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Chicago Cyanide Murders

Josue Yanes.
1. In your opinion, are the seven deaths connected? What additional information would you need

to determine if they are connected?

To know if the 7 deaths are connected or related, it is necessary to verify in the autopsy how they
died and look for similarities.

2. If poison is suspected in the deaths, how would you proceed with the investigation?

To begin with the investigation, it is necessary to know the prosedency of the pills or pills and
that is done by questioning, then we will take the same samples of those pills and we will take
them to a laboratory and we will see their effects.

3. Recall your knowledge of the function of organelles. What function of the cells was

in these patients?

According to the autopsy carried out, the cells began to attack the respiratory system since they
all died in the same way due to lack of oxygen or asphyxiated.

4. While poison is the main suspect in the case, what are other ways a person could die of

this must be another reason why they died. Brain hypoxia

It occurs when not enough oxygen reaches the brain. The brain needs a constant supply of
oxygen and nutrients to function.

Cerebral hypoxia affects the largest parts of the brain, called the cerebral hemispheres. However,
the term is often used to refer to a lack of oxygen supply to the entire brain.

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