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South Point School and College

Uttara Branch, Uttara

Half Yearly Examination 2022
Class-Eight (English and Bangla Version)
Subject: English
Time: 3 hours Full Marks-100

[Answer all the questions. Figures in the right margin indicate full marks]
Part A: Seen 20 Marks

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions 1 and 2.

Communication of ideas is at the centre of civilization. It needs written records. Most of our records in
the modern age are on paper. Though writing was invented more early, paper is a more modern
invention. For long in history, people exchanged ideas through speaking and listening. Then there came
the art of writing. But to record thoughts in writing was difficult. Writing materials were not available.
People used the surface of stone, wood, metal, bark, leaves, etc. for writing. Those things were not easy
to carry. Then for ages, people looked for easy writing materials. Finally, paper was invented in China in
105 AD. Before the paper age, knowledge was very restricted. Can you think of that time? There were
very few books in the world. Maybe they were written on stone or on heavy wood planks or on metal
sheets. Suppose one page was a heavy stone block. So, think of a hundred-page book! In our age you
can carry the entire world of knowledge in digital form in your laptop bag. You can carry even carry a
huge volume of paper encyclopedia. But who could produce and carry tons of heavy stone books and
documents in those paperless days? In fact, paper has made publication and the spread of knowledge
and information easy. So you can see how paper has changed our life.

1. Choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives. 1x7=7

a) The word ‘idea’ in line 1 of the text means-

i) Vocalization ii) Opinion iii) Reverie iv) Program

b) The word ‘centre’ in line 1 of the text means-

i) foundation ii) root c) neuter d) nucleus

c) Paper has……………. to spread knowledge.

i) abets ii) facilitated iii) stalled iv) hampered

d) The word ‘communication’ in line 1 of the text means-

i) conversation ii) introduction iii) mobilization iv) addition

e) The word ‘restricted’ in line 6 of the text means-

i) unlimited ii) confined iii) confirmed iv) sketched

f) The word ‘thought’ in line 3 of the text means-

i) aim ii) mission c) idea d) drive

g) The word ‘carry’ in line 9 of the text means-

i) scuttle ii) bear iii) sustain iv) maintain

2. Answer the following questions from your reading of the above text.

a) Was writing material available in the past? If yes, how? If not, why not?

b) Who invented paper and when?

c) What did people use before the paper age for writing?

d) Which were not easy writing materials?

3. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with appropriate words to make it a meaningful one.

All (a)…………… time the dove was listening to her friend’s false promises. She was (b)……………. how
insincere his praises were. The dove (c)……………. her head down and was quite. The owl (d) ………………
impatient. The dove was ashamed of her friend bat and kept her eyes down. The owl (f) …………… the
dove. “Come on, say something”.

Part B: Unseen 25 Marks

Joynul Abedin was born at a place in Kishoreganj in 1914. His father Tamij Uddin was a police officer. He
did not like hard and fast rule of school and so he drew pictures secretly. So at the age of 15, he went to
Kolkata to see the Art school. At the age of 19, he was admitted into Kolkata Government Art College. In
1938, he became first class first in the art college and in the same year, he was awarded gold medal in
All India Art Exhibition. He drew a lot of pictures of famine during the second world war in 1943. His
name and fame spread all over the world from then. In 1938, he founded the Dhaka Art Institute, Dhaka.
He was appointed the principal of this institute in 1949. This institute was shifted to the present Art
institute building in 1956. By dint of his hard effort, within seven years, this institute turned into
Charukala Mahabidyalaya. He retired from this institution in 1967. He became a visiting professor at the
Dhaka University in 1973. He earned honorary doctorate in 1974 from Delhi University and in the same
year he became a National Professor of Bangladesh. He died on the 28 th May in 1976 in Dhaka.

4. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.

Who/What Event/Activities Where/Institution When

Joynul Abedin was born i) ……………………. in 1914.
He admitted Kolkata Art College ii)………………..
He iii)………………. All India Art Exhibition 1938
He founded iv) …………….. 1948
He v)…………………… from Delhi University 1974

5. Read the passage again and write True/ False beside the following statements. Give answers for the
false statements.

a) Joynul was very interested in music.

b) He was lost his admission from Kolkata Government Art College in 1934.

c) He earned PhD degree in 1974.

d) Common people got importance in his art.

e) His name and fame spread far and wide.

6. Read the text below and fill in the blanks using the clues

in the boxes. There are more words than necessary.

Skin rash Destroy infection humans patients disease

Vaccine Symptoms carrier preserve include mosquito

Dengue fever is a mosquito born tropical a)……………….. caused by the dengue virus. Typically, b)
…………….. begin three to fourteen days after c)…………………. from mosquito bites. This may d)
…………………. high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle, and joint pains and e)…………….. . Most f)
………………….. come with dengue shock syndrome, plasma leakage, and with falling blood pressure.
Dengue spreads among g)……………….. through its h)……………….. Aedes mosquito. The disease has no
known cure or i)……………… yet. It is very important to j)………………….Aedes Mosquito to reduce the
number of infections.

Part C: Grammar Part

9. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the root words in the brackets adding suitable suffix,
prefix or both.

Money cannot buy (a)…………… (happy). Money is a must for human life. But is not necessary to bring
happiness. Happiness is (b) …………… (absolute) a (c)………. (psychology) thing. It is the name of a (d)
………….. (feel). It means the (e)……….. (content) of mind. He who has (f)………… (satisfy) with what he has,
is (g)………. (real) a happy one. Above all, we should keep in mind that (h) …………. (world) happiness is
not all. If we want to be (i) ………… eternal happy and lead a (j) ………. (dignity) life. We have to earn
money in an honest way.

10. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles ( a, an, or the). Put a cross for zero

A library is (a)…………. Part and parcel of (b)………….. educational institution. It is (c)………… unique place
where books of different subjects are kept for (d)……… Reading. It enables (e)………… readers to read
books of their choice that creates (f)………… enthusiasm for learning. Students should pay (g)……….. visit
to (h)……….. library regularly. They can borrow books for (i)………. certain period and return them after
(j)………… given time.

11. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.

(a) The bee is a very industrious insect (Exclamatory)

(b) It lives together (Negative)

(c) It flies from flower to flower and collects honey. (Interrogative)

(d) It stores honey in the hive. (Passive)

(e) The life of a bee should be followed. (Active)

12. Rewrite the following passage changing the form of speech.

“ I have got GPA-5 in the JSC examination,” said kamala. “Congratulations! What do you intend to do
now? said Jamal. “I will try to create social awareness among the villagers,” said Kamal. “I’ll do the
same.” said Jamal.

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