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Annisya Zalzabilah

201911004 // Keperawatan A

Sem 7 // B. Inggris Task 1

Unit 1 C

Mr. Levis is our English teacher. He teaches on Saturday at 08.00 am. He is 25 years old. He
live in Bekasi at jl. Jendral Sudirman no. 9. He is new teacher replacing Ms. Groosman.
Many students like it because he handsome, funny and humble. However, he invites us for
playing games guess picture in the class. It was so much fun to have class with him.

Unit 2 C

The buses are old. The are very bad, slowly and hot. It is no have AC. It is Jakarta-Bekasi
route. The bus leaves at 08.00 am s.d 22.00 pm every day. It is never on time and always
crowded, maybe because low pricy. I and my friend always go to campus by this bus to
Jakarta. The price is 25.000, it is very cheap.

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