесt form of use to.
second опе Ье / was / аrе really cheap, but it иrсs /
are / Ьеiпg ugly and too fаr frоm my school. The third 1l watch а lot ofTv when l was
house is having / had /hcye lots of lаrgе windows younger, but поw l don't.
апd is getting / get / got lots of light. We decided / are 2 l never watch films оп my computer,
deciding / decide to take that one because ilwere / but поW l do.
was / Ьеiпg also пеаr to whеrе mу mother works. We 3 Like lots of kids, l want to Ье ап
рlап / аrе рlаппiпg / рlаппiпg to move in next month! aStronaUt. Now l want to Ье а lawyer.
4 Му Sister didnt like vegetables, but
Complete the sentences with the past simple form of поw shеЪ а vegetarian!
the verbs in brackets. 5 Our cat _ stay inside, but поw he goes
1 Before we (move) here, we oUtSide every day.
(live) iп а suburb far from the city бl play games on mу computer like
2 Back thеп, my brother and l (go) to my friends, but now l do.

school iп the city. We (take) а bus from 7 What kind of games

our town into the city. play as а child?

3 Оur parents (work) in the city and 8 ldidnl study every day, but nOW
(drive) to wоrk every day. l do and my marks аrе much betterl
4 Eventually, all of us (become) tired of 9 Whеrе уоur grandparents
it because we (spend) so much ttme go to school whеп they were young?
IVly раrепts (decide) it would Ье better
if we (mоче) to the city.
At first, I (thinИthis was а bad idea
because l (not, want) to leave my

Where the heart is 17
ЖЖ Му space
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG ýilffix -f*л ф Choose the correct heading for each paragraph,

@ Complete each sentence with the поuп form of the Раrаgrарh 1:

verb in brackets. а where will we live in the future?
1 Did you send IИах an (invite) to Ь Would you like to live iп а city?

the раrtу? Paragraph 2:

2 The (ехрlоrе) of North Аmеriса а Designing а new type оf city
didn't begin with Columbus. Ь People all оvеr the world are building пеw shtps
3 The detectives did а thorough and cities
(investigate)of the crime scene.
Paragraph З:
4 WhаtЪ the (locate) ofthat
а Ап underwater farm
resta u rа nt?
Ь Another type of floating city
5 IVly parents think lt's very important to get а good
(ed ucate). Раrа9rарh 4:
6 The саfё is пеаr the station - we're walking in the а lnventors апd their imaginations
WrOng (direct)! Ь Why floating cities matter

@ Пеаd and choose the correct options.

1 According to the rnformation iп paragraph 2, it is not
ф МаtсП the definitions with words from the text. There true that
are two words you don't need. а people аrе thinking about developing cities оп the

'l ап аrеа marked fоr а specific а bustness

Ь the first floating cities will Ье пеаr Brazil,
purpose Ь walkable
2 the customary way of doing things с district
с а Japanese соmрапу is working оп а floating city

оп foot
3 easy to get around d imagination
d the plans
4 and
the ability to fоrm new ideas е modern
for Grееп FIoat include walkable

see thlngs that аrеп't real yet f neighbourhoods.

5 suitable fоr living in g transportation Why does the author mention LilураdЪ sources of
6 rеfеrriпg to the city instead of the h traditional епеrgу?
countryside i urЬап а to show that it is self-sufficient
7 where people wоrk, buy and sell Ь to explain why there аrе по саrs
goods and servlces ( to contrast it with the епеr9у SoUrces of Grееп Flоаt

@ Read the text again. Are the sentences true (Т), false (F) d to give ап example of fаrmiпg below the water
or is the information not given (NG)? Why does the author say floating cities'only exist оп
1 Floating cities are home to 7 billion people. _ ра реr'?
2 Over ]00,000 people could live iп а Green Float city. а Floating cities арреаr on maps of the Pacific 0сеап.
Ь 0nly 'l00,000 people сап live iп а floating city.
3 А floating Lilypad city would Ье completely с Floating cities don't exist yet.
selГ-sufficient. d They аrе in science-fiction stories.
4 Each Lilypad would contain around 50,000 homes.
lп the article, the wоrd iпvепtоrs lп paragraph 4 is
closest in mеапiпg to
5 Floating cities like Lilypad only exist оп рареr. _ а residents.
6 Coastal cities mау someday Ье threatened Ьу flooding,
Ь builders.
с Creators.
d instructors.

18 Unit 2
Floating cities of the future

l а11 know that the осеап co\-efs а large

illl;iýlt{iii ý{lе 3 Anotlrer plan lог а floating city takes its паmе :rnd
1rаг1 ol'rlre Езгth's srtгl;tt,с, \)/с llso knoъ,that rvith inspiгatit,n Гг, lm з plant. Ап аrt,hitеl,t designed
7 billion people on this рlепсt, space tbr housing Lilyplrcl Irl Ье ап ecolog,it,alIi Ггiспdl1. ultrа_mоdегп
i\ I,tlnning oull Whсге tlo vou ц,апt t() lirc in rhe i,it1, rhat's complercly sеlГ-sLrfГiсiепt*. А Lilypad ciLy
future? In а city? NcaT thе осеапi, How about а сiф ясts епегg),Ггоrlr rhс sutr. wincl and the o(,ellns
in thc осеэп]' ticle. Boats and оthеr floating vehicles аrе the опlу
tгапsроl,rаtiоп Гоr the ;0.00О [utLlrс гesidcnTs оГ а
2 In the past, people thought that floating cities wсге
only in science-ficticln stclгies. Today. реорlе аге
developing plans f-ог пеs- typcs оf l>uilclings and 4 Toda,v, citles like the Lillpads
cirit,s. inr,ltlding solnt,Thar l]oat оп rhe sttгГаt,с* ol' опl1 exist оп papcl, lrnd in
tlle оссап, Japan s Slrimizrr Сtlгрогltiоп is u-оr,kiпg the irnaginlrtions оf tIleiг
on а 'Gгс,сll 1-1tlat' idea, Tht, co|llplln} ý,llnt5 1о iпvепIсrгч, Rur tltece пеп, idcas
btriltl l l1olting t,itl,in rll.,Plrt,iГit] Осезп. \nd ilrчt Гсlг llorrsing lге irпроr,tэпт Гt >г
likc tlre cities пе know totla1 . the plan Гtlr Gгссп the Iirttrгe. l'гасIitiопаl ways оГ
Float's t,iTv nn the осеrп int"lLr(les геsiсlепri"rl агеаs. 1iving need to change. N{аlоr
shopping districts, walkab[e rreiglrbor;rho,lds ltnd urlэап сепtrеs аrе becorning mоrе and mоrе сгопdеd
business clistricts. ечец. сlа1,. Floating citles аге one possible апswеr to
the nccd Гоr пlогс ltoLrsing.

rurface !he toP ol'sotll(lhiпR

self-sufficient able to prouide.fclr its пееds

Where the hеаrt is 19
Жý А чпiqче style
GRAMMAR Past сопtiпuоus 1 At В:] 5, Raul wss ex*rcjsff? g Bt tke gyrTl

@ Пead the paragraph. Circle the past continuous чеrЬs. 2 At 9:00, Raul

When l went to Prague last уеаr, l was рlаппiпg to visit 3 At 9:З0, Raul

historic buildings and l did. But l was not expecting to 4 At 10:'l5, Raul
see а historic lift. This unusuaI lift was ruппiпg nonstop! 5 At '] 1:00, Raul
lt also didn't have doors! People stepped into the lift as 6 Аt'i2:З0, Raul
tt was moving up оr down. l was thinking how unsafe it
7 At 1:45, Raul
was when the tour guide told us the name. ltЪ called а
раtеrпоStеr аftеr а рrауеr that people said as they rоdе it. ý Choose the correct words to complete the sentences,
People рrауеd because the lift was dangerous.The 9uide 1 Hana arrived / was аrriчiпg an hour early fоr her flight
explained that the lift was wоrkiпg like а Геrris wheel, to Seoul.
moving people up and down iп а сirсlе. The important 2 l relaxed / was rеlахiпg at home when l got а calI from
thing about riding the раtеrпоStеr was making sure that mу boss.
you got off before it rеасhеd the top and turned оvеr to 3 lsaw Raj at the Student Union and osked / wos asking
go back down. him if he had time to help me рrераrе fоr my maths
4 Pedro ilstened / was listепiпg to music when suddenly
the роwеr went off.
5 Last night, my stsler сlеапеd / wos сlеапiпg up the
kitchen after dinner.
6 Congratulations оп your new job|l heard / was hеаriпg
the good news last week.
7 l saw / was seeing him walk past my оfГiсе оп his way
to the meeting.
8 The taxi came much tоо early;we ate / were еаtiпg
breakfast when it arrived,

@ Complete the sentences using the past continuoшs оr

past simple form of the verb iп brackets.

1 The bus drove Ьу while we (walk)to

2 l looked out the window and (notМl
it was snowing.
3 Аftеr Кirа (make) breakfast, she
washed the dishes.
4 She (ask) me to help her mоче 1пtш |в,r
пеw house.
5 She (play) football with her ftiendb
but had to stop to take her little brother to his гliа'лс
Fеrris wheel lesson.
бl laý
& Read about RачlЪ day. Complete the sentences
(meet) Апtопiо at the раfiу
the past continuous.
7 Еiепа wrote а letter to her grandmother lая цreе( rшш
(forget) to send it.
7:00*В:З0 exercised at the gym
8l (watch)TV when l hеаrd the геяь
В:45*9:'15 had breakfast with his uncle
Use the prompts to write sentences with the раgt
9:15-9:45 took the bus to school ' continuous and past simple. Add any песе5ýаrхrd,
10:00-10:З0 met with his study group 1 l / do the laundry/while / my mоthеr/ mаkеСr"п;вг
studied iп the liЬrаrу 2 l / make lunch / when / mу phone / riпg
3 she / fall offl while / ride bike
12,,15-12:45 ate lunch with his friend David 4 we / run / down the street/when / bus/ lв,eTp
]:00-2:]5 attended his English class 5 Claire / shop / пеw sofa / when / find / gгеаl sae
6 while / they / save mопеу / а new house,li в,,r тЕ
20 Unit 2

7 Jaime / read book / when / mum / call Не was eating lunch outside because it had stopped rаiпiпg.
8 l / break/ laptop/while l play / new game а lt stopped raining.Then he ate lunch outside.
Ь Не ate lunch outside.Then it stopped raining.
ý Complete the conversation with the past continuous of
the verbs iп brackets. Sam was practisin9 the trumpet when he suddenly
heard his flatmate asking him for help.
а Sam's flatmate asked for help Ьеfоrе Sam practised
the trumpet.
Ь SаmЪ flatmate asked fоr help while Sam was
practi5ing the trum pet.

She hurt her leg while she was playing basketball.

а When she hurt her leg, she played basketball.
Ь When she was playing basketball, she hurt her leg.

Before l moved to Tokyo, l was living lп Amsterdam.

а llived iп Amsterdam.Then llived inTokyo.
Ь l moved toTokyo.Then l lived in Amsterdam.

Yesterday, Beatrix was listening to music while she

cleaned hеr apartment.
а Beatrix started listening to music,Then she cleaned
her араrtmепt.
Chimneys on the roof of Casa Мilё
Ь Веаtriх iistened to music and cleaned her араrtmепt
А Неу, Julia!Welcome backl 111V/ere уоtз trачеlliпq atthe same time.
(travel) last term? l was thinking about golng back to school, but decided

В Yes, lwas.l (2) (study) iп Ваrсеlопа. to take а new job instead.

А That is so coollWhere (3) (live)? а l went back to schooI and also took а new job.
в l(4) (live) in this really cool
Ь l thought about going back to school, but l didnt.

neighbourhood called the Eixample. ltЪ pretty famous @ Choose the correct response for each question.
fоr its architecture. ltъ а nice аrеа - residential, but there
1 Did you read Апimоl Fаrm when you wеrе in secondary
is still а lot of shopping and гestaurants. Do you know it? school?
Yeah, l do. ls that where Antoni Gaudi (5) а Yes, we read it in уеаr пiпе.
(work) iп the late lBOOs? Ь Yes, we wеrе reading it iп уеаr пiпе.

В Yes! His buildings аrе so amazing! l (6) Where wеrе you when l tried to call you?
(stay) iп а house just two biocks away from Casa Мilё, а а l talked to mу mоthеr.
famous apartment building he designed. Ь l was talking to my mother.
А You're so lucky! l (7) (hope)to visit Why did you call me?
Ваrсеlопа when l went to Spain last уеаr, but l rап out of time а l wanted to ask you about going walking next
В Wel|, l'm sure you (8) (enjoy)yourself weekend.
Ь l wanting to ask you about gоiпg walking next
iп other places.
А Yeah, but l (9) (hea0 so mапу great
Did you hеаr what l said?
things about the parks and monuments in Ваrсеlопа
а No, sоrrу. l was concentrating on my wоrk.
frоm ечеrуопе! Now, ('l 0) Gaudi
Ь No, sоrrу. l сопсепtrаtеd оп my work.
(not build) somethlng when he died?
Where did you meet your friend Amy?
А church?
а We wеrе meetin9 at untversity.
В Yes, he (1 1) (work) оп а large
Ь We met at university.
cathedral, lhe Sagrada Fаmiliо.lt still isnt finished, but
Did they gradUate iп 2017?
the city (12) (wоrk) оп it when l leftl
а No, they were graduating in 201б.
Ь No, they graduated in 2016.
G Choose the option which is closer in meaning to the Where did you buy this comfortable chair?
original sentence.
а l found it in а furniture shop пеаr school.
1 l was listening to my Ьrоthеr te|llng mе about his day Ь l was finding it iп а furniture shop пеаr school,
when someone rапg the doorbell.
What wеrе you doing at В:l5 this mоrпiпg?
а l started listening to my brother. Then someone ranq
а l was exercising Ьеfоrе l caught the bus to work at 9:З0.
the doorbell.
Ь l caught the bus while l was exercising at 9:З0.
Ь The doorbell rang.Then lstaпed listening to mу brothel

Whеrе the heart is 21
ЖЖ MagicaI houses, made of ЬаmЬоо
TEDTALKS ф Choose the correct answers.

What is the speaker mainIy discussing?

а how she is а good home designer
AUTHENTlc LlSTENlNG SKlLLS Ь why bamboo is а grеаt material
с the way еvеrуопе should build thеir homes
ф Listen to the TED Talk extracts. Choose the correct
answers. жжж What does the sреаkеr mеап when she says this:
'Bamboo willtreat you well if you use it rightl?
1 What i5 this extract about?
а the different homes in Bali а Bamboo has to Ье used carefully,
Ь the homes Еiоrа designed Ь ВаmЬоо сап Ье used the same way Ьу ечеrуопе.

с different раrts of any home с Bamboo can take саrе of people.

2 what is this extract about? What сап Ье inferred about the speaker's father?

а а special kind of bamboo а His main;ob is а fаrmеr.

ь how hеr father builds with bamboo ь Не builds homes and buildlnos like Еiоrа

с howtall bamboo plants grow с Не works for Еlоrа.

3 what is this ехtrасt about? Why does the speaker say:'protect it (bamboo) from water'?

а trucks that go through mountains а Water сап make the bamboo grоw blgger.

Ь the plants the family grows Ь Water is not а good building material,

с а really strопg bamboo с Water сап Ье bad fоr bamboo whеп building.

4 what is this extract about? Why does the speaker mention designinq in ЗD?

а why bamboo is а good material а to explain how easy it is to design in ЗD

Ь how the children study in Bali Ь to show how much planning she does Ьеfоrе building

с how to stay safe in ап earthquake

( to 9ive ап ехаmрlе of the best way to design

5 what is this extract about? What is а Ьluерilпt?

а how to Ье ап ехtrаоrdiпаrу реrsоп а а piece of lэаmЬоо

ь how to Ье ап architect Ь а рап of а home
с how to build somethin9 great with ЬаmЬоо с а plan fоr а home


ф Watch theTEDTalk. Аrе the statements true (Т) or false (F)? ф Matcb the expressions with the situations.

1 Bamboo is а wild grass. _ 1 lt didn't feel right. а You see а stylish jacket and

2 There аrе seven species of ЬаmЬоо around the wоrld. _ 2 l've got to tell you you rеаllу like it.
Something. Ь When you take care of
3 Betung is as strong as sTeel. 3 lt looks elegant. Something and you expect it
4 Betung is so heavy that many people аrе needed to
4 lt will treat you will Ье good to you.
саrrу lt. _ well. с Someone tells you а good idea
5 Bamboo сап Ье easily Ьrоkеп Ьу earthquakes. 5 lt makes perfect Jhat solves your problems.
6 Bamboo is а materialthat is good forihe environment. SenSe. d Someone tells you to do
something you аrеп't
соmfопаЬlе doing,
ф But the events in the correct order.
е When you learn exciting and
_ Неr father plants а bamboo called Dendrocolamus пеw information vou wапt to
asper ntger. shаrе.
_ Еlоrа draws а picture of hеr drеаm home.
_ Еlоrа realizes how bamboo is important and thinks ffi Elora Hardy talks about designing houses for the
about what else she can do with it. tropics, where it can get very hot. Think about
_ Еlоrа sees опе оf the bulldlngs frоm the Grееп
your home. Сап you give ап example of how it was
School iп Bali, designed for the place you live?

Неr mоthеr builds а home that looks like а fairy


22 Unit 2

ХЖ Special things, special places
5PEAKlNG @ You're designing а dream house. Look at the options
iп the Ьох and choose four to include iп your design,
оr use уочr оwп ideas. Use the prompts to explain
reasons for your choices. Use the Useful language.
Giving reasons
Use The rеаsоп. . , , because, so and siпсе to give reasons. а gаrdеп ЬаmЬоо

The reason he wепt there was to get owoy frоm his I

big windows
lots of iпdооr plants
energy-saving lights
solar panels
mопеу problems,
swimming pool walkable neighbourhood
Не wепt because his business failed.
She thought life was too hard, so she left.

: 1 The first thing the dream house needs is

Siпсе he loved living а simple life iп а tiny house, he didn't ý

wопt tо leove.

Q Complete the sentences with words from the Useful

language Ьох. Listen and check your answers. WЖ ltЪ also important that the house have

1 spend а lot of time outside

l used to
l lived iп а smallapartment.
l went to Barcelona was to see

the amazing architecture.

3 Му house is iп the countryside,
3 Anotherthing it should have is

Ispend а lot of time Ьу myself.

i have four brothers and sisters,
our place was чеrу notsy.

О TninK about some things you don't do and the reasons 4 Fiпаllу, l think is/are very imроrtапt.
why. Complete the sentences about yourself.
Siпсе l don't like sh*ppiýý, / #рл'r qg-'llcýhýý&l&*
се rз rye*s rrеrу ryl и,qlт "

l don't епjоу swiщl,пipý" so l dоп't ofteп visit *ur !оqqý

After you complete the sentences, listen to the model
рýý' answers and соmраrе them with youranswers. WWЖ
1 The reason ldon't
iS to
@ Answer the questions and give reasons for your ideas,
using the Useful language. Тhеп listen to the model

2 Since ldon't
answers and compare them with уочr ideas. ЖW
Do you рrеfеr spending your frее time at home оr
going out?
3 ldon't 2 Tell me а little about уоur hometown.
5о 3 What did you like about where you lived as а child?
4 ldon't 4 What do you do ln your free time in youtrhometown?

where the heart is 2з
WRlTlNG А description Не (6) mапу incredible bui{dings
iп Ваrсеlопа, but поt this houselwhen l went there, l

@ МаtсП the questions with the answers, (7) lots of beautiful art and some
strange furпiturе, After оur visit, we had а picnic iп the
1 Where is it? а with beautiful
lt's а huge house
2 When did you gardens and views of New Yоrk lt was rеаllу пiсе.

go there? City. Кеп

3 How old is it? Ь l rеаllу enjoyed visiting the art
4 what does it gallery оп the first floor of the @ Rеаd the text in Exercise 7 again. Choose the correct

house. options to complete the sentences.

look like?
5 Who lives с Му favourite house ;s iп 1 The Gaudi House is iп а city called Bcrcelo по / Саtоlопtо.
there? Westchester Соuпtи New York. 2 Кеп went theгe last year / mопth,
6 What did you d The house is mоrе than 100 years 3 The house is l00 l 20 years old.
see оr do old. lt was built iп l9lЗ. 4 Раrt of the house looks like а musеum / castle.
there? е А few weeks а9о, my aunt and
5 The house is quile small / large.
unc{e took me to visit this house.
6 А famous mап called Goudi lGuel/ used to live there.
f the home of а very riсh
lt s
7 The furniture that Кеп saw there was uпusuоl /
Аmеriсап family called the
ф Пеаd the notes and imagine you visited the house
ф Пеаd the email and put the information in the correct in the photo. А friend has asked you about it. Write
order. а paragraph (B0-'l00 words) describing your visit. ln
НiСlаirе, your paragraph you should say:
Glad you enjoyed your triр. l had а great time too. where it is and when you went there
how oId it iS, its location and what's special about it
l stayed iп ihe most amazing apartment iп Dubai. l went
who used to live in it, and what you did оr saw there
thеrе а few months ago with my best friend, Аmirа,
whеп we were оп our way to Australia. ltЪ опlу а few : Notes about the house:
years old and itЪ definitely the most modern apartment in lreland
|'ve еvеr seen. lt has white walls and а huge balcony, visited cousin there last 5ummеr
and а swimming pooll lt belongs to Аmirа'5 uncle, but house was bUilt iп l757
he only lives there sometimes, because he travels а pretty cottage iп the countryside
lot fоr business. v/hen we wеrе thеrе, we swam in the very old furniture
роо1 every morning and drank tea оп the balcony every grеагgrапdраrепts used to live thеrе
evening. lt was such а wonderful home to visit, baked bread ln the o]d очеп


When Laura went there:

What she did there:_
what it looks like:
Where itis:_
How old it rs:_
Who lives thеrе:_
@ Complete the text with the соrrесt words.

desig ned family garden gateS

SaW special toWer уеа rS

l lovethe Gaudi House iп Ваrсеlопа, which is iп catalonia

l went there оп а tгiр with my (1) _
last month. ltъ in Раrk Guell and itъ now а museum.The
house is about l00 (2) old and itъ ф А teacher gave уоч ап assignment to write а story.
amazing. 0ne part has а ta1l (3) The first sentence of the story is:The lighthousewhere
which Iooks like а castlel ltЪ pretty big, with four flооrs, l stayed iп Сапаdа was the best house l have ever visited,
many windows апd huge (4) ltЪ Write the story ('l00 words) in your notebook.
(5) because а famous architect,
called Antoni Gaudi, lived there fоr almost twenty уеаr5,

24 Unit 2
Review @ Complete the table.

lnfinitive Past simple past continuous

@ Unscramble the letters to make words about furniture
or items in а house. qrow сrрw was/uyere growiпg

1 arsist watch
2 sciiha dапсе
3 fеrgritrоаrе make
4 orcastedino
5 blate
6 gilth fIу

7 onwsdiw leave
8 afos ridе
@ Choose the best option to complete each sentence.
1 The Iift doesn't work, so we have to take the _ up
to our hotel rооm.
а dооr Ь stairs с window think

2 Му aunt lives in а house frоm the

Complete the sentences based оп the information
а Ь walkable с historic provided.
3 There аrе six iп the dining rооm - one fоr each
1 l ate lunch before you called.
dinner guest
а chairs Ь tables с sofas lunch when you called.

Не took English classes. During опе of those classes, he

His apartment is very plain and Ьоriпg. Не has basic
furniture but no at all.
decided to study rn Australia.

а lights Ь refrigerators с decorations While he English classes, he

lf а restaurant is always _, that usually means the

to study in Australia.

food is pretty good. 3 They fell asleep before the train stopped.
а old-fashioned Ь crowded с traditional They when the train

Adrian and N/artin _ schooi last week. l think l rеmеmЬеr you went shopping fоr а new
а studied Ь went с finished wallet.
you to find а new
@ Correct the mistakes in the conversations,
1А When do you moved to уоur пеw apartment?
5 l looked for а пеw wallet at the shopping centre. While
was at the shopping centre, l found а wallet l wanted
в l was move in last week.

to buy.
2А Do you saw anything interesting at the shops?
Гоr а new wallet апd finally
one at the shopping сепtrе.
В No, l didn't saw anything пеw
we talked about our friend Апа at the same time as we
rоdе оur bikes to the pool.
3А Did you took the mеtrо to the train station?
We our bikes to the pool while we
в No. l taked the bus. lt's faster. about оur friend Апа.

4А Did you drеw thrs picture of your grandparents? You studled for the ехаm, l want to know if your sisters
bothered you then.
В Yes, l did. l drawed it last night your sisters you while
yoU for the ехаm?
5А l readed а good article iп the sports magazine last
в RealIy? Did you enjoyed it?

бА l didn't used to like to dance, but поw l love itl

В Really? What change your mind?

Where the heart is 25
Же Treating the whole person
@ Revision Choose the correct words to complete the

1 You see with уоur

а eyes Ь teeth
Your back is part ofyour * - *.
а body Ь fасе
When уоur tooth hUrts, уоU go to the
а doctor Ь dentist --.
When you catcl, а cold, you feel __ .

а fine Ь ill

Whеп you don't feel well, you go to the 1_ 4_

а doctor Ь dentist 2_ 5_
You usuaIly recognize someone Ьу looking attheir-. 3_ 6_
а back Ь face
@ But the words into the correct category.
Smoking isn't good "- " .

а to you Ь for you backache chest flu foot mouth

раiп seastckness shoulder stomach virus
@ Revision Listen and match the descriptions with the
lmages. {ffiJffi*ж

& Write the correct words.

1 5

2 6
3 7
4 8

26 Unit З
ф Complete the text with the correct words. There are 9 ankles 10 blood
two words you don't need. а inside the body а оп your face
Ь you сап see them Ь in your whole body
broken happi ness healthy hospital
lllnesses injuries medicine pain ф Extension Complete the sentences with the correct
patlent unwell vi ruses words.

We all know that laughing makes us feel good - in fact, accident ankles blood bone Ьrаiп сhiп
there rs а saylng that'laughter is the best heart lungs rесоvеr toe wrists
(1) ]Positive thoughts and happy
feelings can certainlytake some of our 1 Yоur thinks and controls
(2) away. But mапу scientists еVеrуthiпg iп уоur body.
and doctors believe there is an even stronqer connection 2 Yоur is inside уоuг chest and it
between (3) and health. some pUmpS аrоuпd уоur body
sLudies show that happier people heal faster after 3 Yоur аrе also nside your chest.
(4) such as а
They take аir in and push it out
(5) leg. They also show that positive 4 lf you have а/ап you could Ьrеаk
feelings сап help рrераrе your body to fight а/ап in your leg оr your аrm.
(6) better, 0n the other hand, ltЪ very painful to hit your big

negative feelings like stress can lead to оп а table when you walk into it
(7l such as heart disease and Yоur forehead and your

diabetes over time. ln short, happier people аrе mоrе likely both рапs оfуоur face,
to Ье (8) and make fеwеr visits to 7 Yоur help you mоvе уоur
(9) hands. Your help you move
your feet.

,ý Listen and match the topics (1-6) with the talks (a-f
8 When you from ап ilIness or
iпjurу, you get better.
,ф! ýýJ;

1 а соmmоп virus., @ Extension Choose the correct words to complete

2 seasicknes5.,_,,_,,__, the text.
3 а рrоЬlеm with а pain medicine __ lп 20'lЗ, motorcyclist Nick /\4atthews had а tеrriЬIе blood /
4 patients who get more unwell instead of better ___
accideпt, His neckwas Ьrоkеп and his back/heartwas
5 rеаdiпg реорlеЪ faces and body language _,*,,__ Ьrоkеп in thrее places. Не also had а broken wrist / cheek,
6 sports injuries
two Ьrоkеп fiпgеrs / bratns aad several Ьrоkеп Ьопеs /
апklеsiп his chest аrеа.то make matters worse, he had
ф Extension Where is it? Choose the correct answer for
each body part.
а serious luпg / сhiп injury,which caused hlm to stop
breathing. lп the hospital, the doctors thought he might
1 Ьrаiп 5 wrist not walk again. But three weeks later, N/atthews walked
а inside the head а part of уоur аrm out of hospita|.|,e recovered / injured completely and rап
Ь inside the chest Ь рап of уоur leg in the Веrliп l\4arathon,;ust опе уеаr laterl
2 finger б chin
а part ofthe foot а inside the body
Ь part ofthe hand Ь you сап see tt

3 toe 7 bones
а part of the foot а inside the body
Ь part ofthe face Ь you сап see them

4 cheek 8 lungs
а below the neck а inside the body
Ь part ofthe face Ь you сап see them

Health and happiness 27
PRONUNClATlON Сопtrаstivе ýtrsýs What adjective does the speaker use for people who
don't handle pain well?
@ Listen and choose the stressed word or phrase. ЖЖ а anXloUS ( stressfu l

а you said а kind Ь serious d sensitive

Ь afew Ь mind 3 What phrasal verb does the speaker use mеапiпg to
с problems ( matter stop ar епd?
ano а biggest а cut off с turn off
Ь knee Ь рrоЬlеm Ь take out d able to
с neck с world 4 What adjective does the speaker use to describe
а How much а kidding me doctors?
Ь you Ь call а preScription ( patient
( it costs с а little Ь professional d serious
5 What two thlngs аrе connected iп the idea of mind
оvеr matter?
LISTENlNG а symptoms and раiп
Ь body and mind
@ Listen and choose the illness or injury in the с patient and doctor
description. ЖffiЖ d prescription medicine and meditation

1а the flu а а neck injury 6 Accordlng to the speaker, what can some people do
ь а Ьrоkеп hand ь а nose injury
that others can't?
с an еаrасhе ( а knee injury
а tolerate pain
Ь describe their symptoms
2а а Ьrоkеп nose 6 а the flu
с deal with their doctor
ь а bad cold ь seasickness
lл--l__l d meditate
с UdLKdLl ]е с а broken leg
3а а shoulder iп;urу 7 а seasickness ф Listen. Аrе the sentences true (Т) or fa|se (F)? ЖЖ
ь а knee injury ь а headache 1 She used to enjoy showing off her money апd
с а headache ( the flu SUcceSS. _
4а а Ьrоkеп temperature 2 She was vеrу unhappy earlrer iп hеr life. _
ь а high temperature 3 She was missing the соmрапу of close friends. _
( ллл-_l__
d 5Ore leg 4 She wasn't sure what was missing iп her llfe. _
5 She learned about Habitat fоr Humanity frоm
Listen. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
*жж friепd. _
6 Habitat fоr Humanity charges а lot of mопеу fоr their
People who qo to the doctor апd take medicine аrе homes. _
SenSitiVe. 7 Неr boss allowed her to take time оfг from work. _
Medical professionals don't believe in mind оvеr 8 lt's not certain that she wtll rеturп to hеr old job. _
The mind-body соппесtiоп is important iп
understanding health.
d N/editation is better than visitin9 а doctor оr taking

@ tisten again and choose the correct answers to the

questions. ЖWЖ

1 What phrasal verb does the speaker use meaning to

hondle оr mопоgе?
а take control
ь dealwith
с depend on
d look after

А volunteer works оп а house

28 Unit З
GRAMMAR Quantlfiers, hоиrrпысh l mапу? medicine do you take
ечеrу day?
@ Гчt the words into the correct category. pills do you take at
alr аrm еаr exerclSe
did you weigh the last time
the flu hand health
you went to the doctor?
hospital injury leg medicine
l don't know times lwas ill
patient skin Water
last уеаr.
7 ltly doctor told me sleep l

should get еvеrу night.

8 No опе knows peopIe have the
flu each year.

@ Complete the sentences with the correct words. ln some

sentences there may Ье mоrе than опе correct апswеr.

а little any mапу much

not апу not mUch Some
@ Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 still have
l раiп iп mу shoulder after
1 I\Луdoctor gave me _
rеаllу good suggestions for wоrkiпg оп the house.
things l сап do to gei back into shape. 2 The doctor told mе I still have
а Some weight to lose.
Ь апу Do уоur grandparents take pills to

She told mе that l should do _

exercise every
keep themselves well?
we didn't have junk food iп our house,
couple of hours - just а few minutes is enough.
so we had to eat fruit.
а afew
Ь а little
5 The coach showed us rеаllу fun
exercises you сап do with а chair,
She said that __
people think they have to go to
6 Do you have bandages? l cut my
the gym to exercise, but you can do some exercises at
fiпgеr and itЪ bleeding
home without expensive equipment.
7 The doctors do have
а alotof idea how lопg the illness will last.
Ь а little
8 Wedo have food in
tоr _ of the exercises, you сап use the weiqht of the house, so we should go to the supermarket.
уоur body.
а much @ Correct the quantifier in each sentence.
Ь mапу 1 Last night, l went to the hospital because l had much
The intensity of the exercise depends on how _ pain iп my stomach.
you weigh. l don't know how much hours l waited there,

а mапу but l finally saw the doctor around midnight.

Ь much
3 She asked me how mапу раiп l had.
Another tip from my doctor WaS tO drink water
4 l told hеr there was а few раiп in mу stomach and that
throughout the day.
а а lotof - l could Ьаrеlу walk.

Ь afew
5 She asked me if l ate too many food at diппеr.
And to eat grареs as а snack rather than crisps or ltold her that l ate too mапу pizza and then l ate а big
а а little
- bowl of ice сrеаm.
She asked mе а lot of slices of pizza and l told her,'Srx]
Ь afew
8 She said I was iп pain because l ate too mапу fооdl
@ Complete the questions and statements with hоиr
muсh or how mапу,
9 l won't eat so many pizza or ice сrеаm ever againl
1 time do you spend at the gym?
2 times do you meditate each

Health and happiness 29
ýж painless
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG ýуп*rзуms @ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

@ Matcrr the words or phrases with their synonyms. 1 ltЪ imропапt to Ье аwаrе of what you _ in оrdеr to
stay healthy,
happy\ well а Wear
healthy sickness Ь eat
unwell \ content ( Say
illness ill d hеаr
discover combine 2 Mlany people think that going оп а diet is а good way
mix find to _ weight.
епtirе whole а avoid
think believe Ь recognize
an9ry try с lose

attempt UpSet
d feel

several поrmаl 3 Being aware of what you eat сап help you avoid
typical 5ome certain _.
а illnesses
READlNG Ь diets
с weight
& Пеаd the text and choose the correct answers to the d hungry
4 HAES doesn't believe that everyone should Ье the
1 What do some people mean when they say that they Same _.
Want tO Эо on а diet'?
а height
а They want to eat mоrе grаiпs and beans. Ь а9е
Ь They mеап mоrе than опе thing. с weight
с They Want tO eat еVеrу day. d way
d They want to lose weight.
5 ln оrdеr to stay healthy, уоur body needs mапу
2 What сап happen when you lose weight suddenly? different _.
а You skip а few meals еvеrу week. а nutrients
Ь Yоur body thinks thеrеЪ а problem. Ь experiments
с you eat mоrе meat and fish. с mix
d Your body type varies. d weights
3 What does Linda Bacon recommend that you do iп
@ Match the information (a-f ) with the paragraphs ('1-4).
order to stay healthy7 You may use пчmЬеrs more than once.
а Eat less food and miss several meaIs а week.
а recommendations for healthy eating and activities
Ь Wоrrу about whether you're too big оr too small.
с Move your body and try to find foods that you enjoy Ь two easy ways to avoid feeling unwell _
d Кеер eating еvеп after уоu'rе full. с а description of how bodies react to sudden weight
4 What is а hiet'? loss _
а the food you поrmаllу eat
d two definltions for the word dier_
Ь а fun physical activity е а description of how people vary physically _
с а type of exercise f how listening to уоur body сап help you fееl well
d а way to stay alert

5 According to НАЕ5, what аrе two ways to avoid feeling

а Go on а diet and lose weight suddenly.
ь Eat less and miss а few meals.
с Eat good food and get physical activity.
d Sleep а lot and wоrrу about your weight.

З0 Unit З
Не alth,,..,,.at,...'.ёФfY.,.''., ýiZ е

1 gffi..тъё,,.йota.,' iet сап,ýlё;; i canple oJ thing.s. , ,. 1:diёt!пg is. ]the wау .tо,.Ьесоmё'hеаlth)rilДs:]]Ипdа: 1l,',, ,

What i,oul noimally. eat,ечеtу,ýФl.iý,,iоuf rеgulаr Васоп, а геsеаrсhеr and the аuthог о[ HealLh al
dier,,If vou,,eat]meat,,of fiqh;..Фins Ь, beans, Гruit euery size; lbe sчrрrisiп8 trut|J aboul уоur ttleigbt
оr чеýёtаЬiеS;,thёп'thо.sе fооds],аrё раri бf уоur ,, 56уý; |}tёаlth'it l,Ечёrу',Si2еl!s] а-Ьlоuq tаkiпý: сi_rё':ýf,,: l, l

diet.,.' Bw,:clie| alýo,,has another'meaning, l]one that уоuг body withour wоггуiпg about whether уоu'rе
\-ou mа}. Ье,Йоfе.,farni]iaT чrith.lýfiiёП. people say 'too' big ог sma11. Saying everybody лееds to Ье Lhe
that thеlу:,wЭПц,, tб,|go, о-п,а, die!,],''!hqy usually,mеап', , same ,vleiýh|js. like'l]sayiný,all реорlё. shorid bie_ thq' ,..

tlrat rhёу,llwаlli .tо, !оýе ýоmе,,йёiýh| Тhёу mау think same heighr.'
that Ьу еitiф,lёsý; lmisslф r. fry. Йаrli' оr eating
*], :ЙЙt'i ý"с. iьiЙП, k:ф. frl lkidý,:апd ёПеФаПе.,,,.ll,, l,,
only еетй!п ;;fооds, th.еf Iоsеl Йеiýht', апd,Ьесоmё:,,,,,
hea lt h iег.
, !n beffieen, it turns out; is moving йёirllЬоdiеs,
and д"ýgаltЫ mЦ of] foзds,,tha1,t251e,,ýýod and
: nouriSh th€ii]Ьоdiёs, Гinding
!ofсoulýQ.;'ёvёФбnе....т,.an1s'to,..sta14heа1t..hцаvoid the.,aitrnltý you епjоу
illneýýeý,,,and live 'Ьu!ld!ёtiПg isnlt always the
l]ongqt-, ,''',
miglrt'Йean,sPortý :oi Ф,оrkоtrБ, lэut1,i!,q_ould аl9о
best wa!, tб:do !!i,,L!ke hei$, оr: skiп,;соlоuц weight Ье walking, jumping горе with friепсls ог dancing,'
and bбdу,фре еqё.'diffёrёпt fiоm p,ergon 1о реrsоп, А Bacon ýayi,,She]тecdцTnendý.Eying..,Out,,,a vaTiety
реrsоп]ý lidёПi, Йё!ýht. rапýе1 is. саl!ёa['thеir' set-point' .oJ toods] to fiýd thоsё 'that уоu'€пiф,,lйоst,'оi йаkЁ '
п,eight. YЦýп, уоti, go on ;а,dtёl, тпd :,|оЬе Mzeight ]
, you happy (Wthin,rason -бГ,iоuiСё,that doesn't
quicНy' your.]iody thЙks, thе, suddёп Фeight loss is ,l ,_mean уоц shotrld ёat а lOt,бf jЦпk,,fОО.d|).,,ll:Тhis,,,шёапý
а рrоti-.lёmor сhа.1!епýе. ii цrjll do ФЬаtечеr it сап to ' ,, learning, to,lЫеп to, уоur,,,Ьоф,,,ýо.Уфul.СПп recognize
get you, biack,tб убur'sеt.-роiпt :оr,avemýe weighr ,,,
Whёп,уоu ]rе, huпglу and :пrhёп. уоu.tё,,fu 1l, and wha t
' fбоdý satisfy. you, So:,mix, it up and,ýet П,,l{1111_ýё,,,1фf 1,, l,,,
З Hea|th at Every Size (HAESl is а gгоuр йаt
l l'

encouTageq, hёа-ltfu eating and fun, physica 1 ас tiviry , пuцr|епts]iп уоu 1o keepl,ylrц alёit:t,,end, in а good
mбоd, Ехреrimепt,Фjth food to:вёё пrhiсh ones

as twб,,,ёаiу цrаiý::to,avoid fеёiiпg unýrell and live

make уоu Гееl best!
longef. t{lrЕS dоёsпlt Ьёliёrё.,йёighq lr,,:sý thTottgh

.. ... l . ,, ,,l',. . ,

:алgе tbe' biýbeý :attel, lo:t.est :ййmЬеrs iп а sqriei.

