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The Observation and Recording of Non-Verbal Conducting Behaviours

As mentioned earlier in the chapter, the most important attribute of expressive

conductors, according to my survey of forty-two experienced Melbourne
secondary school conductors, is good communication. As verbal communication
is unavailable to conductors in performance, the use of non-verbal
communication by conductors wishing to enhance their expressive conducting is

In my survey of university conducting teachers, they were asked to indicate how

they developed their conducting students’ non-verbal vocabulary (Table 16):
Acting 4 5%
Chekhov Exercises 1 1%
Class Forms Ensemble 2 2%
Conduct Same Piece in a Variety of Styles 4 5%
Conduct with Body Only 2 2%
Conducting Experience 9 10%
Create a Gestural Vocabulary 5 6%
Develop Interpretation 3 3%
Develop Natural Reactions 2 2%
Discussion 4 5%
Experimentation 1 1%
Face Conveys Musical Mood 12 14%
Green/Malko Exercises 1 1%
Imagery 2 2%
Imitation 4 5%
Improvisation 2 2%
Increase Score Knowledge 2 2%
Laban 2 2%
Mime 3 3%
Movement Sessions 2 2%
Observe Other Conductors 11 13%
Peer Critique 3 3%
Psychological Drill 2 2%
Repertoire Driven 3 3%
Self-Evaluation 2 2%
Self-Observation 14 16%
Silent Rehearsals 6 7%
Specific Non-verbal Exercises 5 6%

Table 16 Methods for Developing Conducting Students’ Non-Verbal


The most important methods for developing conducting students’ non-verbal

vocabulary, as listed by respondents, were self-observation (16%), getting the
face to convey the musical mood (14%), and observation of other conductors

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