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Unit 6, 7 , 8.

1 sentences

1. Eye contact its very important if you want to get the other people’s attention when
you’re talking
2. It’s well known that you can express your emotions only using your facial expressions
3. Sometimes I can have problems to interact with people that I don’t know
4. When you live in a remote area you can have some problems with the public services
5. You just have to do the math to see that its better to buy second hand items to give
them a second life
6. Reynosa could be very congested during the Christmas vacations
7. I always tag the artist who made a draw that a liked before sharing them
8. I used to be an expert on digital drawing world but I stopped practicing
9. Sometimes I don’t have the motivation to be productive.. especially on Fridays
10. When you buy original stuff it could be expensive but its made of a good quality

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