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Winnie the Witch

Part I Where is Wilbur ?

1- Winnie the Witch lives in a big house in the forest.

2- The house is black with a black roof.
3- The covers are black, the chairs are black, the doors are black,
4- the floor is black, the bed is black, even the bath is black.
5- Winnie lives in her black house with her cat, Wilbur.
6- He is black, too. Wilbur has got green eyes.
7- When he sits on a chair with his eyes open,
8- Winnie can see him. Well, she can see his eyes.
9- But when Wilbur closes his eyes and goes to sleep,
10- Winnie can’t see him and she sits on him. Oh!!
11- When Wilbur sits on the floor with his eyes open,
12- Winnie can see him. Well, she can see his eyes.
13- But when Wilbur closes his eyes and goes to sleep,
14- Winnie can’t see him. Miaw! Oh! And she trips over him.

Part II Winnie is angry

1- One day, Winnie trips over Wilbur and falls down the stairs.
2- Oh! She is angry. She waves her magic wand three times.
3- Abracadabra!! Now, Wilbur is green! Now Winnie can see
4- Wilbur when he sleeps on a chair. Winnie can see Wilbur
5- when he sleeps on the floor. She can see Wilbur when he sleeps
6- on the bed. Winnie says: “Wilbur, get off the bed.”
7- Winnie is angry. Winnie puts Wilbur in the garden.
8- Wilbur is green; the grass is green. Winnie can’t see Wilbur.
9- Miaw! Oh! Oh, dear! Winnie trips over Wilbur,
10- does three somersaults and falls into a bush. Oh!
11- Winnie is furious! She picks up her magic wand,
12- waves it four times, and Abracadabra!!
13- Wilbur has got a red head, a yellow body, a pink tail,
14- blue whiskers, and four purple legs.
15- But his eyes are still green.
16- Now, Winnie can see Wilbur when he sits on a chair,
17- when he sits on the floor, when he sits in the garden,
18- and even when he climbs to the top of the tree.

Part III Wilbur is miserable

1- Wilbur sits at the top of the tree because he is miserable.

2- He looks ridiculous. Even the birds laugh at him.
3- Wilbur stays at the top of the tree all day and all night.
4- Next morning, Wilbur is still at the top of the tree.
5- Wilbur is miserable. Winnie is miserable, too,
6- because she loves Wilbur. Winnie says: “Poor Wilbur.”
7- Winnie has an idea. She waves her magic wand and
8- Abracadabra!!! Wilbur is a black cat again. He is very happy.
9- Winnie waves her magic wand five times. Abracadabra!!!
10- Now, Winnie has got a yellow house with a red roof,
11- and red doors. The covers are purple, the chairs are pink,
12- the floor is green, the bed is blue, and the bath is white.
13- And now, Winnie can always see Wilbur.

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