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A male patient named Mr. A 38 years old came to the hospital on Saturday, May 21, 2022 at
16:37. reason for hospital admission. The client said he had defecated about 5 times since this
morning (3 o'clock in the morning), the client said he had nausea, vomited more than 3 times
and decreased appetite.
Conversation 1
Nurse : Good morning sir, I am Jihan's nurse who is on duty at the rose room this
morning. How is your father's condition now?
Patient : Morning sir, it is getting better but my stomach is still nauseous.
Nurse : OK, I'll check the vital signs first, sir. Are you ready?
Patient : Yes sir, I am ready.
Nurse : Ok sir. Your body temperature is normal, sir, 36.7C. Your pulse rate is 80
X/minute. Father's respiratory rate 16 X / Min. Your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg.
Everything's normal, sir, okay, then I'll tell the doctor first, please wait, sir.
Patient : ok sir

Conversation 2
Nurse : Good morning doc, sorry to interrupt your time, is this really with Jihan's
Doctor : Yes, that's right, what's wrong?
Nurse : I'm nurse Jihan would like to report the condition of a patient named Mr. A is
38 years old, Mr. A Said to have defecated approximately 5 times since this morning and said
nausea, vomiting more than 3 times and decreased appetite. The results are normal blood
pressure 120/80 mmHg, body temperature 36.7 °C, pulse 80x/minute, breathing 16x/minute.
Doctor : Looks like Mr. A is dehydrated, please advise the patient to rest and drink
lots of water, then give ORS medication to reduce bowel movements or replace body fluids
and electrolytes lost due to defecation, because all the TV is normal then Mr. A can only
Nurse : Ok, thank you doc, I will prepare medicine for the patient, then I'll excuse
myself, doc
Doctor : yes, you're welcome

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