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To: The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo “Albin Kurti”

From: Elvis Avdiu, Advisor of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo
Date: 03.03.2022
RE: Cyber-Attacks can end everything what Kosovo achieved untill now

To reduce te risk of cyber-intrusion, it is a must to analyze a number of criteria, with the

relation to certain alternatives which will be provided. When Khun introduced the paradigm, he

explained it that, whenever there is a crisis there may be a paradigm (Khun, 1970). The crisis in

our case is the war, which just started, between Russia and Ukraine. Everything is linked in its

own way, the question whether Kosovo will be part of NATO or not because of the crisis, that is

a pressure on Serbia. Here the risk for our country increases, the willingness for Serbia or other

countries to get through our systems its higher. They will want to find something that will create

a problem for the country, or release sensitive data which will risk the people of Kosovo. It is

recommended that the government prioritizes the security of its data first. After that is

Efficiency, Technical feasibility, and the last one yet still important Time.

1. Data Security

Data security is the first priority due to the fact, data breach can cause the risk of national

security. Russian Hackers stole personal information and data of the U.S citizens, and used that

data against the U.S (Landau, 2018). Cyber attack on the government puts 90% of the population

at risk, and the risk of the opponent using that data against the state can cause chaos for Kosovo.

The data should be protected to save lives and secure the country.

2. Efficiency

Since there is no law and no regulation in the Government about Cyber-attack (Kosovo

2021). Yet there is knowledge about the threat, it will be a great difference. For the beginning the
data-safety will be for 60%, but as the government improves the equipment 99% safety can be

achieved. Moreover, about 2million euros yearly which get hacked will be saved.

3. Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility is the third option because, if we don’t have the proper equipment, it is not

possible to achieve the end goal. In Kosovo, there are a lot of professionals and great scientist

who know and understand the risk of cyber-security. A method that can be used is Citizen-

Scientist. People will share their experience on which equipment is best suited for our case,

besides protecting the government they can protect themselves at the same time. To find out can

be achievement, it’s necessary to use scale (1-10, 1 being not good, 10 being perfect). With the

help of citizen-scientist we can achieve a scale of 8.5 of technology and scientist, with minimal

cost, which is great but not perfection.

4. Time

Time is the last criteria because, for all these years there was nothing done for this problem, yet it

is the time to start, because we are at the riskiest time because of Russia-Ukraine war. To achieve

the security of 85% It will take at least six-months, however, the project should last for 5 years to

achieve security as close to 100% as possible.

Work Cited:
Kosovo, O. D. (2021, January 29). Fragile cybersecurity. Medium. Retrieved March 3, 2022,


Kuhn, T. S., & Hacking, I. (1970). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: 50th Anniversary

Edition (2nd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Landau, S. (2019, October 31). Understanding data breaches as National Security threats.

Lawfare. Retrieved March 3, 2022, from



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