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This document is not needed to get your HZD campaign off the ground.

However, it is here to
spark your imaginations if your group is stuck for an overarching conflict.

The Search for APOLLO - Elisabet predicted Ted might do something like, well, what he ended
up doing, and there is in fact a backup copy of APOLLO buried in a bunker. Somewhere.

Kill Nil - It is several years since the Battle of the Spire. However, it seems the time of relative
peace and stability that followed is at an end. All across the land, there has been a sudden
increase in bandit activity. They are better-organized, more cunning and ferocious than ever
before. Many rumors swirl around the source of this sudden insurgency. And why are the
various tribes’ war leaders receiving anonymous, detailed intel on the bandits just ahead of
major engagements?

Meridian After HADES - Courtly politics, Avad’s idealism versus the old guard, Talanah
ushering in a new era for the Hunters’ Lodge, and the constant influx of outlanders make the city
at the center of the known world a very interesting, and dangerous, place.

Embrace the Changes - The Nora people survived Helis’s attempted genocide, but Mother’s
Embrace is almost unrecognizable after the devastation of the attacks. However, the
participation of Nora heroes like Sona, Varl, Teb, and of course Aloy herself at the Battle of the
Spire was a boon to the reputation of the Nora. The other tribes are willing to offer food,
medicine, and building materials to the Nora Matriarchs. But will the inward-looking Nora accept
a place among the wider world?

CYAN’s Blues - Oops. Looks like CYAN has caused a major schism among the Banuk by trying
to explain to them the true history of the world and how they got there. Now, those who cling
literally to the old beliefs are trying to stamp out CYAN’s followers. Eventually, they will target
CYAN herself if they can, all in the name of the Blue Light.

The Dervahl Is In the Details - Oseram clan politics campaign, framed around Dervahl’s arrival
in Mainspring as the initial inciting event.

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