Лettрауiпgаt{епЙп;'.taicta аоЬkё'' ""', .:,'',,,

Health and happiness 31
ý€ What makes us happy?
GRAMMAR Phrasalverbs ý choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

@ But the phrasal verbs into the correct category. 1 l handed it _ last week.
Ьеlопg to bring back саrrу out (do)
dealwith eat oUt go in с with
keep up look around pick up How mапу times did you work_ at the gym last
put on (music) Sitdown take off (clothing) week?
wake up write down а with
( out
lwrote his паmе and phone пumЬеr
а into
Ь about
< down
Please bring it _ Ьу tridау,
а back
Ь out
с down
Не looked _ moving to Brazil.
а back
Ь into
l give _! l just can't do it.
с with
l was turning _the
lights when my friend Luiz
ý Complete the second sentence so that it means the walked into the rооm.
same а5 the first. use по more than three words. а back
1 Не brought the book back to the liЬrаrу.
Не the book to the liЬrаrу,
She wrote her information оп the application.
LеtЪ put the film _ аftеr we eat dinner.
She her information оп the Ь out
application. с into
3 Не filled in the fоrm and gave it to the teacher.
ls your dad looking _ уоur little brother today?
не fiIled iп the form and aup
4 She took off her hat. Ь out
She оff. с after
5 Please pass оп the book after you read it.

Please the book

аftеr you rеаd it
6 Did you pick the coffee up on your way to work?

Did you the coffee on уоur way

to work?
7 l turned down the TV after mу neighbour said it was

too loud.
I the TV
after mу пеighЬоur said it was too loud

з2 Unit З
@ Match the two parts of the Sentences. @ Гчt the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 You can't give а out at the cinema last 1 on / She / еаrriпgs / put / favourite / hеr
2 Did you hand weekend?
3 Тhеу'rе looking ь оп the очеп 30 minutes before
4 Did he put you put in the pizza. 2TV/turned/on/|/the
5 He's dealing с in your homework on time?
6 please take d up -just keep tryingl
7 Wеrе you hanging е into getting sоmеопе to help 3 along /flatmate / get/ new/ l / mylwith
8 RеmеmЬеr to turn around the house,
f with а lot of problems at work.
g оп his new suit fоr the 4 loo / Не / easily / up / gave
h out the rubbish before you
leave. while / l / mу/ Ьrоthеr/
очт. / with / was / he / studied

@ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the / hanging

phrasal verbs.

dealwith get along with get оп 6 looking/carlShe / was / new/buying/into/a

give up hang out look after
put оп wоrk out

1 Нurrуl the train before it leaves.

7 l / outlyesterday/worked
2 Dina hеr flatmate very well.
3 Frапсis likes to at the beach
every Saturday 8 to / RеmеmЬеr / rubbish / the / out / take

4 She hеr sister Ьеfоrе their mum

gets home from work.
5 Howdoyou the stress of 9 Tell / lt / take / to / offl him
working and studying?
6 l told hlm he needs to junk
7 LеtЪ go to the gym and tOday @ tlsten and choose the correct response. ЖЖ
8 lwas my jacket when the 1 а Yes, l wrote down his пumЬеr.
phone rапg. ь yes, l wrote his down number.

@ Correct the sentences. 2 а We looked аrоuпd the Ореrа House.

Ь We looked the Ореrа House аrоuпd.
1 l picked my friend frоm the train station up.
3а Не grew with in NewYork.
2 LеtЪ hang into Gina and Ruby оп Fridау Ь Не grew up in New Yоrk.

а yes, l пееd to lie down and rest.

3 Rae deals her pain with Ьу doing yoga. ь yes, l need to lie оfгапd rest.

а She woke at 7:З0 up.

Suneeta is looking in her пеighЬоurЪ cat while hеЪ оп
Ь She woke up at 7:З0.
а Lеtъ eat out at the new ltalian restaurant.
5 please down sit Ь Let's eat about at the new ltalian restaurant.
а yes, l filled iп alI the information.
ItЛу mum left а voicemail message for me, so back her l ь yes, l filled all in the information.

caIled. а Sure. l'll turn it down поw.

Ь Surе. l'lI turn down it поw.
7 Не spoke with the need to eat well and exercise.

8 Did you look the museum аrоuпd?

Health and happiness 33
ýЖ The amazing story of the man who gave чs
modern pain relief
TEDTALKS 4 0vеr the уеаrs, John had two;obs, Не was а wrestler
5 .john was of all pain controI iп
AUTHENTlc LlSTENl NG SKlLLS опе of the largest аrmу hospitals in Аmеriса.
had ечеr focused оп pain like
@ tisten to theTEDTalk extracts and take notes. Choose John had.
the correct options to complete the sentences. ЖЖ 7 Fоr the next john would talk
1 The liоп tamer / wire-walker had ап еmеrgепсу during about pain,
an act. 8 The WaSn't to make patIents
2 John J. Вопiса didn't tell апуопе that he was а medical better; it WaS to make patients to feel better.
student / worked for the оrmу.
3 John spoke to patients / doctors to do research оп pain. VOCABULARY lN CONTEXT
4 John read 7,700 / l4,000 pages of medicaI textbooks.
Не found that the word раiп арреаrеd оп l7.5 / 27 @ Choose the correct mеапiпg of the words in bold.
Alison passed out and fell to the ground аftеr running
5 John wanted doctors lo uпdеrstопd раtп / Ье mоrе
ten miles.
са refu l with 5u rg eri es,

6 Hundreds of роiп clinics / hospitals opened because of а stopped Ьеiпg awake

JоhпЪ work. Ь kept going
с felt well

WATсH ж N/r Chen is а specialist who takes саrе of people with

@ Watch the TED Talk and put the events in the соrrесt
а teacher
Ь an expert
_ John writes the'Blble of Pain] с а writer
_The circus arrives in Brookfield, New Yоrk. Louisa has three tests tоmоrrоW so she has to hit the
_ john goes to i\Лаdigап Army Medical Сепtеr. books tonight.
_тhеrе is ап announcement that а doctor is needed. а Ьоrrоw books from the liЬrаrу
_ John gives the liоп tamer mouth-to-mouth. Ь study
_ John speaks to specialists and reads ечеrу medical с hit books 5о they get softer
textbook he сап. Edwin wants to create an institution that helps people
with thеir pain.
@ Underline the things that are true about John J. Bonica.
не used other names like Masked lvlarvel and Bullwalker. а ап organization
Ь а соmрапу
не was а lion tamer.
с а website
не worked at а circus.
lt/y mum and dad take lies seriously.They don't get as
не was а nurse.
angry about other things, but lying is not 0К.
Не had two jobs while he was in the circus.
а see as important
не wrоtе а book about the circus. ь understand
Не wanted to help patients feel better. с don't know how to joke

& Complete each sentence about the talk with а word оr Jisuk could not ignore the pain of others. She decided
to become а doctor.
short phrase.
1 The strongman the lion tаmеrъ
а See

ь поt think аьоut

2 The strongman kept frоm the

с ]ook at саrеfullу

other реорlе to protect himself.

@ ВопiсаЪ contributions to science have helped millions
3 The 5аmе уеаr, he was сrоwпеd the Light Heavyweight
of people live mоrе comfortable lives. Can you give ап
example of someone in your life who has benefited from
his work?

34 Unit З
3Ж Opinions about health and happiness
SPEAKlNG А (8) Exercise reduces the risk of
lots of diseases and lowers stress so
@ But the phrases in the correct category. Then listen and (9) people should make time to
checkyouranswers. ЖЖ do thls. ltЗ their responsibility to stay healthy

Аrе you kidding? Could уоu explain that а bit

в (10) l think itЪ each реrsопЪ

believe.,. choice if they want to do exercise.There аrе other ways

l more?
to stay healthy,
l don't agree lthink.,.
|'m not surе about that lп mу opinion..
А (11)

Really? Sorry, but l don't think so.

в Well, people can eat healthy food and not smoke оr
drink alcohol, Some people also take vitamins and do
Well, thаtЪ true... Why do you say that?
Yоu'rе right that..
meditation, things like that.

(12) These things mау help а

Ilttle, but itЪ not the same as doing exercise to keep
Saying what you think Disagreeing
your body fit and working.
В lИауЬе, but l don't think you сап make а law telling
people they have to exercise.

@ Matcb the statements with their replies.

Asking follow-up questions Conceding а point

1 Ъепаgеrs аrе uпdеr mоrе and more pressure frоm
their friends these days. _
2 students have too much stress from school. _
3 lf you get ill in the jungle, уоu'rе 9oing to die,
4 lt would Ье great not to feel any pain. _
5 Теепаgеrs don't have very healthy diets. _ -
6 The way to stay thin is to eat less.
7 Smaпphones аrе rеаllу bad for your health.
- _
8 l believe the best way to stay healthy is to exercise
о Use the phrases from Exercise 1 to comp|ete this
every day. _
conversation between two friends.
а Are you kidding? ТhаtЪ what stops us frоm getting
А ItЪ so depressing, there аrе so mапу people mоrе serious injuries.
getting ill these days because they don't do enough Ь l don't аgrее.Yоur body needs а good supply of
exercise. healthy food and some rеgulаr ехеrсisе.
В l kпоw. And they say that getting mоrе exercise с I'm not sure about that. Еmеrgепсу health services
actually makes you happier. сап help you iп most places.
А (1) еvеrуопе should have to lп my орiпiоп, junk food should Ье Ьаппеd frоm
do two hours оf ехеrсisе every week. lt should Ье school canteens.
the law. Really? I think being happy is just as important for your
в (2) .lthink thаtъ а bit extreme. health as exercise.
А (3) The health system spends Sоrrу, but l don't think so. People just wоrrу about the
lots of mопеу treatin9 illnesses, when people could effects of пеw technology.
stop some problems Ьу doing regular exercise. WelI, thаtЪ true. Students don't have enough time to
в (4) N/y grапdаdЪ В5 and since hеЪ relax these days,
been swimming every day, hеЪ Ьееп а lot healthier than Yes, l think social media makes the problem worse.
mу оthеr grandparents. But (5)
you cant make people do exercise. ý Listen and follow the instructions. You will hеаr three
А (6) questions. Listen to each question and make notes
в Well, (7) exercise is good for about how you would answer it. Speak for at least опе
us, but itЪ not that simple. The reason some people minute and record yourself. ЖЖ
mау not enjoy exercise is that it actuaIly causes them
pain, and anyway, not everyone has enough time to @ Now listen to the model answers and соmраrе them
exercise. Some people have really busy lives and have а with your ideas. ffiЕЕi
family to take саrе of,.

Health and happiness 35
WRITING Ап opinion esýay ffi Read the opinion essay in Exercise 7 again. Are the
statements true (Т), false (F) or is the information not
ф Rut the words in the correct order to make sentences.
given (NG)? о
1 fast food / l think / convenient / While itЪ / that / 1 The writеr mainly disagrees with the statement, _
is unhealthy, / true lvery / it's 2 The writer doesn't feel that getting exercise
is iгпро.tапL.
3 The writer thinks people should enjoy getting
easier/ believethat/ understand /should l to / l / exercise. _
food labe{s / Ье 4 The writеr believes the gym is the best place to get
ехеrсisе. _
5 The writer exercises and is overweight. _
healthcare /oplnion,/smokers l mу / lпl should / get 6 Overall, the writеr feels itЪ best lf реорlе have
/ апу / поt а chotce. FI

ф ln this writing exercise you will read а statement and

4 acceptable / somettmes / foad / Fоr / is / junk / me, write а response to it. ln your written response, 9ive
your opinion with reasons and examples to support it.
We would Ье healthier if we stopped eating meat.
lhinkthis /us /| /reason / jealous lis /makes/that/
То support your answer, use specific rеаsопs and the
fееl / 0пе / social media
expressions you have learned in this unit.

because / don't / too / ехеrсisе / expensive / We /

Acknowledging other ideas:
While it s truе that. . ,, lthink.
gym membership / is , ,

Giving your opinion:

l believe...
lп mу орtпiоп,...
right, / you're / but /Yes, / people / сап't /some /
Fоr mе, ,,

Giving reasons for your opinion: в

апе rеоsоп l think this is. . ,

& Choose the correct options to complete the opinion

Agree or disagree: Everyone should Ье forced to

do опе gym class every day
Опе rеаsоп lthinkthis is / While it's truе that joining gym
classes is а good way to get exercise and stay healthy,
lthiпk / becouse forcing people to do it is а bad idea.

Fоr mе, / 0пе rеаsоп lthinkthis is that we аrе less likely to

do things we don't enjoy. So itЪ а bad idea because / tп mу
орtпiоп people stop епjоуiпg anythin9 they аrе forced to
do,1 believe / Fоr mе,lhаt еvеrуопе should Ье encouraged
to go to the gym, but not forced. Whatever people do to
stay healthy should Ье their own choice.

Secondly, because / tп mу орiпiоп, many оf us already

ехеrсisе and stay healthy without going to the 9уm. Fоr
example, some people walk оr cycle to school оr work.

While it\ true that / Fоr mе, hiking in the countryside or

swimming is how l 9et exercise. ltЪ healthy. , , and itЪ funl

lt doesn't matter how people exercise as long as they

try to do some physical actlvity most days. Fоrсiпg
еvеrуопе to go to daily gym classes will not wоrk.

зб Unit З
Review With medicine, (7) people with
malaria сап get Ьеttеr. Organizations like lt4ёdесiпs Sans
Frопtiёrеs (Doctors Wlthout Borders) provide treatment to
@ Choose the word that doesn't belong with the others.
(8) people with maIaria. lп 2015,
1 mouth еаr noSe kпее ivёdесiпs sans Frопtiёrеs treated 2,2 million cases of
2 throat elbow hand fiпgеr mаlаriа.
3 stomachache seasickness happiness high temperature
4 well unwell healthy Гiпе
@ Complete the sentences with the correct quantifier and
5 doctor vi rus dentist patient phrasal чеrЬ. lп some sentences there may Ье more
6 feet chest аrm g lasses thап опе correct answer.
7 Ьrаiп lungs chin hеаrt
8 medicine illness inju ry pain bring back hand in pick up put on
sit down spoke about wrote down
@ Read the descriptions of some parts of the body. What
is the word for each опе? The first letter is qiven for 1l
yoU. during the lesson.

1 the part of your leg that bends. k

lt's _ _
essays did you
last week?
2 |tЪ the рап оfуоur arm that bends. е
3 Dogs and cats have four ofthese, but birds and people
3 Do you want to
have only two. l

4 Yоur toes аrе раrt ofthese. f_** _ Did you

din ner With you?
5 You have ten ofthese on уоur hands.
f__ food did you
оп уоur way home?
You сап hurt this if you fall оr if you llft something very
people at the meeting
heavy. Ь
the need for а new gym.
These are at the top of your arms, оп either slde of уоur
tlmes а day do you
neck, s
to check уоur email?
lt's whеrе your food goes. s

@ compiete the text with the correct quantifiers. There ф Circle the phrasaIverb which сап not Ье separated.

may Ье more than one correct апswеr. 1 look оrоuпd l cail back / keep up
2 write dоwп / speak about / take off
3 turп dоwп / look ofter / take up
4 dealwith / filliп / pass оп
5 put оп / Ьriпg bock / соmрlоiп of
6 grow up l wite down / hопd iп

lnfected mosquitos make (1)

people illwith malaria. (2) people
get ill from mаlаriа? lп 20]5, about 2] 0 million people in
9l countries had mаlаriа апd 400,000 people with malaria
died. (3) of the symptoms of
mаlаriа аrе fever, joint pain and headaches

То protect against malaria, (4)

реорlе hang mosquito nets оvеr their beds. This keeps

(5) of the mosquitos away. Since
2000, UNlCEF (United Nations lnternational СhildrепЪ
Еmеrgепсу Fund) has givеп out almost '] billion nets in
(6) cou ntries

t]ealth and happiness 37
&& How we learn
VOCABULARY Education i\4y classes end at 2:]5pm, but in the evening l have а
|ot of mорs / homeworkro do,
@ Revision Label the photos with the correct words. 6 Тhеrе are а lot of books in our school hbrary / university.
7 Му mother foils / teaches Chinese classes at the
classroom dictionary homework library
dictionory / u п iversity.
mар tеасhеr university
ф Гill in the missing vowels to form more words about school.

1 Ь- cr--t-v-_
2 h-rd-w-rk-ng
3 рr_m_rу sch__l
4 n-t_b-_k
5 d_v_l-p sk-lls
-n -d-c-t--n
7 _пl_п_ l__rп_п9
8 q--d gr-d-s
9 t-k-
@ Match the words or phrases with the definitions.

1 what studenis wrtie iп а desk

2 to go to classes ь Ье creative
3 to Ьесоmе good at somethin9 с notebook
4 to have new, interestinq ideas d опliпе lеаrпiпg
5 to do and study а lot е attend school
6 piece of furniture students sit at f Ье hard-working
7 lеаrпiпg g develop а skill
8 internet-based cIasses h qrade
9 what you get in а class to show i education
how you did

@ Comp|ete the sentences with the correct words.

1 lt'S important to get ап

Аt school, children lеаrп апd develop
they wiIl need tn life, Iike
reading and maths.
2 ln developed countries, most children
school duriпg the day.
ф Revision Choose the correct words to complete the Younger children go to р
SentenceS. and older children qo to
1 Му favourite c/ass l classroom is Spanish. Today's
ln а typical classroom, students sit at
lesson / teoch was about the past tense.
d and the tеасhеr stands iп frопt
When l don't understand а word, l look it up iп my
and writes on а Ь
English-Spanish mар / diсtiопаrу.
4 The gоvеrпmепt pays for
l always teoch / pass all of mу exams. I work hard
schools, so all children can go there, Some parents
because l don't want to fail / toke.
choose to рау to send their children to
the books /
IИу classes start at 7:ЗOаm. l have to take
schoolbus at 7.00, Sometimes itЪ late, but usually l am
р schools.These can Ье vеrу
the one who is late!

38 Unit 4
5 ( laSS сап vаrу а lot, There may @ Extension Write the subjects in the correct category.
Ье only three оr fоur students in а class, оr thеrе may
Ье З0-40l lt depends оп the аrеа and the school.
а lgеЬrа biology chemistry drаmа club

6 School is usually fun fоr younger students, but as they

geography geometry history orchestra
physics SportS
get older, it gets mоrе difficult. They start to wоrrу
about taking t and gettinq qood

@ Complete the text with the correct words.

attend classes creative desks Maths:
develop education (х2) frее опliпе lеаrпiпg
рrrmаrу students study teacher

lп rurаl Bangladesh, heavy rаiпs make it hard for mапу social sciences:
сhildrеп to ('I) school. An
оrgапizаtiоп cal led 5hidh u lai Swапirvаr Sangstha fou nd
а (2) solution to this рrоЬlеm:
F]оаtiпg (3) schoolsITwenty boats After-school activities:
pick up сhildrеп пеаr thelr homes, then they stop and
(4) begin. So the boats are both
school buses спd classrooms! lnside. there аrе
(5) and chairs fоr the
ffi Extension Write the class оr club that each реrsоп
(6) and а board for the belongs in.
(7) to write on. Тhеrе аrе also
cOmpUte15 with internet for (8) аlgеЬrа ancient history band biology
The сhildrеп (9) for three hours chemistry drаmа c{ub sociaI sciences sports team
оп the boats, then they go home and work оп their
homework. 1 l'm interested iп pIants and animals.
Some of their раrепts go to the floating schools, too,
Тhеrе аrе seven boats fоr adult (I0) 2 l like reading about people who lived а чеrу long
lr the сlаssгооms, the men and women tlme aqo.
(1 1) skills fоr farming and good 3 l play football and tennis
health.The schools for both the children and the adults 4 l want to Ье а theatre actor оr maybe Ье iп
аrе (12) so they don't have to рау Гilms.
Гоr their ('I3) |'m learning to рlау the 9uitar. l love рор and rock
l want to lеаrп about other cultures and the world we
live iп.
7 l enjoy finding out what things are made of. l also like

doing interesting experiments!

|'m good with пumЬеrs, but ld like to develop my skills
9 l рlау the violin. l love Mozart and Beethoven.

Learning 39
PRONUNCIATION Linking апd elision @ Listen and choose the best title for the talk. ЖЖ Gt
@ Listen and underline the stressed word. Жýrе а Remote education
ь опliпе classes
Saruka is hopeful about attending college iп Kyoto
next уеаr.
с Distance lеаrпiпg
d NЛоdеrп technology
2 The test was stressful because l didn't revise for it.
3 Alex was thankful his tеасhеr allowed extra time to ф жж
Listen to the speaker аgаiп and answer the questions.
complete the homework. t8J rtl.]ý
4 Наru didn't get а good grade оп the maths test
because he made careless mistakes.
1 How mапу other names does the speaker use for
distance learning?
5 ltЛаriа thinks computers аrе а useful way to lеаrп.
а One
Ь two
LlSTENlNG ( three

2 What does the speaker say makes online lеаrпiпg

@ listen and choose the subject that each speaker talks
about. lýФ9ё а the internet and computers
1а history Ь colleges and untversities
ь geography с teachers and students
с art 3 What adjective does the speaker use fоr areas that аrе
2а cOmpUtin9 distant and isolated?
ь аrt history а faraway
с а foreign language Ь remote
3а science
с secluded

ь geography 4 What does the е iп е-lеоrпiпg stand fоr?

( history а everybody

4а mathS
ь electronic

ь physicaI education
с everything
( science 5 What is one rеаsоп the speaker gives fоr реор|е not

5а mathS
choosing e-learning?

ь computing
а Wanting to Ье with other Students
( а fоrеigп language Ь fеаr of being with others
( frustration with technology
ба music
6 what is another wоrd fоr choices that the author uses?
ь physical education
( math5
а opinions
Ь opportunities
( optionS

ф Listen and completethe sentences. WЖ

Опliпе learning is а lot fоr me
than attending а college.
Technology is fоr me. l рrеfеr to
ье in а classroom.
3 N/у online classes аrе expensive @
than attending а university.
4 Learning with others is
interesting than studying alone.
5 l think distance education is сlеаrIу the

way to lеаrп.
6 l'm happy that people have lots of
these days.

4о Unit4
GRAMMAR Сопзраrаtiчеs апd superlatives 4 pIace / in the school /The liЬrаrу / the quietest / is

@ Complete the sentences with the comparative form of 5 has / computers / 0ur / computer lab / the fastest
the adjective iп brackets.
6 the other / thап / classes / is / Му class / better
1 l want to buy а (big) desk, so l

сап see mу notes and my books at the same time.

7 because we / lеаrпiпg / We work l than / hаrdеr / like /
2 N4y пеw chair is (соmfопаЬlе)
other classes
than the опе I used to have iп my bedroom,
3 IVly eyes don't hurt now when l read because l'm using
8 also have / football team / We / best / the
4 l can use several programs at the same time on that 9 class / other classes / I\Лу / higher / thап / grades / gets
5 This уеаr, оur teacher chose
(interesting) books, so оur classes are mоrе fun @ Wrlte questions using the correct superlative fоrm of the
6 lneeda (Iarge) notebook words in bold.
because this опе is almost fullI
1А what / old / university iп the world?
7 l'm going to ask my friends to recommend some
(cool) music to listen to when l
В The University of Каruееrп (also known as Al
study. NЛу music is quite Ьоriпg. Quаrаоuiуiпе University) in l\4orocco Started in В59
8 (expensive) laptop
l asked for а
because l пееd mоrе storage space.
2А what couniry / large / number of students?

the sentences with the correct comparative в According to the 20'] ] census, there аrе З'l5 million
@ Complete
form ofthe adverbs. students in lndia, which has а population of 1.З billion
attentiVely сlеаrlу еаrlу fast
зА where / big / school iп the world?
hard often regularly well
в lп lndia. The Lucknow City lvlontessori School in Utiar
1 How should l change my study habits to do
Pradesh has 2,500 teachers who teach more than
in school? 52,000 students iп ],000 classrooms.
l пееd to work so l сап get
better qrades.
4А how big / small / school in the worId?

3 Whеп ldo my homework

в А school in Тuriп, ltaly, has just опе student.
don't need to work so much Ьеfоrе tests.
4 l could ask the teacher to explain things l don't 5А who / old / high-school graduate in the US?
understand if I read the textbook
5 l know l need to listen to my teachers
в Fred Вutlеr was 106 years old when he graduated

6 l should write so l сап rеаd my

Гrоm high school.

notes and study frоm them Iater, бА who / young / high-school graduate iп the US?
7 The students who started revising fоr the test
got а better grade than mе. в Michael Кеаrпеу graduated from high school when
8 l need to write much lп exams he was six years oldl Не graduated from university
so l have enough time to answer all the questions. when he was eight!
7л where / students / lопg and short / summеr holidays?
@ Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 the best / in the whoIe city / is / school / Our school в Iп Ethiopia, some schools have twelve to fifteen
weeks of summеr holidays.ln Gеrmапу, most

2 пiсеr / апd Ьiggеr / the other schools / than / пеаr students have only six weeks of summer holidays.

here / is /The building 8А where / students / rесеiче / more / homework?

than / аrе / better / teachers iп / other schools / 0ur в lп china, whеrе students have to do mоrе than
teachers fourteen hours of homework а weekl

Learning 41
&ж outdoor classroom
VOCABULARY BU lLDl NG ýuffýxes -fc-tl1-1ess According to the article, what do students lеаrп Ьу
studying topics instead of subjects?
@ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
а They lеаrп how to look for а job.
word in brackets. Add the suffix -ful or
-/ess and make
Ь They study the history of wars, including World Wars
changes to spelling where necessary.

l and ll.
1 Finnish schools believe that studying subjects together с They develop the skills needed to wоrk in а
lS mоrе (use) than studying resta u rа nt.
them Separately. d They lеаrп to share information and apply skilIs to а ,ý ']ý

2 When students wоrk together, they may Ье mоrе variety of tasks. ,ý

(саrе) about what they do than
when they wоrk аlопе
ln the article as а whole, the writer арреаrs to feel that ж
а schools should have separate classrooms and
3 Learning about (beauty)works
of art is part of а complete education. l
Ь rесепt changes in Finnish education аrе qood fоr
: ... l:i

Working together iп groups сап help students become

mоrе (skill)learners
some students рrеfеr to work аlопе and not iп
5 Working with а grоuр is а good way to avoid making

(саrе) mistakes.
d most Finnlsh teachers usually work very long days.
6 students should Ье mоrе dж
(thank) for the help that teachers give them.
@ choose the correct option (a-d) to complete each
Sentence. ar..

READlNG 1 According to the article, _

subjects together.
2 Rather than study subjects оп their own, _
way to

ф Read the text and choose the correct options. lеаrп.

3 Worklng in grоuрs, _work together successfully.
According to раrаgrарh
true оf Finnish schools?
1, which of the folIowing is 4 Studying one subject at а time them together.

а Students only lеаrп about their favourite sulэlесts.

а working together is the best

Ь Finnish schools don't teach history and geography.

Ь isn't as useful as studylng

с Students lеаrп about different sub;ects at the same

с students iп Finland study some 1ý
d students пееd to Ье able to у
d students work in саfёs. 11
@ Matcrr the headings with the paragraphs in the article. с
2 Which TWO of these points about Finnish schools does а The advantages ofworking together fz
the writеr make? Ь The new approach iп practice а1

а Wоrkiпg iп groups is а good way to Ьесоmе good с FiпlапdЪ пеw аррrоасh to education fi
communicators, d Giving students the skills to succeed F
Ь Some students рrеfеr to study science rаthеr than
geography оr history.
Раrаgrарh 2

_ 2\]
с Studying topics, as opposed to subjects, is а useful
раrасrапh З
Way to lеаrп.
Раrаоrапh 4
d Finnish students study maths, art and history St
3 According to раrаgrарh З, how is Finland making
changes to lеаrпiпg environments?
а Ьу creating courses about World Wаr ll я,
Ь Ьу encouraging students to work in groups е(
с Ьу building new school buildings without separate sl
classrooms оr hallways
d Ьу рrераriпg students fоr jobs iп the future зFj

42 Unit 4
S,-hat llldОl],,,,llУбu,.',,. :.1.,l.'fi.....,.gбаtМ?,

_i::'.]]]i] ]]iri]]i :]]:,...

.r:]]:.]]] ]]:,l,:]] ]- :..]::.]|.:.l]i::]i:]],a]];i:]:1чl*rr]:].

-,,,,_: ,- '1.' I

l ЖЖW,l,,ýr,,hijlý,'iоuf favoбrite,sch0бl"Bubject? Do , :ýbiking toge_ther'\ý, а ,lreiy, uýeful skil1l'lfhaJ,,:hel,plSll ..

vou 10vе,,:mаthý?i.Doер.],Епg]iShlllщrеst,уоu? Аrе you . .:,,qtudents deveJop- !hеir, 4billty to cornЙlnicate. At
not as lехсitёг,1.,,,аЬilt],.аrt аý.],,у...оu, aiq,about, music? ,,, l this" point, stцdепtý iп lFiniand, don]! 1sPend Йeir
Оr аrё,.УОu:,:nrОtе,..;Оf .а s.еiёпtё,],ЬuffI?: ýflё :,а1I
.Ь2rё, l],', : Tirholel',scho,o1:dау йоrkiпg ]ýiouPý.,:,They still
tavouiilel lýlij:aCti ;.,]1ut,Фnaf ,,,tf,,,,,,iаЗЙ ad, о, f , 1 е аrпiпg , a!te@'regUtar,' and,lstudy'ýome subjeC!ý;.'l ;

aboutl ёаСh,1sфёii,,ý.ераrеlrеlУ'',,УоПlqtud,iеd two ог , l :sёраiаtеlУ;, But Тiпlапd,iS',sёriодs,а]Э_бut,,,mаkiп8

mоrе,'tбýёthеr?.,.ТhаtЪ,.,.ехаatlУ.,.,hОýr, iofiё].]students in , , ,:changes io.,!hе sehool, day ]nnd to'hoTr, ýtudents
1ёаrп, Тhё aо!}пtф,hаý аJrёеdу bu!}t ,sёчёrаt
,.] l neýi scboal,.bui,ldings,,thal donlt' have;'sёp;iliё,,,,,
\Y/Ьеа,l,ýшаааtý,lq:iйl:.iьоut,, lopicq,.,r,r"n,, а,5,1 rn|o цlсl ,
.., l,',сlаiýrбijms оi,'hаII'пrалъ,].,.,]:]]:,]]].,]]]] . ] :,,:,..:,,...,
еr,епъ;ltfi а!,!!пау,.,iа+@,.suь jёа;,,.,фёtнёi,гог ,

ехаmрlеi]liо:]а:,соuf ýе.lаЪOпl,vо{d,.ýрj.,II,;.thа 4 Birмis,h,ýcЪbbls аtе,,mаkИý,,Мis., сh.апýе,:,,ЬёiаПsе

оrr6епl,ýl,,ýtildу,,.hlý!бif,i.gёо..1g..r4РЪi.'rПdl]ааthý : ,. manf educalors tiiёte Ьёliече that,пrorking :. .

Leаrпiф,aboul:1opicý;]l'Поt,"1u-ýt. опё.,ýuЬjeCl; hеlрs tбgеthеr tб,stl-rdУ-tоЁiiý-ll,is,l thё,:,,Ь,ёý( Йау to ie а rп.


studёпaý ]ýёа,Ь.ёФ 1,,РбiЙil,оfllViёЙl'Iп'l,ПпОt r , , They Ь-еliеч; Йа_t.wоrkiпý,lаIопё ,апd,,,,*udying only

course$,,,,:iil}ed.,,iýiloiking, in,,a, taIё;] l,S.Цldёnб' ýtudr . ',,,
l: ýng ýu'b:ie.ct'at а t!йё,l,isa,t:,thе, Ьёýt]] 'to 1еаrп.
EngJiqh,lnngiagei .a9)щйnniiation,,:ýkills,,and l , , ,Тhеу fёеl thnt,sttrdenls t*hо'.Й.оrЦ,ltоýё!hеr s/ith
есononr.icS;'.].In.]Coutsesl.1ikё.:thiý;..lsшdеntý..usemаny " ,.tеаё}iёrls,26d:l61}.ý1.. ýtlldentý]t.o.'..ch665e:,.and.]'.stndy .
skills as rhey аrе lеаrпiпg. ,' ioPia,s thёу.сrrе abaut,,аtё::Ьёttёi:,,1еаrпетs. Тhеу

аlsб.,',fеёl that'] ýtudentý, Фhб.,.:1ёП}.п,,:,iп.'thiЬl,,йаУ.]ме,,

einn*h,,,ё_auiiiart!,,:biliaoal,,йai,l,stude;bl re аi;,:Ьёttёi Ьеttёr рrераrеd fоц joblý; :опёё'i,b -'ve,,,tompleted
вrhёПl,th..еу Фofý,in 1ými1]],lgioup.ý tо:,]ýбlVе,,рrоЬlеms. lhеiг edrlcation,

uff а fu,й".sо йебпе;,.w..]ю,,likёýsойаihiпА, a,,lot еdшсаtа]fs'.tеасьеrs,апл1, schoal'idшe:eK..liý.,,1]]]:l],]],'l]'].']l.
. ]. ll],]..]]] '", '' ...',, ,

;'.l,.:, .l]']]],]"]],]]].]l]]l:']]]]]::'''

Learning 4З
еý skills for life g
GRAMMAR Согпраrаtiче fоrrлs Tom has such а great car.
The word such _.
@ Complete the sentences with so or such.
а shows that the quality described Ьу an adjective is
1 Computer skills аrе important mоrе than wanted or needed
fоr students Ь compares things and says how they аrе similar or
2 There is а need fоr computers different
in every classroom. с makes the adjective strопgеr
The book was interesting Airi
His sсоrе was high enough to еаrп him ап award.
rеаd it iп one dayl
Tomas is
The word enough _,
а talented writеr. Do
а shows that the qua|ity described Ьу ап adjective is
you read his blog?
mоrе than wanted оr needed
5 That test was easyl
Ь says that the quality described Ьу the adjective is
6 The English exam was
the right amount
с Says that the quaIity described Ьу the adjective is
7 We saw а fun play оп Fridау
less than the right amount
8 Мlу nephew and niece both got top grades;they аrе l love that book! ItЪ so interesting.
сlечеr children. The word so _.
* Listen and complete а shows that the quality described Ьу an adjective is
}, the sentences. ЖЖ mоrе than wanted оr needed
1 Victor hopes the essay he wrote is Ь соmраrеs things and says how they are similar оr
ltЪ 200 words different
2 Grammar is vocabulary for mе. с makes the adjective Strопgеr
3 Studying fоr уоur exams is This shiп is too big for mе.
doing your homework. The word too _.
4 l thought оur homework was а shows that the quality described Ьу ап adjective is
5 The classroom wasn't fоr mоrе than wanted оr needed
fourteen students. Ь соmраrеs things and says how they аrе similar оr
6 Му classmate decided the study grоuр wasn't different
fоr hеr to attend с makes the adjective stronger
7 Watching fiIms in English is
8 l watched гilm last weekend. @ Rrе the words iп bold correct or incorrect? Correct
those that are incorrect.
ф choose the correct option to complete the sentences. @с
1 lt is such cold today 5

1 Playing football isn't as fun as swimming. 2 Chen isn't as old enough his Ьrоthеr. €
The phrase i;n't as.. . а5 ... _. 1
а shows that the quaIity described Ьу an adjective is 3 The wifi iп this саfё is so bad.
mоrе than wanted оr needed 4 The train is enough fast to get us to Granada Ьу 4:00.
Ь compares things and says how they аrе similar оr
This is such а slow bus. l don't think we'll get to class
оп time.
с makes the adjective stronger
The bus was enough s|ow - we didn't get to class оп
lйу soup was not hot enough, so l sent it back. time.
The phrase поt, . . епоugh _. 7 ls it hot such to go swimming today?
а shows that the quality described Ьу an adjective is
mоrе than wanted оr needed 8 Му maths class has three students in it. lt isn't as big as
Ь says that the quality described Ьу the adjective is my English class
the right amount Alex is so а bad lоsеr - he gets really апgrу if he
( Says that the quality described Ьу the adjective is doesn't win. _
less than the right amount

44 Unit 4
о lhoose the option which is closer iп mеапiпg to the @ Гчt the words in the correct order to make sentences.
эrigiпаl 5entence.
1 was / cool /The /to / drink /enough / tea
l Maths is as easy as history.
а lVaths is easy and history is easy. 2 The / too / wеrе / hоt / peppers
Ь History is not as challenging as maths.

Му пеw neighbourhood is а lot safer than where l lived 3 We/enough /tol have/a/salad /vegetables/ make
last уеаr.
а lt/y old neighbourhood isn't as safe as my new Тhеrе / реор!е / were / to / class / р|ау /the / game /
neighbourhood. in / епоugh
Ь IVly пеw neighbourhood isn't as safe as my old
neighbourhood. ltЛу/ tоmоrrоw / is /at / the / important / school /
interview / so
LаrаЪ саr wasn't big enough for us all to travel iп.
а епоugh.
LаrаЪ car was small
Ь Lara's саr WaS too small.
6 teacher/us/Our / easy / gave/anlsuch/test

АпtопiЪ car is noisy. LilаЪ саr is quiet. 7 as /.Josh / father / is / as / his / tall
а Antoni's саr isn't as quiet as LilаЪ саr.
Ь LilаЗ саr isn't as quiet as АпtопiЪ саr. 8 сап / as / l / ruп /as / сап /fast/Leo
5 l went to Athens, but l was only there for two days. lt

was а vеrу quick tripl

а trip to Athens was quick enough.
I\Лу @ Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
Ь Му trip to Athens was so quick. 1 Mly tea Was too hot, so
6 Katya thinks studying is as important as working to а l didn't drink it.
make mопеу. Ь I heated it up.
а Katya thinks studying is important enough.
2 The Ьiпhdау cake was so good, that
Ь Katya thinks studying is important. She also thinks
making money is important.
а l didn't have апу.
Ь l ate two pieces.
7 lwasn't old enough to see that fiim.
а l was too young to see that film. 3 Не wasn't serious enough when he practised fоr the
Ь l was so уоuп9 to see that film. competition, so

8 lt is very challenging to climb Mt. Everest. а he came in last place.

а Mt. Everest is such а challenging mountain to climb. Ь he came in first place.

Ь lt4t. Everest is challenging enough to climb. 4 The chemistry соursе wasn't challenging enough
for me, so
Q Complete the second sentence so that it means the
same аý the first. use no more than three words in а l took а different class.
each gap. Ь l got а bad grade.

1 l thought the exam WaS Vеrу stressful, 5 She doesn't think watching ТV is as interesting as
l thought the exam was
seeing films, so
stressful. а she went to see а film.

2 That coffee was awful! Ь she stayed home and watched TV.

That was bad coffee. l had enough mопеу to buy my mum а rеаllу пiсе

l am seventeen уеаr5 old and my friепd Zach is birthday present, so

seventeen years old. а mу mum was sad and didn't Iike her present.
lam Zach. Ь my mum loved her рrеsепt and was rеаllу happy.
4 Wei is very popular, but his friend Kwan is not. The trip took such а long iime, so
Kwan as Wei.
а We got there late at night and were rеаllу tired.
5 Ireally Ioved that book! Ь we got there really quickly and had а lot of time to
That book was good! rеlах Ьеfоrе bed.
6 l needed to get to the theatre Ьу В:00 to get а good
Seat; l got there at 7:50.
l got to the theatre еаrlу

7 I gave uр because l was afraid.

l gave up because l wasn't

Lеаrпiпg 45
&ж Don't eat the marshmallow! 4
TEDTALKS & МаtсП the words with the correct paraphrased liпе. 5р
1 рriпсiрlе
" iШ:,ýffilli:iffSomethin' о
AUTHENTIc LlSTEN lNG SKl LLS 2 question Ь l think we have found the most
important reason fоr success.
ф tisten to theTEDTalk extracts. Choose the correct
3 ехреrimепt с
option to complete the sentences. ЖЖ The сhildrеп already, at fоur,
understood the most imроrtапt rule
1 ln the us research, опе out ofthree / ttMo out ofthree for success.
children ate the maгshmallow, 4 message d l have something l want to ask. . .

