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Police action according to an ex diputado

After consulting with an ex diputado, we have confirmation that the authorities are
already tackling animal cruelty. He has mentioned that if someone suspects that
animal cruelty is taking place, they can contact the DPI, Ministerio Público, Juzgado
de Paz, Poder Judicial, and the municipalidades. Each is in charge of processing
individuals depending on how serious the foul is. There are numbers that can be
called from anywhere in the country. There are also local hotlines for Distrito Central
and San Pedro Sula. We can confirm that the authorities already have the means for
processing people who commit animal cruelty. We may not see it being reflected that
much since this doesn’t really reach the news, however, it is possible that there are
individuals that have already been charged for animal cruelty. This also confirms that
the government already oversees the Ley de Protección y Bienestar Animal, to the
point that a special institution is not necessary.

What already Exists

Spokesperson from ICF (El Instituto Nacional de Conservación Forestal, Áreas

Protegidas y Vida Silvestre) Lic. Marlen Acosta, was able to confirm that Fundación
Nacional Protectora de Animales (FUNAPA) is an organization that works together
with el Ministerio Público and ICF, to provide protection to domestic animals (cats
and dogs) that have been mistreated, abandoned or at risk in the city of San Pedro
Sula, even though ICF is mostly to protect wildlife, she told us that FUNAPA receives
plenty of help from the MP and ICF to protect the domestic life too. She was able to
tell us that the Secretaria de Denfensa Nacional provides the necessary
administrative tools for proper management of these institutions. I asked her if she
thought it was necessary to open a new institution to oversee the care of the animals
and her answer was that it was not because besides FUNAPA and ICF that already
puts in the work to apply La Ley de Protección y Bienestar animal, there were plenty
of other institutions that are not from the government itself that helps these animals
too. Another question was that if the hotlines that already exists truly works and if
people use them, her answer was that yes, people does uses the hotlines, they’re
people that goes personally to the offices of the ministerio público or the postas
policiales or the DPI to make las denuncias of this type.

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