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From: acoolfriend@gmail.



Date: Friday, August 12

Subject: Time of the truth.

Hi lucas,

How is everything going? I know that is difficult manage all these issues related
to job, but I hope that you’re enjoying to take some rest. Would you like to meet in
a café tomorrow? I discover a beautiful and cute cafe when you can pet beautiful
cats while you drink a coffee and I know that love kittens . Anyway, if you can
go, let me know.

In other hand, yesterday I was reading news about how oil companies thinks that
is possible making ecological fracking, the news said that them has a lot of arti-
cles about that, but I wanted to search more about that information and found
a scientific page that denied all the articles because all of them was made by oil
companies! It’s not terrible?! Well, I wanted to share my discover because is
important stay informed.

Hugs ,


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