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Our Pre-School promotes a healthy lifestyle and a good standard of hygiene in its day-to-day work with children and adults.
This is achieved in the following ways:

Prior to each session the Pre-School will be checked for the state of cleanliness and cleaned accordingly.

Children will have the opportunity to play in the fresh air, weather permitting, in the adjacent park or on outings. (See
separate Outings Policy).

 If a child becomes ill whilst at Pre-School we will contact parents or other authorised adults as per the registration
 Parents are asked not to bring into the Pre-School any child who has been vomiting or had diarrhoea until at least 48
hours has elapsed since the last attack.
 Parents are asked to keep their children at home if they have any infection, and to inform the Pre-School as to the
nature of the infection so that the Pre-School can alert other parents, and make careful observations of any child who
seems unwell.
 If the children of Pre-School staff are unwell they will not accompany their parents to work in the Pre-School.
 Cuts or open sores will be covered with hypoallergenic sticking plaster or other dressing providing parental consent
has been given – as per Registration Document.
 If a child or adult is diagnosed as suffering from a notifiable disease under the Health Protection (Notification)
Regulations 2010. When the Pre-school becomes aware or is informally informed the Pre-school Manager will inform
OFSTED and act on any advice given by Public Health England.

 Parents must advise Pre-School if any child has been given any form of paracetamol or ibuprofen at home. The child
may not be allowed into preschool as this type of medication can control an underlying temperature and the child
may not be well enough to attend.

 If a child is well enough to attend and is on prescribed medication, (i.e. – must be prescribed by a Doctor, Dentist,
Nurse or Pharmacist) including the use of inhalers (see separate asthma policy) the following procedures will be
adhered to:
- if possible, the child’s parents will administer medicine. If not then medication must be clearly labelled with the
child’s name, dosage and any instructions.
- written permission for each and every medicine will be obtained from parents before any medication is given.
- written information from the parent, giving clear instructions about the dosage, administration of the
medication and signed parental permission will be recorded in our medication record book.
- All medications will be kept in a cupboard, out of children’s reach. Inhalers will be kept in the main hall and
easily accessible to staff, in case of emergency.
- All administrations will be recorded in the Medication record book and signed by staff. Parents will sign the
book to acknowledge the administration of a medicine

 With regard to the administration of life saving medication such as insulin/adrenalin injections, the position will be
clarified by reference to the Pre-School’s insurance company. Relevant medical training may be required before a
child needing such medication can be admitted to the Pre-School, together with a letter from the child’s GP stating
the child’s condition and treatment required and parents written consent to administer medication.
 The Pre-School will ensure that the First Aid equipment is kept clean, replenished and replaced as necessary. Sterile
items will be kept sealed in their packages until needed.
 There will always be on the premises at least one qualified First Aider, in line with the requirements of the Statutory
Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
 A list of staff who have current paediatric first aid certificates is made available to parents on the prospectus.

When parents start their children at Pre-school they are asked if their child suffers from any known allergies. This is recorded
on the registration form.

 If a child has an allergy a health care plan will be completed to include;

Scout Hall Preschool Ltd Policy & Procedures – reviewed 21/07/2022
- the allergen i.e. the cause of the allergic reaction;
- the nature of their allergic reaction e.g. anaphylactic reaction, rash, swelling, breathing problems etc.
- what to do in the case of allergic reaction, any medication used and how it is to be used.
- Control measures i.e. how to prevent the child from contact with the allergen.

 Information regarding individual food allergies is kept with the daily snack bar equipment and all staff are advised.
 Parents will advise staff about special medication to be used in event of an allergic reaction. Medical training will be
sought for staff where an Epipen is prescribed.
Generally no nuts or nut products are used in Pre-school. Parents are made aware that no nuts or nut products are to be
brought from home.

 Children with head lice will not be excluded but must be treated to remedy the condition. Parents will be notified if
we are aware of a case of head lice in the setting.
 Parents will have the opportunity to discuss health issues with Pre-School staff and will have access to information
available to the Pre-School.
 Our registration form requests parent’s permission for their child to receive emergency medical treatment and
parents sign and date their approval/disapproval.
 We take precautions to reduce the risk of exposure to Legionella (Legionnaires Disease). The Manager is familiar with
the HSE guidance and has seen the risk assessment relevant to the premises held by the landlord.

To prevent the spread of all infection, adults in the group will ensure that the following good practices are observed:

Personal Hygiene

Our daily routines encourage the children to learn about personal hygiene
 Hand washing after using the toilet and before snack time.
 Children are encouraged to cover their mouth when coughing.
 Tissues are available and children are encouraged to blow and wipe their nose when necessary with soiled tissues
being disposed of hygienically.
 Used paper towels are disposed of appropriately. There are hand driers in the toilets.
 Hygiene rules related to bodily fluids are followed with particular care and all staff are aware of how infections,
including HIV infection, can be transmitted.
 Oral health is promoted through stories, posters and discussion.

Cleaning and Clearing

 Disposable gloves and wipes are always available and easily accessible.
 Any spills of blood, vomit or excrement are wiped up and flushed away down the toilet.
 Disposable gloves are always used when cleaning up spills of bodily fluids. Floors and other affected surfaces are
disinfected. Fabrics contaminated with bodily fluids are thoroughly washed in hot water.
 Used gloves, and any cleaning material too large to be flushed away in the toilet, will be at least double bagged and
removed from the premises at the end of the session/day.
 Spare laundered pants and other clothing are available in case of accidents and polythene bags are available in which
to wrap soiled garments.
 All surfaces are cleaned appropriately.

Covid -19
 Specific Covid-19 guidance was removed by the Government on the 1 st April 2022. All testing has ended for the
general public.
 Children’s hands will be sanitised on arrival at pre-school to maintain enhanced hygiene moving out of the
 Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at
home and where possible avoid contact with other people. Children can return to Pre-School when they no
longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
 If a child does have a positive COVID-19 test results they should stay at home for 3 days after the day they took the
test as the risk of passing on the infection is much lower after 3 days. However, the child must NOT have a
temperature and must be well enough to attend Pre-School.
 Adults with a positive COVID-19 test results should stay at home for 5 days after the day they took the test.

Scout Hall Preschool Ltd Policy & Procedures – reviewed 21/07/2022

 Children who usually attend Pre-School who live with someone who has a positive COVID-19 case can continue to
attend as normal.

Children do not need to be out of nappies before starting Pre-School.
 During visits “toileting” will be discussed. The Pre-School will support parents to encourage children to use a toilet
when they appear to be ready. Staff are always available to give advice.
 Parents are made aware of our toilet facilities and how we deal with nappy changing.
 Disposable gloves are available to all staff when changing a nappy.
 Parents are asked to provide nappies or pull ups, wipes and clean clothes, bringing these to each session in a named
 Soiled nappies and wipes are at least double bagged. Parents take this home with them at the end of the session for
 A strict No Smoking Policy, including vapour cigarettes, exists within the Pre-School.

Scout Hall Preschool Ltd Policy & Procedures – reviewed 21/07/2022

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