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Hi my name is Kevin and today I am meeting with Miss Angie Laguardia.

She will share her experiences as a teacher and traveler.

Have you ever lived abroad?

What did you like most about the Cayman Islands?

Have you visited another country?

Have you studied any career or trade during your life?

What professional accomplishments have you achieved in your life?

If you had not been a teacher, what other career would you have studied?

Have you been planning to study a master's degree?

Have you had any experiences in your travels that gave you a life lesson?

Have you been to a place where you have met someone who has made a difference in your life during
your travels?

Have you been somewhere where you have spent a lot of money?

And the last question is what is the place you would like to visit right now?

Thank you very much Miss Angie it was a pleasure to meet you and learn from your experiences.

See you soon, have a nice day.

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