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By: Lia Rubinstein

My goal in hacking the 2DUFO game is to make a richer game, with thinking and strategy

The changes I made include: adding levels and general UI, enriching the game environment
with various obstacles and changes-by-interaction, and a health system.

My process can be described roughly as "added as I went along". I would think about a level
design, and then implement it and add all the surrounding systems (in code) to make it as I
envisioned it (for example: timer, enemies). Some of the elements also ended up being added
"by mistake". In level 4, the background was design before the level itself, and while building the
level it was discovered that some of the passages were too small for the UFO. And thus, an
extra, unplanned element in a form of a decreasing-size-coin was added to level 4.
The testing phases was done mainly by strangers who got to play the game blindly and offer
feedback. The results of those testing are reflected in some of the game's aspects, such as its
difficulty and UI features.

As far as I'm concerned, the goal is not yet reached, but the game is on the right track. I feel like
it needs at least 10 levels in order to feel more complete, but even more can added depending
on other factors and further playtesting.

Change log:

16.3.2021 – First level completed.

18.3 2021 – First playtest in class, feedback received.

21.3.2021 – Main menu and other UI features added.

24.3.2021 – Level 2 added.

29.3.2021 – Health system added. Level 3 added.

31.3.2021 – Level 4 added.

1.4.2021 – Second playtest, in my fansub Discord server. Feedback received, added an

"unlocked levels menu" mechanism.

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