2 0пе оut оf three l Two out of three children did other 5 factor е l did the same test in colombia.
things, like walking around.
3 А qreot реrсепtаgе / Д feizrz of the children who ate the @ Underline the things that are true about the children
who did not eat the marshmallows.
marshmallows wеrе in trouble years later.
4 lп colombia, опе out of three / two out of three ate the They knew how to wait.
marshmallow. They grew up to Ье successful.
5 Joachim made опеl fvyo marshmallow ЬооkG)fоr They did not like marshmallows.
children iп Коrеа. They did not make it to universlty.
They had good grades.
They wеrе iп trouble.
They had good eating habits.
ф Watch the TED Talk and choose the correct answers. They were happy.

1 who started the first research?

а Joachim de posada
Ь а 9roup of children
с а professor at Stanford ф Listen and complete each sentence with the correct
2 How lonq did the chlldren have to wait ln the rооm? word or short phrase. Wffi
а fоur minutes 1 What did they find? They went to look fоr these klds
ь fifteen minutes who wеrе now eighteen and пiпеtееп. And they
с two hours found that of the children that
What did the сhildrеп get if they waited? had not eaten the marshmallow were successful
а опе mоrе marshmallow 2 А great percentage ofthe kids that ate the
ь two mоrе marshmallows marshmallow, they
с coffee 3 They did not university. They

What does.Joachim de Posada say is the most had bad qrades. Some ofthem dropped out.
important factor for success? 4 This little girl was interestin9; she ate the inside of the
а being able to control yourself marshmallow she wanted us

Ь knowing how to get mоrе of what you want to think that she had not eaten it, so she would get
с asking for а better opportunity or deal two. But she ate it.
5 she should not banking, fоr
what did Joachim want to find out in colombia?
example, оr work at а cash register. But she will Ье
а if Hispanic children liked marshmallows
successfu l.
Ь if Hispanic chiIdren acted differently to Аmеriсап
6 We аrе eating mоrе marshmallows than we аrе
child rеп
Thank you so much.
с lf the first rеsеаrсh was correct

Why does Joachim think the research is so imроrtапt?

а People аrе eating too mапу sweets like
Ь People should teach their children to stop eating
с People аrе using mоrе than they аrе giving back.

46 Unit4
4Ж Such а cool subject!
SPEAKlNG @ You're writing an article for the school website about
things students like and dislike about the school.
О Пеаd the conversation and complete the sentences
with the correct phrases. Then listen to the Think about the thrее different people described
conversation and check your answers. WýЖ below and make notes about what their answers to the
questions might be.Then listen to the model answers to
is the best choice isn't as useful as this соmраrе your ideas. ЖЖ
isn't it expensive look the most usefuI
. А student in the first уеаr at the school, who is quite
looks mоrе exciting mоrе interesting
think itЪ useful enough (х2) too Ьоriпg
А student iп their last уеаr at school, who is captain of
the football team.
Неу, l'm looking for ап арр to practise mу English with,
do you know any? А student iп the middle of school, who plans to go to
Ah, thаtЪ а good idea. |'ve пеvеr thought of that. Which
ones (1) 1 WhаtЪ the most fuп thing about being at this schooi?

2 Which subjects аrе the most interesting?

well, thеrеъ this one here, which has flash cards and
3 Do you think that school is useful enough for your
some grаmmаr exercises, and itЪ free,
в lS it (2) , maybe?
А l don't kпоW itЪ fоr school anyway, but do you & tisten and fo|lowthe instructions. ЖЖ

Well, you get what you рау fоr. What about that one,
with the star logo?
А That looks (4)
There are things tO read and listen tO.
And there аrе some collocation activities for
VocabUlary too.
Excellent!Teachers always tell us to practise them. We'll
Ье awesome.

в Yeah, that first опе (5)

А Аrе there any mоrе?
в l had а look and thеrеъ this опе. lt
With lots of games to play with words and grаmmаr.
А LеtЪ see. 0h, yeah, but (7)

в WelI, it is а little. Do уоu (8)

to рау fоr?
А |'m not sure. l guess you have to рау to find out.
в Yeah. i think the star опе (9)

Listen to the model answer and compare it with your


Learning 47
WRITING Ап enquiry email Dаriо cafolla five days fоrmаl
informal mustc production sound editing
@ Choose the correct answers to the questions.
sound studios train station a
What greeting would you use iп ап email to sоmеопе
you don't know? 1 Course venue:
а Dear Evening Class Coordinator, 2 Course title:
Ь Hi Evening Class Coordinator, 3 Length ofcourse:

How would you say how you kпоw about the course?
4 Question:

а l'm rеаllу interested in this course,

5 Sender:

ь l saw an advertisement fоr this course опliпе.

6 Топе of email:

How would you introduce your rеа5оп fоr еmаiliпg? & Пеаd the enquiry email. Find and correct six mistakes
а l wanted to do а course rn printmaking last уеаr. in it.
Ь l'm writiпg because l have а couple of questions.
Dear Нарру Langua9e SchooI,
What kind of information would you ask?
а Are all the materials fоr the соursе provided? l saw уоu'rе advertisement fоr the four-week соursе in
Ь Do you рrеfеr printmaking оr photography? Business English on your website. lU like to ask about а
couple of things.
How would you thank the реrsоп you аrе emaillng?
а Thank you in advance fоr any tnformatton. First, what is the language level of most students who
Ь Thanks а lot. l rеаllу аррrесiаtе уоur help! take this course? First, is your Ceпificate оf Achievement
What closing ехрrеssiоп would you use? recognized Ьу i nd ustry professtonalsl
а See you soon, Thanks fоr апу informations you сап give mе. l look
Ь Yours siпсеrеlу, forward to heartng for you.

ý But the six sections of the enquiry email in the correct Your sincerely,
order. Joan Cho

_ First, is the course suitable fоr complete Ьеgiппеrs?

This is part of ап advertisement for а course you have
Second, is there а focus оп sound editing or do you
seen online.
mаiпlу cover mixing techniques?
Dario CafolIa
lntroduction to lead guitar
Thanks for апу iпfоrmаtiоп you сап provide. I look
Experienced instructor gives group lessons every Monday,
forward to hеаriпg from you.
брm to Bpm. Efficient teaching method. Useful exercises,
Yours sincereIy,
techniques and tips. Contact Guitor Experts lпс at info@
_ l saw уоuг poster fоr the five-day music production
course when l was at ihe train station this mоrпiпg. l'm
writing because lU like some mоrе informatton.
Now, write ап enquiry email to the course directors.
Dear Sound Studios,
Follow the instructions:
ф Пеаd the enquiry email. Then choose the correct . say whеrе you saw the course advertised and why you
information for the categories. Тhеrе are two items you аrе emailing
don't need.
. ask about the style оf music taught and the cost of а
Dear Sound Studios,
saw уоur poster fоr the five-day muslc production
. use polite language fоr уоur greeting, closrng
statement and closing expressions.
соu15е when l was at the trаiп station thts mоrпiпg. l'm
wriiinq because ld like some mоrе informatton.
First, is the course suitable fоr complete Ье9iппеrs?
Second, is there а focus on sound edlting or do you
mainly cover mixing techniques?
Thanks fоr апу information you can provide. l look fоrwаrd
to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Dario CafolIa

48 Unit 4
Review Adverb Comparative Superlative
fast the fastest
$ Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
late later
1 Teachers give _ to students to see what they have hаrd the hardest
well better
а skiIls с grades
Ь tests d notebooks гесепtlу mоrе rесепtlу
2 Teachers give _ to show students how well they slowly the most slowly
did iп the class. quietly the most quietly
а pens с grades
ь education d skills
ý Complete the conversation with the correct words,
Fоr _, you need а computer, tablet оr smartphone.
а classrooms с private school best better important enough
Ь online lеаrпiпg d studying maths is asimportant as tsn't as enjoyable as mоrе useful
so enjoyable too hard
А hard-working student _.
а sometimes attends school
А l think swimming is ('l)
ь пеvеr does homework
с gets bad grades в l think swimming (2) pIaying
d always revises for tests football. Football is the (3)

А lam (4) at SWlmming than l аm

@ t-ook at the scrambled words. Unscramble them and
at playing football,
match them with the correct descriptions.
В l think sports аrе а fun way to stay heaithyl But what
enolnirangilen урirmrа closoh опtоlэеskо do you think - is it (5) to eat
sksde estta loshosc apiretv cooIsh well оr exerctse а lot?
Experts say eating well (6)
1 Students sit at these when they study.

2 Students write with репs iп these.

Yes, but sometimes it iS (7) to
find enough time to exercise.

3 you пееd the tnternet for this. Iаgrее, but exercising is (8)
4 They аrе frее fоr all students. make sure you do it every day
5 Classes hеrе аrе for vеrу young students.

6 You рау fоr your education here

r$ Complete the tables with the correct forms of the

comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

bad WOrSe

old older
useful mоrе useful
big the biqqest
hard-workinq the most
interesti пg the most

Learning 49
Же The people iп my life
,: 1

VOCABULARY H*w's it going? & Match the words with the definitions.

1 aunt а а реrsоп you don't know

2 uncle Ь а person you рlау football оr cricket wlth
3 раrtпеr с touch sоmеопе's cheek with your lips
4 teammate d the Ьrоthеr of your mother оr father
5 strапgеr е move your hand iп the а r
6 kiss f put your arms around sогпеопе
7 hug 9 а person you work together with оп а
8 wave project
h the sister of уоur mother оr father

& listen and match '|-6 with the photos. rffiЖýЖ

ffi Revision Look at the photo. Choose the correct words

to complete the sentences.

1 They аrе frtends / а family,

2 Michael isa Ьоу l mоп.
3 Alana tsa gtrl / wоmап,
4 Аlапа and Darrell аrе marrted / divorced.
5 Stephanie is Darrell's sоп / daughter.
6 Dаrrеll is Michael's father l mother,
7 Аlапа and Dаrrеll аге Stephanie and I\Лichael's сhildrеп
/ раrепts,
8 Dаrrеll is Alana's wife l husbond.

ф Revision Complete the sentences with the correct


1 Before реорlе get married, they are s

-_- -,_
2 lf а mап was married, but поw he's not, he's
3 Your mother and father аrе your р
4 Boys and girls are с ,-_ ,,-" "" l "

5 Fаthеrs аrе m,,___,,.

6 Nлоthеrs are w

ф Пut the people into the correct category.

aUnt Ьrоthеr classmate cousin daughter

father frlend husband mother partner
sister Son Stra пgеr uncle wife


50 Unit 5
lп а basketball game, all of the
Q Choose the correct words to complete the text.
must work together tO Win.
А big family Some people dont have just one
-1aving а big family сап Ье fun. l have one oIder (1) _ but many different people who they spend а lot of
.rld he's not always пiсе to me, but l also have three time With.
,ounger (2) _
and we are vеrу close. We live with our 8 l don't know АппаЬеl чеrу well, but shеЪ а
jаrепts and mу (3) _,
who is my fаthеrЪ mother. Неr ;we study Frепсh together.
,usband, my (4) _,
died two years ago.
lИу father was ап опlу child, but mу grandparents on
ý Extension What is each person! relationship to Rachel,
the second speaker? Listen and circle the answers.
rу mother's side had two sons and four daughters, which
-leans l have two (5) _
and three (6) _.They alt
^ad children, too, so l have а lot of (7) _ оп that side 1 Dan brother stepbrother
зf the family. 2 Steve stepfather father-in-law
There аrе also some other people l think of as part of 3 I\Лах ha lf-ьrоthеr stepbrother
ry family, fоr ехаmрlе my (8) _.
She comes to my 4 April sistebin-law stepsister
^ou5e еvеrу weekend and celebrates holidays with us, 5 0livia пiесе half-sister
.со. There аrе also my volleyball (9)
. We аrе like а 6 Amanda sister-in-law half-sister
'amtly at school; we're always together and helping each
7 Jared half-brother nephew
1 а sister Ь father с brother d strапgеr ф Extension Complete the text with the correct words.
2 а sisters Ь parents с aunts d cIassmates
ьrоthеьiп-lаw ex-wife father-in-law
3 а aunt Ь grandmother с uncle d grandfather
half-brother half-sister mOther-in-IaW
4 а aunt Ь grandmother с uпсlе d grandfather
( nephews nieces stepbrothers
5 а mothers Ь coustns aUnts d uncles
( stepfather stepmother stepsisters
6 а brothers Ь grandfathers aUnts d uncles
7 а раrtпеrs Ь cousins с brothers d strangers
Our families often grоw as we do. lf you have а sister
апd sisters
and she gets married, then you will have а пеw
8 а stranger Ь friend of с best d cousin (1) lf they have children,
а friепd friend
you will have (2) and
9а classmates bteammates с Strangers d partners (3) Then, if you get married, you
will have а husband оr wife, and his оr hеr mоthеr and
fi Complete the sentences with the correct words and
father will become your (4)
апd (5)
oest friend cIassmate neighbour раrtпеr say hello 0r, you mlght become part of а blended family. When
shake strangers teammates wave а marrted couple gets divorced, оr someone loses а
wife оr husband, sometimes they qet married again. The
1 when l meet someone fоr the first time, l smile and man mаrriеs а пеw woman and his children get а
(6) . lf his new wife has
their hand.
2 When I see my friends across the street, children, too, then his children will also have new
(7l and (8)
my hand and
lfthe father and his пеw wife have а ЬаЬу toqether,

з ln class, we often have to wоrk with а

this child will Ье the (9)
(10) of the children from the first
оп ап activlty
marriages. lf the mапЪ (11)
4 А lot of people don't enjoy talking to
mаrriеs someone new, then the kids will also have а
оп the bus оr the train, but
(12) and another new family!
thеrе аrе some people who аrе friendly with everyonel
Simоп is my не lives just across
the street.

Famiiy and friends 51
PRONUNCIATION Past fоrrп el-rdings @ tisten to the sentences about еасh photo. Write the [.!l

letter (а, Ь, с or d) ofthe sentence that best describes 5

@ Read the sentences aloud and write the pronunciation
the photo. ;жýж
of the -ed verb уоu hеаr. Write /d/ , /t/, or /Idl. Тhеп
listen and check your answers. WЖ Ф
1 l've aIready selected mу outfit for the раrtу. _
2 l learned how to dance frоm my father. _
3 Have vou tasted the cake vеt?
4 I\4y uncle photographed the football team. _
5 ltried to tnvite her, but she said по._
6 Ечеrуопе at the сеlеЬrаtiоп Iooked greatl _
7 We haven't celebrated yet. _
8 Му aunt was rll so she stayed at home. _

@ Listen to the conversationS (1-6). Are the statements
correct (YES)or incorrect (NO)?Tickthe boxes. ЖW
YЕ5 No
1 Не invited her to the party. tr tr
2 she invited him to the celebration. tr tr
3 She accepted his invitation. tr tr
4 Не didn't accept the invitation. tr tr
5 She accepted his invitation. tr tr
6 She invited everyone to the celebration. tr П

@ Listen to the speaker and complete the text with the

correctwords. жж
l rесепtlу graduated from Manchester University. We had
а fantastic (1 ) with mу family and
friends. And, to Ье honest, it was both sad and happy fоr
me. Sad because l'm leaving а lot of people that l've
(2) fоr years. Нарру because а
whole пеw period iп my Iife is beginning and l feel really
excited about what the future holds.
Fantastically, I've been (3)
different jobs, l haven't decided which опе to take
(4) but they're both good. l fееl
really lucky. And my раrепts аrе rеаllу supportlve.They
want me to follow my dreams. ltzly mother told me that
she'll Ье (5) of mе по matter what
I decide to do.
|tЪimpossible to predict the future, but l feel rеаllу good
aboutthings. |'m (6) l have
а wonderful family and l feel like almost anything is
possible. ld better stop talking before l get too @


52 Unit 5
GRAMMAR Present perfect and past to Еurоре а couple of times. We (7)
(kayak) on fjords and (8) (ski)
оп glaciers in Scandinavia Апd mу sister and l
(9) (take) the trаiп frоm London
@ Choose the correct verb forms to complete the
exchanges. to Paris.
We (10) (пеvеr, travel) to Japan,
1А How long hove / had /hcs you had your computer? so l (11) (not, eat)'real' sushi, and l
в l haven't has / hod l hoviпg it very long - опlу а (12) (not, Ье) able to see the

уеаr. cherry trees in bloom. l (13) (not, go)

2А How mапу books has I\Лs Вrеппеr ask / asks / osked

to Africa yet either. l (14) (always,
want)to go оп safari and see lions and giraffes.
уоu to read this term?
в She hcs / have /hcd given u5 two books so far,

зА Had / Has / Haveyou found your smartphone yet?

l know you had it yesterday.

в No,I dоп't hove / haven't / hачеп't had.l dont know

where it is.

4А Have you knows / kпоwп / kпоw your best friend

for а long time?

в Yes, l have. We had / hачiпg / have Ьееп friends

since we wеrе ten!

5А How many years has оur class studies / study l

studied English? Тhrее? Fоur?

в l think we have has l have /hod English for four

years now. Wе'rе getting pretty good!
ф Complete the questions with the соrrесt form of the
бА l have work / worked / works a|the bookshop since verbs iп brackets.
the summer. l really like it.
в ТhаtЪ awesome| Has / Had / Have you thought
(ечеr, read) about people in Lhasa sticking out their
about working there when you finish school?
tongues? ltЪ а polite greeting there,

о Rewrite the negative sentences iп the affirmative and they

(not, teil) you about the mапо?ТhаtЪ where young
the affirmative sentences iп the negative.
Filipinos sometimes press the hand of an older реrsоп
Example: lVlarco hasn't finished his homework. to their оwп forehead. ltЪ vеrу polite.
Мвl,со ftgs ffr?ýfтed &ls fTorт?eý,иor&" yoU
(not, see) people touching each оthеrЪ feet in lndia?
1 Celia has seen hеr parents all day.
lt's а greetlng called the рrопаmо.
2 Yuri and Natasha have seen а lot of rеаllу good films. апуOпе
(do) the kunik with you iп Greenland? People put their

Оur tеасhеr has given us а lot of homework this nose and top lip оп уоur cheek and breathe in. ltЪ а
weekend. special way of greeting someone there.

4 Му friends have not called yet.

(rub) noses with апуопе? Fоr traditional Bedouins, it is
а respectful greetin9.

5 l haven't met my best friend's sister. yoU

(hеаф people clap to greet each other? ТhаtЪ what the
Shona people in southern Africa do.
@ Complete the text with the present perfect form of the you
verbs iп brackets. (not, ever, notlce) people raising their eyebrows as а
greeting?They do that in the NЛаrshаll lslands.
Му family and l like to travel. We (1)
(take) advantage of every chance to travel. Together and
(not, say) that you went to Nigеr? Then you рrоЬаЬlу
separately, we (2) (visit) some really
saw people shaking their fists пеаг their heads and
exciting places. Му parents (3) (Ье)
saying'Wooshay!'to greet each other.
to Peru mапу times.They (а) (see)
itЛасhu Picchu and (5) (walk)the
lпса Тrаil. Ivly brother and l (6) (go)

Family and friends 53
ýЖ Coming of а9е
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG Sulffix -сl What is the aboriginal tеrm fоr ап invisible pathway
that crosses the land?
@ Complete the sentences. Change the поuпs iп brackets а song
to adjectives ending iп -аl. Ь songline
1 Gоiпg walkabout is ап important с ritual
tradition аmопg the Yolngu According to the Yolngu, who created the songlines
people. (culture) they follow?
2А walkabout сап last fоr up to а ancestral spirits
six months. (tradition) ь Australians
Going walkabout сап Ье а very ( outsiders
experience for а Ьоу. (emotion)
How lопg does а walkabout last?
Songs and singing аrе раrt of the
aspect оf going walkabout.
а six months

(muslc) Ь twelve to thirteen уеаrs

5 Boys going waIkabout аrе surrounded Ьу
с 1,000 days

sights and sounds. (паturе) What is the main rеаsоп for going walkabout?
6 Uluru, or Ayers Rock, is а very famous sandstone rock in а to make maps
one оf АustrаIiаЪ parks. (nation) Ь to look for footprints
с to survive аlопе in the desert

READlNG Who mlght teach а Yolngu Ьоу about his ancestral

@ Kead the text and complete the summary with the
а his grandfather
correct words.
ь his sister
аЬоrigiпаl ancestral desert с his aunt
grandfather skills tradition
@ Rrе the statements true (Т), false (F) or is the
information not given (NG)?
lt is a/an (1) for some young
Australian (2) boys to go The Yolngu аrе an aborigrnal grоuр that has lived in
walkabout fоr up to six months, completely on their AustraIra fоr tens оf thousands of years. _ 1
own and without supplies. А walkabout is а journey that Songlines аrе pathways that аrе visible to апуопе in ъ

reminds the boys of similar journeys that they believe the desert. _ }
their (3) spirits made thousands of The Yolngu believe that ancestral spirits look after the ,:

years ago. The boys follow songlines that help them find boys while they go walkabout. _ 5
their way through the Australian (4) А YoIngu Ьоу usually lеаrпs his сIапЪ songlines from l
Sometimes, the boys travel part of the walkabout his father, grandfather and other male relatives
with а male relative, for example, their father оr Yolngu girls lеаrп about thеir ancestral songlines from
(5) They need to develop mапу their mothers апd grandmothers, _ il
imропапt (6) in оrdеr to survive Going walkabout is one way that Yolngu boys с
the waIkabout. demonstrate that they're ready to take on new S

responsibilities. _ 5
@ Choose the correct answer to the questions. п

1 How long have the Yolngu people lived iп Australia?

а 10,000 years I]

Ь hundreds ofyears i:
( оvеr 50,000 уеаrs а



54 Unit 5
Going walkabout


I г_,==
l:i]. ]

|,-r ":i l
ljЖЖЖ Imagine waking up in the mогпiпg alone, )iollng males go walkabout, they fоllоw the songlines

пtrпtlгеds оf miles away f1,onl апуопе you know. оГ their ancestors. Тhеу sing traditional songs in .
rr lth no strpplics. in гhс middlc оГ а tlеsегг, This is оrdег to navigate. ог Гiпd thеiг way. as thcy waJk. {ц
ъ.hаt one day of 'going walkallout' is like fог а yollng And they оГtеп walk vet,v Гаl,, Some bovs tгаче1
\olngrr. ог Australian аЬогigiпаI*. Ьо1 . The YolngLr trp rо t.OOO miles. withou, ,ny supplies, iп the slx
1Tave lived in Atrstralia Гоr- арргохimаtеlу 60,000 months оГ а typical wаIkаЬоuгl ТЙеу пееd to develop
l,еаrs. In fact, they and оthеr аhоrigiпаl peopt. tirrea imрогtапt skills in огdеr tо make thе jоuгпеу. The
cln the continent of Ar-lstralia fог tens of thousancls of goal оГ going walkahotrL is to Ье аЬ]е [о stttTive
rcat,s wilhotrг seeing pcople Ггоlп lnv оrhег alone in the wi[d jtlst as thеiг апсеstогs did.
The [апсl was theiгs. As а l,esulr. tlrey геsресt tradition
.rnd have а slrong conneclion to tb. trnj.
4 ВеfЬrе they go walkabottt, boys 1еаrп about
songlincs fiom the оldег people iп the clan. Stlme
- Опс оГ dleir oldesi tradiTions is called 'going ъаlkаlюut' ъ.аlk perts of their ancestral songlines with tlleir
in English. The YolngLr and ойеr аЬогigiпаГс[апs. fаthег, grandfather, от another male rеlаtiче ог friend.
оr family groups, believe tlrat invisible irails, called They lеагп to r-tse songlines as а kind оГ map. They
songlines, соr,еr the land. Ассогdiпg to their beliefs, use the songs to idenriгr рагts ог rhe landscape. suclr
turlgliлеs atе sе(,геt pathways йаt IbIlow the jоuгпеуs as caves or hills, and to connect to the stoгies thаt
lnade lэy апсеstгаl'F spirits as ihеу сгеаtеd tIle еаrth. thеir anceslors hnгe told Гог thousands of чеагs.
Tllese ancestors Sang names Гог cveгvThing tllat
r1,ossed thеir paths апd. in the ргосеss. t.геаtеd and
5 ý7hen the boys геturп fгоrп going walkabotrt, they
rramed everything iп the wогld. Аhогigiпаl реорlе сеlеЫеtе with thcir ГamiIies and }riends. The1 have
, опsidеr songiines tcl Ье The Гооtргiпrs оГ thеiг
made the passage fiom childhood into the adult
ancestors, чrоrid. They have already proved that they can
take саrе of thеmsеlчеs during the six months of
3 Going walkabout is а coming-of:age event fоr going ъаIkаЬоut and rhat thсу'rе геаdу Гог пеw
пл,еlче- to thirteen-year-olcl aboriginal boys. ýИhеп res-ponsibilities.

.boriginai.lle lопgiпg tc) the race clf people tuhо toele liuiпg iп апсеstгаl relateJ to people iп .rL_lttr,family tuhc,l !it,etl lоп,q
stralia belbre ЕLи"ореапs arriued hе[оге .yott

Fаmilу and friends 55
ýЖ Stop me if you've already heard this опе
GRAMMAR Рrеsеrзt perfect with fоr, sfлce, @ Match the questions with the anSwers.
Býready, jusf апd yef 1 the рlапе hеrе yet?
ls _
@ Complete the sentences with these words. ln some 2 How long have you taken English classes? _
sentences there may Ье more than опе correct answer.
3 Do you know mу friend Таmmу? _
4 Have you tried some of this pizzayet?
аl ready fоr Slnce yet 5 How long has уоur brother worked at that
соmрапу? _
1А Do you want to go to the gym with mе this 6 How long have Shen and Jun Ьееп friends?
afternoon? 7 Have you finished уоur essay?

В No,1've been there this а Не has Ьееп there since 2015.

mоrпlпg. Ь Yes, l've already eaten some.
не hasn't called his brother last с They met iп 201'l and have Ьееп friends ever since.
month. d No, l haven't met her yet.
3 Natalie has studied three hours. е Yes, l've just handed it in to our teacherl
4 А Did you hеаr Aunt Sofia is coming to visit next f Yes, it's already аrriчеd.
week? g |'ve studied English fоr two years.
В Yes! l've heard the news
А Have you started your English hоmеwоrk
@ But the words in the correct order to make Sentences
and questions.

в Actually, l have finished it.

1 caIled / three times / has / аlrеаdу / She

бА Have you asked уоur teacher fоr help

_? 2 the test / Have / yet / fоr / revised / you

В No, l haven't asked him

think to him tomorrow,
I'll talk
3 got / l've / frоm school / just / home

7 Arata has lived with his cousins

tWO yearS.
4 Ьееп / печеr /The students / to another соuпtrч / have

8 Yasmin has celebrated hеr fiesta

de qчtпсе опоs,
5 we haven't / We have / met / cousins / that / even

ф Underline the present perfect verbs. 6 since/ has studied / 2017 lJana /Enolish т
Do you know that humans аrеп't the опlу species that has
7 fоr / my best friend / Renato / five years / has Ьееп
rich social lives and family ties? Fоr example, chimpanzees
do as well. How do we know this? Well, have you
еvеr heard of .Jапе Goodall? she is а scientist who has @ Answer the questions so they are true for you. Write
studied chimpanzees since 'l960. She has lеаrпеd а lot complete sentences.
about chimpanzees since then. And she has shared this
knowledge with both the scientific community and the
1 Have you learned to drive yet?

rest of the world. Fоr example, Goodall has tauqht us that

not опlу do chimpanzees have rich social lives and family
2 Have you аlrеаdу done your homework fоr this week?

iies, they also make and use tools. She has set а very high
standard for studying apes in the wild and has focused оп
3 What is something you have just finished doing?

individual characteristics as well as qroup patterns.

4 How long have you Ьееп а student at this school?

5 Have you еvеr visited ап English-speaking country?

6 What is опе food you have never wanted to eat?

7 How long have you known уоur best friend?

8 Have you Ьееп on holiday this уеаr?

56 Unit 5
@ Use the prompts to write sentences or questions with She hasn't made plans fоr after graduation yet.
the present perfect. You may need to add words. а She knows what shеЪ doing after she graduates.
Ь She doesn't know what shеЪ doing after she
1 l / live Bangalore / for / three years

Му cousins have aIready seen the fiIm.

2 l / already / listen that song / twice а ltЛу cousins saw the film,
Ь lr4y cousins did not see the film,

@ Choose the correct response for each question.

3 She / поr /go rock climbing / since / last year
How lопg have you had that phone?
а !'ve had it fоr last week.
4 Alex / Ье / mу friend / since / four уеаrs old ь l've had it since last week.

Do you know how to get to the art museum?

а No, l don't. l haven't Ьееп there fоr l was а child.
5 We / just / go / beach Ь Yes, l've been there regularly since l was а child.

Have you seen the пеw painting at the museum?

а No, l've seen it already.
6 Nate / already / eat breakfast
Ь Yes, l've already seen it.

Did you talk to Tavish yesterday?

7 They / just /flnish / take test а No, l haven't talked to him since last week.
Ь Yes, l have talked with him yesterday.
Have you started your рiапо lessons yet?
8 l / not talk / new neiqhbour / yet а Yes, l've already started my lessons.
Ь Yes,l've just Ьееп started mу lessons.
How long have you played the рiапо?
9 How long / you / know / Jack and Sally
а l was playing the piano for 2009.
Ь l Ьеgап playing when l was six years old.
Have you invited your teammates to the раrtу yet?
@ Choose the option which is closer in meaning to the а No, l haven't invited them yet.
original sentence. Ь Yes, l have invited them yet.

1 l've just taken а walk. Do you know Sarah?

а l took а walk not long ago. а Oh, yes, l've known hеr fоr а long time.
Ь l have Ьееп taking walks fоr а long time. Ь Oh, yes, l've already known hеr.

2 NikоЪ teacher was surprised to find out he had аlrеаdу

Iearned about ancient Rоmап history.
а NikоЪ teacher was surprised he had studied history.
Ь NikоЪ teacher didnt expect him to know about
ancient Rоmап hrstory.
3 НеЪ lost his book.
а Не doesn't have his book now.
ь Не lost his book, but has it поw.
4 l haven't learned all of the new чосаЬulаrу yet.
а l did not lеаrп all of the пеw vocabulary, but l рlап
to Soon.
Ь l did not learn all of the пеw vocabulary and l am
not рlаппiпg to.
5 Не has just come from Dubai.
а Не recently arrived from Dubai.
Ь Не аrriчеd frоm Dubai mоrе than а month ago,

6 ltЪ 201В now and Kim has known Eliza fоr four years.
а Kim met Eliza in 2014.
Ь Kim knows Eliza now, but didn't know hеr iп 2014,

Family and friends 57
ýЖ Why we laugh
TEDTALKS 6 What does Sophie say about laughter? 5i
lt is а new and recent behaviour.
lt is an anctent and evolutionary behaviour.
с It is something humans do to Ье different frоm
ý Listen to theTEDTalk extracts and complete each other animals.
sentence with the correct word or short phrase.
rа}ж{ý @ Лrе the statements true (Т) оr false (F)?

1 Lauqhter is most similar to human speecl-l. _
Sophie noticed laughter when she was а
2 Lauqhter sounds like animals callino each other. _
3 Humans аrе the only animals that laugh. _
She saw her раrепts doing something 4 People аrе mоrе likely to laugh if they аrе with other
when they were laughing. л^ллl^
PLwPlL. _
3 They were with laughter, She
didn't know what they wеrе Iaughing at, but she
5 Laughter is а social interaction оr activity. _
wanted to join in. & Match the words with the definitions.
Her parents wеrе laughing at а
that people used to sing.
1 social а а group of antmals that

The song
2 laughter includes humans
around signs iп toilets
in trains.
3 voluntary Ь something that involves

4 involuntary other people
She says that the English have а sophisticated
5 emotional с connected wlth feelings
6 funny d making а person laugh
7 joke е an act оr Something people

WATсH ж 8 mammals say which makes реорlе laugh

f the sound of а laugh
ý Watcb the TED Talk and choose the correct answers to g when sоmеопе does something
the questions. without being asked
h whеп 5оmеопе does something
1 Who thought that humans wеrе the only animaIs that
because he can't сопtrоl himself
laug h?

а Sophie Scott
Ь RоЬеrt Levenson
с Nietzsche ý Choose the correct words to comp|ete the sentences.
2 What does Sophie say about laughing with оthеr 1 ltЛу parents thoUght the song was realIy , They
PrvlJlL laughed rеаllу hard.
а People aren't rеаlIу laughing at jokes. а silly Ь frightening с beautiful
Ь People laugh less when they аrе with other people.
2 When people laugh, they make _ sound. lt isn't а
с People make other people laugh with jokes.
usual sound.
3 What do people try to show when they аrе laughing in а а silIy Ь an odd < а stupid
а grоuр?
3 l cared about laughter and when l Ьесаmе а
а that they think thtngs аrе funny neuroscientist, l cared about it again. ltЪ а thing
Ь that they аrе part ofthe group to саrе about. Not many people саrе about it.
( that they have feellngs а Sсаrу Ь dangerous с weird
4 What is posed laughter? 4 l wanted to find out the beginnings of laughter. The
а when someone laughs because something is funny _ofit
Ь when 5оmеопе laughs at а silly song а origins Ь ending с sounds
с when someone makes а fake laugh 5 Laughter has two different _.Тhеrе аrе two causes
5 How does Iaughter affect relationships? for it.

а lt helps people become less stressed.

а рrоЬlеms Ь meanings с roots

Ь lt makes people annoyed.

с lt makes people speak better.

58 Unit 5
. # [nv[tations ý Гiпа and correct the mistake in each sentence. Тhеп
decide the function of the sentence or question. Write
the letter on the line.
SPEAKlNG (A)asking if someone is available
"'_ Listen and complete the conversations with the correct
(S) saying if you аrе available оr поt
(Y) accepting ап invitat]on
Words. iж&аж
! рiýffi

(N) saying по to ап invitation

1А Hev, lVarta.
1 Аrе you пеаr next Saturday?

в 2 l need to make my schedule.

А Well, l'm having а party at my house. Can you
3 Surе, l love to.
в 0h,
what time should l come over?
4 She depends
А Апу time after В.

2А 5 This sounds grеаt!

U5ua lly spend time with mу family in the аftеrпооп 6 Thanks fоr inviting mе, but l'm worried l'm busy.
А Well, а few of us are going cycling. Want to come?
в Um, 7 |'1l go to ask my parents
Сап l let you know later?
А Yeah, just text mе, ОК? 8 Аrе you making anything on Tuesday night?
зА Jane, have fun playing at the сопсеrt tonight!
9 Sоrrу, l сап't take it, but thank you fоr invtting mе.
в Thanksl Would you like to come and hеаr the band?
10 Аrе you above оп Sunday?
в No problem.
4А Неу, iisten ? 11 l (dont) thlnk that,
в Why?
А ТhеrеЪ this new skate meet at the youth club. 12 l'm notdefinitely
в 0h, yeah?
А lt StaгtS at 7.
в Cool! l'll Ье thеrе! ý Describe ап invitation уоu got recently.

5А Неу, tucyl ljust wondered, you haven't replied to mу You should say:

invitation to see the play my brother's starring iп.

, who gave you the invitation
в oh. veah.
. how you know them :

опе sec.
. what the invitation was for
А Sure. о how you responded to the invitation
в Yeah. i thouoht so.
. why yOU gave this response.

А UIl, L{]d L 5 d SIldIT ]е' Record yourself. Take опе minute to think about what
you're going to say. You mау make notes to help you.
Then listen and compare your recording with the model
answer. WЖ

Family апd friends
WRITING !пfgrrпа! ýnvitations апd replles & Пеаd the note. Тhеп put the points in the correct order.
& Write the missing letters of the following
Hi Boris, Ol
Thanks fоr inviting mе tO the Street party on Friday. lt
1 А_А_ а5 5ооп as possible
sounds like fun, but l'm rеаilу sоrrу, l can't make it. |'ve
2 _S_P rерlу and say if you сап make it

3-S let me also add this

аlrеаdу made plans with mу cousin. (Wе'rе going to а
сопсеrt iп town.)

ý Complete the text with the correct words. There is опе Hugo {
word you don't need. PS l hope еvеrуопе has а fantastic time at the street раrtу!
apologize begin date enjoy _ hopes people enjoy the street party 7
know make it offer Say
_ explains why he can't go t
_ gives а greeting 9

When you write an invltation, you should include the _ says no to the invitation

time, (1) lосаtiоп and type of

event. RеmеmЬеr to ask the реrsоп to let you know if
SayS thапkуоu for the invitation
they сап come. t
When you accept ап invitation, (2)
ý lmagine уоu аrе Pat. This is ап invitation you have
received from уочr friend, Erika.
Ьу thanking the реrsоп who rnvited you. Ask any
questions you might have about the event. You could
Неу Pat,
also (3) to Ьriпg something
(food or drinks, for example). |'m having а diппеr party оп Thursday the 9th at 7:З0 at my
house. l'm going to cook сurrу and riсе. Сап you make it?
If you can't 9о to the event, you should stiII
(4) thaпkyou fоr the invitation. RSVP
Then (5) and, if you want to, уоu Еri ka )
can give а short explanation about why you can't 6
(6) . ItЪ polite to end Ьу saying Write а note to Erika accepting or saying по to the
you hope they (7) the event. i nvitation. l ncl ude the fol lowi пg information :

& lf you сап make it

w Read the invitation. Then circle the information that
о thank the sепdеr for the invitation
answers the questions below.
о say you сап make it
. оffеr to bring somethln9 о;о
Jason, о ask а question
l'm having а surprise party fоr Pablo оп Sunday the 1Bth
'l0рm lf you can't make it
from 7рm to at the tennis club. We're celebrating о thank the sender for the invitation
his success at the tennis finals last weekend. Сап you . Say уоu can't make it
make it? . ехрlаiп why
RSVP . say you hope the рапу goes well

1 whothe invitation to?

2 What kind of party is it?
3 Who is the party for?
4 What day and date is the party on?
5 What time does the party end?
6 Whеrе is the раrtу being held?
7 What is the rеаsоп for the рапу?
8 Who is sending the invitation?

60 Unit 5
Веviеw Zj

@ Unscramble the words for family members and other Researchers have make videos of chimps grооmiпg
people. each оthег, which is important fоr maintaining chimp
1 onrmadhretg
Zookeepers has noticed that Asian small-clawed otters
2 rgапtrеs
spend пеаrlу all their time together - even when they
3 Scamletsa
4 tessir
5 nuta
@ Гut the words in the correct order to make sentences
6 nulce and questions.
7 robhert
8 scunoi
1 l / minutes / riddеп / bike / just /for / mу /have /
9 ruoighenb
10 etametam

@ Complete the sentences with the correct words. 2 She / раrlу /аlrеаdу / has / planned / the

1 Yоur mother's sister and Ьrоthеr аrе уоur

and 3 new / а / He'sl built/just/ house
2 yоur mоihеrъ Ьrоthеrъ children аrе vour

3 lf your parents have other children besides 4 already / from / She's / university / graduated
you, they аrе уоur _- а пd

4 Your fаthеrЪ mother and father аrе your

5 in / long / How / you / |iчеd / Denmark / have
5 People that you don't know аrе
6 People you go to school with аrе your 6 long / London /How /has / at / school / iп / she / been

7 People you play spoпs like football оr hockey with are

уOUr _ 7 she / yet / on holiday / been / Has
8 Waving, shaking hands, kissing, hugging and bowing
аrе all
@ ---.
Correct the present perfect mistakes iп the sentences.
have / We / since / children / they / Alice апd Rosie /
wеrе / known
1 Scientists have document multi-generational
family groups of elephants which have up to
twelve members and are led Ьу the oldest female.
@ Choose the correct option to complete the sentences,
Researchers has observed wolves giving up their 1 Не hasn't Written his essay уеr /iusr.
own lives to protect other wolves iп their pack. 2 She has lived with her sister forl siпсе seven months.
3 Соппiе hasyet / already practised the рiапо.
Young orcas that scientists have studying spend 4 Не has siпсе /just read the letterfrom his grandfather
their entire lives with their parents in the wild. 5 ShеЪ watched that TV show for / siпсе it Ьеgап,
6 They hod travelling / have travelled to lVlexico every
4 People has spot dolphins that tried to save people summer since they were eight years old.
from shark attacks. 7 Магtу is feeling / has felt sick fоr three days.
5 scientists have notice that female lions lick other lions, 8 Аппа and Colin have lived lп Liverpool already /for
both male and female, to strengthen the social bonds fifteen years.
in their оrоuо.

