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The Punishment of My

“Speak to My Celebrities: My eye is against
you, merchants of sin and vice, of everything
that is evil. O wicked celebrities of vice and
evil, repent of your wicked ways, O sinful
people. For your projects shall languish, and
your films suffer loss, for the public is sick of
sin of all you do, O people of vice. Repent
now for the time is short, for the earthquake
shall destroy many of you, and the fire shall
finish up the rest. O repent wicked sinful
people, for what matters is your eternal
future, not short films of wickedness and
vice. O greedy people who never have
enough, your money shall be in short supply
and never enough for your needs, for the
collapse shall be sudden and severe, says
the Lord of Hosts, and who knows what your
end shall be? O repent quickly people of
vice and sin and drunkenness of drugs. I
prepare your end. Thus says the Lord of
Hosts. Amen and amen forever!”

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