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Name : MARDON. A. E.

Student Number : 12190513
Problem Solving and Decision Making

PT. ABC is a new company engaged in the business of Tour and Travel services in Yogyakarta.
Because PT. ABC is a new company that is starting to pioneer, this company is still unable to
compete with the old companies that already exist first due to the lack of promotion and information
about services from the company PT. ABC. Therefore, the leadership of the Company held a meeting
with all company staff to discuss this matter.
Leader : As we all know, our company is still new and not widely known by the public,
so our company is still unable to compete with other companies, maybe you
have suggestions or ideas for this problem?
Manager 1 : I think our company should improve promotions and more information so that
our company is better known by the public and attracts consumers.
Leader : Good, but will we get the results we want?
Manager 2 : What if apart from increasing promotions and information through social
media, we also created promos and discounts at the beginning of the month to
attract consumers.
Leader : If we do this, what will happen?
Manager 2 : This is one of the marketing techniques to attract consumers
Manager 3 : And what if it's not only promos and discounts at the beginning of the month,
but we also provide more service to customers who have used our services
twice so that they can still get regular customers
Leader : Okay, all ideas and input are directly implemented by each division
All Managers : Okay, we will do it as soon as possible.

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