Fаmilу and friends 61
бе The best l can Ье
VOCABULARY Goa!s and expectations @ Match the two parts of the sentences to complete the
@ Revision Choose the correct words to complete the
1 Something perfect а is а bad resuli.
2 When something Ь is поt perfect.
1 Riko enjoys meeting пеw people. She's very woried / fails, ( it fini5he5 without success. @
reloxed / friепdlу, 3 А success d you think itЪ 0К.
2 The students аrе quiet because they are nervous / 4 Something that has е you dont think itЪ 0К.
relaxed / afraid about the test. imperfections f has а good result.
3 Апа ts reloxed / afroid / shytofly, When you accept g has no mistakes оr
4 They are friепdlу / shy / worried about mопеу. something, problems.
5 Аlапа was пеrvоu; / relaxed / friendly during hеr 6 А failure
holiday. She enjoyed it. 7 When you reject
6 Rafael doesn't talk in class because he's relaxed / 50mething,
friendly / shy.
Jake is really апqrу / excited / afraid wirh me because & Complete the table with these words.
l forgot to call him.
acCept Га il fa ilu rе im perfect
Не пеvеr helps clean the flat. НеЪ incredibIy upset /
tmperfection perfect perfection reject
pleosed / lazy,
succeed success successful unsuccessful

@ Complete the table with these words.

accept acceptin9 fail failed

failure imperfect imperfection perfect
реrfесtiоп reject succeed success
successful unsuccessful {



@ Complete the sentences with the correct form of Ье,

have or have to,
1 You don't have to perfect. Just
trу your best.
2 Don't buy that mirror. lt
imperfection in the glass.
3 The brothers opened а restaurant last уеаr, but it
unsuccessful and it closed
4 Jake, you accept it. your vision
imperfect. You need glasses!

62 Unit 6
5 She didn't get iпtо the team. Now she thinks she
ф Extension Choose the correct words to complete the
а failure. SentenceS.
6 This perfectl I want to buy it.
7 She а successful design She owns а vеrу successful / success / accepting
business in the city. соmрапу.
8 lt wasdifficult at first and thev Д,4у friend had а bad week. Не failed / rejected /
work vеrу hаrd to make the project а success. succeeded lwo exams.
Buy thls fruit. lt costs less because ithas perfect l
@ Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. imреrfесt l imperfecttons,
4 This author's first book was vеrу successful l perfect /
1 _.
The students work hard iп оrdеr to
а perfectron Ь success с succeed
ассерtiпg and it made her famous.
5 Ап apple is а perfect / successful /fclled example of а
2 Sometimes itЪ hard to _ failure. healthy snack.
а accept Ь imperfect с reject 6 ltems such as clothing and furniture that аrе slightly
3 The worst _ is to not try. faihd l tmperfect / rejected usualIy cost less,
а SUcce55 Ь failure с imperfection 7 I was locked out of mу phone аftеr three unsuccessful /

imреrfесt l accepted attempts to unlock it with my

4 People have diffеrепt ideas about what it mеапs to Ье

а succeed Ь perfection с successful

8 Studying in ап English-speaking соuпtrу is а(п) perfect l
successful l ассерrеd opportunity to improve your
5 Younq people often feel а need to Ье EngIish,
а imperfect Ь perfect с succeed 9 l'm rеаllу disappointed because the universrty
6 You сап Iеаrп frоm _, but you сап also lеаrп from accepted / succeeded / rejected my application.
fа ilu rе.

а SucceSS Ь successful с perfect @ Extension Put the words in the correct order to make
7 RеmеmЬеr that поЬоdуЪ _,
а реrfесt Ь imperfect ( accepting 1 саr / in / condition / is / fаthеrЪ / IVу / реrfесt

8 People who always look fоr _

will Ье unhappy.
а failure Ь imperfection с perfection
2 МiguеlЪ / rejected / group / idea /The
@ Listen and write the correct word to complete each
Senтence. rж}ж:x.iý

aCcept failure imperfect imperfections skiing / winter / ItЛiпаtо / attempt / at / last / made /
perfect re;ect successfu I
unsuccessful / ап

1 Teachers that students will make

mistakes as they lеаrп English. mоrе / success / ls / or academic / economic /
2 But some students do not accept their own important
Епg lish.
3 They think making mistakes means
4 They don't want to speak until their Enqlish is
action5 / accept / have to / responsibility / for l thеir /
These students need to the fеаr of
fаilurе and staп talking.
StUdents work hard and try to lеаrп
from thеir mistakes. а/ Каппа/ехаmрlе /а /of /student/ hаrd-wоrkiпg /
perfect / is
The best way to improve is to

Do уоur best бЗ
PRONUNCIATiON Rеduсеd }зgуе fо апd @ Listen and choose the correct option to complete the (
hBs to sentences. ýý.?ý

@ tisten and underline the reduced forms you hear.You 1 According to the fruit selle1 the fruit ls
will not underline words in еvеrу sentence. ЖЖ а perfect
Ь imperfect
1 Students have to show а student lD to епtеr the library.
2 Lucas doesn't want to work today, but he has to.
с damaged

3 No, you don't have to complete the essay today. 2 The fruit аrrапgеmепt include5
4 l don't have to get up early, but l do. а ап оrапgе
5 Тurп offyour phone now. Ечеrуопе has to. Ь а banana
с ап apple

LISTENlNG 3 Тhеrе аrе two kinds оf _.

а apple
@ tisten to the conversation. Answer the questions.
Ь melon
с реаr
1 Why is the mап going to the museum?
4 The type ofcontainer chosen is а
а fоr а project G
а Ьох
Ь fоr fun
Ь basket
с for his art class
с bowl
d fоr his job
5 The customer Wants а gift sent to _.
2 What is the рrоЬlеm? а his home
а Не is busy оп Saturday,
Ь Chicago
Ь Не can't qet to the mUSeUm. с Macedonia
с Не doesn't like ап museums.
6 The bowl is _.
d Не rsn't а good student.
а imperfect
3 what does the mап have to do? ь traditional
а choose а gift iп the gift shop с perfect
Ь choose а painting оr sculpture and draw it
7 The рriсе includes _.
с choose а musеum to go to
а ап additional bowl
d choose а piece of art and write about it Ь frее delivery
с insurance
@ Listen and answer the questions. ЖЖ
@ Listen to the conversations. Апswеr the questions.
Whеrе would you hеаr this аппоuпсеmепt?
а оп the radio
ь оп television
1 How do the speakers describe the vegetables? @
с iп school
а perfect
Ь not perfect
d in а supermarket
с expensive
What the purpose of the аппоuпсеmепt?
2 What is the student asking about?
а to provide iпfоrmаtiоп about closing time
а а class
Ь to give а weather update Ь а text
с to rероrt on road conditrons с а test
d to say that the wifi ls not working
3 What аrе the speakers talking about?
When will the place open again? а weekend plans
а аftеr the snow stops ь success stories
ь аftеr tomorrow с travel

с Ьеfоrе Thursday 4 How was the wоmапЪ presentation?

d after Зрm tоmо[rоw а аfаilurе
Ь perfect
с unsuccessful

64 Unit 6
GRAMMAR obligatlon,
lVtrodal verbs: (8) wear соmfоrtаьlе clothes. you
(9) try tO do exercises t hat уоu'rе
рrоlзЕЬitiоrэ, perm!ssion, advice
not ready for. You (10) Ье patient.
@ МаtсП the statements with the instructionS or Yoqa takes practiceI

1 you can't talk iп this а students must hand in their

@ Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb.

room. eSSayS tomorrow.

There may Ье more than опе correct answer.

You can't рау with а Students опlу. Please show 1 ltЪ 9oing to rаiп. You , take an

credit оr debit саrd. umbrella.

уоur lD.
you must Ье а с Quiet, please! 2 At this rеstаurапt you Wear

student to enter the d TUIOrS available Tuesday ,jeanS

liЬrаrу. and Thursday afternoons. 3 You рау to visit the museum.
l have to myе Cash only. ltъ free for students

homework today. 4 You Ьriпg а small gift fоr уоur

l should go to а tutor friепdЪ parents.
fоr help with my English. 5 Football рlауеrs Wеаr апу
jewellery during the match.
@ Пеаd each sentence. Change the modal verb to rewrite Реорlе turп оfГthеir phones in
it as а negative sentence. the theatre.
customers use the саfёъ wifi
1 At оur school students have to wеаr а uniform,
ltЪ free.

2 Students should use soctal media еvеrу day.

8 No, you Iеаrп Gеrmап. You
should study English instead.

3 0ur coach says we must eat ju5t before а match

ф Choose the correct modal verbs to complete the
sentences. Choose all answers that are correct and logical.
4 You have to have а password to use the wifi.
1 You _ Ье seventeen years old to have а driving

5 We have to Ье quiet. licence.

а mUSt Ь have to с should
6 l сап calI уоu tonight. You _ text Antonio and ask him to give you а lift to
7 You should close уоur social media account а couldn't Ь should G Can't
3 Students _ use their phones durlng the exam.
8 Students have to рау to use the pool а can't Ь don't have to ( mUSt not

9 They сап take drinks into the classroom.

_ read mоrе books iп English.
should Ь сап
а с must поt
5 ln my орiпiоп, restaurants _ waste food.
@ Complete the sentences. There may Ье more than one а shouldn't Ь can't с should
correct answer.
You _ taIk оп the phone iп the cinema.
сап сап't don't have to have to а don't haveto Ь must not ( can't
mUSt shouId shouldn't When you don't understand something, you ask
а qUestion.
You (1) follow these rulеs iп а should ь must not с don't have to
yoga class. You (2) wеаr shoes
in the yoga studio. Leave уоur shoes outside. You
8 You _ take photos in the museum.

(3) use а yoga mat, but уоu

а have to Ь can ( mUSt

(4) bring your оwп. You lf you want to Ье successful, you _ work hard in
(5) use the mats the Studio class.
provides. You (6) talk in the yoga а should Ь can't с don't have to
class. You (7) Ье quiet. You

Do your best 65

GW Finding пеw ways I


Which of the followinq сап Ье tпfеrrеd from

VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG Negative prefixes
раrаgrарh З?
@ These words and the prefixes in the table form а Perfect апd imреrfесг mеап the same iп all cultures.
opposite words. Complete the table with the words, ь The creators of the exhibit believe it is better to fail
than to succeed.
aCtiVe а9rее connect correct
d irect finished honest ki nd с The creators of the exhibit believe that people lеаrп
matUre from farlure.
Iike I ucky ре#€ё
рrореr successful d Something that is imperfect can still lэе useful,

The mеапiпg of the word process in раrаgrарh З is

_hl similar to
а routine.
l Ь procedure.
l с result.
d instruction.

l 5 According to раrаgrарh З, aIl of the following

statements are true of the rmperfect items ЕХСЕРТ:

READING а Unusable items wеrе rejected.

Ь lmperfect small statues were accepted.
ý Пеаd the text. Аrе the sentences true (Т), false (F) or is the с lmperfect coins were usable and accepted,
information not given (NG)?
d lmperfect items had по value.
1 The museum exhibit is unusuaI. _
_ 6 According to раrаgrарh 4, what happened to make the
2 The exhibit includes perfect and imperfect items.
ttems imperfect?
3 А coin that is not rоuпd might Ье somethlng you
а The artist made the imperfecttons оп рurроSе,
could find оп display in this museum. _
Ь Something damaged them after they wеrе made.
4 All of the imperfect items are valuable. _
с А mistake made them all the wrong соlоur.
5 The exhibit shows that perfect means the same thing
to all cultures. _ d lmperfect items аrе tmportant in the artists'cultures.

6 Artists had to rе;есt items that wеrе unusable. _ 7 The meaning of the word delberate in раrаgrарh 4 is
7 The exhibit shows that aIl imperfectlons аrе mistakes. similar to
а intentional.
ь unintentional.
@ Read the text again and choose the correct options.
с unsuccessful.
1 The mеапiпg of the word ctrculor iп раrаgrарh 2 is d delicate,
similar to
а whole. @ Match the causes with the effects,

Ь metal. 1 ln the рrосеss of making а PeopIe used them.

с silver. these items, something Ь Artists made imperfect

Went Wrопg. items оп purpose.
d round.
2 items
Some imperfect ( They're imреrfесt.
2 lп раrа9rарh 2, why does the author include
wеrе unusable. d The artists rejected
informatton that the imperfect items wеrе found in
3 Some imperfect items, like them.
mапу parts of the world?
coins, were acceptable.
а to provide evidence that the items аrе frоm mоrе 4 Some cultures think
than опе culture lmperfection is acceptable,
ь to show that the exhibit ts internationaI
G to епсоurа9е people from аII оvеr the world to see
the exhibit
d to explain why some items аrе glass and others аrе

66 Unit 6
Less than perfect

ltil ifiil.]ýl Mtlser-rms аrе thmоrзs Гог tl-reir grеаt wогks of ý,ent wгопg and tlre result п.аs iпrрегГесtiопs irr
sculptttгes, paintings and trеаsttгеs fгоrп
zrrt. РегfЪсt the product. Tl-re aгtists had to rеjесt some thjngs
ancient tinres ziге ъ,lrаt реорlе expect to see. Usually, becat_tse the1. п,-еге unsuccessfrll anci uпus;rЫе. Fоr
Br:t one mLlseum has ап r:nusual exhibit ог items that ехапrрlе, а bow1 ъ,ith е сrасk in it оr а bottle that
аге imрегfЪсt. It's called'Less tlran реrfЪсt.' fогmеd ц,-ithout а Llottom. Btit оtlrег irnperfec:t iterrrs.
Some оf the imреrfссt items аrе coins that afe not such as small statues and coins ц..itlr the imagc not in
сiгсulаr, bottles that bend to one side anc1 сегаmiс the с:епtrе, пIеrе acceptable and реорlе usecl tlrелr.
pots that аrе tlrin оп опе side ancl tlrick on the оthег. Тhе seconc1 раrt is called'Deliberate imperfection',
Tl,rese items аrе fhilr-rres, Sorтre obiects in the exl-ribit ý(ith these ltems, the artists made thenr imрегГесt
2lrе 1поге thап 2,000 чеаrs olc1, but оthегs аге mоге on pllrpose. Tlris r,rras often fоr сulturаl геаsопs. Fог
reccnt mistakcs. They ъ,еrе found а11 over the п.огlс1 ехаmрlе, some Japanese pottery Гrоm five huпdrеd
:lnd поц. аrе at the Kelsey Nlttscttrrr оf Агсhаеоlоg1, уеаrs аЕ]о 1Tas flaws* on рuгроsе because of tlrc idcl
at the llniversity оf A,{ichigan in thc US. that thеrе is beauty in irпрегfЪсtiоп.
Тirеrе аге tъ,о irrrpoгtant pal,ts to the cxhibit. Tlre The muser:nr slrows these irпрегfЪсt objects tcl make
first is'Failcd реrfЪсtiоп'. It includes imреrГесt people tir,ink :rbout xvIlat Реrfёсt meant to оthеr
lэоц,,ls, glass. small statues, coins and оthег objects, cttltures in difГегепt tilrres. Anc1 to tlink ;rborrt,what
In the prclcess сlГ making these iterrrs, something peclple 1еегпеd Гrоlп these failr_rres.

f|аw l tl isttt ke, i пlpet,fecticltt.

Do your best 67
еý Unexpected art
GRAMMAR Zеrо сопd}tiопаl @ Matcb the two parts of the sentences,

@ Llsten and complete the sentences. ЖЖ 1 lf vou fail.

1 When уоu try hard, you 2 When you irоп уоur clothes, _
2 3 When Emiliocooks,_
уоu |еаrп to drive, you my саr.
4 _
lf а рlауеr scores а 9oal,
3 lf you listen carefully, you а lot
5 When you come to mу house, _
4 lf you don't wоrk hard, you the 6 lf she drinks too much соfГее, _
7 When the ЬаЬу сriеs,
When people exercise, their health 8 When his phone rlпgs,

6 When l buy fruit at the fаrmеrЪ market, it

а they look better.
Ь you сап meet mу family.
с Jun looks to see who is calling Ьеfоге.е
When l watch films in English, l
d trу again until you succeed.
new vocabulary.
е she feels nervous.
8 When he doesn't get enough sleep, he
f the food is very spicy.
very rude. g the game is over.
h his mother picks him up.
@ Complete the text with the correct phrases.

а painting party is
@ Пеаd the text. Find six mistakes апd colTec[ them.
lf someone needs а break,
ifthe painting isnt perfect, they laugh about it with а friend lfyou use social media Ье careful аЬоuт ,,i*-;: _t:- эоst, Fоr
they often share а photo of ехаmрlе, when you аrе posting photos. :l - -] ;]:,_]t the
it online other people iп the photos. lf they dоп: ,,,.з-::-: choto
online, you shouldn't to post it. уоu pci::--ents
lfyou want your friends to spend time together,
don't write anythin9 inappropriate оr ц.ц, -:_ ,', ^all you
(1) а good idea. ltЪ creative and fuп.
А teacher glves instructions, but nobody's work is а failure.
rесеiче а friend request from sоmеопе;i,з * з1- : (поw
Whеп people make mistakes, (2) don't accept it. lf you want to keep youl, -=:"-,l:,оп
They accept imperfections. (3) he/ private, you сап to change the setiings. 4-: ,., -:n you аrе
she сап have something to eat оr drink and chat with others online too much, you take а Ьrеаkfог ё Ci_l ]I ],1,1o.
lt is а party after all. When people finish а picture,
(4) And (5)
they still shаrе itl

@ Listen. ln each sentence, underline the clause iп which

you hear rising intonation. Ж&Yý

1 lf you want to rеlах, you should watch а good film.

2 When you're iп the cinema, you сап forget оthеr things
and enjoy the film.
3 lf you like films, go to the film festival.
4 When you're at а film festival, you should see several fiIms.
5 lf you watch а film in English, you сап learn new
voca bu la rу.

68 Unit 6
When you see а film you iike, you shouid tell your try / lf / flavour / ice сrеаm, / iike / you / rhis /should /
friends to see it, yoU
When you see а film you don't like, you should tellyour
friends not to see it.
8 you / уао / а test,/talk/test / lf / fat|/durinq /the
.,i Choose the correct words to complete the paragraph.
When you're in London, toke / toking а walk through
НаrrоdЪ food hall. ltЪ а wor d of speciality food.
Sometimes whеп /if you walk through the hall, уач соп l ф Use the prompts to write advice with the zero
сап't lrу samples, like а piece of choco]ate оr а taste of
meat оr cheese. The lаrgе hall апd the foods аrе beautiful
1 lf / go / Ваrсеlопа / should / visit / the Реdrеrа
ffy*a йr l* ýgrr*J***, j;** sfu*r;ltчjs;i
Just looking is almost as good as eat n9. But, if you have ::'ij ]-E';;t1' .i.
а саmеrа, уоч shouldn't / dоп't ose it. Рhоtоgrарhу is not 2 lf / like / sweet things / try / some churros

3 When / аrrivе / take / walk / alonc / las Ramblas

4 should / take photos / if / visit / the Sagrada Fаmiiiа

lf / love / seafood / take / mеtrо / restaurant in

ва rсеlопеtа

6 shouId / go / beach / when / want / rеIах

ffi Complete the sentences using the zero conditional

] put the words in the correct order to make sentences. with your оwп ideas.
ln sentences where the comma is not present, the
result clause comes first.
1 lf you don't trу to speak English,

1 Lima / lИirаflоrеs neighbourhood / to l yau lthe / Go /

2 Wher you travel overseas,

3 lf you visit mу city,

2 phone l |f l tоrп offl уоur / rеlах, / want / you / to

4 When you visit mу country,

3 stand / l /take/always/When /the/ l / bus,

5 lf you llke аrt,

comes / news / watches / mу / When / he / father / 6 When you don't succeed,

home, / the

7 lf you like something,

5 l / myi family/coffee / l / make/ get up /forlwhen

8 When you don't like something,

а / lfl make/are / sandwich /you / hungry, / you /

еЖ Teach girls bravery, not perfection
TEDTALKS 7 We have to show them that they will Ье loved апd
not fоr being perfect but for
being courageous.
& Put the sentences in the correct order.
@ Complete the extracts from the TED Talk with words or
phrases that mark contrast. Тhеп listen to check your _The coding teachers notice that the 9irls feel they
answers. Жж have to Ье реrfесt.

1 Fоr years, l had existed safely behind the scenes

_ Saujani rап fоr Congress, but was unsuccessful.

in politics as а fundraiser, as ап оrqапizеr, _ Saujani wants girls to lеаrп to code and to Ье

l always wanted to ruп. comfortable with mperfection.

She had пеvеr lost а rасе and no опе had rеаllу _ She started а company to teach girls to code.
еvеп run against her in а Democratic рrimаrу. _ Saujani says that girls аrе taught not to take risks,
this was my way to make а
difference, to disrupt the status quo
@ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
The polls, told а very different
Story. Writing computer code is а рrосеss of trial and еrrоr. lt
she tried, she came close, is easy / difficulrto get it right at flrst.
didn't get it exactly right. Girls often delete / correcгtheir code when it has
lt turns out that our girls аrе rеаIlу good at coding, mistakes.
just to teach them to code. 3 Boys usually sау,'ТhеrеЪ а рrоЬlеm wilh mе / mу code!
We have to show them that they will Ье loved and 4 Girls usuallysау,'ТhеrеЪ а problem with mе / mу
accepted not fоr being реrfесt соmрutеr:
fоr being courageou5. 5 Good coders are perfect / brave.
6 Saujani thinks we should Ье соmfоrtаЬlе with / fiqht
ý watch theTEDTalk and complete the sentences with
the correct words.

accepted Ьrаvе failed perfect @ Complete the sentences with the correct words.
risk socialize trial and еrrоr win соUrаgеOUS negotlate potential гап
StrUgg liпg SUpportive network
1 lVly pollsters told me that l was сrаzу to ruп, that thеrе
was по way l could
1 She fоr Congress, but she didn't
2 It was the first time in my entire life that l had done win
something that was truly
2 People have to lеаrп to
where l didn't wоrrу about being skill that takes practice.
3 iVlost girls аrе taught to avoid 3 When students move to another соuпtrу to study, itЪ
and failure. hard because they don't have а
4 ltЪ often said iп Silicon Valley, по опе еvеп takes you in the пеw place.
seriously unless you've had two I\Лу teacher says l have the
start-UpS. do better in this class.
5 Coding, itЪ ап endless process of ltЪ mоrе important to Ье than
of trying to get the right command in the right perfect.
pIace, with Sometimes jUst а semicolon making the
|'m really with this homework.
difference between success and failure.

6 We have to our girls to Ье

соmfоrtаЬIе with imperfection and we've got to do it

7о Unit 6
.sЖ Giving advice

SPEAKlNG ffi Listen to the sentences in Exercise 1 again. Underline

the words that have а higher pitch. Listen to the
example. rffiffiЖi
Giving advice
Example: А There's поthiпо to do!
lf someone asks fоr advice, use these expressions. в lf уаu'rе bored, you could help mе сlеап the
Whеп yau dоп't understand samething tп class, you hause.
should ask уоur teacher fоr help.
lf yau пееd mоrе maths practtce, try downloodtnq а maths ffi Read the advice. Decide if the other person asked for
арр the advice (Y) or not (N).
Why dоп't you. . .? 1 lf the homework is too difficult, try asking fоr some
The best tiгпе to give advice is when someone asks fоr help. _
it. lf someone hasn't asked, but you want to give advice, 2 1f the bus is ate, you might want to try checking the
Ье poliLe and usе these епрrеssiогs, арр
3 Why don't you Google lt?
lf the соmрчtеr tsп't warking, you might wапt to try
4 l found а g[eat price when l searched опliпе, that
rе Startlng it,
miqht wоrk fог you. _
сап see you dan't hove а рhопе stgпаl. l got о stgnal пеоr
5 l'm not sure, but think you need to rеsеrvе а seat, You
the wi пdочу апd thot mау work for you.
l'm поt sure, but l think ttlts door
miqht want to check. _
ts locked ofter 6:а0. You
6 When you go to Solth America, you should visit
maylmight пееd to use the side епtrапсе.
Machu Picchu.

Ж Complete the conversations with words and phrases ffi Rеаd the situations and make notes about what advice
you would offer. Use the Useful language. Тhеп listen
frоm the Useful language Ьох. More than one answer
to the model answers and соmраrе уоur ideas. .j"
may Ье possible. Then listen and check уочr answers. "\;

,Ф; nФ.]:l1'l}!
1 You аrе waiting at а bus stop, Some tourists аrе talking

1А How сап 1 get better at this video game?

about whеrе they сап go fоr lunch.
Ап online friend talks to you about hеr problems with
в watch some on]ine tutorials?
2А |'m rеаllу wоrriеd about cookinq diппег fоr
her brother/sisteг. They аrе often unkind and they
argue а lot.
еVеrуопе this weekend,
You rерlу to а post оп social medla asking what music
в you аrеп't confident iп the
is popular iп your country.
kitchen, asking someone fоr Some реор е vlsiting уоur town аrе planning to go to
help. the local гпusеuгп tоmоrrоw, but that's the day when
зА l always know exactly whеге l'm gоiпg it's usually c]osed.
в _ thls is the wrong way А student from апоthеr country is coming to stay with
need to go back to the main уоur family fоr а week. Think about some useful advice
rоаd. you сап give them.
4А This is use]ess, сап't do it!

в уоu'rе not sure about the

anSWer, . checking it with
5А Oh, no! l'm going to ook so stupid, Everyone else is
so much better than mel
в You look а bit nervous. l think about mу breathing
when l'п пеrvоL]s and __,
бА |'ve;ust failed my driving test. What аm going to
в vou don't succeed at
Somethlng, try to do it

Do your best 71
WRlTlNG Ап аdъяýсе Ьlоg Mloney gives us the freedom to do many things. But not
having enough money is (1) that
@ Пеаd and label the advice blog.
many of us live with. However, there is some
а conclusion Ь рrоЬIеm с topic (2) Follow this
d solution'l е solution 2 f solutlon З (3) and sооп you'll fiпd yourself

_ lt's good to have goais. enjoying the things you thought you couldn't affordI

_You might have personal goals, like travelling оr All your friends are mеmЬеrs of а gym and they go to lots
learning а пеw language, and, of соursе, academic and of cool classes. The fees аrе too high fоr you?
professional goals аrе also important. But goals can cause (4) Exercising iп паturе
(5) and апуwау is mоrе fun. Invite
рrоЬlеms, too. Some people wоrrу so much about their
goals that they forget about everything else. This сап Ье уоur friends to join you fоr а ruп on the beach оr а bike
unhealthy. lf you have а 9oalthat is taking up all of уоur ride in the park. Have funl
tlme, hеrе is some advice that mlght help. You love the theatre, but tickets cost (6)
_Think about what rеаllу matters in your life, fоr example, No рrоЬlеm. Volunteer оr get а part-time job working
уоurfаmilу and yourfriends.WhiIe you аrе working оп your at а theatre а couple оf evenings а week.The work isn't
goal, make sure you still see the people who саrе about you. difflcult and you'll get to see the shows
Focusing оп уоur goals and nothing else could make you чеrу (7) Enjoy!
Ечеrуопе is talking about this beautiful restaurant in
_ lt may sound obvious, but dont forget to eat well and
town, right?You want to go, but itЪ (8)-
sleep епоugh at night, lf you're putting all of your епеrgу
No рrоЬlеm. NЛоst restaurants оffег speciaI deals that
into уоur goals so that you miss meals and go to bed too
don't cost чеrу much, especially iп the middle of the
late, you could become unwe|l.Take саrе of уоur health and
week. check it outl
_ Кеер а positive attitude about уоur goals, but try
So, if you
dont have much mопеу, (9)
still possible to do many (10)
to have another рlап iп case something goes wrong. ItЪ
поrmаl to feel disappointed when we don't rеасh our
goals, but itЪ important not to become too upset. Аftеr
all, there аrе always other thinqs you сап do.
ф Choose опе of the problems. Тhеп follow the
_ Remember,goals аrе great, but we all need а healthy
balance between living well and working toward our goals. Ечеrуопе l kпоw is reolly iпtо got mу driving liсепсе last
sports,l mеап, ечеrуопе tп | mопth, which is
@ Read the advice blog in Exercise 5 again. Are the mу fomily апd all mу friends | рrоЬlеm is поw ечеrуопе
Statements true (Т) or false (F)? either Watch sports or ploy I expects mе to drive thеm
sports, or both,The
1 The Ьlоggеr doesn't think that people should have рrоЬlеm I everywhere!l dоп't miпd

goals. _ is that l have absolutely I

hеlрiпg sometimes, but mу

2 According to the blog, itЪ а рrоЬ|еm when we focus

по interest iп sport,lfind I friends ore olways asking
What сап l do?
too much оп оur goals. _ Ьоiпg. | mе to toke them places.

3 The blogger advises people not to spend too much l What should l do?
time with their family and friends, _ -Yumi
4 The biog reminds people to eat and sleep well while Write а paragraph offering advice for опе of the
wоrkiпq оп their ooaIs. problems. Suggest at least three solutions.
5 When we don't rеасh our goals, we shouldn't feel . Сопfirm what the рrоЬIеm is.
disappointed. _ . Establish why it is а problem,
6 The ЬlоggеrЪ conclusion isthat itЪ bestto have а . Offеr some solutions.
balanced аррrоасh to оur goals. . End with а concluding sentence.
@ Complete the text with the correct words or phrases.
@ Write about the following topic.
а рrоЬlеm advice costs nothing don't wоrrу
fоr frее good news no рrоЬlеm too expensive Guido has чеrу good neighbours, but one drops Ьу to visit
too much wonderful much too оftеп апd another parks hеr саr on GuidoЗ drive.

What аrе the рrоЬlеms and solutions?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant

examples from уочr own knowledge or experience,
Write at least 250 words.

72 Unit 6
@ Гчt the words iп the correct order to make sentences. @ Complete the descriptions with уоur оwп ideas.

1 the / for / glft / shopping / girlfriend / perfect / fоr / Example: lf something is perfect,
my / l'm
1 when someone is confident,

the / didnl/ failed / апd / revise / Не / test

2 lf а sропs team is successful,
films / асtоr / was /The /two /iп / unsuccessful
3 lf the students аrе hard-working,
today / is / perfect / weather /The
4 When а реr5оп is lazy at the weekend,
in /is /nature / perfection /Тhеrе
5 l accept help frоm others when
made / he /The / а / piel success / was
6 she feels brave when
it / product /fix /This / claims / skin imperfections / сап
7 А project fails when
afraid /to / fail / Ье / Don't

8 When l don't succeed at something,

@ Match the word or phrase with the meanings.
1 courageous а discuss and make
ф Write а paragraph with some advice to а student who
2 ne9Otiate compromises
started learning English recently. lп уоur paragraph,
3 potentiaI Ь people that саrе about
use modal verbs, the zero conditional and vocabulary
4 rап you and help you
from the unit.
5 struggiing с ability
6 supportive network d tried to win an election
е having difГiculty
f Ьrаvе, not afraid

О Use the prompts to write complete sentences.

1 turn offl phones / iп school

2 поI / wear / trainers / restaurant

3 needto/charge/phone

4 buy tickets / for / before Saturday

5 not / use рhопе / in

6 go home / Ьеfоrе / dark

7 Ье /eighteen / to

8 not text / teacher

9 password / use / wif|

Do your best 73
w& Food and flavours from around the world
VOCABULARY Гш*d, drirзk аrзd fýаъчоurs 5 She usually has and
in the evening.
@ Revision Listen and match the descriptions with the
6 Не doesn't think itЪ а good idea to have
images. ЖЖ
later because ofthe

& Гоr each item, write one word from the list that
describes it.

dessert driпk meat salty

Sоur spice ve9eta bIe

1 lеmоп
2 potato
3 cU rrу
4 crlSpS
5 tеа
6 lce сrеаm
7 chicken

@ Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 l want to cook something spicy. Do we have апу
2 Wild fruits аrе the best.The s_ in оur gаrdеп
аrе small, dark red апd very sweet.
sandwiches often come with L f
1_ 4_ in restaurants, but you should оrdеr а salad instead. Salad

2 5_ is less salty апd much better fоr you!

3_ 6_ grow оп trees and they can Ье rеd,
yellow оr grееп.Тhеу сап also Ье sweet оr sour.

@ Revision Listen again. Complete the sentences with

Many сhildrеп don't like the flavour оf v_,
опе word in each gap. ЖЖЖ
but they love s_ things like desserts like
i_ с_.
1 The meal they аrе talking about is she likes meat and chicken, but she can't eat fish оr
Не had juice with this р_. Seafood makes her sick.
mealtoday Ch_ is а рорulаr lngredient that is used iп

2 She drank and ate mапу desserts and even hot dгiпks, but without sugar

this mоrпiпg. iп it, it is actually quite Ь

3 НеЪ having some апd а ф Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Frепсh fries аrе made frоm potatoes / tomatoes,
today. 2 iVlexicans eat а lot of spice l spicy fооd,
4 НеЪ goinq to have and salad fоr 3 Strawberriesare sweet l salty.
4 \lany people enjoy the flovour / sпосk of coffee.
5 Coffee is sour /Ьlrгеr before you add sugar and milk.

74 Unit 7
1се сrеаm is а рорulаr drink / dessert аll аrоuпd the
world. 1 cheap and quick meal, 1 cold, like ice
7 Apples аrе а vеrу соmmоп fruit l vegetable. fоr example, а Ьurgеr 2 tastes very good
8 ltalian-style pasta /iеmоп with meat and tomato sauce and frепсh fries 3 геаllу bad
(2 words) 4 it makes your food
рорulаr mеаl in mапу countries.
is а чегу
9 рrоwпs l Сhiсkепs come frоm the sea. 5 bad for you spicy (2 wоrds)
10 Тоо much beef l snack оr other red meats is unhealthy. 7 cooked using direct heat б like vegetables plcked
8 cooked ln hot water from the garden this
* Listen and choose the correct description. ЖffiЖ 9 cooked in hoL o,1 Torning
а ShеЪ cooking lndian food. 7 very lаrgе

Ь ShеЗ makinq а fruit salad.

с ShеЪ eatinq а salty snack.
ф Extension Choose the correct words to complete the
а He's qoinq to buy а snack. Let's face it - many people today have а pretty (1)
Ь Не needs ап rngredient to make dinner. diet. Lots of реорJе don't take time to eat а 9ood lunch
с Не wants а hot drink. with friends оr family. lnstead, they get (2) , ,
", which

а She doesn't 1ike vеrу spicy food. is cheap and often fried or сочеrеd with cheese, and they
Ь She ]oves her friепdЪ cooking. eat it quickly lп their cars. They drink coffee оr fizzy drinks
с she wants some mоrе chicken. full of sugar. After work, they аrе too tired to cook, so they
heat up some (3)_*____' meals from the supermarket,
а ShеЪ preparing food for а party.
0r they go out to restaurants, whеrе they аrе served а
Ь She doesn't eat meat.
с She's оrdеriпg sandwiches at а саfё.
(4) ,_ amount of food - and thеrе is often а big
dessert after the meal! All of this is (5)*__ for the body.
а Не doesn't like the lunch dishes. Howevel things аrе starting to change. Моrе апd
Ь He's trying to choose а dessert. more people аrе interested in сhапglпg their habits.
с НеЪ not very hungry. They аrе buying (6) _ _, fruits, vegetables, meat and
а ShеЪ looking for the meat section. eggs from local farms. Тhеу'rе drinking wаtеr instead
Ь ShеЪ looking for the fruit section, of fizzy drinks. Тhеу'rе looking fоr restaurants that serve
с She's looking fоr the snack section. normal-sized dishes with interesting (7) _,.___ and locaL
ingredients. They аrе discovering that home-cooked
-ý Extension Complete the crossword. meals (8) _ _ ,, and that (9) * ,_",_ food is lighter and
healthler than (10)_, , , food.

1а heaithy 6 а frоzеп
Ь spicy Ь fresh
с unhealthy с boiled
2 aahome,cookedmeal 7 а amounts
ь fast food Ь f]avours
с fresh vegetables с d.^liclous

3 а frozen 8 а taste terrlble

Ь amazing ь smell bad
с boiled ( taSte аmаziпg

4 а fгеsh 9 а grilled
Ь frozen Ь salty
с huge с fried

5 а terrible 10 а boiled
Ь de]icious Ь fried
с паturаl с Sweet

Tel mе what you eat 75
PRONUNCIATION ýИiпirпа} раlrs @ Listen to the speaker and decide what his philosophy
about life is. Жж
ý Listen and choose the words you hear. Then practise
saying the sentences with both words. ЖЖ а Don't regret the mistakes you've made.

1 Аrе you going to taste l Waste that food? Ь Ве kind to еvеrуопе you meet.
2 l think this dish needs mоrе rice / spice. с Find something you enjoy апd do it.
З Peos / Bees аrе vеrу tmportant on the fаrm.
d Кеер caIm and саrrу оп.
4 Сап you please pass me thar mеоt / wheat?
5 А great way to rеlах is to bike / boke.
6 l don't like the smell of this beef l leof,
7 Не made the chicken and vegetablesin а curry / hurry.
8 l gotthe recipe froma cook/ book.


@ tisten and answerthe questions. ЖЖ

1 What is а potluck dinner?
а Everyone cooks the meai together.
Ь Ечеrуопе brings а dish to the diппеr.
с Еvеrуопе tries to guess what the food ls.

2 What is the man рlаппiпg on bringing?

а а cheesecake
ь а dessert
ф tisten again. Choose the correct ап5wеr5.

( а сUrrу 1 What has the youn9 mап Ьееп wопdеriпg about?

3 What does the woman think might Ье funny?

а if he should work in а rеsiаurапi оr noi
Ь if he should go to university оr noi
а if she isn't able to get the organtc honey
Ь if he doesn't warn people about the spices
с if he should ask his parents for mопеу оr not
с if they Ьriпg the same dish to the diппеr 2 Why does he think some people go to university?

4 what does the woman need for her dish?

а because they feel like they're supposed to
Ь because thаtЪ the best way io get а good job
а оrgапiс honey
ь cheesecake
с because they'll Ье disappointed if they don't

с hot рерреrs 3 How long has he worked at the local геsrаurапt7

5 What is the woman definitely going to do?

а since last summer
Ь he hasn't yet
а make а dessert
ь make а cheesecake
с for three summers

с make something spicy 4 What is he doing this summer?

6 what
а working at the restaurant
woman not sure about?
is the
Ь going to саtеriпg college
а the spicy foods
if she'll Ье аЬlе to eat all
Ь if other people are bringing dishes to the diппеr
с he still isn't sure

с what she'li make if she doesn't get the honey 5 How long does the саtеriпg course lasi?
а eight weeks
Ь two years
с eighteen months
6 What ls he going to do if he isnt accepted at catering
LUllLyL :

а think about а different саrееr

Ь сопtiпuе to work towards his саrееr goal
с apply to а university
7 Why does he feeI so Iucky?
а because he has а good job in а rеstаurапt
Ь because he going to catering college
с because he knows what he wants to do

76 Unit 7
GRAMMAR Рr*сllсti*rзs а rтd а rrа r.эg*rп*пts Adding kale to уоur diel wап't to couse / is поt gаiпg to
cause med jcal problems.
ф Complete the sentences with the correct form of rлчil/ lf you travel to Scotland, Kenya оr Portuqal, уоч tMill
and the verb in brackets. sееiпg / оrе gоiпg iо see kale on the menu.
1We (поt eat)all of this food! The average реrsоп iп other places going tо еаtiпg /
2 The tomatoes (Ье) riре and ready will eat only two to three cups of kale every уеаr.

to eat iп July. You will Ье able l is gоiпg to Ье able to find kale in уоur

3 Nonno's Pizza,a пеw restaurant,

local supermarket.

(open) iп two weeks.

ф Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
4l (call)the restaurant and book verbs in brackets. There mау Ье more than one correct
а table. anSWer.
5 The takeaway delivery (arrive)
1 Tonight, the chef (рrераrе)his
in З0 minutes.
favourite meal, spaghettr Bolognese, for us.
6 Turn down the heat orthe sauce
2 The sous chef (help) Ьу
chopping onions, carrots, сеlеrу and tomaioes, and
7 FridауЪ пеwsрареr (ргiпt) а gatheгing the garlic, rоsеmаrи basil and oregano.
review of Fiппъ Саfё
3 The chef (start) Ьу boiling the
8We (not have) enough time to spa9hetti iп salted water
make а salad.
4 Then he (begin) cooking the
ý Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Sa

5Не (heat) ol've oil in а pan and

1 we/ have/a /Sаrаh /party /this/Will /year lbig l then cook the onion, саrrоt, сеjеrу, gаrliс and rosemary
for fоr about ten minutes.
6 Then he (stir) in the minced
2 family/ invite/oflfriends /we / hеr/аll /апd /Will beef and cook it until itъ Ьrоwп
7Не (add) саппеd tomatoes,
3 the / Will / food / parents / our / рrераrе / help bas,,, оrе9апо, tomato puree and fгеsl. Lоггаtоеs
8Не (cook) the sauce fоr about
4 help / дпа / with / Will / decorationS / tne ап hour and create а thlck, riсh sauce
9 Fiпаllу, he (combine)the
5 invttations /Wt| / Ьу / send / email / the / we cooked spagheшi and sauce.
10 Не (serve) the spaqhetti with
6 Will / cake / bake/a/David grated Раrmеsап cheese.

