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NET with C#
1. Write a short note on .NET framework.
2. List & Explain the Features of .NET 4.0 in detail.
3. Explain the .NET architecture.
4. Explain CLR, CLS, CTS, JIT.
5. What is Common Language Runtime (CLR)?
6. Explain common type system (CTS)?
7. What is Common Language Specification (CLS)? Why it so important?
8. What is Garbage Collector? How it works?
9. What is .NET assembly? Explain its types.
10. Explain Client Application Development and Server Application Development.
11. What are the major features of C#?
12. Explain framework base class library.
13. Explain .NET features.
14. What are core C# features?
15. What are the characteristics of C#? Explain.
16. What are the applications of C#?
17. List & Explain the Data types available in C #.
18. List & Explain Different types of Operators available in C #.
19. What are Implicit Casting and Explicit Casting?
20. How to declare Namespace in C#?
21. Explain foreach loop in C#.
22. Write a program to insert and read elements from the Array.
23. Write a program to give user choice to select destination city for travel.(Use Switch Case)
24. Write a note on Jump statement.
25. What is Jagged Array?
26. Explain with example any five methods of String.
27. Explain types of function parameters.
28. Write a program to demonstrate Function Overloading.
29. Write a note on command line arguments.
30. What is debugging in C#.
31. Explain monitoring variable content.
32. Explain how to debug in Break mode in .NET IDE.
33. What are the types of errors?
34. What is user define exception? Explain with Syntax
35. What are the main concepts of OOPs?
36. Explain the Object Lifecycle.
37. What is inheritance? What are the different forms of inheritance?
38. Which are the types of polymorphism explain with an example?
39. Illustrate with an example, how the System.Object class works?
40. How to define class in C#?
41. Write a simple program to demonstrate use of class.
42. What is operator overloading?
43. How to overload unary operator? Explain with simple example.
44. How to overload binary operator? Explain with simple example.
45. How a method of a class is defined?
46. What is constructor? Is it compulsory to use constructor in a class?
47. Explain the types of constructors.
48. Describe the importance of destructor?
49. Write a note on abstract class?
50. Explain the difference between interface and abstract classes.
51. What is the difference between class and structure?
52. How to define structure in C#?
53. Differentiate between structs and classes.

54. What are the different types of collections in .NET?
55. Explain any two classes of System.Collections namespace.
56. Explain HashTable collection.
57. What are the different types of generic collections?
58. Which interfaces are declared in System.Collections namespace?
59. Explain the types of comparisons between objects.
60. What is ‘is’ operator and ‘as’ operator?
61. Explain the concept of Boxing and Unboxing.
62. Explain IComparable interface and IComparer interface.
63. What is an Event? Define Delegate.
64. What are the types of Delegates?
65. Explain how to implement Delegates in C#.NET.
66. What are delegates and why are they required?
67. How do you validate the controls in an ASP .NET page?
68. What is graphical user interface (GUI)? Give its advantages.
69. List and explain any five common properties and events of controls.
70. How can we display an icon or a bitmap image on the Button control?
71. What is the difference between Label and Link Label?
72. What is the difference between Radio button and Check box control?
73. Give any five properties of Textbox control.
74. What is the function of the CheckState property of the CheckBox control?
75. What is the function of the AutoCheck property of the Radio button control?
76. What is the use of List View control?
77. What is the use of Tab control?
78. What is the use of menus and toolbars in our windows application?
79. Give the properties of ToolStripMenuItem.
80. Which items are present in the ToolStrip Item Collection Editor?
81. What is the difference between SDI and MDI?
82. Give the advantages of MDI application.
83. How to create MDI application?

