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FireEye HX Installation Instructions for Linux

Recommended ITS Security software solutions:

● FireEye HX endpoint protection solution


FireEye HX is an anti-virus and malware protection software. This technical guide is to assist
you in installing the FireEye HX client.


This package and technical guide are targeted at anyone that has a system that is not managed
by a group’s IT organization and would like to install anti-virus software. It requires technical
expertise in managing a Linux system and the use of command line tools. If installing on a
headless system, it requires a larger level of expertise.


1) Obtain the FireEye HX archive from the secure portal.

2) Unzip the archive.

tar -xvzf IMAGE_HX_AGENT_LINUX_32.30.0.tar.gz

3) Inside you’ll find a number of packages, depending on your linux distribution, install the
package. Choose the appropriate package for your distribution. This requires elevated
privileges. The examples below use ‘sudo’, but changing the user to root also works.

○ For CentOS, RHEL: sudo yum -y install xagt-XX.XX.X-X.el7.x86_64.rpm && sudo

cp agent_config.json /opt/fireeye/
○ For Ubuntu: sudo dpkg -i xagt-XX.XX.X-X.ubuntu16_amd64.deb

4) Link the agent to the configuration file.

sudo /opt/fireeye/bin/xagt -i /opt/fireeye/agent_config.json

5) Start the service and set it to start at boot.

○ For CentOS 7, RHEL 7: sudo systemctl start xagt && sudo systemctl enable xagt
○ For CentOS 6, RHEL 6: sudo system xagt start && chkconfig xagt on
○ For Ubuntu: sudo systemctl start xagt && sudo systemctl enable xagt

6) The agent is now installed, no restart is required.

Qualys Cloud Agent Installation Instructions for Linux

Recommended ITS Security software solutions:

● Qualys Cloud Agent vulnerability scanning solution


Qualys Cloud Agent does continuous vulnerability scanning. This technical guide assists with
the installation of the linux package.


This package and technical guide is targeted at anyone that has a system that is not managed
by a group IT organization and would like to install vulnerability identification software. It
requires technical expertise in managing a Linux system and the use of command line tools. If
installing on a headless system, it requires a larger level of expertise.


1) Obtain the Qualys Cloud Agent package from the Secure portal for your linux
distribution. Packages for x64 Debian and Enterprise Linux distributions are provided,
there are packages for ARM64 builds as well as FreeBSD and AIX upon request.

2) Install the software. This requires elevated privileges. The examples below use ‘sudo’,
but changing the user to root also works.

○ For CentOS, RHEL, EL:

sudo rpm -ivh qualys-cloud-agent.x86_64.rpm
sudo /usr/local/qualys/cloud-agent/bin/

○ For Ubuntu. Debian:

sudo dpkg --install qualys-cloud-agent.x86_64.deb
sudo /usr/local/qualys/cloud-agent/bin/

3) You will receive an output message stating, "hostid search path: /etc". This is expected
and requires no further action.

4) The agent is now installed, no restart is required.

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