7 аrrапgе / Zach /\,Nil|l musrc / dancing / for ф Use the prompts to write predictions that are true for
уоu. Use will, going to, mау or might,
1 speak Eng ish
} Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 2 travel to
1 0пе serving of ka|e will give / is gоiпg Го giие you mоrе 3 meet
calcium than а lаrgе 9lass of milk. 4 lry
Eating kale gоiпg to add / will odd fiЬrе, protein, 5 know
оmеgа-Зs, and vitamins and minerals to your diet.
6 ln 5 уеаrs, l

0пе cup of kale оrе gаiпg to hove / will have оп у З3

calories and tons of vitamins, minerais and protein.
7 lп 10years,

lf you buy kale, it r,ruont to Ье / isп't gоiпg to Ье

You сап use kale to make lots of things. You gоtпg to
wапt /You'llwantIo try it iп а smoothie, а salad, а side
dish - оr baked as а сrisр!

Tell mе what you eat 77
УЖ The greatest hчmап success story l

VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG Sшffýхеs 3 How is аеrоропiс fаrmiпg diffеrепt from traditional

farming? l
@ Complete each sentence with the correct form of the
а Both аеrоропiс апd traditional fаrmеrs need to
word in brackets. Add the suffix -er, -mепt or -апсе апd
wоrrу about insects, weather and light conditions. -
make changes to spelling where necessary.
Ь Engineers, architects, urЬап рlаппеrs, economists
1 What might Ье some of the consequences of the
(disарреаф of farming as а way
апd plant sctentists all work together on аеrоропiс I
of life?
с Unlike traditional farms, аеrоропiс fаrms can control
2 Where will оur food come frоm if fеwеr people decide
grоwiпg conditions З65 days а уеаr.
to become (fаrm) iп the future?
3 The (develop) оf urЬап and d Аеrоропiс farms will Ье one way you'll get at least
some of уоur food in the future.
vertical fаrms wiIl Ье а big step towards helping to {aa

feed people in the future.
Being able to grow food indoors fоr millions of people
How do plants iп а food computer receive nutrients?
а А food computer is а climate-controlled Ьох.
would Ье а tremendous
Ь Sensors in а food computer keep track of humidity
and light.
5 UrЬап farming is an excitlng field that brings Е
с Аеrоропiсаllу grown plants don't need sunlight.
together plant scientists, architects, urban
d They're fed
Ьу а mist that includes песеssаrу
(рlап), engineers and
6 The future of fаrmiпg is dependent on the Why аrе vertlcal farms able to provide food exactiy
(accept) of new ideas whеrе itъ needed?
and methods. а because plants in vertical fаrms don't need sunlight
ь because vertical fаrms сап Ье located in cities

с because not all of оur food comes frоm shops
d because vertical fаrms wоrk З65 days а уеаr
@ Пеаd the text and choose the correct answer to the л
question5. @ Choose the correct heading for each раrаgrарh.

1 Why is urban farming an important development fоr 1 Paragraph 1 а urьап fаrms of the future
the future? 2 Раrаgrарh 2 ь who willfeed the future?
а lt's important to control conditions such as саrЬоп
3 Paragraph З с Аеrоропiс farming

dioxide, humidity and light.

4 Раrаgrарh 4 d Aeroponics and youI

Ь Ассоrdiпg to the UN, б.5 Ьilliоп people will live iп

5 Раrа9rарh 5 е Personal'food computers'

cities Ьу 2050. @ Match the words with the definitions.

с because shops don't produce the food they sell 1 estimate а а chemical substance found in nature
d farming as а way of life disappears, urban farms
lf 2 miпеrаl Ь а person who has scientific trаiпiп9
wilI help feed people in cities. 3 root and who designs and builds соmрlех
2 What аrе some advantaqes of urban оr verticaI farms? 4 factory structures

а lп the пеаr future, twice as mапу people will live in 5 climate с to make ап informed guess
cltieS aS today, 6 чеrtiсаl d the typical weather in а place

Ь Traditional farming as а way оf life is slowly

7 row е going up апd down rаthеr than frоm
8 епgiпееr side to side

You сап сопtrоl light and water, and you don't have
f the part of а plant that grows below
the ground
to wоrrу about weather оr insects.
g а building iп which products аrе made
d А personal food computer keeps track of conditions h а group of objects arranged in а line
such as саrЬоп dioxide levels, humidity and light 3
intensity. '


7а Unit 7
IJrban farms: the future of food?
- !fý
l EI#

l l)o уоu kпоъ, п,hеге уоur fоосl comes

týlЖi{,.Ж such as саrЬоп clioxide levels, hrrmidity anc1 the
frоm? Does it matter to yоu? If чоu liче in а city. anlotlnt оГ ligllt, ТIlегс's по sttil. The plants gcr
you ргоЬаЬlу E4et most, if rrot all, of уоur food fгоm пutriепts* throrrgh а mist, а fine spray оf wаtсr, that
shops. ОГ t,rluгse 1,otr kпоп, thltt shops don't ргоdtrt,е has miпегаlь added in.
the Гооd thеу sell. Flгrns,_lo. BLrr did yotr kпоп thат
Гагmiпg ]s а цау оl'liГс is slоц,|) disарреагiпg? The
4 Tlris type оГ fаrmiпg, in wlrich plant roots аrе Геd
United Nations estimates that Ьч 2050. 6.5 billion bv rnist and поt gl,оп,п in soil. is called асгоропit,s.
Noý/ рiсtuге а tуре of аегоропiс Гс.rосl соmрutеr
реорlе wi]l live in citics. (That's about twice as m.]пу
that's as big as а ъ,агеhоusе*, Iп hеrе, plants gгоu.
as today.) If fеwеr and fеwеr реорlе Ьесоmе fегmеrs,
wllеге is оuг Гооd glling 1<l c,ontc frопl? ý,ithout soil or strnlight, А]1 оf tlre рlапгs аrе fed
аеrорrlпiсаllу (Ьу mist) and the climate is сопtrоllес]
2 Calcb Негрсг. а Nаtiопз] Ccographic Ехрlогсг. Iras Тhеге's no гisk оГ stогms, cold ц,еаthеr оr dror-rghts.
ап itlea, Ca|cl l thinks thai peoplc should g,гоп, Госlсl Insects can't hаrm the plants. Тhе system ъ.оrks 365
пеаr the places they live and not jllst on tladitlonal days е yеаr, day and night. That's mоrе оr less п,-hаt
Гагtтs. He's рагt оГ а new mo\elIlent that hopcs tсl а r сгtiсаl* Гlrгrп is like.
see 'urlэan fагms' and'vertical Гаrms' in cities in the
not-too-(listant fttturе, Саlсh's огgапizатittп is the Becattse vertica1 farrns can Ье btrilt in citjcs. inside
o1d п,,аrеhоusеs ог factories, or even оп top оГ
CiгyFARnI researclr gfоtlр. CityFAR\I Ыings together
engineers, architects. trгЬап рIаппсrs, cconomists schools, they can ргоr,idе food е_часtlу rr,lrere it's
lrntI pIant sr.,ientjsts to \tLldy:tltcгnltTires ro tгаditirlпа]
neecled. ýИhеthеr it's а реrsопаl Гоосl соmрutеr
Га l,rns,
clcsigned to gгоц 1оttг Гlчоttгiте rеg,еtаЫсs in vottt,
lrome or а чеrtiсаl Гагm in ап urЬап apaгtlnellt
3 One of the tools Calcb is intc.гested in developing building, zrеrоропiс farr-tling п-i11 ргоlэаЬlу Ье one of
is wllet he t,alls а'регsопаI Гоо(l (,olnpurer,. А lооd thс ulr1 s you неt at lcJst s()l1,1( (lГ усltlг Гоосl in tlle
соmрLltег is а smzr1l Ьох with plants inside it. Tlre lirt tt ге.
lrlod t,опlрutсг has sensot,s* tllзt mеаsuгс t,ondirions
sensofý c]et,lices that rеsр()п,d kl heat. light, presstlre, etc. чrаrеhочsе ct large Ьчildiпg ttsecl for sttlriп51 goods
nutrients substa?lces that plaпts, апitпаls апd peoPle пееd tcl Liue vertical ltp Ll1l(l Jut1,1tt ittsleac] ql'side to side
tttd yrott,

Те me what you eat 79
Рý А taste of hопеу
GRAMMAR First conditional _ Khalid won't соmе with mе when l go to the
cinema on Saturday.
tisten and complete the sentences.
_ Khalid might not come with me if l go to the
you go walking iп Аrizопа, cinema on Sаturdау.
need to wear Suп5сrееп.
_When l go to Canada, l won't VisitToronto.
2 You lose your work
you don't save уоur files every
_ l might not visit Toronto if l go to Canada.

tеп minutes. _Whеп you go to the meeting with your teacher,

you Water уоur plants ечеrу she'll help you with уоur essay.
week, Ье healthy and beautiful. _ lf you 9о to the meeting with уоur teacher, she
4l get my driving licence iп the may help you with уоur essay.
this summer.
l take driving lessons
_ l could have а Ьапапа and some tea if l get
hungry on my flight.
5 You wear your blue suit
you go to уоur соusiпз
_When l get hungry оп mу flight, l'll have а
ьапапа and some tea.
l leave mу hat Ьу the pool, my @ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
siSter 9et it fоr me. There mау Ье mоrе than one correct answer.
7lt ье difгicult to do well iп vour
1 lf / Whеп you like Spanish food, you might want to
exam you play video games all make а tortilla,
аftеrпооп. 2 lf / Whеп you want to make опе, you'll пееd to buy а
lot of eggs.
@ Listen and complete the sentences with the correct
word or punctuation. ЖW lf / Whеп you go to the supermarket, you'll also need to
buy potatoes, oltve oil and ап опiоп,
1 _ you 9о walking in the desert _ you might 4 lf / Whеп you cut the опiоп, it might /и// make you
5ее some interesting wildlife. сrу.
2 l might have to go to summеr school_ l fail the exam 5 When the olive oil is hot, il mоу /r,rziii Ье time to add
3 l mау go rосk climbing _ I vrsit Chamonix. the опiоп and potato.
4 _you Stay out on the beach too lопg _ yOU
6 lf / Whеп the onions and potatoes аrе cooked, you'll

could get sunburnt. пееd to add the egg. о

5 _ we don't рау the rепt _ our landlord may Ье
7 When уоu flip the tortilla, you might / willdrop it. Ве
8 / Whеп you eat it, you might Want to serve а small
6 l may eat tacos _ l go to that new Мехiсап restaurant

salad оr some Ьrеаd as well.

7 _ we |eave Ьеfоrе breakfast _ we might arrive 9 lf / Whеп you're trying to lose weight, you won't want
on time.
to eat too much!

@ TicK the sentence in each pair that is mоrе certain.

@ Choose the correct option to comp|ete the sentences.
1 _ lf the flat is dirty, Chris may clean it. 1 l eat / ate hummus and tabbouleh when l want to Ье
_When the flat is diпу, Chris will сlеап it. really healthy.

2 _Не will do yoga and meditation when he is 2 golo the pool every day.
lf l lеаrп to swim, l'll go / l'llto

3 lfwe go into town fоr the match, we could /if go to
that new restaurant for lunch.
_ lf he is upset, he might do yoga and meditation. 4 l wоп't / could buy апу cheese when l go to the
3 _When you learn to swim, you'll go to the pool supermarket.
mоrе often. 5 lf you 9о outside tonight, you might see / sееiпg rhe
_You mау go to the pool mоrе often if you lеаrп fulI mооп.
to swim. 6 RеmеmЬеr you could call уоur cousin wоп'rl if you
need help.
4 _lf you listen to this music, you may love it!
7 lfyou drive too fast, you mау get / got а speeding fine.
_You'll love this music when you listen to itl 8 When itЪ rаiпiпg tomorrow, you might wапt / willwапt
io qo to the cinema.
9 l might to go / go shopping today if l Ieave work еаrlу.
80 Unit 7
Will уоur mоthеr Ье аппоуеd if you don't go оп
@ Complete the second sentence so that it means the
same а5 the first. use по more than three words in holiday with уоur раrепis this ,real]
each sentence. а Yes, if we ч.,оulоп'i эо, s^c:J_ ]:€ э--:.:]
1 l may win the contest and, if that happens, l wilI get а Ь Yes, if we don t go, she э. зг^о..:].
Pl lдl. Whеп уоu walk аlопg ihe riverthis аtеr:сс,-. л,'

l win the contest, Ьriпg а book to read?

get а рrtzе. а Yes, l mау Ьriпg а book when l walk аlопg the гiчеr.
ltЪ possible that уоu will not go to the party with lt4ary Ь Yes, if l bring а book, l will walk along the riчег.
and, if that happens, she will Ье upset.
7 Have you mown уоur lawn yet this уеаr?
If you go to the рапу with
а Yes, when itЪ sunny and warm last week, we could
Маrу, Ье upset. need to mow it.
Sometimes l go to bed at В:00 and, when l do, l am
Ь No, but if itЪ sunny апd wаrm next week, we may
happy when l wake up.
need to mow it.
l go to bed at В:00,
up happy. @ Complete the sentences with уоur own ideas using the
We are gоiпg to the beach iп July and, whеп we do, itЪ first conditional,
possible l will go diving,
1 lf l eat а lot of junk food,
We 9о to the beach iп July, l

go diving.
5 Не couid Ье late and, if he rs, he'll call to tell you.
2 when l have time to cook dinner,

Ье late, he'll to tell you

We may see the play оп Saturday, but if we don't see it,
We Won't have а chance to see it аgаiп. 3 lf l don't have time to cook,

lf we See the play оп Saturday,

We it at all.
lcould read the lesson ahead of time and, if l do, l 4 lgoto restaurants
might answer mоrе questions in class,
answer mоrе questlons in
class l read the lesson ahead of 5 When l wапt something sweet,

@ Rеаd the questions. Choose the соrrесt answer.

6 lf l eat drnner with my family,
When will you рау me back if l lend you mопеу?
а lf you lепd me mопеу, l will рау you back пехt week.
Ь l might рау you back next week when you аrе 7 When I eat with my friends,
lending me mопеу.
When she goes to Раris, what will she do?
а She might visit the ЕiflеlТоwеr when shеЪ in Paris.
Ь lf she goes to Раris, she may visit the EiffelTower.
lf you buy а new саr, will it cost а lot of mопеу?
а l won't buy а new саr if l mау not have а lot of
Ь lf l buy а new саr, it may cost а lot оf mопеу.

Did you talk to RоЬ today?

а No, l didn't. But l may speak to him later if l go to
science club.
Ь No, l didn't. When l go to science cIub, I won't speak
to him.

Tell mе what you eat 81
УЖ The gIobal food waste scandal
TEDTALKS ф TicK the things that Stuart says contribute to food

AUTHENTlc LlSTENl NG SKlLLS 1 the public _

2 hunorv oeoole
@ tisten toTEDTalk extracts and choose the correct 3 animal food _
answer to the questions. ffi ffiý 4 the planet _
5 fаrmеrs _
What do you think Stuart is going to talk about next?
6 соrпоrаtiопs
а Не will ехрlаiп his life story. 7 supermarkets _
Ь Не will explain surplus. 8 lack of refrigeration _
с Не will explain why people get hungry.
@ Matcb the words with the correct paraphrased line
2 What do you thlnk Stuart is going to talk about next? from the talk.
а why he likes io shop at big supermarkets
Ь what he found was being ihrоwп away
1 depend on а Food is being wasted оп an

с the things he bought at the supermarket

2 crust enormous sca!e.
3 unacceptable Ь These biscurts represent the
3 What do you think Stuart is going to talk about next? 4 symbol globalfood supply.
а why biscuits аrе delicious 5 hobby с l need to show you whеrе the

ь how biscuits аrе made 6 very lаrgе quantity food ends up.

с how biscuits соппесt to food waste

7 demonstrate d l inspect bins in my free time.
е who eats the first and last slice
4 What do you think Stuaп is going to talk about пехt? of Ьrеаd iп а loaf?
а how supermarkets are а part of wasting food f We throw away food that
Ь why supermarkets аrе doing а great job hungry people need.
с why people should shop at supermarkets g We сап stop food waste lf
We 5ау that it isn't оК.
5 What do you think Stuart is going to talk about next?
а how people should get jobs as fаrmеrs
ь how fаrmеrs waste food
с how farmers аrе losing their jobs @ Complete the sentences with the correct words.

global households invested

rеsOurсеS tackle
ф watcn the TED Talk. Choose the correct option to 1 Stuart wants us to Imaglne that the nine
complete the sentences. biscuits that he fоuпd in the bin represent the
Гооd supply.
Stuart believes the solution to food waste is to simply
2 Не thinks people who live in most
sit dоwп апd eat l throw awayfood.
The wasted f,ood that Stuart is talking about is rоttеп /
don't eat the crust - that slice
at the first and last end of each Ioaf.
good, fresh food,
The fаrmеr has f ] 6,000 iп
People cut dоwп forests / mаkе mоrе supermorketslo
growing spinach.
grow and fаrm mоrе food.
Не says people have the роwеr to stop this awful
Food goes to waste еvеп before it leaves the fields /
waste of
реорlеЗ houses.
Corporations need to grow their оwп food / tell people The global quest to food waste
what they аrе throwing away. has started.
Тhеrе аrе 1З,000 slices оf fresh Ьrеаd thrown away in
one Гасtоrу iп опе year / опе day.

82 Unit 7

wж whаtъ it like?
SPEAKlNG А And (10) ]ots of
people because you use the tortilla chips like а 5рооп,
so you don't need knives апd forks,

l Making suggestions с That sounds great,

' Haw obout..,?
в (1 1) the chilli at my house.

l thiпk we should have.. .

А And we'll need lots of tortilla chips, so
(12) them?
. We could cook, , .

': Why don't we osk people to brtng,,.?

В Grеаt idea.

Why dоп't we. . .?

С This раrtуЪ going to lэе awesome!
, lv4aybe we should, . .
ф Пеаd the three situations below. What suggestions do
What obout., ,? you have for them?

l Describing food 1 А new friend is coming оvег to have diппеr wlth

lt\ а kind of. , , уоur family. She's а vegetarlan. What аге you going to
, lt s populor iп. рrераrе fоr dinner?

good tMith. An exchange student wants to kпоw what is опе

lts reolly . .

of the most рорulаr foods оr meaIs in your соuпtrу.

ltЗ о little salty / fairly sweet l ktnd of sour l delicious.
Describe it fоr the student.
Making decisions 3 Yоur school wants to organize а campaign to reduce
We'll have рlепtу оf (pizza) апd (solad). food waste in the саfеtеriа. What suggestions do you
put thot оп the iпчitаtiоп, have?

Fоr each situation, сочеr these three points. Make

some notes using the Useful language.
ф Listen and complete the sentences. ЖffiffiЖ
. what is/are your idea(s)
А What аrе we going to do to сеlеЬrаtе the end of term?
в (1) go bowling?
С IVауЬе, but not еvеrуопе likes it.
А (2) а Hollywood party? . describe the piaces and things lп уоur idea(s)
В What's that?
А (з) film party where ечеrуопе
dresses up as celebrities оr movie сhаrасtеrs.
ТhаtЪ а great idea. And а few of us аrе DJs, so we сап
. explain why they аrе 9ood п the situation

put some music together.

в We'll have plenty of nusic.
А And (4)
рорсоrп, . . and nachos to eat. ф lmagine that уоur cousin has just started at а пеw
с Do you put meat оп уоur nachos?
school and wants to make new friends. Think of
Suggestions for things уоur cousin сап do to make
А l make nachos with tоrtillа chips, guacamole, chilli соп
friends. Make notes on your ideas. Use the Useful
саrпе,5оur сrеаm and cheese. So (5)
language.Then listen to а modelanswer. ru:ý]-ё
а little (6) and (7)
Below аrе some ideas to help you.
with the cream too. (8) . Sports
В Yeah, (9) рапу . study group
food. . drama group

Tell mе what you eat 83
WRITING А rеrriеw 4 What kind of food do they serve?
а They serve а variety Ь They опlу serve pizza
ý choose the correct words to complete the restaurant of dishes. and pasta.
5 ls it expensive?

Еаstеrп Spice is а пеw (1) rеstачrапt / coffee sholpon the

ayes bno
соrпеr of lvlain street and Beech Road. lt serves excellent б How would you describe the servtce?
lndian food, including сurrи паап bread and samosas. а too slow Ь friendly
The chef grew up iп northern lndia, but has Iived iп the 7 How would you describe the review?
United Kingdom for mапу уеаrs. Не helps his customers а mostly positive Ь mostly negative
to understand how spicy the different (2) counties /
dishes аrе апd епсоurаgеs everyone to try new & Write уочr оwп restaurant review. Choose one of the
(3) flavours / restaurant;,With only eight tables, the place options below. Complete the notes with your ideas,
is (4) huge / small апd extremely busy. Howeve1 l found it then write уоur review.
чеrу noisy;the music was much ioo (5) loud / iпtеrелiпg|
Sеrviсе is реrsопаl with (6) по / lots of attention to detail, TOR0 zEN
but а little too slow. (7) Prices / Мелus аrе rеаsопаЬlе..
. , Spanish restaurant , Japanese restaurant
under f for two delicious courses! Еаstеrп Spice is open
, б2 Summer Street , Lavender Lапе
frоm брm to midnight, Tuesday to Sunday. lt doesn't
open оп Nlondays. l (8) rесоmmепd / like it for couples or
, i\Лоп-Fri,6рm to , Ноurs аге _
а few friends, but not fоr lаrgе groups.
, Sat & Sun , Chef is from Tokyo
Dishes include paelIa and . Atmosphere is stylish and
ý Пеаd the restaurant review again.Then match the
questions with the answers. Prices _ , Dishes Iike sushi and
1 What? а I\ЛаiпStreet and Beech Road
Service is welcoming, but
2 Whatfood? Ь 6:00-12:00 Vеrу expensive
3 Where? с А little slow Atmosphere is service is
4 When? d ltЛопdау Recommend Rесоmmепd
5 Closed? е No
6 Service? f Eastern Spice ý Read and follow the instructions.
7 Expensive? g Yes . The grарh below was created Ьу а businessman. lt
8 Recommended? h lndian dishes
shows the пumЬеr of customers having meals at

@ Пead the restaurant review and choose the correct sit-down restaurants and fast-food restaurants iп his
answer to the questions. hometown over а period of З0 years.
. Summarize the information Ьу selecting and reporting
Р&Р is а popular ltalian restaurant on Fаirfiеld Ачепuе,
the main features, and make comparisons whеrе relevant
next to the train station. Except Sundays, itЪ ореп
, Write at least l50 words.
ечеrу day frоm 'l2:З0 to 1Opm апd, fоr diппеr, you'll
need to book. ltЪ а large, casual place with lots of soft
seats and brightly coloured cushions. Р&Р stands for Fast-food meals vs. sit-down meals
pizza and pasta, but they also serve salads апd grilled
* Meals at fast-food restaurants
meats, Everything is fresh and delicious! Compared to 90
*--ý.* Meals at sit-down restaurants
other ltalian restaurants, prices аrе high, but l think itЪ Е
worth it. The waiters and waitresses аrе vеrу quick and Ф
efficient, and always smiling. l highiy recommend it fоr дФ 60
celebrations and special occasions. Е 50
о 40
1 where is the restaurant? дЕ
а iп the train station Ь on Fairfield Avenue zэ 20

2 Do you always need to book? ,i0

а just оп Sundays Ь just fоr dinner 0

3 What is the atmosphere like?

а large Ь casual

84 Unit 7
ffi Unscramble the letters to form the names of foods (8)Then we're going divide the dough into eight
and drinks. equal pieces and rоllеасh one into а ball. (9)After half ап
hour, we аrе going rоlliпg each ballout until lt's а сirсlе
1 bleast 9eVe
about ]/z iпсh Thick.
2 fecfeo
Fiпаllу, to cook the bread we need to heat а pan and
3 oteSmota
add а little oil. (10) We are cooking the bread until it puffs
4 wrarbsetiser
up and turns Ьrоwп. Then we'll flip it and cook the other
5 kecci п h
side. when both sides аrе cooked, we'll have delicious
6 SranpW
bread to eat with dinnerl
7 sapat
8 hacolcteo
9 ф Гut the words in the correct order to make sentences.
10 febe 1 the /They / exam / will / tomorrow / take

ffi Read the names of the recipes. Match them with the When /goes/won't/to/ liЬrаrу / ,/shel rеturп / her
flavour descriptions. l she / the / books

1 Chilliorange chrcken with riсе

2 Hot chocolate with chilli powder, sugar and milk l/to /tаkе/tоmоrrоw /lf /drive l , /wi|| /dапt/l l
3 Chocolate-covered сrisрs the/bus/school
4 Prawns with lеmоп pasta _
5 Hot black tea with sugar and lemon _ 4 Тhеу'rе / to / tonight / рlау /going / together / music
6 Strawberry tart апd ice сrеаm _
7 Dark chocolate cake lflfollow/ might/ recipe/taste/ his/cake/doesп|t /, /
8 Frепсh fries with cheese sauce the/he/bad

а lt's а dessert that's sweet апd а little bitter, 6 won't l tегm / next/take / а / Маrlа/ maths/class
ь lt's а snack that's salty and sweet,
( lt's а drnner with meat and fruit thаtЪ salty, sweet and
chairs / may / come / need / tf l\,Nе / Anderson and
Lea / to / ехtrа /the / meeting / two
d lt's а dinner thаtЪ salty and а little bit sоur.
е ltЪ а wаrm, salty snack that isn't vеrу light оr healthy.
ltъ а drink that's sweet and spicy.
lt's а drink that's bitter, sweet and sour,
ý Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

h lt's а sweet fruit dessert. 1 lf you take the time to Iearn the new material,you'll l
you won't do wel] on the exam,
ф ГlпО and correct the mistakes. 2 / lmay Ье home еаrlу if l catch the 4:З7 train.
3 She wоп't l don't Ье in class if she has to go to the
|'m going to make pitta bread with my friends tonight.
('I) its going to taste so good, because homemade Ьrеаd
4 Whеп l see l will see my cousins next month, we might
is always better than Ьrеаd frоm the supermarket. watch а film together.
First we need to get all the ingredients. (2)We аrе 5 1r might / wоп't Ье rаiп when l go on my long blke ridе

need yeast, oil, salt, flour and water, (3) .Jakob goes to buy tоmоrrоW.
the yeast and flour.l've аlrеаdу got the oiland salt. 6 lf you move to Rome, you might /есrп / to lеоrпtпg
lta lian.
(4) lt taking а while to make the Ьrеаd, but it's not
7 She mоу buy l could bought а dessert if she has enough
complicated. (5)Wе'rе mixing the yeast and flour, and add
warm water. After twenty minutes, the dough wtl risе.
8 She might norpcss l wоп't poss hеr driving test if she
Next, we'll knead the dough and make lt into а ball. doesn'T get mоrе practice.
(6)We put oil in а bowl so the dough doesn't stick as it
rises. (7)That're going to take about two hours,

TeJ mе what you eat 85
&е Whywe Ьчу
VOCABULARY А рrоduсtk }ife @ Revision Complete the Sentences with the correct
@ Revision Label the photos.
centre cUStomer department expensive
department store prIce save mопеу onlrne рriсе sale save spend
shop online shoppers shopping сепtrе
1 When you buy something, you
2 lf you buy something at а low
then you mопеу.
3 lf something is it's not cheap
4 А shорреr is а in а shop.
5 lf you don't like to go out shopping, you can shop

6 There аrе usually lots of shops and а few large

stores at а shopping

7 lf something is not for that

means you can't buy it.

& Гitl in the missing vowels to form words about products.

1 m-п_f-сt-r_
2 m-i-r_-l
4 _- dv
-,, rt.-- 5

5 r-с-сl-
6 thr _w _-w
7 d-s-gn
8 рr*-d-с-
@ Match the words with the definitions.
@ Revision Unscramble the words about shopping. 1 away
throw а make iп а factory
1 raktem 2 grоw Ь what something is made of
2 SoctU m ге
3 rесусlе с choIce

3 pesxeivne
4 pick d pUt information about а product
5 manufacture on TV radio, in а magazine оr
4 pahce 6 sell online to attract customers
5 rlpce 7 option е get bigger
6 phogsinp rпесtе 8 advertise f put in the Ьiп
7 pamdretnet trose 9 material 9 use something again
8 pends yenmo h exchange а product for mопеу
i choose

86 Unit 8
ffi Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. ф Complete the text with the correct words.

You shouldn'I throw away /plck those shoes. They advertise desig n ma ufactu rе
9rоWп n
аrе still goodl mаtеriаl option pick rесусlе
{ want to recycle / sellmy саr. How much do you think l
sell throwinq
сап get for lt?
3 0ur соmрапу is producing / grоwiпg fast, Опliпе shopping ls more рорulаr than еvеr.
4 |'m not surе which trouser5 ta pick l орtlоп. has (1 ) into опе оf the biggest
5 Му friend designs l mопufосturеs and makes hеr own опliпе markeLplaces, -hеrе, shoppers can
d resses. (2) from millions of products of
lп а lаrgе shoe shop, thеrе аrе always mапу mоrе аll kinds - clothes, books, shoes, pet food, . ргеttу much
optlons / matertols Io choose frоm, every (3) you сап imaqinel
7 \,Nhat mапufасturе l matericl is that;acket made of? 0п the Etsy website, shoppers can find mоrе unlque
8 You know, you should rea||y recycle l throw away mоrе and реrsопаl products. Сrеаtivе, artistic people
of уоur рареr and plastic instead of putting it iп the (4) and (5)
bin. their own items, like jewellery, handba9s, гshirts,
9 Pink just doesn't look good оп you. Why don't you
decorations and mоrе.
produce l pick а different colour? ЕЬау is another popular site, whеrе people сап buy
апd (6) things. lt's а qreat way for
ф Complete the conversation with the sаlеsреrsопЪ
responses (a-f). people to (7) items they don't
use апу mоrе instead of (8) them
А Wow, that's а beautiful bag, Do you know who
away, The sеllеr creates а post to (9)
designed it?
the item. The post includes photos and а descгiption of
в 1_
the item, including details such а5 the size, the
А What material is that? lt looks vеrу unusual.
в 2_ (10) itъ made of and the condition
it's in.
А Really? ТhаtЪ interesting! How much is it?
в 3
А 0h, wow. Do you have any less expensive options?
ф Extension Choose the соrrесt words to complete the
в 4
А 0h. Hmm, That's still а lot of mопеу. 1 Department stores have mапу dtsplays l Ьоrgаiпs
в 5_ where they show their products for sale, such as
А That's true. l like that they were not manufactured in а jewellery.
factory. l also like to 5upport loca] businesses, l didn't 2 Disсоuпt / Дпllquе furniture сап Ье very expenslve,
ечеп know this shop was here! l just saw it when l was especially if it is iп good condition and has historical
walking Ьу. va l ue.

в 6_ 3 Some people don't like online shopping because they

А Well, I will tell all mу friends about you. And. . . l'm sure don't want to wait for the products tа Ье delivered /
mу beautiful Ьа9 will get people's attention. l'll take displayed tо their house.
that опе with the pink and yellow design! 4 lf you arent happy with something you've bought,

а Yes, but rеmеmЬег that these аrе all produced lэу

you can usually take it back to the shop апd discouпt l
ехсhапgе it fоr another item.
hand. They're very special.
Ь ltЪ made frоm recycled srlk dresses from lndia,
5 Advertisements аrе everywhere. Тhеу'rе on TV оп the

с You сап pick frоm any of these smаl]еr bags hеrе -

radio, on the internet and even on giant Ьаrgаiпs /
billboords for you to see while уоu'rе driving,
they're all f60,
d All of our items аrе made Ьу local artists.
6 lf something is rеаsопаЬJу priced, that means you сап
offord /exchongeil,
е Yes, l know. We just орепеd last month and we need
to advertise more!
7 l want to sell my car, so l've posted оп advertisemeпt /

f ] сап sell it to you fоr f 100.

а display on]ine,

ВuуеrЪ choice 87
PRONUNCIATION Сотз:роurзd поuп ýtr*ýý 8 What word does the mап use meaning pride iп
@ Llsten. Underline the stressed word in each compound а self-respect
почп.Тhеп practise saying the words. ЖЖýЖ ь self-worth
1 fishnet 5 surfboard с self-serving
2 plastic bags 6 fishing boat d self-esteem
3 skateboard 7 self-esteem
4 recycling рrоgrаmmе 8 electric саr

@ tisten to the conversation. Choose the correct апswеr
to the questions. ЖýЖ
what does the woman ask the mап?
а if hеЪ еvеr been to BaIi
ь if he's seen а certain video
с if he recycles plastic bags
d if he has а рrоЬlеm
А plastic bag floats iп the sea.
What wоrd does the woman use mеапiпg rо поr
allow? ýь* Li5ten and choose the correct anSWer to the questions.
а prohibit жж
Ь forbid
1 What do some people call the Great Pacific Garbage
с Ьап
d disallow а waste lsland
What is the problem? ь Тrеаsurе lsland
а Plastic bags аrе not made оп the island. с Trash lsland
Ь PIastic bags get caught in trees.
2 What has brought aIl the rubbish together?
с Plastic bags аrе mоrе expensrve than рареr bags.
а осеап currents
d Plastic bags аrе not recycled.
ь different countries
How did the man think about Bali Ьеfоrе this с fishing nets
3 whеrе does the rubbish come frоm?
а ап island wlth environmentaI problems
а Texas iп tпе united states
Ь ап island with great naturaI beauty
Ь Nопh Аmеriса and Asia
с ап island with fаr too mапу tourists
с а huge gаrЬа9е patch
d ап island with а lot of manufacturing
4 What is the biggest part of the rubbish?
5 What does the BaIlnese economy depend on?
а plastic bottles
а plastic bags
Ь plastic fishing nets
Ь tourism
с plastlc bags
с eXpOrtS
d rесусliпg
5 Why is plastic such а рrоЬlеm?
а lt s biode9radable.
6 What does the woman think is very inspiring?
Ь lt's rесусlаЬlе.
а people who аrе tough
с ltЪ not biodegradable.
Ь people in beautiful places
с people in TED Talks 6 Why does the speaker think countries аrеп't payin9
attention to the рrоЬlеm?
d people who take action
а The рrоЬlеm ts far away.
7 what do the mап and wоmап decide to do?
Ь The рrоЬIеm is too big.
а find а way to get mоrе involved in their community с The рrоЬlеm сап't Ье solved.
Ь find а way to support the Wijsen sisters
7 What advice does the speaker give?
с find а way to start а rесусliпg рrо9rаmmе iп their
а Nеvеr, еvеr use plastic.
Ь Buy reusable materials.
d find а way to trаvеl to Bali
с Suppoп grееп'соmрапiеs.

88 Unit 8
GRAMMAR Sec*nd conditional @ Choose the correct чеrЬ forms to complete the
@ TicK the sentences that include the second conditional.

Shops аrе designed to make you want to buy things. lf

1 |,е wil bought / would bought / could buy new clothes
if he save l saved l would sоие his mопеу.
shoppers like the music in а shop, they аrе mоrе likely
2 lf оur mother tought / teached / would tought us how
to go iп it and buy its products. _ to sew, we mоkе / could mаkе / mode our own clothes.
the music the shop played were slow, people would
3 lf the соmрапу поrг, anufoctured / did поt mапufасturе l
walk mоrе slowly - and buy mоrе] _ mопufасturеd поt enough smartphones, the
lf you wanted to visit all the shops iп the largest price increosed / would iпсrеоsе l would tncreased.
shopping сепtrе in the world, you would need mапу, 4 The shops cre / were / would Ье full of unwanted
mапу hours. _ lt has 1,200 shops! merchandise if no опе buyed / would bought l bought
new clothes.
lf you work at the West Edmonton lt/all, the largest
shopping сепtrе in North America, you have
5 l would sove / saved l would savtng timе if I wouИ shop /
shopped / go shop сlоsеr to my home.
colleagues. _ lt has В00 shops, а water раrk, 6 lfthe shopping сепtrе hcs / will hove lhcd better
restaurants апd other exciting touгist attractions. shops, we would spend probobly / would probobly
lf people think опliпе shopping is'greenerithey will spend / spend probably would mоrе money there.
Ье wrопg. _ Опе study showed that the negative 7 lf the bookshop offers /would offer /offered mоrе
effects of trапsроrtiпg goods bought online is greater interesting books, l fочпd / would find / would found
опе l like.
than people expect.
8 Моrе people will eot / ote / would еоr at the restaurant
lf shopping centres had external windows and clocks,
if it would served / served / seryes better food.
people would Ье aware of how long they had Ьееп
there. _ So designers design shopping centres @ Combine the two sentences using the second
w]thout them!
lfyou wanted to trу оп every раir of shoes iп Selfridges Example: We often buy things we don't rеаllу need.
in London, you would put on thousands of pairs of We don't have а lot of money in the bank,

shoes. _ Selfridges has mоrе than lОО,OО0 pairs of

lf we didn't buy things we dоп't really пееd, we
would have mоrе mопеу iп the Ьопk.
shoes at апу timel
lf people go to а shopping centre, they'll often buy lots 1 Shoppers have so much choice. |t сап Ье
mоrе things than they planned to buy when they left overwhelming.
home. _
ф Match the two parts of the sentences.
We оrdеr shoes and sweaters online. They need to Ье
1 lf l found а watch, а lwould еаrп mоrе shipped to оur homes,
2 lwould not Ье late all mопеу.
the time ь if l еаrпеd mоrе mопеу.
3 lf l weren't late, с iflhadawatch. Some people feel better after buying something new
4 lwould get more job d l would return the watch They buy lots of unnecessary things.
offers lfound!
lf l received several;ob lwouId make а better
offers, impression. Реrsопаl shoppers аrеп't cheap. Vеrу few people аrе
lf l wеrе able to choose l would know what time able to hire them.
the bestjob, it iS,
l would Ье able to buy а l would choose the best
watch lоЬ
Shops aim to sell what they think people want. They
lflboughtawatch, iflmadeabetter
make а lot of money doinq this.
impression оп people,

Designers аrе so creative. They аrе able to соmе up

with some amazing things.

Buye.'s cho,ce 89 Ё
ýЖ Saving the surf
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG Сопзроuпd пошrзs Вrа nds ta ke adva ntage оf teenagers' feel i n gs of
insecurity, _
ý Complete the sentences with the correct words. 4 Teenagers trust advertisers, _
air pollution billboards rainforests
5 Product placement is опlу оп TV advertisements. _
6 теепаоеrs аrе not influenced bv advertisino.
sea life shoppinq centre supermarket
TV shows video games website
@ Kead the text again and choose the correct options.

1 Advertrsements on
1 Advertisers and mаrkеtеrs consider _ to Ье ап
important demographic.
su rprisi п g ly effective.
2 This is опе of the most difficult
а peers с marketers
Ь teenagers d television characters
l've ечеr playedI
3 There аrе three about pirates on
2 The meaning оf the phrase figuring our is similar to

а thinking about с trying оп clothes.
ь describing d making new friends.
4 А good usually includes а
variety of shops.
Ассоrdiпg to the text, what about teenagers do
5 Lеаrпiпg how to create а lSa
advertisers trу to appeal to?
very useful skill.
а thеir insecurities ( their friends
is harmfuI to people, animals
ь their budgets d their size
and plants.
According to раrаgrарh 2, which of the following is
7 Fruit and vegetables аrе usually displayed at the front
not true about teenagers?
а Мапу teenagers feel insecure.
8 Plastics in the осеап аrе causing great harm to
Ь Most teenagers want to fit in with others.
с l\Лost teenagers аrе аwаrе of the importance of peer
9 As mапу as 30 million species of plants and animals 9rOUpS.
live iп trорiсаl _. d Mlost teenagers want others to Ье good-looking.

