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PART 1 MEDIA ENVIRONMENTS Understand who the millennials are and who they are perceived; Distinguish the difference between millennials from other generations; Know how the millennials control social media; Be aware of the effects of the internet ‘to us humans; Know how technology affecting us humans and the world; and Be informed on haw technology has changed over time. Millennials and the Rise of the Information Society Who are the millennials? A. What are the age bracket of the generation? Itis a common misconception that the millennials are simply the latter part of the generation. Most people believe that even if you are born in the latter years of the 90's (up until year 2000), you're technically a millennial. Pew Research announced as of 2018 that you can only use the label millennial to those who were bon between the years 1981 and 1996. In today’s time—2019—they are the ones who age 23 to 37. The Millennial Personality: Other generations on Millennials Personalities—every generation has them, These young adults, which are the millennials, making their way into a new stage in life which is adulthood at a start of a new millennium have begun to change, They shape and construct their confidence, self-expressiveness, liberation, and their minds that are very much open to change. Compared to other adults or the other generations, their ethical perspective and racial perspective are more diverse, They have become less religious or spiritual. Study says that they are less likely to serve in the military. However, they are towards the path of becoming the most education generation in American History. On the road to become the most educated generation, 39.6% were enrolled in university or college as of 2008, according to research, Manners wise, millennials are on good terms with their parents. Despite the media labelling this generation as politically disengaged, millennials were one of previous American President Barack Obama's supporters in 2008 with a two-to-one ratio. Millennials are known for being, as the older generation says, self- centered. According to Jos Ortega, the chairman and CEO of Havas Media Ortega wherein anthropologists study millennials, the foundation of millennial decision making is “I want to do things on my owom terms”. Millennials have a perspective in life where in whatever decision they Scanned with CamSeanner make, it must be their very own, Despite failure, based on the decision it's alright, it’s my decision, they will abundantly accept the consequences and go on with their lives. After all, it was their decision and they will learn from it. ' Millennials developed their minds all through the electronics field and progressively constructing their way to makeSozial life in social networked world. This generation has established the most attention when it comes to trades and merchandises of many various products and deals due to their countless needs, At this kind of situation, millennials are inclined to tolerate huge differences. Being raised in an era of people believing the quote “follow your dreams” are making the mind of these people positive and are more likely to be confident regarding to their works and progresses in life. On the other hand, the confidence of the millennial’s generation has exponentially fading away due to narcissism and issues with oneself. But based on the research, they are proven to be more optimistic rather than the other late generations regardless that they are the first generation (ever since the Silent Generation) to be able to be more effective and fortunate than their mothers and fathers. Many millennials experienced educational institution with a certain field, only to discover that they will soon be employed with an unrelated field or worse, unemployed. They are lucky if they could finish post. secondary education and afterwards, employed with the particular ficld they have taken in college. Although the said generation has been considered and categorized as lazy, study has already proven that people in this era are encouraged to work on things especially if it interests them. ‘They comprehend value to the little things that show significance to them as an individual. Millennials have to see it as an important matter before they put effort and value to it. C. The difference of Millennials from other generation 1. Millennials are more educated ‘Thanks to the women suffrage movement, the females gained their rights which included education. The number of women who have finished their education increased. During the Silent Generation (covers people who were born between the year 1928 and 1945), only 9 finished or graduated college; four years at least. IF we were to compare ‘the silent generation and generation x (millennials), the women who completed theireducation increased by 36% at the same age. For the male population, just like the female, have increased the rates of young men who graduated university or college, Three in ten men in the millennial generation, which is 29%, have completed their education with the least attainment of a bachelor’s degree. Scanned with CamSeanner ‘As young adults, Millennials moro ‘educated than provious generations: 28 of thove ages 2110 96 who have completed at least a bachelor’s degree, by gender MSilont Boomer Genx = Malennial (2965) (4985) (2001) (207) 36 20 20 24 22 = 15 2 Men women ESUIEs Pen Research Gemertabulenons of the 1935, 1955, ha 517 Curent Pspsaten Survey Annual Sectland Eso Supplement (ASEC Homme Integrated Pubte Use Mtcroaata 201, PEW RESEARCH CENTER ‘https: lfenowpewresearch org/fact-tank/201 8703/16 llxw-nailenials- ‘contpare-withetheir-grandparents) Table 1.0 Educational Attainment Chart of the Silent Generation to Millennials 2. The number of the female population who has completed education _ inereased. : The female population has made bigger improvement over time when it comes to education. Amongst the millennial generation from ages twenty-one (21) te thirty-six (36), women who at least finished a bachelor's degree are 7% more than men. During the silent generation, with the same age bracket, women were six point behind men who have finished college education with four years the least attainment. As for Gen Xers, they were the first generation whose women * outnumbered men when it comes to college educational attainment with 3% advantage among the millennial women. 