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Learning activity 2

 Evidence: Timelines

This is my timeline, with the most important events in the world.

 I started school when the events at the Chernobyl Power Plant happened.
 In 1997, Scottish scientists announced the cloning of living beings, when I
was 16 years old.
 When I finish school at age 11, the Hubble Space Telescope is deployed.
 When I turned 18, the Xbox Console was released.
 I was working when Muslim terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center on
September 11th.
 When I turned 25 I opened my Twitter account.
 When he was 28 years old, Barack Obama became the first African
president of the United States.
 started environmental engineering when NATO ends combat operations in
Afghanistan at age 33.
 Cuba and the US establish diplomatic relations after a long time when he
was 34 years old.
 COVID-19 reaches pandemic levels in mid-2020 by the time he was 39
years old.

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