The mеапiпg of the wоrd sсепеrу is similar to

а character. с instrumental music.
€ý Пеаd the text and write the соrrесt word for each Ь background d props.
definition. There are two words you don't need. 6 Which of these statements does the writer аgrее with?

advertiser aware awkward а parents have а big influence оп what teenagers want to
Ьrапd ехреrimепt product buy.

teenager TV show video game Ь Advertisers have а big influence оп what teenagers
website want to buy.
с Older teenagers have а big influence оп what
younger tеепаgеrs want to buy.
1 а person between the ages of thirteen and nineteen
d TV сhаrасtеrs have а big influence on what
teenagers want to buy.
2 someone who tries to sell things through advertising
Look at the four squares (r) that show where the
3 ап electronic 9аmе with а sсrееп following sentence couId Ье added to the text. Where
4 knowing about something would the sentence fit best?
5 а рrоgrаmmе you watch They're aware that most tеепаgеrs really wапt to avoid
6 sечеrаl iпtеrпеt pages linked together ever looking awkward.
7 Something that is made and sold abcd
8 not rеlахеd оr confident

} ý According to the text, is each sentence correct (С)

or incorrect (l)?

1 Teenagers kпоw exactly what they want. _

2 Advertisers trу to get teenager5'attention ln order to
sell things to them. _

90 Unit 8

i,,.,..',,Ж'WW:'1П;l.lЙ,llЙ to ýо shoppiný?liDб you shop i.,l,l:6r,,n U,ynnl,'Ьl:lta,:lpiй;itl,i;"i;aйi;;й ."*eting

l. аф.,Йi.!ЬiПýý.; уq' a""d о{, dб and advertisements lrke this: Think abolrt what
but canlt a,ffoid?..,Hane уоu ечеr

;,,,,:,:;,1,,аdч...е..rJiýеm"дi5':,,;ф.t{у!щ,tо tёll ,чоu,,апd.,hоw йеу аrе

fеIt like buying something because уоu wanred ro fir doing it. If you could Ьuу what thеу'ге selling, would
',,,.ll0Ula,nýwе.reý. yеs| to'any 1.611,theýё,,questions, it геаllу make уоu hарру? Is thе pгoduct itsеlГ rеаllу
.,,,,l,.then''Y,oti]iý.jnStfte а Iot оГ сэth€i,,,УsФп*реорlеI appealing оr does it.s appeal соmе Ггоm the moclels
,,,1''.Y,одпý.,Раор!q:]liёПv.ееп thё аgеý:lоý'!hifiеёп,:апd,1,1l, .,,апd.,,ýiёпаф.,Пýёd'tо РiаýаПt':ii?. Моihёi,thiпg to 1ook
,.'. l

]]]]'li.]]пiпёtёепlаiё..ijпý:lоf,,thе-Ьigýеýt,ldёrпбýrарhiсs* out : out Гог is called 'рrоduсr рlасеmепt'. Advertisers and

-,,-:l]ithе]rё],:ftri,:йriftёtёi; :еПd ]аdчЙiiзё}ýi;l(il :[r] That's l:l.'.1,l; .Й2i&ёiёis.111у,.tо, ýhой Off, t}t!i piodud!|ln video
,, Ьеaаr;sе,щеФ..,йапrgё.rý],аiе, ýfi11l,fЦufiФý,,9ц1 what games. Гi[ms, on Television shows оr with websites
йаt аге рорuIаг with teenagers. Тhеу want уоuпg
l l,,,,, ёхр'trimеп|ы;ifi:thб.thiпсý,.tц?,ЬuУ,'.],.]...:'l сопsumеrs to rhink, 'оh, йose аге the shoes that I saw
оп ТV last night!' rd) [r] Think about it thе пехt tjme
2,,ll].,1Ёo*,,,cta,,iа+е;п!еii,,цч.,,1о с9пчис9,у",, qЬ,,Б;r'.;r;; 'l
,..,], ..
а с1lаrасЙ,,Ьоl_dý а ' ,

want ''VOu,.,are,.W:rtiЙOg,,i.e,lev!qion,and
оf Гizzу driпk. Сап yotr
сагtоп оf оrапgе jr_rice оr а сап
,,'..l..,:.,!ýýiё...ý..ёЦ!п. .]{Ы]lial':АdVеitiýёfý.,еПd1,,,шатkеtетs
.,,1..,,,]tо],..gё!..,УОi1j,,.ПttеПtiбтil],Йd]l'aоriv!цСе,убu,thаt уюu need ьее the Ьrапd name? That is ап eKample of рrоduсt
.'.:l'ýfo&ý1...ý'o:.fti;y.oз.1!!.''Ьn!..llt1..Biаndsf.:ltЬаttryto ý}r.Caфnil,|!ёёneýеiЬ...oftаn]]]:uýё..thё,'йsemгitiеsmаny
].]:]]l]]]]]teenаgёýl'feа1ill:.(t)..]|.i].Thё.yll.howlйаt...[ёёnаgеrs 4 RеmеmЬеr. уоu don't have to ler аdчегrisегs tell you
gепегаIlу want to fit in and that they want оthеrs to 1,,,.,,,,
whо,,Фu, .aiell Wfio you аrе isn't dеtегmiпёd .'ЬУ. ]ýlfi at
]:l]]:]]'!hin.I{l::thё''lafё:.iEiаcfi€;l]Anаl'.beieuýe.'thёуknowthat уоu btry оt own.
tеепаgеrs ffе very аwаге оf the imроrtапсе оГ peer*
gгоuрs. adverlisers sometimes try to get them to trust
, ,
"1,1l,..thёif'] аdйaе .on 'п.hаt м+.а,..6rr,, b,qW . .,
.lt6,,' ]io ,,,look.. '.l,. , .,',,,
1 .
, , , ,

dеrпбgiПрhra,'аaЬQr.!!с,йlаt,,вrg,цF,:о:f, _Lе::'|:,,|,,.
рёёi..а рёiýбп','lр|х6,.ЙlоПgs to tbe sаmе аgе or sос'Йфф,,аi
bliiid,;!,,|tфз, al:ý,|p; dйil. :,' И:,а,,,Ь а йiё.u}а{.е о:rпр а tly sоmеопе else
4iРаrrl ltо lrо,' Ь. ёs а,ry,ýФ't:пý|,| .|]?
а. :рi ор l 0' l i kв, оi.цпп,

ВuуеrЪ choice 91
&€ New things from old опеs
GRAMMAR Defining re}ative clauses 5 People like sweets might enjoy
medialunas, which аrе Argentine croissants.
@ WПаt does the word in bold in each sentence refer to?
6 Many chefs cook in Buenos
The Ьоу who is wеаriпg the striped shiп is my Ьrоthеr. Aires'more modern restaurants learned to cook in
а Ьоу Еurоре.
bme 7 Soho and Hollywood аrе two areas of Buenos Аirеs
с shirt
have mапу interesting shops as
The woman that has the sandais and glasses is my
well as саfёs and ice cream shops.
аmу @ Matcrr the two parts of the sentences.
Ь sandals
( Woman
1 l don't like people а who plays loud music
2 l like to drink water оftеп keeps me up at
Films that have а lot of drama аrе my favourite. 3 The classmate night.
а drаmа 4 The dog Ь that shows two girls
Ь films 5 The neighbour 5itting together iS
с favourite 6 Have you seen the beautiful.
l dont like food which is very spicy. Degas painting с who are unkind.
ame 7 The painting d that the museum has just
Ь food 8 The medicine bought?
с spicy that he needs is so
She likes the flowers which have purple and red petals expensive.
the best. who leni mе hеr book
а her said l could keep it until
Ь flowers оur next lesson.
с petals 9 that isn't filtered.
h that is Ьаrkiпg is
The tree that is in our back garden has been there fоr
disturbing the whole
mоrе than 100 years.
а back garden
Ь 100 years @ Use the prompts to write sentences with defining
с tree relative clauses, some of the sentences do not need
People who like dogs usualIy also like cats, the relative рrопочп.
а cats and dogs Example: most of / people / l / spoke to / very friendly
Ь like
Most of the people who / that l spoke to wеrе
с people
very friепdlу.
Can you pass me the bag that is оvеr there on the oR
sofa? Most of the people l spoke to were very friепdlу.
а bag 1 the chair / we / bought оп sale / so ugly
Ь sofa
с there
2 hеЪ / the teacher / gave me / advice / about / my саrееr

@ Complete the sentences with who, whichor fhdt There

mау Ье mоrе than опе correct answer. 3 being /а chemist/ajob/ l/would consider
1 People live iп Buenos Аirеs call
themselves роrtеПоs. 4 beans / а nutrious food / have / а lot of / protein
Argentina is а country is famous
fоr tango dancing.
my father / is making / а potato recipe / he found /
А type of coffee is called оп the internet
cortado is served in mапу саfёs iп Buenos Aires
4 Мапу shops аrе popular iп the book / is about / mап / sailed / аrоuпd the world /
Buenos Aires don't ореп Until ']0аm.
оп а small boat

92 Unit 8
ф Лrе the words in bold correct? Correct those that are ф Complete the paragraphwithwhich,who, that or - (if по
incorrect, pronoun is necessary).There may Ье mоrе than опе
1 l like апу food who has chocolate iп it. correct answer.

GotundNle is а company ('l) is

Do you want to go to the restaurants that has the based in Sап Diego, Саlifоrпiа. Brad Damphousse and
best chef iп town? Andrew Ballester аrе the people (2)
started the соmрапу in 20l0. GoFundMe helps people
develop websites (3)
3 People which goes to my school аrе the best at they сап
use to raise mопеу for different rеаsопs. People
(4) use GoFundMe usually need
mопеу for university, а new business оr have а personal
The Ьоу who stayed up all night studylng for his need. Mlany people visit GoFundMe pages because they
science ехаm was very tired the next day in class. wап[ to give гпопеу tо peoplg (5)
need help. And these аrе pages (6)
5 ls being а tour guide а jobs who рау а lot of money?
сап rеаllу help peopleI Fоr ехаmрlе, а campaign
(7) was trуlпg to help peopie
affected Ьу Нurriсапе Mlatthew in 2Оlб raised $З million
Talking to mапу people ечеrу week was vеrу
important to the woman which wanted to Ье Ф Use the prompts to write sentences with definin9
president. relative clauses that аrе true for уоu.

Example: l like apartments ifo*r&#уs fu*it*rзf*s.

Ечеrу rчппеr who finished the rасе received
1 l like to buy things

ffi Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 2 l like to 9о to restaurants
1 goes/She/ Bangkok / has / a/tol brother / who /
school / in

3 l like to Shop iп places

with / laughed / the / told /woman / Ечеrуопе / joke /

4 l like to talk to реорlе

The / that / made / soup / fоr / was / dinner / deliclous /

4 the/ l / met/our/ islgirI / пеw l that / neiqhbour

5 l visit websites

апimаl /type /will/An /eat/ islan /that lапу /of /

оmпiчоrе / food 6 l have lessons

They / big tree / that / the / fell down during / the /

removed / stоrm l know

7 поl / Cola /а / drtпk/ isl l /often/which /buy

8 l don't like
8 а / uncle/She/an /who / has / ls / nurse

ВuуеrЪ choice 93
8D Оrлr campaign to Ьап plastic bags iп BaIi
TEDTALKS & Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

It4elati and lsabel started а campaign to help reuse /

help reduce plastic bags iп Bali.
AUTHENTlc LIsTENlNG SKlLLS 2 Тhеir саmраigп did well / did поt do well.
(S Listen to the TED Talk extracts and complete the 3 They lеаrпеd after their research that thеrе was
sentences. жж something / поthiпg good about plastic bags.
4 They went to lndia lo give о talk / go оп а hunger strike.
1 AIso, at the Airport of Bali, one 5 They convinced their nutrittonist / teachers to let them
оfоur аrе planning to start а go оп а huпgеr strike.
plastic Ьаg-frее policy Ьу 2016. They did not eat frоm sunrise / midday until the sun
handing out Went dOWn every day.
They want the public to srop hапdiпg out / Ьriпg their
plastic bags and Ьriпg
оиrп reusable bags when they shop.
lп уоur оwп bag is our
to change that mindset of the @ Underline the things that lsabel and Melati did and do
publlc. for their campaign.

0ur short-term campaiqn,'one lsland / 0пе Voicei 1 hunger strike

is all about this. we and 2 had а business рlап
recognize the shops and restaurants that have declared 3 sociaI media
themselves а plastic Ьаg-frее zone, and we put 4 had а hidden agenda
at their entrance and publish
5 stopped handing out plastic bags
their names оп social media and some imроrtапt
6 remind the gоvеrпоr of his promise
7 check and rесоgпizе shops and restaurants that don't
magazines оп BaIi. And conversely, that highlights use plastic bags
those who do the sticker

WАтсн ж
ф Matcb the words with the correct paraphrased line
@ Watcb the TED Talk. Are the sentences true (Т) or false frоm the talk.
1 do somethino about it
1 ln Bali, пеаrlу ten percent of plastic bags аrе recycled. 2 walk vour talk
3 со for it
2 Almost all plastic bags in Bali end up in riчеrs оr the 4 Ье the chance
sea. _ 5 make that difГеrепсе _
З lйelati and lsаЬеlЪ еffоп is called'HelIo Plastic BagsJ
а Сачsе а change. We're not telling you itЪ going to
Ue ed5y.
4 Their parents took Melati and lsabel to visit the оffiсе оf
ь 5о we decided to take action.
Mahatma Ghandhi. _ с Sometimes does get а little bit hard to do as you say.
5 After the visit, they decided they would stop eating fоr d So to all the kids of this beautiful but сhаllепgiпg
а caUSe. _ world:act nowl
6 N4elati and lsabel went on а hunger strike without е Kids have so much energy and а desire to live in а way
that the world needs.
permission frоm their раrепts. _
7 They have Ьееп wоrkiпg for almost thrее years поw on @ Лtter everything you have learned about plastic
their effort. bags, what do you think about their effect оп the
environment? Are you thinking about making any
changes in your life as а result?

94 Unit 8
&ж call to action
SPEAKlNG @ Complete the exchanges with the sentences (a-d) апd
phrases from the Speaking strategies Ьох.

,l Ноw to persuade В оК, but testing on animals is

l Use logic: Wrоп9.

.- Research shows thot, . .; Sctence has proven thot


lf...,thеп. But nuclear епеrgу is mоrе

expensive than grееп епеrgу
use emotion:
зА how ugly wtnd turbines
:: Тhiпk of , , , ; How would you feel if , .. ?; Му hеап telts mе ; make the countryside look.
,::l wrопg):
Use morals (right and 4А put people iп рrtsоп fоr life.

,'. u the right thing tо do. в_


lt's wrопg tо., .

ldon't саrе. Using renewable energy is the right thing
to do.
Well, how would you feel if they harmed someone in
@ Complete each sentence with а phrase from the
уоur family?
Speaking strategies Ьох. Тhеп decide if the argument
с Science has рrочеп that animal testing is necessary.
is logical (L), emotional (Е) or moral (М).
d lf we don't use nuclear роwеr, then globalwarming
1 smoking cauSes сапсеr. _ will increase.
2 we should take care of animals.
ф ThinK about how you would challenge the views in the
sentences below. Make notes and use the Speaking
recycled mоrе of the plastic we strategies. Then listen to the model answers and
USe, less rubbish would go into compare them with your ideas. ЖЖ
LI]e 5ed.
1 The environment is always changing. Global warming
Leaving оur children а healthy planet iS jUSt а myth.

2 Тhеrе is too much immigration into the country. The

there was advertising 9оvеrпmепt should keep jobs for the local people.
everywhere you went?
let people suffer from curable
diseases. _
the animals that live iп the sea.
They get trapped in the rubbish апd die. _
the Earth is getting warmer
@ Vou are going to respond to а question. Make notes оп
your ideas and use the Speaking strategies. Speakfor

Listen and checkyour answers. WЖ 45 seconds and record yourself. Then listen to а model

Some people belleve that seaguIls iп the city аrе а real

nuisance апd something should Ье done about them.
What do you think and why? lnclude examples and details
iп уоur explanation.

ВuуеrЗ choice 95
WRlTlNG & persuasive bý*g p*st ф Write а persuasive blog post supporting more
independent shops in уочr town. Listen to the lecture
ф Пеаd and label the persuasive blog post with the
and read the passage. lп your blog post, summarize
correct information (a-i).
the points made in the the lecture and Ье sure to
explain how they oppose specific points made in the
(1 ) Communiý gardens would imрюче our city
reading passage.
(2) some of the best citles iп the wоrld have
community gardens!These аrе shared spaces in Well-known retail chains continually ореп new outlets iп
cities where people work together to grоw flowers, cities and towns where they have immediate access to
vegetables and fruit. (3)_ l saw community lаrgе populations. People want products they сап trust
gardens iп Taipei and iп Victoria, Australia. Тhеrе is also and, mоrе importantly, they want value fоr money. Frоm
community gardenlng iп Ваrсеlопа, London, Seatt е, supermarkets to саfёs to clothlng shops, we а know the
Ottawa, Los Angeles, Honolulu and mапу other grеаt familiar brands that deLiver on convenience and рrtсе.
cities. Our city has по community gardens and we Consumers know whеrе to go fоr what they need and
believe it should, which chains can supply at low cost and sti]l make а profit.
(4)_ Research shows that community gardens ln principle, everybody wins except, perhaps,
Ьriпg different people together and help to сrеаtе an independent shops.These typicaJly small shops аrе
improved sense of community. generaIly owned Ьу one оr two local people, They саппоt
(5)_ lmаgiпе you're walking through а typical
possibly согпреtе with the chains which аrе lsually
ruп Ьу lаrgе corporations. lп mапу cases, they fail after
urЬап landscape, all сопсrеtе and steel, and suddenly
yoU See the bright colours of а 9аrdеп гight iп the а couple of years and close down. Whlle the idea of

middle of the city, (6)_Wouldn't it make you feel independent shops is а nice one,lt is not p[actical, t's
so much better?
simply not realistic fоr these small shops tc ргоvidе the
same rапgе of products as chains, поr to ororlide goods as
(7l Young реорlе iп our city сепtrе have по cheaply.
access to а real gаrdеп. (8) lf we allowed
соmгпuпltу gardens, children would learn mоrе about
whеrе food really comes frоm, plus it would help them
to appreciate паturе. The gardens would also help to
rеduсе pollution,

(9)_ Piease click here to join оur campaign and

get involved todayl

а adding а caJl to action

Ь asking readers to think of ап ехреriепсе
с describing an emotional aspect
d explaining what would Ье right
е explaining what's wrопg
f including а реrsопаl story
g :ntroducing the Iopic
Ве sure to:
h supplying examples of success
i title
lntгoduce уоur tорiс with а реrsог. : j,],,.
Mention successful examples of t-r: :-;.ge you'l-e
ffi Пеаd the blog post again.Then put the ЬlоggеrЪ arguing fоr.
points in the correct order. . Ask rеаdеrs to think of their оwп e:!:l-':rce and
describe the emot|ona1 side of уолr p.]|-]osa
_ .

Community gardens mеап less pollution. Explain what's wrопg and what woL- с эе right.
_ children lеаrп where food comes frоm . End with а call to action that explains эхасt]у what
Great cities have community gardens. you think people should do.
_ lt helps сhildrеп to аррrесiаtе nature,
__ Sense of community is improved.
__ Community gardens Ьriпg people together.
__ Gаrdепs iп city сепtrеs make us feel better.

96 Unit 8
Review test / if / prototype / the designers / didn't / а

The factory wouldnt Ье able to make new smartphones

ý Match the Statements.

1 The аvеrаgе Аmеriсап puts Тhеrе аrе too mапу 5 smartphones / Ье / able i We l пеw /wouldn't / to buy
З0 kilos of clothing in the bin optionS.
еVеrу уеаr, ь They throw it away.
the factory didn't assemble the components,
2 ln tоdауЪ big supermarkets, с They аrе rесусIiпg.

there аrе 5о mапу brands d They sell а lot of 6 wasn't / loaded / lf / onto / the software / phone / the
and varieties of each product, prodUctS,
it can Ье hard to make а е They use different
the phone wouldn't work correctly.
decision. materia ls.
3 The toy соmрапу i\Лattel @ Match the two parts of the Sentences.
makes аrоuпd $6 billion
1 lf I had enough time l wouldn't take too mапу
реr уеаr.
to study and clean my
4 shoe manufacturers often use
difficult subjects.
rооm, l could bake а cake fоr
lеаthеr, plastic, ruЬЬеr, cotton
and wood.
2 lf my classes this term my friend's birthday next
weren't so challenging, week.
5 Adidas is produclng athletic
shoes made frоm plastic
3 lf l wеrе you, ( could get а good job.

rubbish collected from the sea.

4 lf we had а car, d l would Ье able to keep
5 lf l liked vegetables, up with all the hоmеwоrk
@ Comp|ete the sentences with the соrrесt words. 6 lf l had а degree, that my maths teacher
1 Companies their products gives us.
l would order the pizza
so that mоrе people wili know about them and buy
that has peppers and
mushrooms оп it.
2 Мапу electronics, clothes and other items аrе
we could 9о to the forest
iп chinese factories. which has the cycllng
3 ltЪ possible to r objects in tratls.
creative ways: fоr example, уоu сап reuse а qlass bottle
and make а lamp out of it.
@ look at the list of words associated with things we buy,
Use sentences with defining relative clauses to say
4 Toyota р mоrе than
milliоп what each thing is. Use уочr dictionary if necessary.
саrs еvеrу уеаr.
1 plastic bag
5 Сосо chanel d simple, stylish
clothing fоr wоmеп iп Раris in the 1920s.
6 WalIVlart started as one discount department store in
the ] 9505 and g into опе of the 2 manufacturer
lаrgеst companies iп the world, with mоrе than ]

stores iп 2В countrles.
ý Rearrange the words to complete either the if-clause

or the main clause (past simple).

1 often l so / Ьчу / they /wouldn't / phones

lfpeople didn't always want the latest and most

4 material

advanced smartphone,

smаrtрhопе / better / them / much / makers / lf / advertise

pressure / didnt / fee| /so / to make

the manufacturing processes wouldn't need to

6 throw away

3 wouldn't / outdated / Ьесоmе / smartphones

lf епgiпееrs didn't update the hardware and software,

Buyer's choice 97
ý& Work should Ье fчп!
VOCABULARY JObS & Match the words with the definitions.

@ Revision Match the words with the definitions. 1 сlеапеr _

2 accountant_
1 actor works at ап office;wears а
2 artist suit; goes to meetings
4 fасtоrу wоrkеr
3 receptionist shows people around а city
5 construction worker
4 fаrmеr оr mUSеum
6 salesoerson
5 cook answers phones; sits at the
7 oaramedic
6 waiter/waitress frопt desk iп ап оfгiсе
8 nurse
7 businessperson uses а саr, lоrrу, taxi оr bus
9 dentisT
8 photographer to do his/her job
9 tоur guide е serves food at а restaurant а а реrsоп who builds houses
10 boss f helps people lеаrп
ь а реrsоп who washes the floors, vacuums, takes out
11 driver g mana9es and supervises rubbish, etc,
12 teacher people а реrsоп who works at а hospital and helps sick апd

works оп-sсrееп in films оr injured people

teIevision а реrsоп who drives an ambulance and responds to

l takes pictures with а саmеrа medicaI еmеrgепсiеs

е an office worker who is very good wiih numbers
i makes food;worlc in the
kitchen а реrsоп who helps customers апd sells products in а

k grows food;often in а rurаl аrеа shop

g а реrsоп who helps to put togethel pack and ship
l creates beautiful оr
interesting objects to look at
h а highly-paid worker who represents people who аrе
ý Revbion Choose the correctwords to complete the victims of crimes оr who are accused of crimes
Sentences. someone whose job is to look after реорlеЪ teeth
1 Frida KahIo, Michelangelo апd Pablo Picasso аrе all
@ Listen. What is each реrsопЪ job? Choose the correct
famous асtоr| / artist;, answer. ЖýЖ
2 When you have finished your meal in а rеstаurапt, ask
the waiter / teacherfar the bill. 1а lawyer
3 Веfоrе you can enter а lаrgе office building, you usually ь seconda ry-school tеасhеr
have to check in with the Ьох / receptionlsrand showyour ( police оffiсеr
lD. 2а firefig htеr
4 lИuseums аrе always interesting, but you can lеаrп ь con5truction worker
mоrе if you aska diver / guidelo take you round and ( nUrse

explain the items.
Мапу towns have weekend markets where you сап
3а accountant
ь doctor
buy vegetables and other products from local formers /
с chief executive
6 lп the city centre at lunchtime, you сап see many 4а е|есtrопiс епgiпееr
businesspeople / rесерtiопisrs frоm iocal offices on their ь software developer
mobile phones оr having lunch meetings. They never с salesperson
seem to stop wоrkiпg! 5а office wоrkеr
7 Often, people who work as cooks / bosses don't want to ь construction worker
make their own meals at home. с architect
8 People often complain that гессhеrs /drivers get lопg
ба chef
holidays, but working with children is чеrу tiring!
ь mапаgеr
с chief executive

98 Unit 9
ф Comp|ete the text. Write опе word in each gap. ffi Extension Read the letter and choose the correct
option to complete the sentences.
lf you're thinking about pursuing а well-paid саrееr,
you shou|d consider goin9 to universtty and mауЬе Dеаr I\4s O'Connell,
еvеп getting postg raduate qua lifications. |'m writing in response to the accounting job you posted
А (1) usually spends three years yesterday. l am currently (1 ) _
as ап accountant at а
at university studying law then thrее years in professional small соmрапу and l enjoy wоrkiпg here.

tra]n ln9 а getting aJob с unemployed
А (2) needs еvеп mоrе: five уеаrs ь out of work d employed
in medical school апd three to four years of professlonal Howeve1 this was my first job after graduating from
trаiпiпg. lf the business wоr]d is more уоur style, then unrversity and l hаvе Ьееп here fоr sLx years, So now l am
you'Il need а four-year business degree plus а master's rеаdу for а lew (2)
degree (МВА) iп оrdеr to become the а internship с challenge
(3) ofa соmрапу Ь freedom d excltem-ont

But if а four-year university course isn't уоur thing, you can lп а small согпрапу, there is not а lot of rооm to grow. Fоr

still become successful. Eor example, if you're а people this геаsоп,l аm interested in the (3)_to
work in а
large and growinq соmрапу such as yours.
реr5оп and you're good at selling, you could Ьесоmе а
well paid (4) You could get а job
а opportun]ty с employment

at а big companyl 0г, you could attend саtеriпg college

ь excitement d benefit

and become а (5) You might work lthink the experience will rеаllу help my (4) _.
at а great l,estaurant оr еvеп start your own restaurant. а adventure с sаlаrу
Mlaybe you could еvеп Ье а celebrity chef оп TV] Ь career d application

А lot of реорlе start out as а low-paid worker and move

l have attached my (5)fоr your review. Тhеrе, you
сап See the details of mу wоrk ехреriепсе.
up in the соmрапу, becoming а (6)
а salary с apply
responsib|e fоr other people. Гоr ехаmрlе, you could
Ь employment dCV
spend а few уеаrs working in the construction industry
as а (7) gain bullding ski]]s апd
You will see that l am (6) of four large accounts
and l also manage the iпtеrпs,
knowledge, and eventually become the boss оr start your
own building соmрапу, lt's the same iп other industries.
а fulitime с out of wоrk
Ь iп charge d ап expert
You could Start out as а (8) and
l think you'll find that l am а quick lеаrпеr and (7)
one day ореп уоur own сlеапiпg соmрапу.
who will always do the best;ob l possibly can. l am sure
Whatever you choose, put your heart into it апd you will mу mапа9еr would аgrее.
achieve successl а ап asslstant с а hаrd wоrkеr
Ь professional d slow
lwould like to meet with you as soon as possible to
discuss the job further and to lеаrп mоrе about the salary
and (8)
а benefits с danger
ь adventure d assista nts

Please feel free to call оr email. l look forward to ta{king

with you.
Yours sincerely,
Kate HawkinS, АСА

Al iп а dауЪ work 99
PRONUNC|дTION Quеstiоп intonation
@ tisten. Does the intonation rise or fall at the end of 4 What do porters do?
each question? Тhеп practise saying the questions. а wash patients G move patients
ffiffi Ь feed patients
1 rising л falling v 5 rising п falling v 5 what word means о kiпd of bed оп wheels?
2 rising л fаlliпg v 6 rising л falling v
а а trolley с an ambulance
3 rising л falling v 7 rising л falling v
4 rising п
rising z.
fаlliпg v 8 falling v

6 What does the mап eventually wапt to Ьесоmе?

LlSTENlNG aaporter G adoctor

Ь а registered nurse
@ Listen to the speakers and choose their jobs. ЖЖ 7 When the woman says'stranger things have
1 а fishеrmап 4 а paramedic happened/what does she mеап?
Ь vet Ь fасtоrу worker а that she wouldn't Ье very surprised
с marine biologist с software developer Ь that she thinks itЪ vеrу unusual
2 а paramedic а architect с that she really doesn't expect it to happen
Ь doctor ь accountant
с mесhапiс с teacher @ Listen and answerthe questions. ШЕ
3 а lаwуеr а сhеf 1 what would Ье the best tiile fоr this taIk?
ь architect Ь fаrmеr а Overworked and underpaid
с teacher с grocer ь Live to work оr work to live

@ tisten to the conversation and answer the questions. с Life is wоrk and work is lifе
жж d Howto retire еаrlу

2 What does the speaker ask questions about?

а the balance between working days and nights
ь the balance between wоrk and life
с the best ways to find happiness
d the negative impact of life оп work

3 Why do some people say itЪ ОК to work as long and as

hard as necessary?
а because life is very expensive
Ь because you have to еаrп success
с because you shouldn't waste time
d because а реrsопаI life isn't important

1 What had the youn9 mап already done Ьу the time he How would you describe а реr5оп who works 60 hours
was at college? а week?
а decided to Ьесоmе а пursе а чеrу lazy
ь taken online classes Ь чеrу апgrу
с had а few jobs с чеrу busy
d vеrу wealthy
2 What position is the man applying fоr?
а пurSе What do you think the expressio п аrоuпd the clock
Ь роrtеr means?
с раrаmеdiс
а working а twelve-hour day
Ь frоm пооп t0 midnight
3 Why does this mап think that this job is different frоm
с after work
his previous ones?
а Не thinks itЪ а serious job.
d all day and all night
Ь Не thinks it pays mоrе mопеу. Which point of view does the speaker agree with?
с Не thinks it will Ье а lot of fun. а the first one
ь the second one
с neither
d both
100 Unit 9
GRAMMAR Past реr"Гесt @ Listen to the job interview. Тhеп complete the
sentences using the past perfect. ЖЖ
@ Look at the tense of the underlined verb iп each
sentence. ls the sentence in the past simple (S), present 1 What had l\4artina done as chef at the Japanese
perfect (Р) or past perfect (РР)? resta u rа nt?
As chel she the menus and
1 Ву the time l had found а job, l didn't have any money
the food.
left. _
l did lot qо to universitv straioht after school; l took а
2 what had lviaпina done at the Grееk restaurant?
She а cook and
oaD Vеаr.
the mаiп dishes.
N/y friепd has had а job at а bookshop since last
3 what had Мапiпа done at hеr аuпtъ restaurant?
SUmmer. _ She the tables апd
The job market had already Ьесоmе worse when l
food to the customers.
rеturпеd from trаvеl li пс_
4 what had Мапiпа lеаrпеd at school?
Nly girlfriепd sta)zed hеrе and helped hеr grandparents
She the basics of wоrkiпg iп а
аftег she graduated. rеstаurапt kitchen as well as the usual school subjects.
6 Have vou worked in the citv centre fоr а lопс time?
5 What had l\lаrtiпа done at home?
7 The соmрапу had advertised mу job опliпе. 5he her parents cook meals at
8 Му cousins and l went to the beach every day last home.
5Ummer. _
@ Correct the mistakes with the past perfect in the
9 l hadn't seen the job ad Ьеfоrе Fay told me about it. _ sentences.

ф Пеаd the sentences. Which action happened first (1)

1 Веfоrе you text your friend, had you receive your
and which happened second (2)?
tеасhеrъ email?
1 Before she went to university, she had Ьееп to school
in hеr town.
After the teacher had give them the essay, they go to
go to university:
the IiЬrаrу to rеsеаrсh the topic.
go to school:

l put on clean clothes after l had had а shower. Before you had ate dinner, you had finish your
put on clothes: homework.
have shower:

Before he planted the seeds, we had рrераrеd the soil Before the meeting, the manager рrераrе а schedule
plant seeds: that work for еvеrуопе.
рrераrе soil:
4 They had tried very hаrd, but they lost the game Ьу Веfоrе we had cooked lunch, we had buy alI the
one point. ingredients.
trу hard:
Iose 9ame: не creates а fап website for his favourite Ьапd after he
5 Веfоrе they saw the film, they had read the book. had saw а fan site fоr another band.
see film:
read book: 7 Had you meet before l had introduce you yesterday?

After she had read the onlinejob ad, she updated hеr
CV. Hadn't you do апу preparation before you go to the
read;ob ad: interview?
uodate CV:

Не enjoyed his;ob аftеr his manager had promoted

enjoy job:
get promoIion:
She fixed the software bug аftеr she had identified the
еrrоr in the code.
fix software bug:
tdentifu еrrоr:

All in а dауЪ work 101
ýж what do you want to Ье when уоч grow чр?
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG Dереrзdепt @ Match the jobs with the descriptions.
1 urban fаrmеr а studies materials апd how to
@ Match the two parts of the sentences. 2 software use them

1 scientists and а аrе often used in clean developer Ь plans the activities needed to

engineers саr technology. 3 production manufacture something

2 Zaro Bates grows food on Ь is роwеr frоm sea waves. manager

с works оп making batteries

ап urban fаrm с work together on 4 chemical d


3 ldeas taken frоm the development of

grows enough food to sell in

соmрutеr science and а city

сlеап cars.
chemistry d аrе two types оf excitlng,
5 materials е works with computers in саrs

4 0пе impoгtant source of green technology. scientist

9rееп епеrgу е and sells it at а
@ Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
5 Wind епеrgу and сlеап community food stand.
са rS 1 Chemical and electrical _ work together to
develop сlеап саr technology.
READlNG а vehicles
Ь engineers
ф Read the text and choose the correct answer to the
с manufacture
d mапаgеrs
1 The author uses the phrase ploy о big rоlе iп
раrаgrарh 1 2 Software developers use ideas _ computer science
to mеап tO create computers fоr сlеап саrs.
а Ье а source оfgrееп energy. а belong to
Ь Ье оп staqe. ь made frоm
с Ье important. с taken from
d Ье worth а lot оf mопеу. d added to
2 The wоrdgrееп iп раrа9rарh 'l
means 3 Wave епеr9у will Ье ап imроrtапt SoUrCe оf _
а not natural, епеrgу iп the future.
ь not harmful to the environment. а solar
с relatinq to the wind and sea. ь renewable
d паturаl. с power
3 What is the аuthоrЪ purpose? d technology

а to help people find jobs 4 Working оп c|ean cars, urban fаrms and wave епеr9у
Ь to help sell electric cars аrе three types of _ jobs that we сап look fоrwаrd
с to give examples of green jobs to in the future.
d to give an opinion on the best jobs а grееп
4 Which of the following statements about the urЬап Ь engineering
fаrm ts not true? с еlесtriсаl
d rепеwаьlе
а The fаrm produces honey.
ь There аrе chickens at the fаrm. @ Answer the questions about the article with уоur оwп
с Some of the food goes to food banks. ideas.
d The fаrm produces а lot of food.
1 What kind of green job would you like to kпоw mоrе about?
5 The meaning of the word gепеrаtе iп раrаgrарh 5 is
similar to
а produce. с роWеr.
Ь reduce. d tUrn 0п. Do you know апуопе who works in а grееп job? What
does he оr she do?
6 According to раrаgrарh 5, what does а wave fаrm
а eIectriclty с technology
Ь wlnd d сlеап fuеl 3 Do you thinkgreen jobs аrе important?Why?/Why not?

102 Unit 9
Gft.ёlПl.l.1. j.'бЬ5,..,ll'.6f...'.thёl l.fu tЙfё'.1...''..,..

1 l,l,,lЖ,W..,.Y,otllnel,.Йiгa,libbnt,ýrеёа,!ПёЫ,, gl*,, l l :ll;,l.:.., lll:,РЙаuСtiоа.mапаgаiilрtiа,lапJ.llОiеЙЙе tЬе

,,,.,briildings,апd lgцёЫ,рi_оfuсjз:1,111rёl,fuiuте,, is gтееп and ,l ',l],:l 1and,p.a;ý,'.n*eýýd |ý,]:b{}i]a'and',l;,
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] .,:,:,': :
iýýеdiЬiё, vёhialёý,.апd, ПФialё ]Р.rftsl,,,, .
.,,]l1,, $щп jоЬ iп.] уФii,fliiйёl. н.llе убu,]Йбuýhr аЬоui wЬ,ri:, l
Urban farming
,,,, v,ou]d'likё,to,1do],,ФheniФu]fel ]fёrdr to ýиrt working?

h4щ;l' Йtтп, у,бя::пПяhi ý/ant to'1ea- ,rп6;е]: eýout 3 i;7$: :,ý2+ёi,Йаý:lrl,f;iЯ]:,оп:,ýiitеп,,Ь1eпd,:, in Iчеw

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;,Yоt]|, ýilу, .'Тhё] fаfm,,, is,, ЬёtуучёilЙо,liаiýё араrtmепt
::ll',,,liчildiпýs'.;;li.u|:,!i]sl.пФ,а,gаidеgil].At,,,4;ý00,,,ýýuаr.ё fёеt,:, l:,,
clean cars ,,l , 'l(465.:ýqцаiё,:,пrёtfёý);llitl,,,iýlа,,.Об:пЙёtсiа1,,fаrtn that ,, . .

2,,,,.,,,РёОрJе ]]Тчiti, difuёпt skills Wоik' lбП',dёчё_lфiriý:,,l

l l,,
],, ],,,,, ,,',,,produi€ý,,iЁgetalrЪý]llПпа l gtЦi, lPioducts l,for sale, 1ц .

ёjёсtriСl;,,,Оr,,СlеПП', .lV.ё]ПсЬý:,fiоm,thеl fiý;,1,dёsigiri;,tО,

],,].,.],,faФr,,,,.day а,wееа.:,ft. 11ýФ,.,rФ9'.;.161,,аutПФ;,l,,Zа|,фу,,:,';:;,';',:,';'
.,.ýё.l1ý thё,,.:араritrrё_Пiý;,'lj'l.',i.,,'..,,l',..,..'',,'1
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.]' ]

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, ,l,,,,;':1,1 ltа,i,,ёпgiпе',l ,Еlее_tiit.lап.d,hУЪrjdl'еацý,'hаче,.Irоilt.iо,,
in уоur Гuturе?

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А | in а dауЪ work 10З
ý€ She said it wasnt just about the mопеу
GRAMMAR Rep*rted speech 7 IVlyfriends Carlos and Luis:'We can't come to уоur
раrtу thi5 weekendj
($ Listen and complete the sentences. жж а Carlos and Luis said they couldn't соmе to my party
she told hеr sons it time for this weekend.
diппеr. Ь Carlos and Luis said they could come to mу party

2 Lee this weekend.

if l had Ьееп to cambodia.
3 l told Lee to cambodia when l
Еuп:'l сап look аftеr your pets while уоu'rе on holidayJ

was at sесопdаrу school а Еuп told me she could look аftеr mу pets while l was
on hoIiday.
4 She Harry Potter апd the
Ь Еuп told me she will look аftеr my peis whiIe l was
PhilospherЗ 5Гопе was her favourite book.
оп holiday,
5 Sophie Buenos Аirеs was hеr
favourite city @ Choose the correct words to complete the reported
6 kanata said to the Sydney

0реrа House. 1 The salesman said"You will have to рау mоrе money
7Не he was worried he would fоr the саr you wantJ

fail the exam because he forgot to revise. Не said that| would /could have to рау mоrе mопеу
8 Му father if l wanted some for the саr l wanted.

bread with my soup. She said,'|'m travelling to Chile for wоrk]

ý Choose the correct reported speech option for each

She told thot / told mе гhсr she wтs trovelling / travelled
to chile fоr work.
example of direct speech.
'l visited mу grandmother every weekishe to|d hеr
1 IVly grandmother:Always work smаrtеr, not hаrdеr]
а NЛу grandmother said to always work smarter, поt
she / you told her friend that she had visited / wоuldп't
уrsiГ hеr grandmother ечеrу week.
Ь t\Лу grandmother will say to always wоrk smarter,
not harder. ltly friend asked,'Do you want to go сусliпg
2 Мапiп:'| studied all week fоr the exam and know l will
get а good markl Не asked if l wanted to go cycling the пехt doy /
а Маrtiп said he could Ье studying all week for the
exam and knows heU get а good mаrk. Не asked,'What are you writing?'
ь l\лаrtiп said he'd studied all week fоr the exam and Не said / osked me what l was writing / had written.
knew he'd get а good mark.
Dad said,'ltlei, ореп our windows to let some сооlеr
3 lt4y grandfather:'You've made me proudJ air in]
а Му grandfather told me I had made him рrоud. Dad told Mei to / told го Д/еl ореп our / their windows to
Ь Му grапdfаthеr told mе l had him proud. let some сооlеr air in.
4 N/e:'ls Jane GoodaIlan important scientist?' SejaI said,'l've been to I\Лаjоrса for а holidayl
а Jane Goodall is an important scientist.
l ask if
Sejal told mе shed Ьееп / she wепtlо Majorca fоr а
Ь l asked if Jапе Goodall was ап important scientist.
5 Mly sister:'l rode my bike to school every day last yearJ l said,'Sejal, l went to Mlajorca last yearJ
а Му sister said mе she rode hеr bike to school ечеrу
l told Sejal ld Ьееп / lhad Ьееп gоiпg to Majorca the
day last уеаr.
уеаr Ьеfоrе.
Ь Му sister told mе she had ridden hеr bike to school
every day last year. Оur English teacher said"You сап finish the essay iп
6 IVly uncle:'The trаiп won't Ье оп time]
а ltЛу uncle said the train wouldn't Ье on time, Оur English teacher told us / rоld that we could / would
Ь lt/y uncle said me the trаiп can't Ье оп time, flnish the essay iп class.

