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Why the question?

The WTO provides for a permanent discussion and negotiation forum to its member countries in the
areas related to the movement of goods, services and humans across borders. The rules and procedures
have been set in place for its members to follow and, on top of it all, its efficient enforcement
mechanism extends the compulsory and exclusive jurisdiction over them. Why then is there even a
question such as “Is Multilateralism in Crisis?”

Who’s in charge?

So who has helped shape such cross-border trade in the first place? Merchants (among other players too
but let’s simplify it for the sake of this article to invite discussions). In a recent historical era, some of
their businesses have grown internationally for them to be called multinational corporations, and much
of their financial resource significantly affects policy making and its process around the world. It goes
without saying that, the WTO being a member driven organization, more and more private enterprises
located within its member countries have gained a stronger voice and helped shape their policies. Then
what are some of the business practices most multinationals follow these days as one of the major
players/sectors in the international trade field?

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