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Lesson 8: Different Patterns of Long Vowel “O”

1. Words with long vowel /o/:

O-E: bone, code, dome, grove, hole, joke, mode, nose, pole, quote, role, stove,
tone, vote, wove, zone
O: go, ago, so, also, Jo, no
- focus, hotel, local, moment, poem, program, protect, robot, total
OA: coach, poach , load, , road, , toad, , loaf, oak, soak, cloak, croak, coal, goal,
foal, foam, groan, loan, soap, boast, coast, roast, toast, oats, coat, float, goat
OW: bow, low , mow , row, sow, tow, blow, blown, flow, flown, grow, grown,
know, known, show, shown, slow, snow
OE: toe, foe, hoe, floe, , roe, , sloe, , woe, oboe

2. Practice reading
The Dog and the Frog
A dog sees a small animal in the garden. He does not know that it is a frog or a
The dog comes to the animal and asks: “What are you? Are you a frog or a toad?”.
“I am a frog, of course.” said the small animal.
“What is the difference between a frog and a toad?” asked the dog.
“Oh my God! You are not taught the difference between a frog and a toad. Please
close your eyes, I will teach you this lesson.” The frog says.
The dog follows the frog to close his eyes. For a while, the dog does not listen to
anything. He opens his eyes. The frog is gone away.

- List five words that have short vowel /o/:

- List five words that have long vowel /o/:

3. Questions:

3.1 What does the dog see?

3.2 Where does the dog see the frog?

3.3 Does the dog know the difference between a frog and a toad?

3.4 What does the frog make the dog do?

3.5 What happens when the dog opens his eyes?

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