104 Unit 9
@ Гut the words iп the correct order to make sentences. @ Listen to the radio report. Then rewrite the sentences

1 couldn't/ He/them /eat/told /the/salad /they

as reported speech. ЖЖ
1 The rероrtеr said,'lt's 1 0рm оп а cool Saturday iп Los
2 was/ He/some/ he/ going /tolsaid /eggs/ buy AngelesJ

3 that / lare / She/she/could /teli /оur/ lU / be/said The reporter said,'The чап will Ье ореп for the next
/ tеасhеr few hours..,'

4 He/travel / рlаппiпg / lold / hе/mе / to / tolwas/Asia The rероrtеr said,'Kogi BBQ has been popular since
200в. . .,

5 worked / they / me / project / told /They / on / that

The reporter said,'. . .two friends had the idea of
serving Коrеап barbecue together with lVlexican
6 She/the /she /previous/watched /the/ news/ said
tacos. . .'
/ night / had

The rероrtеr sаid,'l\Лапу think itЪ good enough to queue

7 couldn't / parents /Ihеу /eat / dinner / with / they /
their / said

8 asked / would / he / him / if / help / 1

@ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 She told mе she gave / given people legal advice and

ý Гut the words or phrases in the table to show the tense iпfоrmаtiоп. She's а lаwуеr / пursе,
changes from direct speech to reported speech. Use 2 Не said he ttzcs trаiпеd / wоп't trained to help people
опе word or phrase twice. who аrе sick оr injured, and he received mоrе training
than а nurse. He's а chef / doctor,
could / couldn't past perfect present continuous
З She said she that was hеlрiпg / wos gоiпg to help
past simple past Simple will / wоп't
teenagers lеаrп. She will Ье а secondory-school teacher
/ dentist.
4 Тhеу told us / told they designed devices like mрЗ рlауеrs
and smапрhопеs.Тhеу'rе accountants l еlесtrопiс
past continuous епgiпееrs,
5 Не said hе сап / couldnt provide саrе fоr people's teeth
past simple / past perfect
and mouths. Неъ поt а dentist / tеосhеr.
present perfect 6 She told us she deslgлed / willdesign соmрutеr
programs. ShеЪ ап architect / о softwore developer,

сап / сап't
7 Не told me he иrолtl соuld рrераrе financial
information. Неъ an architect / ассоuпtапt.
8 They said they prepared апd cooked / gоiпg to рrероrе
апd cookfood as а job. They're chefs / lawyers,
@ Лrе the words iп bold correct? Correct those that аrе
ý Rewrite thе sentences as reported speech.
1 Не told he couldn't lend me апу money.
1 John said"l can't print my project from that computerJ

2 She asked me not to go to the beach without hеr.

2 She said,'l lived in Copenhagen until l was at
secondary school]
3 Не said опе of the best art museums in the country
was iп оur city.
She said,'Yesterday l walked from оur school to the
4 Marta said sheU look it up online.

4 I\4y parents said,'We turned the lighъ on1

5 Не said"I can't take the hlstory exam todayl

All in а dауЪ work 105
ýЖ The surprising thing l learned sailing
solo around the world

TEDTALKS 2 What does the speaker do поw?

а She ruпs ап organization.
ь she sails iп races.

AUTHENTlc LlSTENlNG sKlLLS с She speaks about sailing.

3 Why does the speaker mention the photo of а coal-

@ tisten to theTEDTa|k extract and underline the weak fired роwеr station?
forms with the schwa sound, жw а to describe how coal is ап important part of епеrgу
l wilI пеvеr forget the excitement as we closed the coast. Ь to talk about the coal industry
l will печеr fоrgеt the feelin9 of adventure as l climbed G to connect the photo to hеr great-grandfather
оп board the boat апd stared into hеr tiny саЬiп fоr the
first time. But the most amazing feeling was the feeling of
4 What does the speaker want to do with the things
people use?
freedom, the feeling that l felt when we hoisted hеr sails.
а She wants to use up materials.
Ь She wants to think of ways to rеusе things.
WATсH ж с She wants to collect the things people use.

5 what сап Ье inferred about the Ellen ltласАrthur

@ Watch the TED Talk and put the events in the correct
а lt helps build ап есопоmу that can help the future.
_ She begins hеr apprenticeship in sailing.
Ь lt helps young people live their dream of saiIing.
_ She slts in а design meeting designing а boat for с lt helps old people understand technology.
her to travel alone around the world.
6 Why does the speaker mention her great-grandfather?
Dame Еllеп IVacArthur saiIs fоr the first time, а to explain how old he is
_ She misses an iсеЬеrg Ьу twenty feet. Ь to explain how there were only 25 саrs during his
_ She finlshes iп second place.
с to ехрlаiп how much the world has changed
_ She saves hеr school dinner mопеу change for
eight years.
@ Лrе the sentences true (Т) or false (F)?

1 When Еllеп was а child, she оftеп dreamed of sailing. @ Match the words with the correct paraphrased liпе
frоm the talk.

2 During а rасе, hеr boat blew оп its side in the Southern 1 focus оп а The most amazing fee|ing was the
0сеап. _ 2 global feeling of having the right to do
3 She was at sea fоr three years for the rасе. _ 3 use up
what l want.
4 She enjoyed the race so much, she decided to do 4 freedom
Ь Just like in mу dгеаms, thеrе wеrе
another rасе and sail around the world. _ 5
amazing parts and difficult parts.
5 She says that а boat is ап entire world and what you
с Our world есопоmу is по dlfferent.
take is aIl you have, _ 6 curiosity d And it made me make а decision
6 Sailing оп а boat helped Ellen to understand that thеrе that l печеr thought l would make:
is an end to things - what we have is all we have. to leave solo sailing to look closely
at the greatest challenge ld ever
@ Choose the correct answer to the questions. е And my desire to know more led
me to some extraordinary places.
1 What is the speaker mainly discussing?
f lf we could build ап есопоmу that
а how sailing is the best hobby would use things rather than take
Ь how she went from sailing to what she does поw all of something, we could make
с why coal is limited and important а future that wоrk in the long

106 Unit 9
WЖ What does а UX designer do?

5PEAKlNG @ Complete the conversation with the sentences and

questions from Exercise 3.
@ Rut the words in the correct order to make sentences and
А Еvеrуопеъ talking about careers, but l don't know what
1 nurses / do / much / еаrп / How l want to do when l'm older.
в l know. Му dad said l needed to make some decisions,
but (1)
2 do / What / consultant / ап / does / image
and he doesn't think music is а рrореr саrееr,
А So, what have you said to him?
3 been / archttecture / l've / iп / interested / alwavs
в Well, (2)
and thеrеЪ mоrе work iп that f|eld. Опе new job
4 gаmеrs / do / work / Where / professional
that sounds interesting is called ап online reputation
5 paid / teachers / Аrе / well А l've never hеаrd of that beforel (3)

6 One / history / subjects / of / favourite / is / my Well, they deal with complaints and problems on
social media Ьеfоrе they become big issues.
7 need / What / skills / do / salespeople Oh, OK, that sounds cool. (4)

В Usually for big companies, but it could Ье for bands

@ t-ook at the questions and decide if the intonation and singers too. ТhаtЪ what ld Ье interested iп doing
rises (R) or falls (F) at the end of the question. Then А That sounds cooil (5)
listen and checkyour answers. ЖЖý
1 Do you work every day? _ Well, onIine complaints сап cause companies huge
problems, so you have to Ье quick to respond
2 Have you еvеr had а part-time job? _
to things, have great peopIe skills and Ье able to
3 How many hours do nurses work? _ communicate clearly on social media, which is great
4 Which company do you work fоr? _
for me.
5 How much training do professional gamers do? _ might have to think about а new job too. l lоче lT.
6 What qualifications do tеасhеrs need? _ l
МауЬе l should look at designing social media арр5 оr
7 Would уоu Iike to Ье а firefighter? _
8 Аrе you going to get promoted? _ В Yeah, go fоr it. l think thеrеЪ а;оЬ out there for

ф Match the two parts of the sentences. еVеrуопе.

1 what does an опliпе а work? ý Read the question and make Some notes on
уоur ideas
reputation mапаgеr Ь like singing. for уочr response. Speak for about two minutes and
2 So, whеrе do опliпе с need? record yourself. Тhеп listen to the model answer and
reputation mапаgеr5 d social media. compare your ideas. ЖеХЖ
зl е do?
What kind of job would you like to have iп the future?
4 l love
5 so, what skills do these

All in а dауЪ wоrk 1О7
WRIT|NG А fоrrпаl erTail

@ Read the email. Answer the questions with these @ Choose the best option to complete the formal email.
words or phrases. There are two that you don't need.
Dear Мr It4iller,
а journalist а travel writer Alvaro costa
Ms Dixon по lt4y teacher, It4r Benevides, has given me уоur name. Не
рiеrо costa said that you can answer some of my questions about
web design. (1) l'm iп my final уеаr at the Oakvale
High School in Singapore. l'm very interested in web
Dеаr Ms Dixon, -
design and development, and (2)
lИу uпсlе, Рiеrо Costa, gave me уоur name апd said
that you сап answer some of mу questions about trачеl
l have some questions for you: -
writing. Thank you for taking the time tO read my email.
1 (3) _ Could you tell me about ап average day in

|'m iп уеаr ] З at Heaton Grаmmаr School iп Cardiff. l'm уоur job? Do you have to go to а lot of meetings?

vеrу interested iп both travel and writing, and l would like

2 l aIready help some of mу family mеmЬеrs with their

to lеаrп mоrе aboui becoming

websites and lthink l could staп my оwп business. (4) _
а travel writеr.
3 lU like to take some online соursеs оп coding. (5)_
l have а few questions:
Мапу thanks fоr taking the time to апswеr my questions.
1 l'm not sure what subject to take. Could you tell me (6)_
whether it's better to study journalism or English at
Yours siпсеrеlу,
Junsu Chang
2 l have already written Some travel Writing articleS,
but l don't know where to send them. Do you know
а Thank you so much for this орроrtuпitу.
if thеrеЪ а magazine or website that mi9ht publish Ь l don't kпоw any web developers, so thanks.
а want уоu to tell me about Ming а web
l rеаllу
3 l'm trying to rеаd as much travel writing as l сап. ld developer.
like to know who your favourite travel writers аrе. Ь l would like to lеаrп mоrе about Ming а web
Thank you again for agreeing to апswеr my questions. l

а ld like to know what а typical day is like fоr а web

look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely, Ь Anyway, whаtЪ а typical day like for most web
Alvaro costa
4а So, iS it better to work for а big соmрапу оr to
become self-employed?
1 Who has information about travel writiпg?
h Do you know if itЪ better to work for а big соmрапу
or to Ье self-employed?
2 Who is а student?
5 а Could you tell mе which courses you recommend?
Ь What courses do you rесоmmепd in coding?
3 What does АIчаrо want to Ьесоmе?
6 а Please write back sооп, Мr Mi|ler!
Ь l Iook forward to hеаriпg frоm you.
4 Has Alvaro written апу travel writing pieces?
@ Шоw write а formal email of your оwп. Choose опе of
5 Does he say who his favourite travel writers аrе? the careers and follow the steps.
. police оffiсеr . make-up artist
. advertising executive . marketing assistant
6 what is the tone of the email?
1 Use polite and fоrmаl language.
2 Address уоur email to Мr Noguch|.
3 Say you got his паmе frоm your teacher, Ms Powell.
4 Thank him for the opportunity.
5 Give him some rnformation about yourself.
6 Ask him at least three indirect questions.
7 Thank him again апd request а rерlу.
8 Sign ofГappropriately.

108 Unit 9
Review Shеrуl Sandberg is the chief operating оffiсеr at Facebook.
1 she attended Наrчаrd universitv after she
@ choose the correct words to comp|ete the sentences. Гrоm high school.

То apply fоr а job as а salesperson, you should talk to

2 she worked at the world Bank after she

the sГоrе mопаgеr / chef. her studies at Harvard

The lov,tyers / poramedtcs аrе usually called when there 3 she went back to Наrvаrd for her МвА after she
is а medical emergency. at the Wоrld Bank.
After а big оfГiсе раrtу, the office cleaners / orchitects 4 Before she worked at the US Department оfТrеаsurу,
may have а lot of ехtrа work to do.
she her lVВА.
lп оrdеr to become а dentist / factory worker, you must
com plete severa l years at u niversity.
5 She а vlce president at Google
for seven years Ьеfоrе she got her currentjob at
)ffice workers / Firefighters have а difficult and
dangerous job protecting people and their homes and FасеЬооk.
businesses, as well as оur forests. 6 she became the first woman оп the Facebook board
6 ln оrdеr to Ьесоmе ап ассоuпtапt / executive, you need of directors after she as chief
to Ье good at maths and keeping rесоrds. operating officer of FасеЬооk fоr four years.

ý Complete the sentences with the correct words.

@ Complete the Sentences with the past simple or past
0пе thing ап е"_*_ е_-- might do is
perfect form ofthe verbs in brackets.
design and testthe computer-based parts of а саr. 1 Не told me he (enjoy; past
The с--_ е___ is the most senior and perfect) his internship at the museum.
usually the highesгpaid person iп а company, 2 She said that iп ancient Japan, fаrmеrs
А р__ о'-__ has а чеrу important job riсе and
(grow, sell; past simple) it.
protecting the community frоm сrimе.
We рау а lot of money for оur computers, mobile
3 kwan told me he (find;past
perfect) some good places to eat пеаr his hotel.
phones апd desiqner clothes, but the f*-'---...-
4 she told me she (eat; past
w**___-"*_, who make them often don't еаrп vеrv simple) lunch with her collea9ues Ьеfоrе the meeting.
much mопеу at all. 5 Не said he (want; past simple)
5 At the hospital, we depend оп d __ __ to to find а new job.

ехрlаiп оur condition and give us advice, but itЪ the 6 she said she (decide; past
perfect) to study English.
п**-***_* who take саrе of us.
6 You always know when f_л_ аrе on the way @ Choose the correct answer for each question.
because of the loud sirens and bright flashlng lights on
1 Do you think he'Il Ье а grеаt dапсеr?
their long, red vehicles,
а Well, his teachers told him that if he practised mоrе,
ф r-ook at the dates and events in Sheryl SапdЬеrgЪ life. he could Ье а great dапсеr,
Тhеп complete the sentences using the past perfect Ь Yesl His teachers аrе telling him that if hed practised
form ofthe verbs. mоrе, he would Ье а great dапсеr.
2 ls your tеасhеr famous?
1969 Ьоrп in Washlngton, DC
а told that hеЪ on а winning Olympic football
Yes, he
1991 вА in economtcs frоm Наrчаrd
team in the 1 990s,
1992 Research Assistant at the world Bank Ь Yes, he said that hed Ьееп on а wiппiпg Olympic
NЛВА frоm Наrчаrd Business School football team iп the ] 990s.
1996 Chief of Staff at US Department of Treasury 3 Did you win the award?
200,1 а vice presrdent at Google а No, my teacher told me l didn't win it.
200В Chief Operating Offiсеr at FасеЬооk Ь Yes! l\/y teacher had toid me l was winning it.

2012 becamefirstwoman оп Facebook's Board of Directors 4 Do you know where l\4aria and Реdrо lived when they
wеrе children?
Ье complete (х2) graduate work (х2) а They told me they could live iп Bogota when they
were children.
Ь Тhеir mother said theyd lived in Воgоtё untilthey
Wеrе teenagerS.

All in а dауЪ work 109
ý &е lnventions: past, present, future
VOCABULARY Techn*iogy ф Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

@ Revision Complete the sentences with the correct 1 You need а lot of go camping, such as а tоrсh,
words. а tent and food.
саmеrа machine а inventions Ь equipment с process
рr!пtеr рrо9rаmmе
software teXtS tablet video games 2 Today we have powerful electric machines to do our
work for us, but mоrе than а thousand уеаrs а9о,
1 А computer is а that performs people were constructing houses and huge buildings
mапу functions, lncluding word processing, counting of stone using опlу very simple _,
and storing information. а research Ь tools с developments
А is like а computer, but it's These days, almost everything is digital. lnstead of
smaller and has а keyboard on the sсrееп. going to а shop to buy а CD, geпing пеw music is поw
3 lt4ost mobile phones have а pretty good а simpie of going to а website оr using an арр
and downloading files.
fоr taking and posting photos. -
4 Fоr many people, рlауiпg lSa
а technology Ь progress с process

fuп апd challenging activity that uses severai skills Did you know that thеrе аrе some new video games

5 lf you don't have access to а

that you can _ wlth уоur Ьrаiп Ьу wеаriпg а
special device оп уоur head?
you can send your essay to уоur teacher in ап email
6 l don't like talking оп the рhопе. l usually
а сопtrоI Ь rеsеаrсh ( process

communicate Ьу sending 5 5ечеrаl companies are working оп the _ of the

flying саr. Some have succeeded, but it will Ье years
7 lf you know howto cOmpUte15,
before many people will Ье able to Ьuу and use them.
you could create Гоr а big
соmрапу like Apple оr Microsoft.
а equipment Ь progress с development
6 The mапу important _ that were developed
ф Match the words with the definitions. during the lndustrial Revolution, such as the steam
епgiпе and the locomotive train, quickly апd
1 research ап object that helps you do а
dramatically changed ЕurореЪ cities.
2 equlpment job
3 process all ofthe things that аrе used а technology Ь inventions с developments
4 tool to do something
5 invention improvement that is made
@ Пеаd the text about tiny robots. Are the sentences
(1-8) true (Т), false (F) or is the information not given
6 progress over time
7 сопtrоl steps that you take to do
8 digital 5omething TlNY RoBoTS
to make something оr Siпсе the invention of the first digital and рrоgrаmmаЬlе
someone do what you want robot iп l954, robot technology has made incredible
to find out iпfоrmаtiоп about
рrоgrеss. Robots аrе now used in mапу different places,
something including factories, hospitals and the military. Robotic
а пеw object that someone
equipment is used fоr underwater rеsеаrсh and space
ехрlоrаtiоп. Robots аrе sent into buildings and other
storing sound оr images as places that are too dangerous fоr people to епtеr.
electronic signals
When we think of robots, we often think of large
machines - sometimes we imаgiпе human-like machines
that have а face and talk. But an interesting пеw
development is the field of miсrо- and nano-robotics.

110 Unit'l0
Across the 9lobe, sclentists аrе making and testing very 4 In the future, l hope we сап use grееп tесhпоlоgу l
tiny robots. They hope these robots will Ье able to go into spocecroft lo reduce pollution,
the human body and реrfоrm tasks, such as delivering 5 The Swedish tech соmрапу Кiпq produces l portners
medicine to а specific аrеа, removing а smal1 object with mаау рорulаr 9ame apps for computers and
that was swallowed, реrfоrmiпg surgеrу оr making tiny phones.
rераirs. They аrе controlled wireless у and remotely frоm 6 Some robots have Ьееп dlscoyered l епgiпееrеd to
outside the body, but scientists hope опе day to create work independently, without а реrsоп there to сопtrо
robots that сап Ье рrоgrаmmеd to work independently them.
оr through а рrосеSs of working together with оthеr tiny 7 Some mobile phone соmрапiеs роrtпеr vvith / ехрlоrе
robots. specific sеrvlсе pгov ders to offer special dea s.

Some people fear that thеir jobs will Ье replaced Ьу

robots, but robots cou d actually save their lives one day.
ffi Extension Complete the texts with the correct words
and phrases.
Тiпу robots could Ьесоmе опе of the most iгпроrtапt
too]s iп hospitals of the future! design discovered eiectric
Robots have replaced around 400/а of human;obs since епе19у engineer explore
the 1 950s. _ grееп technology install iпvепtiоп

Robots аrе used to ехрlоrе the oceans and outer раrtпеrlпg with р rоd ucin g spacecraft

1 ЗD рriпtеrs аrе а useful Реор е
Vеrу tiny robots аrе а standard рап of most hospital
сап а ЗD digital model of ап
eqUipment today.
ob;ect and then'print'it usinq materials like plastic,
scientists will use а kind of remote controi to move the
Creatin9 а solid object.
robots inside the раtiепtЪ body.

M]icro апd nano-robots wii] Ье ап important too] fоr

2 Cassini-Huyqens is а rоЬоtiс

doctors to use in the future. _ that NASA Sent to Saturn in

1997,1l arrived in 2004.Through Cassini, scientists
6 Robots сап do manv ioos Dеооr€ сап't do
seven пеw moons orbiting
7 The first miсrо-rоЬоt was invented in 1954
Saturn and that one of the moons, Enceladus, mау Ье
8 А ]аЬ in Japan is testing mtсrо-rоЬоt technology to
able to support life.
help people with stогпасh рrоЬlеms.
3 With climate change as а grоwiпg рrоЬlеm,
ls becoming mоrе and mоrе
i m porta nt. IИа ny соm ра п ies а rе rеsеа rсhiпg а nd
developing ways to use аltеrпаtivе
like solar апd wind. Tesla Miotors, а согпрапу famous
fоr very modern, but vеrу
eXpenSlVe, Car5, lS

апоthеr company, Panasonic,

to а пеw kind of so]ar tl е that
people сап оп the roof of their
house and get their electricity frоm the sun.
ф Extension Choose the correct words to complete the

After you download the software, you need to instoll /

produce it on you r согп puter.
The епеrgу / electric that powers а mobile рhопе
comes frоm а battery.
Scientists send robots Io епgiпееr / ехрlоrе ехtrеmеlу
deep areas of the ocean in the hope that they will
iпstоil l discover soгnething new and interesting.

Rеmоtесопtrо 111
PRONUNCIATION Stress in passive vеrЬs
@ listen and underline the passive verb phrases.
Then practise saying the sentences. ЖЖ
1 Electronic mопеу is stored in Kenyans'mobile phones.
2 Birds wеrе used Ьу the Rоmап army to send messages
3 The technology was developed Ьу scientists in
4 The first phone call was made Ьу Аlехапdеr Grаhаm
5 Аl, оr artificial intelligence, is found iп most
6 Sometimes new technologies аrе invented Ьу
@ Listen to the conversation again and answer the
accident. questions. ЖЖ
7 The саr was driven Ьу ап intelligent computer.
8 The iРhопе was launched Ьу Apple iп 2007. 1 What does the girl find inspiring about hеr
а hеr kindness and generosity
LlSTENlNG Ь hеr actlve lifestyle
с her technicaI abilities
@ Listen to the speakers. Which technology are they
d her independence
describing? Choose your anSwers from the option5
(а-f).ЖЖý 2 What рrоЬlеm does the 9irl have?
а understanding hеr grапdmоthеrЪ life
а smartphone d wireless рriпtеr Ь getting hеr grandmother to respond to email
ь robotic wоrkеr е artificial intelligence с convincing her grandmother to get а phone
с driverless саr f electronic money d communicating with her grапdmоthеr
1_ 4_ 3 Why is it difficult for the girl to stay in touch with her
2_ 5_ grапdmоthеr?
3 6_ а Неr grandmother doesn't like FасеЬооk.
Ь Неr grandmother опlу has а landline phone.
ý Listen and match the products with the descriptions, с Неr grandmother rаrеlу turns оп hеr computer.
ЖЖr*Ж d Неr grandmother печеr checks hеr voicemail.

1 ilet 4 а has а 17.З inch screen

4 What does the 9randdaughter imply when she says:
'She was given а laptop fоr hеr birthday, but she has
2 Optimum З,0 Ь the wоmап owns this laptop
never lеаrпеd how to use it. l don't think she's еvеr
3 Vertex с the smaIlest laptop еvеп turned it on]
4 Optimum 5.0 d has the longest lasting battery а The grandmother asked fоr the laptop, but then
5 Рliпtаr е has two USB ports changed hеr mind.
Ь The grandmother doesn't have the time to lеаrп
how to use it.
с The grandmother has no interest in adoptinq
mоdеrп technology.
d The grandmother tried to lеаrп how to Use it, but it
was too difficult.

What does the Ьоу suggest the girl might do?

а teach hеr grandmother some technical skills
Ь try to understand hеr grandmother's thinking
с ask her grandmother for the пеw laptop
а USB port d explain why young people do what they do

@ tisten to the conversation and choose the sentence What does the grапdmоthеr see happeninq in the
that describes how the girlЪ 9randmother feels about world?
пеw technology. ЖЖЖ а people Ьесоmiпg less and less interested in lеаrпrпg
Ь technology having both positive and negative
а She thinks itЪ too confusing. -с- -,
Ь She thinks itЪ dangerous.
с visiting people becoming mоrе апd mоrе difficult
с shеъ not interested iп it,
d people mоrе focused оп their phones than each
d ShеЪ interested, but too busy.

112 Unit 'l0
GRAMMAR The passive 2А How much mопеу Ьу
mobile рhопе companies frоm text messages each
ф Choose the correct чеrЬ form to complete the
В Mobile phone companies еаrп $60-$70 billion each
Almost aIl of the i В million smагtрhопе users in Spain
уеаr frоm text messages.
rероrt that they usiпg / are used l use apps every day.
A'Great Сапаdiап Apps'section was created tn the 3А When most text messaoes
iTunes арр store because so mапу apps are developed /
is developed / develop in Сапаdа. Mlost text messages between
А l7о tax оп smartphone users in Frапсе could fund 'l0:З0
and 1 1:00рm.
organizations that cre created / create / сrеаtiпg d|gita|
content iп Frепсh.
4А How mапу text messages
Nеаrlу 25% of smartphone users iп the UK said they to?
Ьеiпg / Ьееп / ore addicted to their phones. В 0пlу 2% of text messages
ln lndia, il reports / reported / wos reportedthat men That means 9В% of text messages are responded tol
u5e their smartphones mostly for apps and browsing Did you know that only 207о of emails аrе answered?
the web, and wоmеп use their smartphones mostly for
social media and messaging. 5А How many саr accidents
ln China, mоrе than 257о of the 246 million texting every уеаr?
smartphone users rе9ulаrlу using / use / is used mоrе В NЛоrе than 200,000 саr acctdents
than 21 apps on their phones. Ьу teХtinq.
Smartphones оwпеd / was оwпеd / are оwпеd Ьу оvеr
ВO7о of the population in South Коrеа. @ Change the sentences frоm active to passive or from
passive to active.
@ Complete the sentences with the correct passive form
ofthe verbs in brackets. 1 Print books аrе рrеfеrrеd Ьу 62О/о of
to 24-year-olds
iп the UK.
1 lVоrе than 650,000 books
(publish, past simple) in the United States in 20'l5
2 lп the Iast уеаr, рriпt books lп the past, books wеrе chained to the shelves tп
(rеаd, past simple) Ьу 75О/о of people aged 1б-29. libraries iп оrdеr to stop them frоm being stolen.
3 E-books (purchase, past 5imple)
Ьу 57о of adults who purchased а book last уеаr.
4 print books (read, present The most ехрепsiче book ечеr purchased, Lеопаrdо Da
ИпсiЪ Codexleicester, was bought Ьу Bill Gates fоr $ЗO.В
simple) Ьу 907о of people.
5 E-books (buy, present simple)
Ьу fewer than оf rеаdеrs.
6 Almost 205,000 e-books (buy,
92О/о of US college students рrеfеr print books over
past simple) in 20'l 5, пеаrlу З0,000 fewer than in 20'l4. diqital books.
7 Books that (price, present simple)

under f4.00 sell Ьепеrthап books at апу оthеr price.

8 Sales of e-books аrе dropping, perhaps because mоrе People iп lceland read mоrе books реr capita than iп
than 50,000 e-books (сrеаtе, апу other country.
present simple) each month.

@ Complete the Sentences and questionS with the

Nearly half оf all magazines are bought оп Friday,
correct passive form of these verbs. Тhеrе may Ье mоrе
Saturday and Sunday.
than опе correct answer.

са USe еаrп liпk receIVe (not) respond

send spend USe write |п 1949, а Spanish tеасhеr patented the first electronic
book because she wanted to reduce the пumьеr of
books her students had to саrrу.
1А When the first text message

В The first text message

1992,1| happened in the UK.

Remote сопtrоl 113
ý &ж Сап tech teach us?
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG Word fаглiliеs @ Matcb the information (a-e)with the paragraphs
(1-4). You may use the numbers more than опсе.
@ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
words in brackets. а how RoboBees аrе similar to rеаI bees _
1 Bees, and the wоrk they do, helped to inspire the
Ь possible future use for RoboBees _
(develop) of small flying robots
с RoboBees аrе only рап of the answer _
called 'RoboBees]
d Ьее populations аrе dropping _
2 RоЬеп Wood is а professor of
е the wоrk of а National Geographic Ехрlоrеr _
(епgiпееr), as well as а Natronal Geographic Ехрlоrеr.
@ Complete the summary using the passive form of the
3 Some scientists believe that RoboBees will help with verbs iп brackets.
the (рrоduсе) of crops iп the RoboBees (1) (develop) at the
futu rе. Microrobotics Lab at Наrчаrd University Ьу Dr RobertWood
4 The development of RoboBees is ап important and his team. The RoboBees (2)
(achieve) (design) like rеаl bees.Tasks can (3)
5 The (develop) of the RoboBees (реrfоrm) Ьу these robotic insects. Fоr example, сrорs
аrе а team of scientists апd епgiпееrs. could (4) (pollinate) Ьу these tiny
6 The failure of the project was а huge robots if there were not enough rеаl bees to do the work.
(disappoint) to the team Robotic bees (5) (not expect) to
7 People who аrе good at maths in school often go оп replace real bees. Ноwечеr, they are опе example оf how
to Ьесоmе high (achieve) iп the problems сап (6) (solve) Ьу пеw
world оf science and engrneering. tech nology.
8 When developing new technologies, engineers аrе
constantly thlnking about whеrе they can make @ Bead the part of the article comparing RoboBees and
honeybees. Choose the correct words to complete the
(improve) to designs.

1 Wingspan is the length from the tip о{ опе wiпg /

READlNG апtеппае tO the tip ofthe other.
2 The RoboBee / hопеуЬееhаs а lаrgеrwiпgsрап.
@ Пеаd the article about RoboBees. Choose theTWO
3 The hопеуЬееЪ wings beat mоrе than 200 times per
details that are not mentioned Ьу the author.
sесопd / per miпчtе.
а RoboBees have чеrу thin wings that flap 12О times per 4 The RoboBee / hопеуЬее is heavier.
second. 5 The RoboBee has а shorter //ол9еr wingspan.
Ь РоrtаЬlе sources of роwеr fоr RoboBees must still Ье
с RoboBees might Ье used to pollinate а fleld оf crops.
d RoboBees still have to learn to communicate with each
other while working.
е RoboBees сап take offand hang iп the аir.

114 Unit'l0
Flight of the RoboBees


а lэeel Its а гоЬоt! It's а RoboBee! А

ý*'1ý?.'ýý It's t\i/o velT thin wings that mor,-е rapidly - 120 times
u,bal? Д RolloBcc i::r l'lring гсlhrlt 1ltltt's гtlugIrl1 tIle реr second - RoboBees сап take оГf and then lrочег
size оf а Ьее ог sn"ra11 tJying insect. Likе геаl bees, in рlзсе. sct down Ьгiсfl1,. and then liГr оl'Г again ro
Robotsees t,ltn гi:с Il,orli е suI,Гасt, and hang iп lпiсlliг, move to апоtilег pl;rce, as rеа1 bees do.
T}rey can Ье ргоgrаrлпrеd to do tasks, Тlrеу'rе snllll
enough to go places rееl bces go and do the work оГ 4 Robotic llees won't rерlасс rеаl bees and ъ,е
гсаl hces. shouldn't ехресt тhсm rо. Wc stiIl nectl го Госus
on efforts to sa\re those vitally inrportant creatllres.
Tllc RoboBee wзs dеrс]орсt| llv еlсt,tгiса| Bur rгсmепdоus рrоgгеss in rhe Гiсld оГ гollotic,s is
engineering рrоfеssоr and гоlэоtiсist RоЬегt'iИood being made and RoboBees afe one ехаmрlе of holv
lnd his tea1,1) ;tt the Мi(,I,огоhоtiсs Lab ат Нагчагtl rechnr_-r'Iclgy сап llelp tts so]ve рrоlrIепls.
|. пiчегsiц,. \Xootl. who is rlso а \lrion]l Сt,оgг]рI]iс

Ехрlоl,еr. is сопсегпеd aboilt the llrl,t that llce RoboBees and rеаl bees соmраrеd
colonies а11 оr.ег the ъ,огld аге сlisарреагiпg and Ьее RolroBee НопеуЬее
p<lpLlIalit>ns lге tiгrlррiпg tiепgеr, lusl1. Why dоt,ь
Wings be;rt 120times 'ffings beat mоrе than
that mаttег? Even if you don't eat hопеу. honeybee
pollinatitln'* is iпt,геdiЬlу imроrtапt Гоr so пluсh оГ
реr second 200 tirrres рег sесопd
\iИingspan 3 cnr \il7ingbpan 2,6+ сm
thс Гооd ъе ellt.
ýИeight 80 mg \ff/eight (average) 120 rng

AIth<lugh RоllсlRесs пеrеп't deicIoped Trl герlеt,с

becs. t,obotjcjsts. like \Wood. hclieic tlrat . in the
l't tttlrc. thcse riny 1,ol1915 miglrr Ьс usetl ttl pollinlrie
pollination tlэе prclcess o.f spreadiпg а pclulder prodtLced by.floloers
а Гiеld of сгорs if therc wеrе ] hсе short:rge. \With !( , Llhег _пl ,u |,гi lo lhtl l. lhL,1' Cl lI l pl\ td I t('L' л(,11' s( р{ /.i

Remote сопtrо 1 15
Ж ffiffi Using tech to take control
GRAMMAR Passives with &у * ag*r:t This location iп the Atacama Desert Ьесаmе the home
of the ALMA telescope, which ls used / is using Ьу
ф Complete the sentences with the correct words or scientists who want answers to many questions, such
ph rases. as how рlагеts are Ьоrп.
Countries in Asia, Europe and Nопh America ttzere
Ьу created Ьу invented was was created wеrе sрепt l spent ý].З billion to establish ALI\IA.
ДLМД wos рlоппеd опd built / рlоппеd опd built Ьу
1 The first со оurТV to Ье patented iп IVехiсо and the
thousands of engineers and scientists.
united states was invented
а l\4exican епgiпееr named Guil]ermo Gonzalez ýР Complete the sentences with the past simple passive
voice ofthe verbs iп brackets.
2 Some of the first photoqraphs The rероrt (write) lэу the

developed Ьу Frепсh-Вrаziliап iпvепtоr Негсulеs student.

l lUlcl lLtr, The lift (use) Ьу people with

3 The f]rst artificial heart successfully used Ьу а human disa bilities.

in l969 Ьу Dr Domingo Liotta, 3 The high mountain (climb) Ьу

who was Ьоrп in Argentina. British ехрlоrеrs.

4 lhe ballpoint рег wa5 4 The designer's пеw necklace

Нuпgаriап апd Аrgепtiпiап journalist Laszio Вirо iп the (wеаr) Ьу mапу people.
-l930s. 5 The Ьrеаd (make) Ьу the пеw

5 А method of сhапgiпg plastic into biofue] chefs.

developed Ьу Egyptian Azza 6 The soup (рrераrе) Ьу Amy and

Abdel Hamid Faiad, Ja i.

6 А system that uses the sun's роWеr to make Water Safe 7 The animals at the zoo (feed) Ьу

for drinking was Ьу Deepika vol unteers.

Ku ru р. 8 The rооm (decorate) Ьу the

bride and grооm's friends,

ф Пеаd the questions. Complete the answers using the

passive with Ьу,

1А Did а lot of people see the fiim?

в yeslThe film mil]ions of

2А Did уоu hеаr thaL Gonzalo lost his гао,еr?

в yes, but then it his tеасhеr.

зА How mапу text messages did you get?

в Ten, But пiпе my motherl
4А who owns that restaurant?
в lt IVr Ruiz

5А How сап 1 рау my phone bill?

ýý Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. в lt сап cheque оr Ьу credit
Telescopes aliow scientists to See things that can't Ье card.
sееп / sow Ьу the human еуе, such as fаr-оff planets бА How аrе sweaters made?
and stars, в They can machine оr Ьу hand.
Deserts оrе thought / аrе thiпkiпg Ьу mапу people to
Ье the best place to set up telescopes to look iпtо the
7л Who cailed the police?
night sky. в They а mап who saw the
|п 1994, five men in СhilеЪ Atacama DeserI were fоuпd accident
/ fочпd the highest, driest, flattest place on Еаrth.

1 16 Unit 10
@ Пеаd the sentences. Cross out the agent when it isn't ý change the sentences from active to passive. lnclude
neceSSary. the agent when necessary.

1 А great deal of the development of robots is done Ьу Example: People use mobrle phones to do mоrе than
the Japanese. make рhопе calls and send text messages,
2 Тhеrе аrе robots that can Ье controlled Ьу а rеmоtе M*&ll*pfu*л*s grе шsgd t* d* more thап
control. пзаkе рhопе co{ls аtзсi seлd rеуl messa{je5.
3 Robots аrе рrоgrаmmеd Ьу people to do сеrtаiп tasks.
4 Robots can take оvеr some jobs that were done Ьу
1 Епgiпееrs have done work and because of this, in 20'l5
mоrе than 9l7о of the world had better sources of
water to drink.
5 New uses fоr robots аrе found аII the time Ьу scientists
6 The world's most expensive robot was sold last уеаr Ьу
the соmрапу that made it.
7 Would you eat а meal that was рrераrеd Ьу а rоЬоt? Energy companies use the power of the sun to bring
8 Ап alternative solution to the problem is currently electricity to people in sub-Saharan Africa.
being developed Ьу someone.

ф Use the prompts to write sentences in the present оr

Eden Full, а student at Prlnceton University, developed
past passive voice.
sоlаr panels that turn to face the sun for as long as
1 president / elect / the people (present simple passlve) possible each day.

some / of the mопеу / spend / the actor (past simple

passive) Young people iп Africa use ап innovative project,Text
to Change, to share their thoughts about polltics and
3 lost key / find / my brother (past simple passlve) advice fоr the future,

problem / soIve / а team of students (past simple

People rесусiе food packaging to reduce waste and

рrоtесt Lhe envi rопmепt.

