You are on page 1of 15

09-17 20:28:40.

560 974 974 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 329752 tx_bad 675
rx_good 597289 tx_retry 14750
09-18 01:06:16.010 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=437768KB
09-18 01:06:48.275 14750 19805 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 13 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:06:48.370 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:06:48.373 14750 14750 I chatty : uid=10180(
identical 2 lines
09-18 01:06:48.374 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:06:48.908 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:06:49.839 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:06:51.144 14750 14750 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
09-18 01:06:51.195 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:06:51.216 14750 19805 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 13 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:08:04.228 604 677 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:14750, uid:10180
09-18 01:08:04.230 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:08:04.247 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:08:04.476 14750 14750 E sjr : No overlay to dismiss.
09-18 01:08:04.649 14750 14750 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl num: 0
09-18 01:08:04.666 14750 15117 E aaey : Tried to perform interaction logging
outside of application's main thread
09-18 01:08:04.822 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:08:20.897 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=8-
Vw94MBbBldEdll playWhenReady=true positionMs=291046 playerEvents=[73]
videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
09-18 01:08:46.970 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:08:46.971 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:08:47.198 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:08:47.199 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:08:47.319 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:08:47.319 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:08:47.402 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:08:47.403 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:08:52.955 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:08:52.955 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:08:53.319 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:08:53.320 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:08:57.835 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:08:57.844 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:08:57.926 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:08:57.954 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:08:58.003 14750 14826 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:08:58.253 14750 14750 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
09-18 01:08:58.328 14750 14750 E YouTube : Media progress reported outside media
09-18 01:08:58.472 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=rKM6yV1J1e5F2FDv playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[40] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
09-18 01:08:58.502 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR onPlayAd called for new ad without
reset being called. Clients in incorrect state
09-18 01:08:58.702 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:08:58.702 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:08:58.888 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:08:58.888 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:08:58.943 14750 15120 E aaey : Tried to perform interaction logging
outside of application's main thread
09-18 01:08:59.046 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:08:59.046 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:08:59.253 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:08:59.253 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:08:59.361 14750 15116 E aaey : Tried to perform interaction logging
outside of application's main thread
09-18 01:09:05.068 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[40].onEnded()
09-18 01:09:05.190 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR onPlayAd called for new ad without
reset being called. Clients in incorrect state
09-18 01:09:05.354 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=HM15h49NWgEd_5a0 playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[34] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
09-18 01:09:05.425 14750 14844 E aaey : Tried to perform interaction logging
outside of application's main thread
09-18 01:09:05.477 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:09:05.477 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:09:05.687 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:09:05.687 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:09:12.108 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:09:12.151 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=1vVLCpB7d5BOz87_ playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[31] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
09-18 01:09:27.991 14750 26201 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 13 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:09:28.037 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:09:28.040 14750 14750 I chatty : uid=10180(
identical 1 line
09-18 01:09:28.041 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:09:28.442 14750 14750 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
09-18 01:09:28.516 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:09:28.617 14750 26201 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 13 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:09:29.867 604 677 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:14750, uid:10180
09-18 01:09:29.874 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:09:29.899 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:09:30.440 14750 14750 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl num: 0
09-18 01:09:30.445 14750 15117 E aaey : Tried to perform interaction logging
outside of application's main thread
09-18 01:09:30.742 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:09:34.759 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=1vVLCpB7d5BOz87_ playWhenReady=true positionMs=11820
playerEvents=[48] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
09-18 01:09:55.841 14750 26992 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 13 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:09:55.863 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:09:55.897 14750 14829 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:09:55.915 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:09:55.916 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:09:55.916 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:09:55.917 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:09:55.922 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:09:55.922 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:09:55.922 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:09:55.923 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:09:55.989 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:09:55.989 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:09:55.989 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:09:55.990 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:09:55.991 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:09:55.991 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:09:55.992 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:09:55.992 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:09:58.532 14750 26992 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 13 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:09:58.739 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=YrfXY3hgd5IXfJwd playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[34] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
