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Introducing my name is Annastasya Anindita. Students from Poltekkes

Kemenkes Malang, majoring in applied health, Diploma three blood
bank technology study program. Here I will explain the "importance of
blood donation".
*Blood In addition to transporting and distributing oxygen to all body
tissues, blood still has many other important functions. For example,
transporting nutrients from the intestines to body tissues, regulating and
controlling body temperature, and regulating the distribution of
*There are many benefits that can be obtained when donating blood,
especially for others in need. According to the Indonesian Red Cross, a
blood donation from one person can save up to three lives.
*The following are the benefits of donating blood for people who donate
blood :
1. Detect Serious Diseases
2. Increase Blood Cell Production
4. Maintain Heart Health
*Well, have you ever wondered what would happen if a person's body
lacked blood for various reasons? Undoubtedly, blood donation can
indeed save the life of everyone who needs it. Therefore, so that blood
stocks remain available, healthy people do not need to hesitate to donate
Therefore, it would be nice to donate blood regularly for the good of
yourself and others. Even so, always pay attention to whether you are
among those who can donate or not. A few videos from dear about the
"importance of blood donation" THANK YOU.

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