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True/false 1. Workin pairs. Choose a person in the pictures (1-4) and say what you think they are like. | think this person is probably hard-working and clever. «Nae spleen byte vd oZem pojednivd '* Pozorné si piectéte tvrzeni a najdéte vady cast textu, kde se ‘0 dané véci hovoii. Podtrhnéte si odpovidajici Casti textu. ER tea tc ytacu rcespiticon odpovéd’ 2 EUMEZEDD Piettate si tvrzeni v dlohach 1-10 adlének o osobnostnich rysech. Na zékladé informaci v textu rozhodnéte, zda jsou tvrzeni pravdiva (P), nebo nepravdiva (N). 1 The lecture is by DrMaxlische, == 2 Everyone will be asked to take the test pHEEH ee 3 Professor Reynolds is interested in helping companies choose the right candidates for jobs, Bee 4 There will be a chance to have a chat with Professor Reynolds aasiaran 5 Youcan buya ticket atthe Institute. _ 6 Students pay £10 to attend the lecture eee 7 DrLiischer believed that there isa connection between peoples favourite colours and their behaviour, __ 8 According to the article, people who like white enjoy solving difficult problems — 9 People who lke yellow dont like change Eee 10. Some people dont think the tests accurate cece 3 > Workin pairs. Discuss the questions. Q What's your favourite colour? © bs the article right about your personaly? COLOURFUL PERSONALITIES Professor Reynolds will talk about colour personality’ tests and how reliable they are for predicting people’s character. ‘At: Lecture Hall 1, Adult Learning Institute, Edinburgh About the speaker Professor Reynolds works at the University of Aberdeen, where he received a Ph.D. in Psychology and Business. Before that, he studied Psychology at the University of Bath, He has written books on using psychological tests to select candidates in the workplace and on asking good interview questions. Pro} 6.00-7.00 p.m. ~ a lecture on the ideas behind the colour personality test 7.00-7.30 p.m. - everyone takes the colour personality test 7,30-8.00 p.m. the results of the test, followed by a discussion 8,00-9,00 p.m.- refreshments and a chance to talk to the professor Booking and admission Only 20 places are available. Call 01682 979466 or email to book your place. All fees must be paid for in advance. Cost: £20 per person with a 50% discount for students weakness Sabi svanka warm-hearted side, skavy About the test A Swiss scientist Max Liischer invented the colour personality test in the 1980s. He believed a person's choice of colours can say a lot about their character, behaviour, abilities, weaknesses’ and needs. What do the colours mean? According to Dr Liischer, if you like wits best, it means that you like simple things. People who prefer white are usually very quiet and relaxed. People who like red are often sociable and confident, but they blame others for their problems when things go wrong. Pink is connected to love and beauty. People who prefer pink are often friendly and warm-hearted? but their happiness depends on people's good opinion of them. ‘Yellow is the colour of happiness and imagination. People who choose yellow as their favourite colour are brave and creative. They also get bored quickly. Ifyou like green best, it means that you are honest. You are gentle and kind, too. Sometimes this means that other people take advantage of you. Blue is the colour of kindness. People who like blue are patient and hard-working. It's also easy for them to understand other people's needs. Is the test accurate? ‘Many experts have criticised the test, saying that no one has managed to prove that it is accurate. Professor Reynolds will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the test. Words in context 4 Write the nouns for each of the adjectives (1-6) using the suffixes from the box. You can find some. of the words in the article. 1 important 4me ita 2 excited _____ 5 relaxed 4 3 happy = ____ 6 beautiful ae 5 Find the verb blame in the article. What preposition do we use after blame? Match the appropriate preposition from the box to each verb (1-6). es) [one ae 1 blame —___ 4 listen 2 depend 5 succeed —__ 3 protect 6 believe 6 Complete the sentences (1-6) with the verbs with prepositions from exercise 5. Use the correct verb forms. 1 The main role of parents is to___ their children danger. 2 Ifyouwork hard, you will reaching your goal 3. Youcan always Julie to help you with your problems. 4 I didnt think | could be a successful writer, but my parents always __ me and gave mealatof support. 5. Dont Peter, he doesnit know anything about fashion. 6 She always ___other people. her problems, even when they're her faut. Adjectives ending in -ing or -ed 7 Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentences (1-6). 1. Kids can be a bit annoyed/annoying when they ask the same question again and again. 2. He looks so much more relaxed/relaxing now that he has a less stressful job. 3. That film vas really bored/boring. | don't think "ve ‘ever been so bored/boring in my life! 4. Her parents were very excited/exciting when they heard she was going to study in England, 5. Im sorry you didnt see your frends. That's really disappointed disappointing 6 [cS interested/interesting that people who lke the colour ted are usually very confident. 8 Use five adjectives from exercise 7 to write true sentences about yourself. Compare your sentences with a partner. Did you have any similar ideas? CHD «> Multiple-choice (picture-based) 1 Work in pairs. Describe the tops in the pictures (A-C) above. In what ways are they different? 2 DEED Listen to two people talking about the tops from exercise 1. Answer the questions. 1 Whatis Susan trying to decide? 2 Which tops does she decide to keep? EXAM STRATEGY ettéte si otézky a prohlédnéte moiné odpovédi, * Popiste obrézky a najdéte mezi nimi rozdily * Pii prvnim poslechu se snazte vyiadit spatné odpovédi. Pi druhém se ujistéte, Ze jste zvolili tu spravnou, 3 Uslysite &tyti krathé nahravky. Nejprve uslysite otézku a poté vyslechnete nahravku. Na zakladé vyslechnutych nahrvek vyberte k tloham 1-4 védy jeden spravny obrézek A-D, 1. Which picture shows Stella? 2. Which item does the boy say he cant live without? ia SF 3. Which sport has the boy decided to take up? | ew 4 Whats the best method of transport, according a ‘Match the phrasal verbs (1-6) that the speakers used in exercise 3 with their definitions (af). 1 2 3 seance keepin touch _ leave a bus, tain, airplane or boat ‘communicate with someone Meet someone who is ariving from elsewhere decide to take part in an organized activity travel or move from place to place decide to start doing an activity Complete the sentences (1-6) with the phrasal verbs from exey 1. Imgoing to 2 in the correct forms, street dancing classes. the city is In Amsterdam, the best way of. Can you ring the bell? We need to Id better leave now — | need to__ the station at seven o'clock, He's coming back from I can't believe Amy has tennis. She hates My cousin moved to Australia last year but we USE OF ENGLISH PU a articles + question tags - linking words 1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences (1-4). 1 =/A woman was sitting opposite me with a book in her hand. A/The woman was reading a thriller. 2) The Town Hall is the/- tallest building in our town, 3 The/— happiness means different things to different people. 4. The/—sky is getting very dark. It's going to rain. 2. complete the sentences (1-4) with question tags. 1. Youve never seen the Norther Lights, parent Se, 2. She hasn't told you where they were going, ? 3 Iimold enough to vote in the elections, senteeieky 4. Mrs Jenkins wont join the meeting, __? 3 Choose the correct linking words to complete the sentences (1-3), 1. He decided to go on a diet although/until he wasn't fat at al 2. There's no homework for tomorrow so/because its going to be a sports day. 3. While/Before we were on holiday, somebody stole our car eM ‘iple-choice cloze 5 [SEMIEEEDD Preetete si clének o populérnim gestu. Na zakladé textu vyberte k uloham 1-15 vidy jednu sprévnou odpovéd'A-C. Fashionable moves \When we think of fashion, we usualy think about clothes, shoes and haltstyles!, However, other things can coe and ‘go outof fashion justas quickly as "2

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