09-18 01:09:59.147 14750 14750 E YouTube : AudioFocus loss; Will pause
09-18 01:09:59.270 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=FMkSGtvQnLei7Orb transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[14] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:10:07.036 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[34].onEnded()
09-18 01:10:15.412 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[34].onEnded()
09-18 01:10:23.866 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[34].onEnded()
09-18 01:10:26.180 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:10:26.404 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:10:26.405 14750 14750 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
09-18 01:10:26.426 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:10:27.359 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=T3WaMj3jDJ0ETLS2 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[54] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:11:21.455 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[14].onEnded()
09-18 01:11:23.918 14750 14750 E libc : Access denied finding property
09-18 01:11:24.336 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:11:24.536 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:11:24.565 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:11:25.317 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=himjhOlw56SmW6SI transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[79] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:11:40.573 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[54].onEnded()
09-18 01:11:56.804 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[54].onEnded()
09-18 01:11:57.327 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:11:57.485 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:11:57.530 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:11:57.712 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=N_0escFWxMGXMGxH transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[41] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:12:15.598 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[79].onEnded()
09-18 01:12:17.234 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:12:17.458 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:12:17.459 14750 14750 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
09-18 01:12:17.495 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:12:17.707 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=Zh4dXJIQuu--a_de transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[72] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:12:30.231 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=356766KB
09-18 01:13:00.564 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[41].onEnded()
09-18 01:13:02.705 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:13:02.935 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:13:02.952 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:13:03.224 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=iLtgFvYiPnxfp2It transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[22] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:13:14.087 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:13:14.393 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:13:14.432 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:13:14.966 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=TJa0mr6SXK1FqBOm transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[82] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:14:14.438 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[22].onEnded()
09-18 01:14:15.994 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:14:16.371 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:14:16.416 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:14:16.581 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=NJyDwZbGC_i7-elJ transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[32] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:14:30.401 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=372081KB
09-18 01:14:45.476 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[82].onEnded()
09-18 01:14:46.694 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:14:46.926 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:14:46.964 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:14:47.179 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=jgz0y8QoqfW0QaL9 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[63] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:14:53.025 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[32].onEnded()
09-18 01:14:59.216 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[32].onEnded()
09-18 01:15:00.981 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:15:01.068 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:15:01.079 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:15:03.367 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=YT9D2i3E67rX7eZK transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[30] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:15:12.102 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:15:12.302 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:15:12.338 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:15:13.335 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=TPS2FBFL0MCge-NJ transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[87] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:15:27.440 14750 14750 E libc : Access denied finding property
09-18 01:15:27.606 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:15:28.709 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:15:28.743 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:15:30.298 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=lFAb-
mIKfpSLT_qZ transitionPositionMs=-1 position=Position(positionMillis=0)
playerEvents=[96] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:15:51.019 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[87].onEnded()
09-18 01:16:12.400 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[87].onEnded()
09-18 01:16:12.838 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:16:12.949 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:16:12.974 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:16:13.147 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=o7kWVJTsdHdPlo9C transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[29] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:16:21.681 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:16:21.888 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:16:21.890 14750 14750 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
09-18 01:16:21.949 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:16:22.269 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=_5iGbW5q2aloflhc transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[94] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:16:24.591 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:16:24.732 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:16:24.762 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:16:25.099 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=5zMTb2RyF8bNUXEx transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[29] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:16:30.547 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=379207KB
09-18 01:16:39.829 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[94].onEnded()
09-18 01:16:41.276 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:16:41.418 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:16:41.434 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:16:41.912 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=Xo6ftyolzXzLXHX4 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[7] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:17:39.521 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[29].onEnded()
