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Discussion can be simply defined as a series of exchanges among at least two participants.

The purpose of the Discussion is to interpret your results, that is, to explain, analyze, and compare them. It has been a part of the Indian psysic for as far as you can remember. As can be read in the Bhagawat Gita,a conversation between between Krishna and Arjun, the debate is on whether it is right to fare forward in the name of duty, when the certain consequences of that action would not result in the welfare of large numbers of friends and relatives of the warring cousins, but on the contrary bring certain death and destruction to them. Arjuna is definitely justified in hesitating to take a course of action that would decimate his larger clan. Though eventually Krishna s argument prevails, that the only way of action is doing one s duty This highlights that the argumentative indian philosophy which has been part of the indian culture and tradition for a very long time. Though war and invasion through decades have mellowed the combatant mindset of the average Indian, none could take away his argumentative psyche. He goes on to stress that though ancient indian society was classified on the basis of gender,class,caste and community and the tradition of argument and disputation was confined to the elite male population, the participation of women in both political leadership and intellectual pursuits have not be inegligible.As can be noticed by the appointment of SAROJINI NAIDU as the President Of The Indian national Congress in 1925. Internal pluralism involves accommodating all men, women, kings and robbers, old and young. Gargi questioned the sage Yajnavalkya in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. And Yajnavalkya's own wife Maitreyi too engaged him in scholarly debate. Note that both Gargi and Maitreyi are women.

Heterodoxy was the characteristic of medieval mystical thought including the Bhakti and Muslim Sufi traditions. Many exponents rejected caste and class, religious divides and other imbalances Khusro the poet, Kabir the weaver, Dadu the spinner, Ravidas the cobbler and Sena the barber. In terms of religion the medival period saw the rise of Jainism and Buddhism which not only reflected in the message of human equality but is also captured in the nature of the argument used to undermine the claim to superiority of those occupying higher positions in society.

For centuries Buddhism, not Hinduism, was the predominant religion of India. Buddhism originated in India in 5th century BCE and prominent early Buddhist schools, such as Therav da and Mah y na, gained dominance during the Maurya Empire.[161] Though Buddhism entered a period of gradual decline in India 5th century CE onwards,[164] it played an influential role in shaping Indian philosophy and thought.[161]And early Indian Buddhism was famous for its public discussions and `councils' (at Rajagriha, Vaisali, Pataliputra) to settle disputes between different points of view.and consolidated and promoted the tradition of discussion. Secularism in India included Muslims, Jews, Parsis, Christians, Bahais, Jains, Sikhs, and each community has retained its identity within India's spectrum of faiths.The Maurya empire reached its peak at the time of emperor Asoka, who himself converted to Buddhism after the Battle of Kalinga. This heralded a long period of stability under the Buddhist emperor. The power of the empire was vast ambassadors were sent to other countries to propagate Buddhism. Akbar too ruled on the basis of what is now know as a secular state. Though he remained a proper muslim his whole life, he always encouraged tolerence against other religion and promoted freedom of religion among it s people.It can also be argued that secularism is understood differently by different people eg. The French have banned the wearing of headscarfs (muslim ladies) in the country with a view that it prevents them from wearing what the person really wants to wear as they believe that such a practice potrays gender inequality which cannot be secularism.

CONCLUSION It can be argued that this richness of the tradition of argument has shaped our social world and the nature of our culture. It has deeply influenced Indian politics and the development of democracy in India and emergence of its secular priorities. Though India s has had a long culture and tradition of inequalities and discrimination there has also been a lot of evidence of the argumentative nature Indians throughout history which has not only evolved our culture and society but also promoted the valve of discussion which received support not only from leaders like Mahatma Gandhi but also poets like Rabindranath Tagore in contemporary India.

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