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In Africa, the cane is generally defined as an instrument for inflicting corporal punishment on

unruly children. For many Africans, these little corrections are helpful in raising children.
Others, on the other hand, think that it is not really necessary and that there are other ways to
assert authority.

Face to this situation, African countries have started to put the damper on this practice,
especially in schools.

Let's take the example of Côte d'Ivoire, where faced with acts of violence perpetrated in
schools at the approach of the school holidays, some parents advocate the cane as in the
past in order to bring peace of mind to the education system.

But this solution is not shared by the first head of national education, Madam the minister
Kandia Camara. Although taking note of this recommendation, she emphasizes that the cane
does not solve everything. She said, I quote:<< “We are all students’ parents. There are
Ivorians without giving a single shot, when you enter their home, you know that there is an
education given to children. We are asked to take the cane back to school, but how many
parents have a cane at home?>> She asked.

For Kandia Camara, teachers cannot take the place of parents of students, thus inviting
everyone to assume their responsibilities as educators.

And you do you think she is right. If yes or no, give some arguments to develop it

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