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The AIM of the study is to examine the accountability of physiotherapy intervention in the mitigation of
COVID-19 induced musculo-skeletal and cardiovascular impairments. The main purpose being to
highlight how the different chest physiotherapy and manipulation techniques have been able to
downturn the deaths caused by chest related mucus plugging, lung inflation or air-filled chests. Because
of the loss of normal joint ranges in bedridden COVID-19 patients caused by immobilization and a lack of
nutrition due to lack of movements, the other purpose was to underline how the joint mobilization and
range of motion exercises intercede in COVID-19 management. The aim of this thesis is to inform
physiotherapists and key stakeholders of changes in the management of COVID-19 and to update
recommendations for physiotherapy practice and service delivery. The submission is focused on adult
patients in acute hospital settings and physiotherapy workforce planning and preparation; delivery of
physiotherapy interventions, including both cardiovascular and mobilization .

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