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Consfătuirile inspectorilor de limbi moderne - Slatina 2017


Limba engleză, Clasa a V-a - Intensiv

Numele şi prenumele elevului......................................

Data susţinerii testului..................................................

● Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor exerciţiilor se acordă 90 puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10
● Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 minute.

I. Circle the correct item: 2p x10=20p

1. …………………….. the onion, then chop it into small pieces.
A. Grate B. Fry C. Peel
2. I’d like a ……. of tea, please.
A. cup B. jar C. bottle
3. He has a ………………… of cornflakes for breakfast every day.
A. packet B. bowl C. plate
4. We can have fish and chips for the main ……………………… .
A. dessert B. course C. starter
5. We eat soup with a ………………….. .
A. fork B. spoon C. knife
6. ……………….. the pasta for 10 minutes.
A. Mash B. Fry C. Boil
7. We use a …………………. to peel potatoes.
A. knife B. spoon C. fork
8. I want something ………………………… to eat. Is there any yogurt?
A. spicy B. hot C. light
9. I don’t like ………………. food. I prefer homemade food.
A. exotic B. fast C. expensive
10. I love ………………………. food, especially curry.
A. perfect B. spicy C. junk

II. Unjumble the following sentences to create a dialogue: 2px6=12p

And for the main course?

Thank you, sir.
I’d like the chicken curry and rice, please
1 Good evening, sir. Are you ready to order?
A glass of cola, please.
What would you like to drink?
Yes, I’d like the vegetable soup to start with.

III. Read the following text:

If you are like a lot of other North Americans, you like to start your day with a cup of coffee. Coffee
contains a substance called caffeine. In humans caffeine is a stimulant. It makes you feel more awake and

Clasa a V-a, intensiv 1

Consfătuirile inspectorilor de limbi moderne - Slatina 2017

alert. Many people start their day with a cup of coffee because of the stimulant effects. In fact, about 90%
of North Americans drink coffee.

Coffee is the third most popular drink in the world. Only tea and water are more popular than coffee.
Coffee beans are actually the seeds of coffee cherries that grow on coffee plants. The beans are green when
they are picked. Most of the coffee that is sold in coffee shops and grocery stores is brown. It is brown
because the beans have been roasted at high temperatures. The roasting gives the beans their different
flavours. Some coffees are darker and stronger tasting than other coffees. You can buy green coffee beans
from some stores if you want to roast your own beans.

In North America, a latte is coffee that has steamed milk added to it. A cafe mocha is coffee with steamed
milk and some chocolate added to it. Sometimes whipped cream is put on the top of a cafe mocha. Coffees
with different flavours added to them are very popular.

A. Mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE: 2px5=10 p

1. Coffee beans are green before they are roasted. ____________

2. After roasting, coffee beans have different flavours. ____________
3. Many North Americans have coffee in the morning. ____________
4. Not very many North Americans drink coffee. ____________
5. In North America, a latte has chocolate in it. ____________

B. Fill in the blanks with ONE word from the text: 3px6=18 p

1. Coffee beans turn _______________ when they are roasted.

2. Roasting coffee beans needs high _______________________.
3. A cafe mocha is coffee with _________________ milk and ____________________ added to it.
4. Both tea and _______________ are more popular drinks than coffee.
5. The caffeine in coffee is a ______________________. It makes you feel more awake.

IV. Explain how you make an omelette. Mention at least 3 ingredients, 3 cooking verbs, 3
adjectives, and write about 45 words. 30 p.

Clasa a V-a, intensiv 2

Consfătuirile inspectorilor de limbi moderne - Slatina 2017

Limba engleză, Clasa a V-a - Intensiv

I. Circle the correct item:

1. C, 2. A, 3.B, 4.B, 5.B, 6.C, 7.A, 8.C, 9.B, 10.B

II. Unjumble the following sentences to create a dialogue:

3, 7, 4, 1, 6, 5, 2

III. Read the following text:

A. Mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE: 2px5=10 p
1. True, 2. True, 3. False, 4. False, 5. False
B. Fill in the blanks with ONE word from the text: 3px6=18 p
1. brown, 2. Temperatures, 3. Steamed, Chocolate, 4. Water, 5. Stimulant

IV. Explain how you make an omelette. Mention at least 3 ingredients, 3 cooking verbs, 3
adjectives, and write about 45 words. 30 p.
1. task achievement - 5p
2. range of vocabulary – 5p
3. range of grammatical structures – 5p
4. effect on the reader – 5p

Clasa a V-a, intensiv 3

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