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Honourable the chief of the committee

Honourable the adjudicators

And all beloved audiences

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

First of all, let’s say our thanks to Allah SWT who has given us mercy and blessing so
that we can gather here safely. Seconly, peace and salutation may be upon our prophet
muhammad SAWwho has guided us from the darkness into the lightness. Last but not least I
would like to say thank you to the committee for giving me opportunity to speak in this event.

I am Elly and I will deliver my speech entitled “ Mobile Payment “

Ladies and gentlemen

Do you know about mobile payment ?

Mobile payment or M-Payment is a method payment used mobile phone.M-payment

mostly used by bank companies and businesses online because it gives convenience in
transaction and easy to use. is a technologi innovation that can make a difference in the lives
of the entire community.

some of the conveniences that can be taken using the mobile payment

 can provides an easy in making payments

 make payments quickly and comfortably
 It takes a lot of time
 security guaranteed by the encryption

I advise you to use the mobile payment to improve the ease of your life for mobile
payment will be very useful in the future and in the world as well as banks in Indonesia that
use mobile payment or often called Mobile Banking
if you do not use mobile payment then you will be outdated.

use the technology around you to support your futurethat's all I can say if there are
more or less I am sorry

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