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1. Do fairytales create false expectations on reality?

They don’t because if you possibly tell them it’s a tale or it’s not real over and over, then by time
they’ll get the habit of knowing it’s just fiction and not real, but it can distort their sense of reality
earlier on as their minds are influenced by the environment around them and from what they hear
and as time goes on they’ll mature and that sense of false reality slowly starts to wither away

2. Torture is never justified

Torture is a sick and vile act of causing and inflicting harm while the victim is still conscious. This
could be done for reasons such as pleasure, punishment, and other gross reasons. This act of cruel
violence is never justified for any reason whatsoever

3. Which gender is more complicated men or women

It doesn’t really matter on the gender of oneself but rather as the individual itself even
though gender does and can play a role onto how complex oneself can be such as the
needs and desires for each gender and the problems they face

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