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Name: Syasya Kardila

NIM: A1B220041

1. What can we know from someone's language and give the example of expressions in the use of

2. Give the expression for each use that is said by Indonesian then translate it to English. Do not use any
reference, just use what crosses your mind.


1. From someone’s language I know that there are various expression to express something. Informal or
a slang like for an example in british English people say “Ace” and Americans are more likely to use the
word "awesome" even though the meaning of the two words is the same to state that the person is
cool, really good, etc.

2. a) Fight: come here you little coward cat!, i will kick your little ass!

b) Make love: Let’s hook up, Come here tiger.

c) Make dishwashers: come on her young lady.

d) Negotiate: Let’s make some gold mine, let's make a deal.

e) Quarrel: i’m realy hate you, What’s your problem.

f) Play: let’s play some games, lets roll to the location

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