09-18 01:17:41.201 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:17:41.371 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:17:41.388 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:17:41.613 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=q5MdcX2GWC7P9wxv transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[59] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:18:30.427 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=384001KB
09-18 01:18:40.464 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[7].onEnded()
09-18 01:18:44.537 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:18:44.699 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:18:44.717 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:18:44.969 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=bH0wnhboh8xmzL5R transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[29] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:18:50.600 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:18:50.818 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:18:50.859 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:18:51.145 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=0pKTOBH1suJ5_7Vg transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[3] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:19:01.927 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[29].onEnded()
09-18 01:19:03.510 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:19:03.641 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:19:03.674 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:19:03.953 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=WHuy7ICY09-LC6xk transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[89] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:19:37.457 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:19:37.648 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:19:37.677 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:19:38.538 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=14NRJyCrUdDIQ6l7 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[55] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:19:43.111 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:19:43.286 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:19:43.370 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:19:43.642 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=BCm298Y1rtYj54vx transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[70] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:20:13.362 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[55].onEnded()
09-18 01:20:14.923 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:20:15.105 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:20:15.106 14750 14750 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
09-18 01:20:15.125 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:20:15.330 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=Rv20TUnuw37_zlpQ transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[83] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:20:30.525 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=392537KB
09-18 01:20:48.190 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[70].onEnded()
09-18 01:21:21.419 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[70].onEnded()
09-18 01:21:21.855 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:21:21.968 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:21:21.988 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:21:22.222 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=eLnZYhbKpT8rkjbj transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[85] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:21:29.051 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[83].onEnded()
09-18 01:21:30.389 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:21:30.580 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:21:30.600 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:21:30.789 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=5A95T2B06Uk2B1Bt transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[98] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:21:44.673 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[85].onEnded()
09-18 01:21:45.892 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:21:45.892 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:21:46.076 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:21:46.076 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:21:48.255 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:21:48.448 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:21:48.466 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:21:48.637 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=OJXLR8sMcPjoZA1d transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[17] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:21:59.547 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[98].onEnded()
09-18 01:22:10.818 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[98].onEnded()
09-18 01:22:22.004 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[98].onEnded()
09-18 01:22:25.540 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:22:25.649 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:22:25.706 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:22:25.872 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=36HaHeMpwhwUL959 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[4] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:22:30.335 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:22:30.524 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=393444KB
09-18 01:22:30.558 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:22:30.601 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:22:31.270 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=AnPk29MOZkBwZRCF transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[66] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:22:37.093 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:22:37.249 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:22:37.282 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:22:37.540 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=EImqjwZzU77J99nU transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[76] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:22:52.357 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[66].onEnded()
09-18 01:22:55.049 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:22:55.284 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:22:55.298 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:22:56.242 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=-
fm7TPgovWZe04Yc transitionPositionMs=-1 position=Position(positionMillis=0)
playerEvents=[50] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:23:10.370 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[76].onEnded()
09-18 01:23:25.606 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[76].onEnded()
09-18 01:23:26.522 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:23:26.626 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:23:26.658 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:23:27.106 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=en1oesfvJKGAnUqc transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[83] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:23:27.987 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:23:28.620 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:23:28.622 14750 14750 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