3, The number of working woinen increased. In the year 1965, the female population of the silent generation were young with majority of 58% women who were not in the labor force. With the Generation X or the millennials, 71% of the female are employed and 26% are notin the labor force. Scanned with CamScanner * Tho gonotatian: POW RESEARCH COOTER “nttps:lfeoove.petoresearch.orglfnct-tarik/2018/03/16/how-mullennials-compare- woiththeir-grandparents! ‘Table 2.0 Chart for labor workers of different generations. 4, Millennials are three times less likely to get married. In the year 1965, an average woman is most likely to get married at twenty-one (21) and a manat twenty-three (23). With the millennials, as ‘of the year 2017, the age slides to twenty-seven (27) for the females and twenty-nine (29) for the males, When asked why they haven't gotten married. yet, their reasons vary from not being financially prepared (29%), they have not found their special someone with the qualities ‘of their standards (26%), and 26% said that they are not ready to settle down at such a young age. 5. Millennials are more racial and ethnically diverse. - Asof the year2017, thenon-Hispanic whites are 56% of the American population compared to the Silent Generation which has 86% of non- Hispanic whites. The Asian race has also increased; however, the black remains almost the same. 6 Millennial men are less likely to become a veteran, Despite the age where millennials are born in the conflict between Iraq and Afghanistan wherein the United States military are engaged, they are less likely to serve in the military than the older generation. Only 4% of the millennials are serving the military compared to the 47% of the men of the silent generation who came in the age of the Korean War ahd its aftermath, 7, Most of the millennials in today’s time live in the metropolitan area. Nine (9) out of ten (10) millennials are residing in the metro areas with a percentage of 88%. Compared to the older genenttion the cae Scanned with CamSeanner ‘the metropolitan area whilst the Gen Xers ha ve a closer percenta, ‘compared to the millennials with 84%. percennese D. The Image of Millennials __lt is not a secret that the older generations do not hide their distaste with the millennial generation, They have called the millennials killers of e industry, judging them with their outlobks when jt comes to marriage, career path, and simply their perspective in life. Although people often see just the other side of spectrum, millennials have created movements that changed a lot. An example would be the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street. ‘Good things or bad things, however you want to see the generation of the millennials, they are still the future leaders of the country, in business, and society in general. Il. Adapting to New Technology + A. What is the New Technology? It is no secret that technology has ghastly evolved over the past few years. From the means of communication to transportation. it’s unbelievable on how far we've come. Any set of progress in techniques which offers significant help over the created technology for a given process is a new technology. Whether it is a new invention or an innovation of a previous work, as long as it new application of a scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in the industry, it is new technology. B. Millennials on Social Media Millennials for the last ten years have gained a massive increase of popularity when it comes to social networking online with common users collectively counting in millions. Both males and females have an ‘equal amount of using the social network and no difference has occurred in regards to nationality and race, Millennials today are the biggest and Jeading generation in the world and it developed its way to the top with innovation and technology by their side helping them in terms of media stands and putting them in place where they get hooked with regard to social media habits. Cell phones, laptops, and televisions are the examples ofttechnology that they most often get addicted with. New and advanced technology are in disguised as a fashion trend where millennials are digging their way to have it simply because it is practiced and made to be addictive, They are so good with their multi-tasking capabilities that they ‘can work on schoal assignment on their computer, and do research attheir tablet all while taking notes; and later that day, they will sit in front of the television to watch a movie and at the same time, chatting or texting a friend on Facebook from their phones or laptops. Researches have certain 7 Scanned with CamSeanner reports that millennials are more skilled and capable of doing rultitasking ‘compared with the alder genefations. . ‘bnnps:! wow eveerteite com blog academy millennunls-faeling-enperienct-tconomy’ Table 3.0 Social media activities at different platformsby different age groups The chart given above was conducted by Harris Poll in the United States from June 27 —July 1, 2014, The organization that took the survey has taken 2083 adults whose ages range from 18 and older and among them _ were 507 millennials, with ages from 18-34. This only shows that social media were majorly used by millennials (60% of the entire usage of social media). Facebook Youtube —Inatagram Twitter Pinterest Reddit «Tumblr era BD eterna & ‘pe amarcepresnstn rg pbctcns para weveyrevearch mtensassactl ‘Beds helidstwARtmecgil VRE Q1Gah Ga Ded Ueda LT gtstdeay CERN NAS TeCd Table 4.0 Facebook dominates as a social media platform for news and information Facebook is a social networking website where users are free to post their current status, comment on posts, share photos, and post links abou! news or an attention-grabbing content outside the Facebook itself. AS of Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamSeanner

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