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Same Sex Marriage

Here I am going to talk about Same Sex marriage and sexuality shaped by society.What is Same Sex
marriage? Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is the marriage of two people of the
same sex or gender

I will talk about the painful and bitter battle about sexuality that makes us especially strong in the
Country and we impose on the rest of the world. We're going to explore some other sexual options,
some that have been around since the beginning of time, while others seem new to all of us. The
angry, painful debate in this country about whether we have the right to our own choices and should
be "gay, bi, tri-affirming" , or should we reject this aspect as part of our society.

The issue of same-sex marriage is very popular in society. There are people who fast for total
equality of rights for homosexuality, and there are people who are totally against the presence of
homosexuality in our society. It's rare to find a middle ground. It seems difficult to find a position on
this issue that is not riddled with hypocrisy and doublespeak.

The health effects of same-sex sexual behavior are many. The public, government, and judiciary are
being lead to believe that same-sex sexuality is a normal variant with interactions and results
equivalent to heterosexual sexuality.

To be happy, in order to develop the capacities that God has given us and for the world to show the
manifestation of justice that God wants as a result, we need to change the shape of society and
change our understanding of ourselves.

If you want to be sexually pure, you need people to help you see yourself in ways that sin blinds you
to. If you’re going to gain ground, you need people who will confront you when you are rebelling
and encourage you when you are weak.

Preach the gospel to yourself, your spouse, and other married couples: Jesus has the power to
produce permanent transformation in your broken marriage and sexuality.

The Bible teaches us that sex is not a problem; it’s a gift. Jesus didn’t suffer and die to free you from
sex but to free you from sexual sin. Our problem is not primarily that we are sexual beings; we tend
to love the creation more than the Creator (Romans 1:25).

Sex is a good and beautiful thing, but the desire for this good thing becomes a bad and dangerous
thing when it becomes a heart-controlling thing. Sexual sin and struggle are not first a matter of
what we do with our body but what we do with our heart.

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