09-18 01:23:28.668 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:23:29.037 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=rSiQS99Nnmj8Ue1x transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[69] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:23:43.735 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[83].onEnded()
09-18 01:23:50.080 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:23:50.193 14750 26992 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 13 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:23:50.536 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:23:50.562 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:23:50.753 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=4Zla2cE6uoW_jl1d transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[81] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:23:56.623 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[69].onEnded()
09-18 01:24:02.730 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[69].onEnded()
09-18 01:24:08.867 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[69].onEnded()
09-18 01:24:10.978 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:24:11.002 14750 28499 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 9 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:24:11.233 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:24:11.262 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:24:11.418 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=TirBwOHH3OjMzUBi transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[43] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:24:25.316 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[81].onEnded()
09-18 01:24:30.573 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=409107KB
09-18 01:24:37.365 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:24:37.554 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:24:37.589 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:24:37.814 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=wdm5yWgvZQ_ZVGCs transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[51] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:25:13.641 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[43].onEnded()
09-18 01:25:17.215 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:25:17.342 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:25:17.371 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:25:17.626 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=vpoNCqsVHhCkd5wC transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[25] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:25:27.453 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[51].onEnded()
09-18 01:25:37.603 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[51].onEnded()
09-18 01:25:47.760 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[51].onEnded()
09-18 01:25:57.917 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[51].onEnded()
09-18 01:25:59.200 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:25:59.439 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:25:59.469 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:25:59.783 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=cpXuEndW6Eg_9SB5 transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[89] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:26:13.522 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[25].onEnded()
09-18 01:26:18.376 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:26:18.535 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:26:18.553 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:26:18.814 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.queueVideo(cpn=tBxHG5WYoPCJEGGJ transitionPositionMs=-1
position=Position(positionMillis=0) playerEvents=[57] videoId=scrubbed)
09-18 01:26:30.790 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=414732KB
09-18 01:26:34.632 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[89].onEnded()
09-18 01:26:50.855 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayerEvents[89].onEnded()
09-18 01:26:53.429 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.playNextInQueue()
09-18 01:26:53.551 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:26:53.567 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR reset onPlayVideo called for new
video with out reset being called. Clients in correct state
09-18 01:27:08.093 14750 14750 E libc : Access denied finding property
09-18 01:27:08.487 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:27:08.494 14750 14750 I chatty : uid=10180(
identical 1 line
09-18 01:27:08.513 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:27:08.618 14750 14827 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:27:11.559 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=QsrMQVyPgEoB5wmZ playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[50] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
09-18 01:27:11.936 14750 28541 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 13 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:27:12.041 14750 14750 E sjr : No overlay to dismiss.
09-18 01:27:12.124 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:27:12.124 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:27:12.126 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:27:12.127 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:27:12.128 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:27:12.129 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:27:12.129 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:27:12.129 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:27:12.271 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:27:12.271 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:27:12.272 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:27:12.272 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:27:12.272 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:27:12.273 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:27:12.273 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:27:12.273 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:27:12.325 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:27:12.327 14750 14750 I chatty : uid=10180(
identical 1 line
09-18 01:27:12.336 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:27:12.339 14750 14750 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
09-18 01:27:14.141 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=1vVLCpB7d5BOz87_ playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[34] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
09-18 01:27:14.629 14750 28541 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 13 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:27:15.331 14750 14750 E YouTube : AudioFocus loss; Will pause
09-18 01:27:24.870 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:27:24.877 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:27:24.922 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:27:24.945 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:27:24.997 14750 14829 E YouTube : Request being made from non-critical
09-18 01:27:25.252 14750 14750 E YouTube : Null interactionLoggingScreen found when
09-18 01:27:25.331 14750 14750 E YouTube : Media progress reported outside media
09-18 01:27:25.633 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=GwodpJv3hDyiG09x playWhenReady=true positionMs=0
playerEvents=[66] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
09-18 01:27:25.672 14750 14750 E YouTube : ERROR onPlayAd called for new ad without
reset being called. Clients in incorrect state
09-18 01:27:26.094 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:27:26.094 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:27:26.290 385 385 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for
sid=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c180,c256,c512,c768 pid=14750
tcontext=u:object_r:hal_vperf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-18 01:27:26.291 14750 14750 E ANDR-VIVO-PERF: IVPerf::tryGetService failed!
