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Second Meeting:

Date: 09/08/22
Location: Library
Members Present: Devin Fitzpatrick, Ava Brocchini , Alizeh Ali, Jenna Skavdahl

Meeting Called to Order at 3:50pm

- Begin working 09/18/22 on float at Ava Brocchini’s House.
- Adjust to progress, availability of Brocchini Family, timing, supplies, etc
- Ask advisory classes to help with the float
- Last year it was too much for just leadership
- Bring lunch… Ava’s mom with lunch..
- Create a Remind for everyone who signs up to help
- Ordering Supplies
- Styrofoam
- Columns
- Ask Volunteers to bring paint
- ZipTies(Clear)
- Mini Flags
- Tinsel (Red, White, Blue)
- Founding Father Wigs
- Founding Father Costumes/Modern costume/American Party
Theme: “Party at the White House”

❖ Home Depot with Morty

Float Realistic:
● 6 Feet Door
● 8 Feet max height
● Painted Windows
● Speaker
● Zipties, Rods, Wood→ Way to secure walls and White House to truck

- Banging Sticks
- Real USA flag
Night Rally:
● Pompoms for spirit items
● Reuse Firework Booth for background, As part of a story- Use in the dance, handing out
○ Story behind dance, Broadway, dance moms
○ Use Statue(Gideon) as a human prop/come alive
○ Utilize technology- Gideon and Spencer!!
■ Voice recording?
■ Music mash-ups
■ Start with party in the USA, change to a better, more upbeat song(s)
■ Speeches in the Background- Real.

● Outside Participation- ASK Advisory classes during float asking if they want to be in the
Window and Lemonade Stand
TBD at later date

- Order glow in the dark sign for stand

- Make it into firework booth

- Caulk order
Meeting Adjourned at 4:28pm

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