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Today I will talk about the essentials that I feel I

should bring when going into the forest. Indispensable

items in the forest tour that I think to bring include:
knife, ax, tent, sleeping bag, flashlight, urinal battery,
compass, lighter, raincoat, and medical supplies ,
important food: first aid bags and medical drugs,
insect repellent, mosquito repellent cream. These items
will help you to be able to live in the forest for a short
time safely and avoid risks such as wild animals or
rain that can put you in danger or have health
problems. It is important to find temporary
accommodation and a place where few wild animals
pass by. Carrying a compass can help you find your
way if you get lost. Every time you cross a road, you
should leave signs to be able to return to that road to
avoid getting lost.
Today I will talk about the qualities that a good student needs
today. I think today's students are not just learning enough. That
will be very difficult for students because they have to balance
between studying and daily behavior. However, in order to be a
good student suitable for today's times, I think students need to
have certain qualities. They need to have certain qualities to
achieve success such as: honesty, hard work, understanding,
inquisitiveness, open-minded, good communication and self-
responsibility. These are all basic and essential competencies
that underpin all human activities in life and study that good
students need to achieve success.

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