09-18 01:27:26.370 14750 14839 E aaey : Tried to perform interaction logging
outside of application's main thread
09-18 01:27:26.556 14750 15116 E aaey : Tried to perform interaction logging
outside of application's main thread
09-18 01:27:35.148 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer: MedialibPlayer.stopVideo()
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: Fatal error occurred during Onesie
request. Details: xpg: IO error
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: xpg: IO error
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at afcq.a(PG:1)
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: Caused by: ats:
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at aum.t(PG:9)
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at aum.a(PG:6)
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at ykk.a(PG:1)
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at ykk.a(PG:1)
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: ... 9 more
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: Caused by:
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: at aum.t(PG:6)
09-18 01:27:35.169 14750 14827 E YT.onesie: ... 13 more
09-18 01:27:35.207 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=ysVtIMi7V3DFbTbw playWhenReady=true positionMs=14000
playerEvents=[32] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
09-18 01:28:30.576 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=451535KB
09-18 01:29:15.386 14750 28541 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 13 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:29:15.478 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:29:15.481 14750 14750 I chatty : uid=10180(
identical 1 line
09-18 01:29:15.482 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:29:15.718 14750 14750 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
09-18 01:29:15.813 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:29:15.845 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:29:16.041 14750 28541 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 13 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
09-18 01:29:22.612 604 677 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:14750, uid:10180
09-18 01:29:22.624 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:29:22.672 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:29:23.339 14750 15116 E aaey : Tried to perform interaction logging
outside of application's main thread
09-18 01:29:23.341 14750 14750 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl num: 0
09-18 01:29:23.543 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:29:23.985 14750 14832 E YouTube : There was an error
09-18 01:29:23.985 14750 14832 E YouTube : csj: ates: Exception in
CronetUrlRequest: net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED, ErrorCode=2, InternalErrorCode=-
106, Retryable=false
09-18 01:29:23.985 14750 14832 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:29:23.985 14750 14832 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:29:23.985 14750 14832 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:29:23.985 14750 14832 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:29:23.985 14750 14832 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:29:23.985 14750 14832 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:29:23.985 14750 14832 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:29:23.985 14750 14832 E YouTube : Caused by: ates: Exception in
CronetUrlRequest: net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED, ErrorCode=2, InternalErrorCode=-
106, Retryable=false
09-18 01:29:23.985 14750 14832 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:29:25.748 14750 14750 E YT.mlplayer:
MedialibPlayer.loadVideo(cpn=ysVtIMi7V3DFbTbw playWhenReady=true positionMs=14000
playerEvents=[53] videoId=scrubbed volume=1.0)
09-18 01:30:28.254 14750 14750 E YouTube : Error editing the playlist
09-18 01:30:28.254 14750 14750 E YouTube : csj: ates: Exception in
CronetUrlRequest: net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED, ErrorCode=2, InternalErrorCode=-
106, Retryable=false
09-18 01:30:28.254 14750 14750 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:30:28.254 14750 14750 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:30:28.254 14750 14750 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:30:28.254 14750 14750 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:30:28.254 14750 14750 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:30:28.254 14750 14750 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:30:28.254 14750 14750 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:30:28.254 14750 14750 E YouTube : Caused by: ates: Exception in
CronetUrlRequest: net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED, ErrorCode=2, InternalErrorCode=-
106, Retryable=false
09-18 01:30:28.254 14750 14750 E YouTube : at
09-18 01:30:31.024 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:30:31.025 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:30:31.224 14750 14750 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
r=NULL num: 1
09-18 01:30:31.292 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 01:30:31.343 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 06:51:50.478 14750 14750 E _V_SurfaceView: updateSurface: no viewRoot valid
surface, mSurface isValid = false
09-18 06:53:40.228 14750 14750 E YouTube : AudioFocus loss; Will pause
09-18 06:57:35.357 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=274896KB
09-18 06:59:35.405 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=274038KB
09-18 07:01:35.444 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=274557KB
09-18 07:03:35.473 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=294084KB
09-18 07:05:35.557 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=291530KB
09-18 07:07:35.602 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=301010KB
09-18 07:09:35.642 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=301240KB
09-18 07:11:35.657 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=301547KB
09-18 07:12:38.107 14750 8592 E GEL_DELAYED_EVENT_DEBUG: Cannot resolve Identity
from identityId. Dispatching as Identities.PSEUDONYMOUS.
09-18 07:13:35.778 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=309381KB
09-18 07:15:35.813 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=307881KB
09-18 07:17:35.807 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=293190KB
09-18 07:19:35.867 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=304818KB
09-18 07:20:05.528 1408 6915 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting newState:1
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10180 callingPid:14750
09-18 07:21:35.974 1729 5433 E _V_RMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory pid=14750 size=298343KB
09-18 07:21:51.549 604 677 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:14750, STATE_DEAD
09-18 07:21:51.556 1408 1443 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
14750,uid: 10180

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