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For Richer or Poorer

Directed by: Bryan Spicer

Movie Synopsis:

This movie tells the story of a wealthy New Yorker couple named Brad Sexton and Caroline
Sexton whose relationship were at stake at that moment. They were having a marital and
financial issues but, the former seemed to be not the main focus rather, they were more worried
about their wealth. The said problem became urgent when they learned that their accountant has
embezzled millions of dollars and framed them up. Because of that, they were left with no choice
but to run away so, they flee to an Amish section of Pennsylvania. There, they pretended as
members of the religious group in order to evade the IRS. As they continued adapting to the new
environment they were in, they began reconnecting. There, they found out how they fell in love
with one another causing them to fall in love once again. They decided to get married again
however, while the ceremony was being held, police and a drenched Hall and Lester interrupted.
The couple was exposed and was brought to New York back for a trial. But before they were
proven guilty, Bob, the accountant, entered the scene, admitting that he was the one who did it.
At that moment, Brad thanked Bob for he saved their marriage. The charges for the couple were
dropped. After that, they went back to the Amish to offer their gratitude but they weren’t
accepting a gift and were only after a trade. The movie ends with Brad and Caroline driving a
1954 Ford pickup with a horse trailer hauling Big John. It is then revealed that the Sextons traded
their 1997 Jaguar for the truck. In the closing credits, Brad contemplates buying the pond, where
they crashed the cab and Caroline reveals she is pregnant with the couple's first child.

Relation to Structural Functionalism:

When they happened to be part of the community of Amish, they learned how to harmonize with
people and play their certain role in the society. The movie emphasized that Amish is a separate
society. Every individual living there was given certain roles, allowing them to function well and
the continuity of the society to flow. The elders were responsible for making decisions, the
farmers were the ones responsible for producing food, and women were given the responsibility
to care for their men and children. Even the newcomers get to have their own roles (e.g.,
breaking a horse, and cooking and cleaning). The movie showed how the different parts of a
society do its part in order to maintain balance and harmony.

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