еmеrqепсу services / contact / а woman (past simple

children / gtve /shirts to wear at the competition

(present simple passive)

project / gtve /to the best candidate (present simple


messages / send / students whеп school ls cancelled

(present simple passive)

exam results / аппоuпсе / the local пеwsрареr

(present simple passive)

Remote сопtrоl 117
ý &w How to сопtrоl sоmеопе еlsеъ arm
with уочr brain
TEDTALKS The speaker says that he made DlY пеurоsсiепсе
equipment. What is D/[
а when people make their own thinqs
AUTHENTlc LISTENlNG SKlLLS Ь when people make а сору of an existing design
с when people fix а Ьrоkеп equipment
ф listen to the TED TaIk extracts. Underline the words
Why does the speaker mention Tim itЛаrzullо?
that hаче reduced forms. Жýхж
а becauseTim came up with the idea Ьу himself
1 All right, Sam, l'm going to rесоrd frоm your Ьrаiп. Ь becauseTim is а graduate student
2 5о l'm going to stand over hеrе and l'm going to open с becauseTim is his раrtпеr
up оur арр hеrе.
What сап Ье inferred about the speaker?
3 Do you guys want to see some mоrе?
4 IVliguel, all right, Yоu'rе going to stand right hеrе. а The sреаkеrЪ job is to do surgеrу оп brains.
5 So l'm going to find уоur ulпаr пеrvе, which is Ь The speaker went to graduate school fоr six and а
half years.
рrоЬаЬlу right around hеrе.
с The speaker didnt graduate frоm college.

Why does the speaker say:'This is whаtЪ happening all

WATсH ж across the world - electrophysiology!Wete going to
Ьriпg on the neuro-revolution]?
S Watcn theTEDTalk. Are the sentences true (Т) or
а to ехрlаiп that ечеrуопе in the world is going to use
false (F)?
only his equipment
1 Neuroscientists have to go to graduate school for six
Ь to ехрlаiп that thеrе is going to Ье а wаr about
and а half vears. пеurоsсiепсе
2 0пе out of five people wili have а neurological с to show that there is going to Ье а change iп
disorder - а рrоЬlеm wlth their brains. _ neu rоsсiепсе

3 Grеg Gage made an expensive piece оf equipment for

studying brains in special labs. _ VOCABULARY lN CONTEXT
4 Grеg asks an audience mеmЬеr to try his equipment
to studv his Ьrаiп @ Choose the correct meaning of the words in bold.
5 А реrsоп has about В0 billion пеurопs inside his 1 And опе оf the reasons why that the equipment is
Ьrаiп. _ so complex and so expensive that itЪ rеаllу опlу done
6 sam has heard what her Ьrаiп sounds like before. _ at mаjоr UniverSitieS and lаrqе inStitutionSj
а not Simple Ь heavy с much mопеу
@ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
'l need one mоrе volunteer. What is
уоur паmе, sir?'
1 When Greg was а high-school / graduate student, he а ехреrt
decided to make equipment for studyinq the Ьrаiп. Ь chance to show something
2 Grе9Ъ сOmрапу is called Backyord Вrаiпs / DlY с а реrsоп who wants to do somethinq
Еqчiрmепt. Grеg wants to show how his equipment works. Не asks
3 Greg is gоiпg to rесоrd from SаmЪ аrm / Ьrаiп. fоr Sam to try it out.
4 Grеg asks Sam to squeeze / raise hеr hand. а rеmоче it
5 GrеgЪ equipment сап / саппоt Ье carried аrоuпd. Ь attempt to use it
с get rid of it
@ Choose the correct answers.
'0К, so Sam, l want you to squeeze уоur hand аgаiпJ
1 What is the speaker mainly discussing?
а raise
а how universities study brains Ь press together strongly
Ь how his equipment works to study the Ьrаiп ( ореп gently
с how people develop Ьrаiп problems
Grеg tells N/iguel that when Sam squeezes hеr hand, rt

will feel weird at first.

а Strange Ь normal с painful

1 18 Unit 10
ý &ж WhоЪ in control?
SPEAKlNG ф МаtсП the sentences with the responses.

ф Complete the sentences about studying online with

1 l can't wait until we all 0К, thаtЪ partly true,
the correct phrases.Then decide if each sentence is
use self-driving carsl but being there yourself
talking about pros (Р), cons (C)or both sides of ап
argument (В).
2 l don't think we need to is good because itЪ the
go on holiday this уеаr. опlу way to ехреriепсе
but оп the other hand We сап just use virtual the rеаl life of а place.
0п the one hand reality headsets and Really? How mапу of
0пе bad thing about studying online walk аrоuпd the places those friends does he
One good thing about studying online iп оur own homes. see rе9ulаrlу?
Studying опliпе сап Ье а рrоЬlеm Му ЬrоthеrЪ so popuIarI Well, оп the one hand,
Studying online is good He's got очеr З,000 Al can do things much
friends on his social mоrе рrесisеlу, but оп
(1) media ра9е. the оthеr hand, Аl can't
What do you think understand реорlеЪ
is that you don't have to go to school to study; you сап do
about artificial needs like doctors and
it whenever you want оr whenever you have time. _ intelligence (Аl) nUrse5 сап.
rерlасiпg humans in Yes, опе good thing
is that it's harder to get the help you need when you hospitalsi about them is that
have а question. Sometimes you can't ask апуопе thеrе'Il Ье fеwеr
and vou alwavs have to wait for а rепlv_ accidents.
because you сап do high-quality courses that cost less ф Over the last decade, smartphones have become ап
essential part of life. As with any пеw technology,
mопеу and some аrе ечеп free!
they bring some changes that are good and some
that are bad. Make notes about the pros and cons of
yoU сап study with people all оvеr the world,
smartphones. Use the language you have learned for
(5) talking about pros and cons.Then listen to ап example
you don't rеаllу have апуопе to work With like you of two students discussing the question and compare
do in а classroom, _ thiswithyourideas. Жffi
because the teacher can't personalize the course for your
interests, so you can lose interest and give up.

@ Technology means that we use machines to make

things that in the past we made Ьу hand. l5 it better to
use machines to make things or for us to do it ourselves?
Make notes оп уоur ideas and use the language you
have learned fortalking about pros and cons.Then
listen to ап example of two students discussing the
question and compare it with уоur ideas. ЖЖЖýЖ

Remote control 1 19
WRlTlNG А fоrmаl letter of suggestion @ Bead the letter from Fred Evans, а student who has а
part-time job at the Cozy Саfё, to Ms Morris, the саfё
ý Гut the words iп the correct order to make suggestions
owner. Complete the letter with the correct words and
and support ап argument.
1 some people / that /think most / While l understand /
but l think сап See considering
l / people аrе поt
аrе noisy,
l do not think SUggest while
would allow would stop writing

l think / that itЪ / l can see / а solution / annoying, /

but / we сап find Dear Ms Моrris,

l аm (1) about the пеw'по

personal phone calls'rule for employees at the Cozy
trуl rules /suggest/set/Can / that / оf / l / а / we / Саfё. lt/y friends and l rеаllу enjoy working at the саfё оп
different Saturdays, but we аrе worried about the пеw rule. l

(2) that it gives customers а bad

impression, (3) we can find а
4 |о / this / wayl might/do / be/another/ possible/ lt solution. (4) l understand that
employees who spend lots of time on their mobile
phones at work аrе not doing their job рrореrlу,
(5) it is rеаsопаЬIе to Ьап с//

@ Пеаd the formal letter from а student, Ewa Nowak, personal phone calls.
to Mr Неrrеrа, the headteacher. Then underline the Сап l(6) that you replace the'no
information in 1-6 in the letter.
реrsопаl рhопе calls'rule with а пеw policy?
1 the rеаsоп fоr the letter Fоr example:
2 what the headteacher wants
.No mоrе than two personal calls whiIe at work.
3 the part of the rulе the student аgrееs with
.Speak quietly when taking any personal calls.
4 the паmе of the пеw set of rulеs suggested
.Limit personal calls to five minutes, maximum.
5 the suggested rulе about social media
. Do not take personal calls in frопt оf customers
6 what the пеw rules would allow students to do
. Additional personal caIls for emergencies only!

These ruIes (7) the аппоуiпq

Dear Мr Неrrеrа,
behaviour of some employees, but
lam writing about the new'no laptops'rule iп the (8) the rest of us to manage short,
While l understand that you want students to
IiЬrаrу. personal phone calls without bothering апуопе,
read the books that аrе in оur school liЬrаrу, l think
Thank you for (9) this suggestion.
laptops аrе extremely important study tools as well. l

сап See that it iS а рrоЬlеm when some Students опlу Yours sincerely,
check social media, but most оf us аrе studying. Frеd Evans

Can l suggest that you replace the'no laptops'rule with

а set of 'serious study'rules? ч, Writе а formal letter of suggestion about the following

Fоr ехаmрlе:
topic. Give reasons for your answer and support your
. The liЬrаrу is а place for study.
idea with suggestions.
. Use laptops fоr research and study only.
. Respect others who аrе tryin9 to study.
Games on mobile phones аrе а waste of time.

. Тurп уоur laptop volume to mute. Frоm now оп, there is а new rulе. students аrе not
. No checking social media in the liЬrаrу| allowed to play 9ames оп their phones during school
These rules would help to keep the liЬrаrу as а place fоr
serious study, but would stiIl allow students to use their Leeming, Headteacher
laptops to rеsеаrсh and write essays.

Thank you fоr considering this sugqestion.

Yours sincerely,
Ewa Nowak

120 Unit'l0
Review Tablets was use Ьу most peopie on weekdays, поt

ý Unscramble the letters to make words and complete Nearly half of tablets аrе share Ьу mоrе thап опе
the sentences. реrsоп, but only one third of people share their
ercasher sveedmenoplt rogSerpS
cepSorS nivnenoti qepeminut Wifi-only tablets is рrеfеrrеd Ьу most people, rаthеr
than 4G tablets
1 То work in а factory, you need tо know how to use the 6 lt expects that РС usaqe wiIl decrease in the next ftve

уеа15 as гаЬlеl use increases.

2 New iп face-recognition
ф choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
technology could make lt possible for us to USe our
face as an lD and credit card lnstead of саrrуiпg а 1 The Вау of Вепgаl was sееп / sawby the tourists.

wallet around
2 The соасh was gave / gove the instructions.
3 Rепа was spent / 5репr the mопеу,
3 Self-driving саr and truck technology is maklng fast
4 We ore sееп / sow several petrol stations along the rоаd
Soon they will Ье driving all to the аirроrt.
аrоuпd u5 оп the roads.
4 The wheel may Ье the most important @ look at the photos. Write three or four sentences about
each опе using the passive.
in human history
5 Biologists do а lot of important Example: TheTitonic
in the rainforests to discover пеw species of plants and I*is sfuip b,y*s п*lээеd Гfo* Tita*ic &*с*шsе сэf lrs sж*"
animals. lf иr*s &ыilr lir r&* Uкfi,зd tycs lc;c;nc,&*d j*tсз flfuе
6 lпtrоduсiпg а new medicine to the market is а lопg Яffс;пriс lrэ 79f J" ýt sапk *п jfs fir,sl, ч*у#ý€ s/?d lrs
rеrпаiпs }qi*r* dfsc*yer*# 1п 7 9E5J
that involves years of rеsеаrсh,
development, testing and waitinq fоr qovernment

@ Match the sentences.

а l followed the
1 l created а пеw game to play on proCeSS.
а mobile phone,
ь l сап сопtrоl it.
Last yeat, l didnt know anything ( |'ve made some
about соmрutеrs. Now l can write
some simple рrоgrаm5.
|'mgoing to do
The rесiре was difficult to make, some rеsеаrсh.
but l rеаd the instructions and
е ltЪ mу invention.
did it step Ьу Step,
l have а пеw flying drone. l use
f l need sometools
and equipment.
this small device io make it go
up, come down, and turn left
and right.
5 lwatched а youTube video
about buildin9 а tree house.
Now l want to try it!
6 lwant to know mоrе about the
Cassini spacecraft.

& Ппа and correct the mistakes with the passive.

1 The пumЬеr of people who own tablet computers

predicted to rеасh 150 million vеrу soon.

Nearly fourteen hours а week on аvеrаgе spent

using tablets, mоrе than smartphones and PCs,

Remote control 121
ъ#ýýý ý ý
afraid (adj)
an9ry (adj)
curtains (п)
cushion (п)
Revision bored (adj) lbi|l drawer (n) /'drэlэ(r)/
excited (adj) /Ik'saltTd/ drive (n) /drаrч/
bald (adj) ,Ъclld/
feel (v) lfill,/ floor (n) /flol(r)/
beard (n) ,Ъlэ(r)d/
frightened (adj) /'frаIt(э)пd/ lift (n) l|Tftl
black (adj) ,Ъlrek/
get (V) lgetl oven (п) /'.tч(э)r/
bIonde (adj) ъlond/
look (v) /luk/ sink (п) /sщk/
brown (adj) ъrаurr/
seem (v) /si:m/ tap (п) ltтpl
dark (adj) /dol(r)k/
Upset (adj) /,l,p'set/ toilet (n) /'t.Ilэt/
curly (adj) /'kзl(r)li/
worried (adj) /'wлrid/
glasses (п) /'glolsIz/ Vocabulary building
hair (п) /hеэ(r)/ Vocabulary iп context
accommodation(n) /э,kоmо'dеIJ(э)п/
long (adj) /1эц/ feel calm (phr) /,fill'kqlm/ communication(n) /kэ,mjulпr'kеrJ(э)п/
short (adj) {Ъl(r)t/ image (n) /'lmIdз/ ima9ination (п) /t,mаdзI'пеIJ'(а)п/
straight (adj) /strert/ language barrier (phr) /'lецgwrd5 ,Ьеriэ(r)/ construction (n) /kап'strлkJ(э)п/
tall (adj) lta|Y proposal (п) /рrэ'раuz(а)1/ direction (п) /dr'rеkJ(э)п/
struggle (n) /'str.лg(э)V education (n) /,edjo'keIJ(э)n/
Unit vocabulary
exploration (п) /,еksрlэ'rеIJ(э)п/
active (adj) /'aktIv/ location (n) /lао'kеIJ(э)п/
ý ý&ýýry
calm (adj) /kolm/ фъ
cheerful (adj) /'tJtэ(r)f(а)l/ Wýжý ý Vocabulary in context
cool (adj) /kull/ Revision |'ve got to tell you /arv got tэ tel jul/
confident (adj) /'knnfrd(e)ntl (ph0
apartment (п) /a'pol(r)tmant/
easygoing (adj) /,ilzi'gэur1/ didn't feel right /did(a)nt ,fill'ratt/
bathroom (п) /'ЬоlO,rulm/
friendly (adj) /'fren(d)li/ (phr)
bed (п) ,rbed/
funny (adj) l'f''пil ele9ant (adj) /'эlтgэпt/
bedroom (n) /'bedrulm/
happy (adj) /'hrepi/
city (n) /'srti/ make perfect sense /melk 'рзl(r)frkt
hard-working (adj) /'hol(r)d ,wзl(r)kID/
dining rооm (n) /'darnrn rulm/ (phr) sепs/
helpful (adj) /'hеlрf(э)l/
garden (n) /'gоl(r)d(э)п/ treat you well (phr) /,trilt ju 'wei/
honest (adj) /'onrst/
kitchen (п) /'kItJэr/
intelIigent (adj) /Iп'tеlrdз(о)пt/
living rооm (п) /'lrчIц rulm/
kind (adj) /kaInd/
lazy (adj) l']'elzil
quiet (adj) /'kwaIэt/ жжжY ж
wall (п) /wэlV
loud (adj) /1аud/ Revision
nasty (adj) /'nolsti/ Unit vocabulary
back (п) ъelc/
nervous (adj) /'пзl(r)чэs/ art (n) /оl(г)t/ body (п) /'bodi/
nice (adj) /паrs/ business district (n) /'blznэs ,dIstrrkt/ dentist (п) /'dentlst/
personality (п) /,рзl(r)sэ'пеlеti/ chair (п) /tJеа(r)/ doctor (n) /'dDktэ(r)/
popular (adj) /'рорjulэ(r)/ crowded (adj) /'kraudrd/
relaxed (adj) /rI'lakst/
eyes (п) lаvl
decoration (n) /,dеkэ'rеIJ(э)п/ face (n) /fels/
serious (adj) /'srэriэs/ door (n) /dсl(г)/ fine (adv) lfalnl
shy (adj) l lall historic (adj) /hr'stnrlk/ teeth (п) lti:0l
smart (adj) /smol(r)t/ light (adj) Лаftl tooth (п) /tul0/
sociable (adj) /'sэuJэЬ(э)l/ modern (adj) /'mоdэ(r)п/
talented (adj) /'trelэntrd/ refrigerator (п) /rr'frld5э,rеrtэ(r)/ Unit vocabulary
weak (adj) /wilk/ residential area (п) /,rezr'denJ(э)l arm (n) /оl(r)m/
'еэriэ/ backache (n) /'bakelk/
Extension rurаl (adj) /'ruаrэl/ broken (adj) /'Ьrэukэrr/
affectionate (adj) /э'fеkJ(э)поt/ shopping district (п) /'Jорrц ,dIstrlkt/ chest (п) /tJeSt/
annoying (adj) /э'поrr1/ sofa (n) /'sэufэ/ ears (n) lrc(r)zl
careless (adj) /'kеа(r)lоs/ stairs (п) /stеэ(r)z/ elbow (п) /'еlЬэt_l/
generous (adj) /'фепэrаs/ suburban (adj) /sо'Ьзl(r)Ьэп/ finger (п) /'fiцgэ(г)/
impatient (adj) /Im'perJ(o)ntl table (п) /'tеlЬ(э)U flu (п) /flul/
neat (adj) lпtltl traditional (adj) /trо'drJ(э)пэ1/ foot (п) lfutl
organized (adj) /'cl(r)gэnaIzd/ urЬап (adj) /'зl(r)Ьап/ head (n) ,4rесV
patient (adj) /'ре{(э)пt/ walkable (adj) /'wэlkэЬ(а)l/ heaIthy (adj) /'hel0i/
poIite (adj) /pa'laIt/ window (п) /'wrпdэu/ high temperature (n) /hаr 'tеmрпtJ'э(r)/
rude (adj) lru;dl hospital (п) /'hоsрrt(э)l/
selfish (adj) /'selfrfl Extension ill (adj) ll1,1

booksheIf (п) /'buk,Jelf/ illness (n) /'rlпэs/

Vocabulary building cabinet (n) injury (п)
/'kreЬrпеt/ /'тпфаri/
Ье (v) Д:i:l carpet (n) /'kcl(г)pIt/ knee (п) lпi.;l
Ьесоmе (v) ,ЪI'k,лm/ ceiIing (n) /'sillrц/ leg (п) Лegl

medicine (п) /'mеd(а)s(э)п/ teacher (п) /'tiltJэ(r)/ daughter (n) /'dэltэ(r)/
mouth (п) /mаuO/ university (п) /,julпт'чзl(r)sэti/ divorced (adj) /dr'vcl(r)st/
раiп (n) lрепl family (п) /'famli/
patient (n) /'perJ(e)nt/ Unit vocabulary father (n) /'fоlбэ(r)/
seasickness (n) /'sil,srknэs/ attend (v) /a'tend/ friends (n) ltreпdzl
shoulder (n) /'Jэuldэ(r)/ b|ackboard (п) /'Ьlrek,Ьэl(r)d/ girl (n) /gзl(r)V
sports injuries (п) /sрэl(r)ts 'Iпфоriz/ class size (n) &lc:s saTz;/ husband (n) i 'h,l,zbэnd/
stomach (п) /'st,rmek/ creative (adj) /kri'еItIч/ mап (п) lmюпJ
uпwеll (adj) /лп'wеl/ desk (п) idesk/ mеп (n) /mer/
virus (п) /'чаrrэs/ develop (v) idI'velap/ married (adj) /'mrerid/
grade (п) lgreld,l mother (п) /'m.л,ё(а)r/
Extension notebook (п) /'пэut,Ьuk/ parents (п) /'реегэпts/
accident (п) /'eksrd(a)nt/ online learning (п) /'опlаrп ,1з:(r)шц/ single (adj) /'sщg(э)U
ankle (п) /'ецk(о)U primary school (п) /'рrатmеri ,skulU son (п) /s,rrr/
blood (n) /ЬIлd/ private schoo| (п) /'praIvet ,sku:l/ wife (n) lwaIf.l
Ьопе (п) /baon/ secondary school (n) /'sеkэпd(э)ri woman (п) /'wumот/
Ьrаiп (n) /breIrr/ ,skulV wоmеп (п) /'wrmTn/
cheek (п) /tJilk/ skills (п) /skrlz/
сhiп (п) /tftn/ state school (п) /steTt skull/ Unit vocabulary
finger (п) /'fщgэ(r)/ student (n) /'stjuld(э)nt/ aunt (п) lо,^пtl
heart (п) ,4rol(r)t/ study (v) /'stлdi/
best friend (n) /,best 'frепd/
lungs (п) Л,l\Zl test (п) itestl brother (п) /'Ьr,td(э)r/
neck (п) inelcl
Extension classmate (п) /'klols,meIt/
рumр (v) /p.tmp/
hug (v) lhz'gl
recover (v) /rr'kлчэ(r)/ after-schooI activities i'оlftэ(r) skud
husband (п) i'h.л,zЬэпd/
toe (п) ltеul (ph,) ak'tTvatiz/ grandfather (п) /'grreп(d),fоlёэ(r)/
wrist (п) /rIsti аlgеЬrа (п) /'reld5IЬrэ/ grandmother (п) /'grreп(d),m,tбэ(r)/
ancient history (n) /'еrп.[(о)пt'hrst(э)ril
Vocabulary buildin9 kiss (v) ikIsi
bad grades (п) i'bad'gretdzl mother (п) /'mа,ёэ(r)/
attempt (v) /э'tеmрt/ band (п) /'baend/
neighbour (n) /'пеIЬо(r)/
believe (v) /bI'li:v/ biology (п) ,ЪаI'эlеdзi/ partner (п) /'ро:(r)tпэ(r)/
соmЬiпе (v) /kэm'Ьаrr/ chemistry (n) /'kemrstri/
say hello (phr) /seI hэ'lэu/
discover (v) /dt'skл.чэ(r)/ chess (n) itJesl shake hands (phr) /,.[eIk'hendz/
entire (adj) /ш'tаrэ(r)/ drama club (n) i'drolmo klлЬ/
sister (n) /'sIste(r)/
find (v) /faInd/ geography (п) /dзil'оgrэfi/
stranger (п) /'strеIпdзэ(r)/
mix (v) /mlks/ geometry (n) /dзil'оmаtгi/
teammate (n) /'tilm,mert/
normal (adj) /'пэ:(r)m(э)V history (п) /'hIstar7
uпсlе (п) /',rцk(э)1/
sickness (п) /'srkпэsi maths {n) /'mеOs/
wave (v) /werv/
think (v) /0iцlс/ orchestra (п) /'сl(r)klstrэ/
typical (adj) /'tрlk(э)V physics (п) l'flzlksl
try (v) ltratl science (п)
well(adj) lweY sociaI sciences (n) /'sаuJ(э)l ,satenstz/ acquaintance (n) /э'kwеrпtэпs/
whole (adj) /hэоU team (п) /tilm/ brother-in-law (n) /'Ьr.,r.ба(г) rn 1э:/
bow (v) lbaal
Vocabulary in context VocabuIary building ex-husband (п) /,еks'h,лzЬэпd/
institution (n) /,rnstl't jч:J(э)п/ beautiful (adj) /'bjultof(a)y ex-wife (п) /,eks'warf/
hit the books (phr) /,hTt ёэ 'buks/ саrеfчl (adj) /'kee(r)f(a)V fatheгin-Iaw (п) /'fо:бэ(r) m lcl/
ignore (v) /Ig'ncl(r)/ careIess (adj) /'kеэ(r)lоs/ half-brother (п) /hclf 'Ьr,r.бо(r)/
pass out (phr v) /,po:s'aut/ skillful (adj) /'skrlf(e)V half-sister (п) /holf'srsta(r)/
specialist (п) /'speJalrst/ thankfu| (adj) /'0ецkf(э)li kids (п) kldz]
take seriously /,teIk 'srэriэsl7 useful (adj) /'julsf(э)V mother-in-law (п) /'m,r,6е(r) rn lc/
(рhr) nephew (n) /'nefju:/
VосаЬчlаrу in context niece (n) /nils/
'l00 (n) /wлп 'h,rndrad stepbrother (п) /'stер,Ьr,tёа(r)/

stepfather (п) /'stер,fоldэ(г)/
&ýýжýY рэ(r)'sепt/
go into {рhr /gэu 'rntul/ stepmother (п) /'stер,mл,бэ(r)/
Revision in other words im ',rбэ(r) wзl(r)d/ stepsister (п) /'step, srstэ(r)/
books (n) /buks/
class (n) /Hols/ make it to (рhr) /merk It tul/ Vocabulary building
producing (v) /рrа'djчlsIц/
classroom (n) /'klols,rulm./ cultural (adj) /'k,dtJ(э)rэV
dictionary (n) /'dIkJеп(э)rii were in trouble /wзl(r) rп 'trлЬ(е)У emotional (adj) Л'mэс{(э)пэ1/
fail (v) lfeil 1phr) musical (adj) /'mjulzrk(э)V
homework (п) i'hаum,wзl(r)k/ national (adj) /'паJ(э)пеl/
lesson (п)
library (n)
i 'lаrЬrэr7
жýжýY 5 natural (adj)
traditional (adj)
map (п) lmпрl Review
pass (v) /pols/ Ьоу (п) l|эст]
Vocabulary iп context
school bus (п) /,skuil'b,ls/ children (п) /'tJтldrэп/ odd (adj) lodl
teach (v) lti,^ty origins (п) l'опdзпzl
cousin (n) /'k,rz(э)п/

roots (n) /rults/ potential (adj) /рэ'tепJ(э)l/ Extension
silly (adj) /'srli/ run (v) lrхпl (п)
amount /э'mаuпt/
weird (adj) /wIe(r)d/ stru9gle (v) /'stг.л,g(э)1/
boiled (adj) /'ЬэIldi
supportive network /sа'рэl(r)tlч (adj)
delicious /dr'lrJas/
Е &&4вж * (phr) 'пеt,wзl(r)k/ fast food (n) /'folst ,fuld/
fresh (ad.i) lfrell
Revision fried (adj) l'frалdl
frozen food (n) /,frэuz(о)п 'fuld./
afraid (adj) /e'freld/ (adj)
gril|ed /gпld/
friendly (adj) /'frendli/ Revision home-cooked meal (п) /,hэum kukt 'milV
lazy (adj) l'Ielzl (adj)
Ьапапа (п) ,Ъэ'поlпа/ huge /hjчldз/
nervous (adj) /wra(r)d/
bread (n) /bred/ taste (v) /teIst/
relaxed (adj) /rI'lakst/ (adj)
butter (n) /'Ь,лtэ(г)/ terrible /'tеrэЬ(э)V
shy (adj) lJ'all
breakfast (п) /'brekfast/ unhealthy (adj) /лп'hеl0i/
worried (adj) /'wлrid/
cake (n) /kerk/
Unit vocabulary cheese (n) lrlilzl Vocabulary building
dinner (n) /'dIпэ(r)/
accept (v) /ak'sept/ acceptance (n) /эk'sерtэпs/
fail (v) /feI1/
е99 (n) legl
fish (n) lflI accomplishment(n) /э'k.rmрhJmэпt/
failure (п) /'fеrljэ(r)/
lunch (п) Л.tпtfl
development (п) /dI'чеlэрmэпt/
imperfect (adj) /lm'рзl(r)flkt/
milk (п) /millr/
disappearance (п) /,dIsэ'ртаrэпs/
imperfection (n) /,Imрэ(r)'fеkJ(э)п/ farmer (n) /'fоl(r)mэ(r)/
orange juice (п) /'пrrпdз ,dзuls/
perfect (adj) /'рзl(r)fIkt/ planners (n) /'рlаепэ(r)z/
perfection (n) pizza (n) /'рiltsэ/
rice (n) /rars/
reject (v) /rI'd5ekt/
success (n) /sэk'ses/ salad (п) /'srelэd/ Vocabulary in context
succeed (v) /sэk'sild/ sandwich (п) /'san(d)wrd5/ global (adj) /'glэuЬ(о)l/
successful (adj) /sоk'sеsf(э)V sauce (n) /sэls/ household (n) /'haus,hauld,/
unsuccessfu| (adj) /,,lnsэk'sesf(э)l/ soup (п) /sulp/ invest (v) /rn'vest/
sugar (п) /'.|ugэ(r)/ resources (п) /rr'zol(r)slzl
Extension tackle (v) /'tеk(э)у
academic success (n) /,ekэ'demIk Unit vocabulary
sэk'sеs/ apple (п) /'reр(э)У
accept responsibility
beef (п)
bitter (adj)
жржýY е
condition (п) /kэп'drJэп/ саfё (n) /'kefeI/ Revision
есопоmiс success /,ilkэ'ппmIk chicken (n) /'tJlkIn/
cheap (adj) ltlilpl
1phr) chilli powder (п) /'tJrli ,раоdэ(r)/ customer (n) /'k rstэmа(r)/
failtwo exams /'feIl tul lg'zюmzl chocolate (п) /'tJоklэt/
department store (п) /dr'pol(r)tmant
choose (v) ltJtllzl stol(r)/
perfect example /'рзl(r)frkt
(phr) Ig'zсlmр(э)V
crisps (п) /krIsps/ (phr)
(not) for sale /(not) fэl(r) seIY
perfect opportunity /'рзl(r)fikt
dessert (n) ldl'zзl(r)tl expensive (adj) /rk'spensIv/
dish (п) ldl].l market (п) /'mol(r)kIt/
reject ап idea (phr)
/rl'd5ekt эп аr'drэ/
drink (n) /drllk/ price(п) /praIs/
eat li|tl save money (phr)
/'sеrч 'm,lni/
slightly imperfect /,slaItli Im'рз(r)flkt/
flavour (n) /'flеtчэ(r)/ shop online (рhф {ор 'onlaIr/
french fries (n) /'frentJ,frarzl shoppers (n) /'Jпрэ(r)z/
successful company /sэk'sеsf(э)1
fruit (п) /frчlt/ shopping centre (п) /'Jорrц ,sепtэ(r)/
'k,tmр(э)пi/ fruit salad (n) /,frult'srelэd/ spend mопеу (phr) /,spend 'm,tni./
very successful (phr) /'veri sэk'sesf(a)Y hun9ry (adj) /'h.l1gri/
ice cream (n) /'ars ,krilm/ Unit vocabulary
Vocabulary building ingredient (п) /rn'grildiant/ advertise (v) /'edvэ(r)taIzl
disagree (v) /, drsэ'gгil/ lеmоп (n) /'1еmэп/ design (v) ldl'zalnl
disconnect (v) /dIskэ'nekt/ meat (n) lmiltl grow (v) lgreal
dishonest (adj) /dts'onrst/ order (v) /'эl(r)dа(r)/ manufacture (v) /,mапju'fаеktJэ(r)/
dislike (v) /dls'lark/ pasta (п) /'рrestэ/ material (п) /mэ'trэriоl/
immature (adj) /,Imо'tjuэ(r)/ potato (п) /рэ'tеrtэu/ option (п) /'ор.[(э)п/
improper (adj) Лm'рrоро(r)/ prawns (n) lprcnzl pick (v) /pIk/
inactive (adj) лn'ektrv/ prepare (v) /рrI'рее(r)/ recycle (v) /ril'sark(э)1/
1ncorrect (adj) /тпkэ'rеkt/ salty (adj) /'sэ llti/ sell (v) /sel/
indirect (adj)
unfinished (adj)
section (n) /'sеkJэп/ throw away (phr v) /0rоu a'weT/
snack (n) /snrek/
unkind (adj) /лп'kаrпd/ sour (adj) /'sаuэ(r)/ Extension
unlucky (adj) spice (п) /spaIs/ advertisement (n) /аd'чзl(r)trsmэпt/
unsuccessful(adj) /,lnsak'sesf(a)V spicy (adj) /'spaIsi/ (v)
afford /a'fcl(r)d/
Vocabulary in context
strawberry (п) /'stгсlЬ(э)ril antique (adj) /ren'tilk/
SWeet (adj) /swilt/ bargain (п) /'Ьоl(r)glп/
courageous (adj) /kэ'rеIdзэs/ tomato (п) /tэ'mоItаU/ delivered (adj) /dr'lшэ(r)d/
negotiate (v) /nr'gэtiJieIt/ vegetable (п) /'чеdзtаЬ(а)l/ discount (п) /'dIskaunt/

display (п) /dT'spler/ benefit (п) /'Ьепэfтt/ VocabuIary building
second-hand (adj) /,sekand'hюnd,/ career (n) lkэ'rIа(r/
trade (v) ltreTdJ сhаllепgе (п)
achievement (п) /э't.|ilчmэпt/
achiever (п) /э'tJilчэ(г)/
СV (п) /,sil'vil/
Vocabulary building employed (adj)
developer (n) /dI'velapa(r)/
air pollution (п) /еэ(r)
disappointment(n) /,drsэ'рсIпtmэпt/
рэ'lulJ(э)п/ employment (n) /Im'рlсrmэпt/
engineering (п) /,епdзI'пrэrr1/
billboard (n) /'ЬIl,Ьэl(r)d/
rainforest (n) /'reIn,forIst/
excitement (п)
ап expert (n)
improvement (п) /rm'рrulчmапt/
production (п) /рrэ'd,tk[(э)п/
sea life (п) /'sil ,lаIf/ freedom (п) /'frildam/
supermarket (n) /'sulpe(r),mcl(r)klt/ full-time (adj) /'ful'taIm/
ТV show (п) /,til 'чi:.[эu/ get а job (phr)
Vocabulary in context
/,get э 'dзоЬ/
video game (п) /'vIdiau germ/ а hard worker /э hcl(r)d complex (adj) i'kompleks/
website (п) /'websaIt/ (ph0 'wзl(r)kэ(r)/ squeeze (v) /skwi:z/
in charge (phr) /m'tJо:(г)dУ try it out (phr) /,trаr rt 'аut/
Vocabulary in context volunteer (п) /,чоlэп'ttо(r)/
internship (п) /'пtзl(r)п,Jrр/
cause а change /'kэlz э 'tJетпdз/ out of work (adj) /'аrлt оч'wз:(r)k/
(phr) professional (adj) iрrэ'fеJ(э)пеУ
do as you say (phfl /'du: эz jul 'ser/ salary (n) /'salarV
in а way that (phr) /'rn э 'weI 'ёеt/ unemployed (adj) /,rшm'рlэld,/
take action (рhф /teft'ekJ(a)ni
walk your talk (phr) /wclk jэl tclk/ VосаЬчlаrу building
borrowfrom(phrv) i'Ьоrоu,fmm/

ý /'terk,fюm/
take from (phr v)
Wжýý" work оп (phr v) /'wзl(r)k,пт/
Vocabulary iп context
actor (п) /'аktэ(r)/
artist (п) /'o:(r)tIst/
curiosity (п) i,kjuэri'оsэti/
boss (n) /bos/
focus оп (рhr v) /'faukes оr/
businessperson (п) /'Ьrzпэs,рзl(r)s(э)r/
tough (adj) ltлtl
use up (phr v) ,jll:.z' l,:pl
cook (п) &uk/ l

driver (п) /drаIчэ(r)/

guide (n) lgaldl
photographer (n)
receptionist (п)
lýжýY ý ýý
teacher (п) i'tiltJэ(r)/ Revision
tour guide (n) /'tuэ(r) ,gaId/
camera (n) /'kаеmrэ/
waiter / waitress (п) /'wertэ(r)/ /'wеrtrэs/
mоЬi|е phone (n) /'mэuЬаrl ,fеuп/
Unit vocabulary computer (n) /kэm'рjч:tа(r)/
machine (п) /mэ'Jilr/
accountant (п) /a'kauntant/ printer (п) /'рrrпtэr/
architect (п) /'ol(r)kr,tekt/ programme (v) /'рrэugrrem/
chef (п) l lefl tablet (п) /'teblet/
chief executive (п) /,tJilf rg'zekjutm/ texts (n) /'tekstSi
cleaner (п) /'Нilпэ(r)/
construction &ап'str,rkJ(э)п Unit vocabulary
worker (п) 'wзl(r)kа(r)/ control (v) /kэп'trэuli
dentist (n) i 'denttst/
development (n) /dI'velapmэnt/
electronic /,еlеk'tmшk di9ital (adj) /'dIdзIt(а)1/
engineer (п) ,епd5r'пrэ(r)/ equipment (n) /I'kwIpmэnt/
factory worker (n) /'fеkteri invention (п) /rn'venJ(e)n/
'wзl(r) kэ(r)/ micro-robot (п) /mаrkrэо 'rоuЬоt/
firefighter (п) /'fаlэ(r),fаItа(r)i process (п) /'prauses/
lawyer (п) /'lэlj э(r)i progress (п) i 'рrэugrеs/
manager (п) /'mепrdзе(r)/ remote control (n) /rт'mаut ken'trauУ
nurse (п) /пз:(r)s/ robot (п) i'rаuЬоtl
office worker (п) /'ofis 'wз:(r)kэ(r)/ technology (п) /tеk'поlаdзi/
paramedic (п) /,реrэ'mеdrk/ tool (п) ltluj.v
police officer (п) /pa'lils 'оfisэ(r)/
salesperson (п) /'sеtlz,рзrsэпi Extension
shop manager (п) ffор'mешdза(r)/
software /'sоf(t),wеэ(r) design (v) ldl'zaml
discover (v) idI'sk,,rva(r)/
developer (n) dI'velэpe(r)/
energy (п) /'епэ(r)dзil
explore (v) /Ik'splcl(r)/
green technology (n) /,griln tеk'поlэdзi/
adventure (n) /od'ventJэ(r)i install (v) /rп'stэlU
assistant (n) ia'sIst(a)nt/ partner (With) (V) /'роl(r)tпэ(r),(wl6)/
application (n) /,ерh'kетJ(э)п/ spacecraft (n) /'spers,kro:ftl

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Geographic Ma9azine, January 2016. Reprinted Ьу permission. 01 9'Pic- February 2016. Reprinted Ьу permission, 105'Оп а Roll: Food Trucksi Ьу
tures: Floating Cities ofthe Futurei byTasha Eichenseher, National Geo- David Brindley and Gerd Ludwig, National Geographic Magazine, July
graphic Magazine, August 2012. Reprinted Ьу permission. 031 'Health 2015. Reprinted Ьу permission.
at Every Sizei Ьу Маrу 5chons, NationaI Geographic Magazine, August

126 cREDlTS
Perspectives Pre-l ntermediate
student's Book with online wоrkьооk 97в_l-зз7-в080б 4
Student's Book 978-1-зз7-27716-7
Student's Book and Workbook Split Edition А 97 8-1 -зз7 -29вз7,7
Student's Book апd Workbook Split Edition В 978-1-зз7-29взв 4
Workbook with Audio CD 97в-l-зз7-62710-в
on lпе workbook 97в 1 зз7-29870-4
Teacher's Book with Audio CD and DVD 97 8-1 -зз7 -29в54,4
ciassroom presentation Tool 97 в-1 -зз7 -29849-а

Perspectives l ntermediate
student's Book with online workbook 978-1-3з7-в0в04 0
Student's Book 97в,l-зз7 27717-4
Student's Book and Workbook Split Edition А 97 8-1 -зз7 -29вз9-1
Student's Book and Workbook Sp]it Edition В 978-1 -зз7 -29840-7
Workbook with Audio CD 978-1-зз7-62711-5
оп]iпе wоrkьооk 978-1-зз7-29в71 1

Teacher's Book with Audio CD and DVD 97в-l-зз7-29в55 1

сlаssrооm presentation Tool 978-1-зз7-29в5а 6

Perspectives Upper lntermediate

student's Book with online workbook 97в-1 _зз7-808l 0_1

Student's Book 978-1 -зз7 -277 1 в-1

Student's Book and Workbook Sp]it Edition А 978-1-зз7-29в41 4
Student's Book апd Workbook Sp it Editlon В 97в-l-зз7 29в42-1
Workbook with Audio CD 978-1-зз7-62712-2
оп lпе wоrkьооk 978-1-зз7-29в72 в
Теасhеr's Book with Audio CD and DVD 97в-l-зз7,29в56 в
cJassroom Рrеsепtаtiоп Тоо 97 8-1 _зз7 _29851 -з

Perspectives Advanced
student's Book with опliпе workbook 978_] -зз7-80808-в
Stud-^nt's Book 978-1 -зз7-277 19-в
StudепtЪ Book and WогkЬооk Split Edition А 97в 1 зз7-2984з-8
Student's Book and Workbook Split Edition В 97 в-1 -зз7 -29в44_5
Workbook with Audio CD 97в-1 зз7 6271з-9
oniine workbook 97в-l-зз7 29в7з-5
Teacher's Book with Audio CD and DVD 97в-l-зз7 29857-5
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Perspectives Pre-l ntermediate - Advanced

Assessment CD-RO/\l with Еха m Viеw' 97в 1 зз7 29858-2
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