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Assignment Name RedBus.

Created by Akshay patil
Date of creation 12-Jul-22

Test Sceanario ID Test Scenario Description Test Case ID

User should be able to search cab for
TS_01 one way trip with valid details TC_OS_001

User should not be able to search cab

for one way trip with Invalid details
TS_02 TC_OS_002



User should be able to search cab for

TS_03 Round trip with valid details TC_OS_005

User should not be able to search cab

TS_04 for Round trip with Invalid details TC_OS_006



User should be able to search Bus for

one way trip with valid details
TS_05 TC_OS_009

User should not be able to search Bus

for one way trip with Invalid details
TS_06 TC_OS_010



User should be able to search Bus for

Round trip with valid details
TS_07 TC_OS_014

User should not be able to search Bus

for Round trip with Invalid details
TS_08 TC_OS_015




Which piece of functionality will you move to automation

from Outstation Component? And why?

What will be your testing approach (Manual / Automation)

for the date component of Outstation module?

Test Cases description

Verify that user is able to search cab for one way trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location and
valid pickup Date_time.

Verify that user is not able to search cab for one way trip by entering
Invalid pickup&destination location and
valid pickup Date_time.

Verify that user is not able to search cab for one way trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location and
Invalid pickup Date_time.

Verify that user is not able to search cab for one way trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location and
Invalid pickup Date_time.

Verify that user is able to search cab for Round trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location and
valid pickup time &drop Date_time.
Verify that user is not able to search cab for one way trip by entering
Invalid pickup&destination location and
valid pickup&drop Date_time.
Verify that user is not able to search cab for one way trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location
Invalid pickup&drop Date_time.
Verify that user is not able to search cab for one way trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location
Invalid pickup&drop Date_time.
Verify that user is able to search Bus for one way trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location ,
valid pickup Date_time.
Valid No of people.
Valid Request Message.

Verify that user is not able to search Bus for one way trip by entering
Invalid pickup&destination location
valid pickup Date_time.
Valid No of people.
Valid Request Message.

Verify that user is not able to search Bus for one way trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location
Invalid pickup Date_time.
Valid No of people.
Valid Request Message.
Verify that user is not able to search Bus for one way trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location
valid pickup Date_time.
Invalid No of people.
Valid Request Message.

Verify that user is not able to search Bus for one way trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location
valid pickup Date_time.
valid No of people.
Invalid Request Message.

Verify that user is able to search Bus for Round trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location ,
valid pickup Date_time.
Valid No of people.
Valid Request Message.

Verify that user is not able to search Bus for Round trip by entering
Invalid pickup&destination location
valid pickup&drop Date_time.
Valid No of people.
Valid Request Message.

Verify that user is not able to search Bus for Round trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location
Invalid pickup&drop Date_time.
Valid No of people.
Valid Request Message.

Verify that user is not able to search Bus for Round trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location
valid pickup&drop Date_time.
Invalid No of people.
Valid Request Message.

Verify that user is not able to search Bus for Round trip by entering
valid pickup&destination location
valid pickup&drop Date_time.
valid No of people.
Invalid Request Message.

In above Test cases we have multiple combination of valid and invalid data
,due to that such test case won't be easy for testing manually .It requires
more efforts so instead of doing it manually we can automate those test
cases. We can create multiple groups of test data like (pickup
location,destination location,pickup time) and by passing such
combination through loops and automation techniques. so as per my
opinion automation testing will be best for such type of functionality.

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