84. What is web designing?
85. What are the types & benefits of a web application?
86. Where we can use Static Website?
87. Explain need of Dynamic Content.
88. Give the advantages of ASP.NET.
89. Explain ASP.NET Page Life Cycle.
90. What are page events?
91. What are control events?
92. Explain ASP.NET Page Structure.
93. What is ViewState?
94. Explain any two ASP.NET server control.
95. Explain any five Common Properties of the server controls.
96. Explain any five HTML controls.
97. What is ASP.NET Anchor Control?
98. Explain Validation controls available in .NET.
99. Write a note on state management in ASP .NET.
100. What are the rules of web.config file?
101. Explain the work of session state in ASP.NET.
102. What is the application state in ASP.NET?
103. What is Global.asax file? Explain its structure.
104. What is CSS? Give its advantages and disadvantages.
105. How to write CSS style?
106. What are the types of CSS?
107. How to add Themes to our application?

108. Which are the types of intrinsic objects?
109. Explain any three intrinsic objects.
110. Explain Http Server Utility Object.
111. What is need for State Management Techniques?
112. What is query string in ASP.NET?
113. Explain the cookies in ASP.NET.
114. What is a SESSION and APPLICATION object?
115. What is the use of master page?
116. How to create a Master Page using an existing design template.
117. Explain any two Site Navigation Controls in ASP.NET
118. Write a note on Menu Control and SiteMapDataSource control.
119. Explain Site Navigation in code in ASP.NET.
120. How to create a Simple User Control in ASP.NET?
121. How to validate user control?

122. Explain SQL server 2008 with its features.
123. Give brief information about SQL server management studio.
124. Write the ways and steps to connect SQL Server 2008 in Visual Studio 2008.
125. Explain the any 5 SQL commands with their syntax and examples.
126. List & Explain the Data types supported in SQL Server 2008.
127. Introduce Microsoft ADO.NET? Explain the Data providers provided by ADO
128. Explain ADO .NET object model with help of suitable diagram.
129. List & Explain ADO .NET objects in short.
130. Explain in brief the Data Bound Controls.
131. Explain following Data bound Controls in brief.
 Single Item Control
 Paging Control
132. What are the 3 major types of connection objects in ADO.NET?
133. List the 4 common ADO.NET Namespaces?
134. List all the steps in order, to access a database through ADO.NET?
135. Explain DataAdapter object.
136. What is the difference between DataReader and DataAdapter?
137. How to display data in a DataGrid with relationship between two tables.
138. How to achieve DataBindings for TextBoxes using SQL Server in .NET.
139. When do you use ExecuteReader, ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteScalar methods?
140. What is ADO .NET and what is difference between ADO and ADO.NET?
141. What is Crystal report?
142. How to create crystal report in ASP.NET? Explain with steps.
143. What is LINQ? Give its advantages.
144. Explain the any two types of Operators with their list in LINQ.
145. Write LINQ query syntax in brief.
146. How to mix query syntax and extension methods?
147. What is LINQ to Objects?
148. What is Projections in LINQ?
149. Explain is LINQ to XML
150. Write short note on XPath.
151. Explain the main security aspects of ASP .NET in detail.
152. Explain the Provider Model of ASP .NET.
153. Write the details about providers in ASP .NET provider model.
154. State the ways of deployment of website in ASP .NET.
155. Explain in brief xCopy Deployment of website in Asp .NET.
156. How to publish the website in ASP .NET.

157. What is ASP.NET AJAX?
158. Explain the working of AJAX.
159. List the advantages & disadvantage of AJAX.
160. Write short note on XMLHttpRequest Object.
161. Explain the basic steps for creating AJAX application with Asp .NET.
162. Write short note on ScriptManager&UpdatePanel Controls.
163. What is web service?
164. Explain the basic steps of creating web service in Visual studio 2010.
165. Brief the concept of JQuery.
166. Why we should prefer to use jQuery.
167. Explain the syntax of jQuery with the example.
168. What does dollar symbols ($) means in JQuery?
169. What is the use of Document Ready function?
170. Name some of the methods of JQuery used to provide effects?
171. List and explain jQuery selectors.
172. Write short note on jQuery event functions.
173. Explain DOM manipulation methods in jQuery.
174. How to remove DOM element? Explain with example.
175. List and explain jQuery effect methods.
176. Write short note jQuery and Extensibility.

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