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Our group is assigned to convince Nokia Corporation to expand its business to

Malaysia. I hereby state that the reasons why Malaysia is a strategic choice for future

Sunzi once said, in chapter 4 line (5.1 & 5.2) To manage a large force is similar to
managing a small force. It is matter of organisation and structure. The key strength of a
company is by having a team of allocated workforce who place their own best talent and skill
on the development of the company. Therefore, Nokia should expand its market to Malaysia.
This is due to the reason that Malaysia has a diverse human resource and multilingual
professionals capable in more than three languages. This is vital because people will be
attracted to the organisation when there is a diverse talent pool in a company. Employees
with different cultural backgrounds, ages or even gender can generate different perspectives
and prejudices. For example, Nokia has a project that is going to launch shortly, it just needed

a final touch-up for it. If the company has an increasing workforce diversity, different kind of
ideas will show up and it leads to creativity. Especially employees with different ages, elderly
one can give out a more matured and well-rounded ideas while the younger one can be more
creative. Peoples from all walks of life view the world differently, applying their own
experiences to the contribution of special perspectives will benefit the company.

Besides, Malaysia is known as a multilingual country. Most of the younger

generations are able to master several languages and not just their own mother tongue. This is
due to the fact that it ease the process to conduct business by moving around with no
language barrier. It will be hassle-free when there is an outsourcing contracted work like
having an in-depth understanding of the company business. Employees able to clearly
understand the needs of the customer base and tackle the problem to solve it. Besides, it
provides a good atmosphere for the employee to work for the company. Imagine a group of
different employees who only speak their own language cannot communicate with each
other? A multilingual workforce is one of the utmost importance in order to communicate
between the colleagues. This allows them to bring unity by working together in all sorts of
projects. What is more, multilingual employees are able to pinpoint the customers’ needs,
issues or even demands on the products or services itself. They are considered the
ambassadors when getting know what the customers want and need.
In a nutshell, organisation and structure of a company is crucial in a company. It is
supported by Sunzi’s Arts Of Theory. With the right strategic implementation, the
organization can form a pipeline of to power the local expansion in Malaysia. Nokia has a
bright future to choose to invest in Malaysia.

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