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Tayta Shanti is my favorite celebration!

1 Key Words (Palabras claves):

Dances: danzas
Entire region: toda la región
Is known: es conocida
Community: comunidad
Everyone dances: todos bailan
Wear: vestir
Colorful clothes: ropas coloridas
Women: mujeres
Men: varones
Skirts: faldas
Pants: pantalones
Black: negro
Animals: animales
Cows: vacas
Sheeps: ovejas

2 Let´s read! (Vamos a leer): Listen and read the text. Underline or
circle the new words (subraya o circula las palabras nuevas)


One of the most popular dances in Huancayo
and the entire region of Junin is Santiago.
This dance is known by all the community
and it is celebrated from July 24 to the end of
Everyone dances a lot and wear colorful
clothes. Women wear skirts and men wear
black pants. People celebrate with their
animals like cows and sheeps.
Let´s understand! (Vamos a entender)
Choose the TRUE or FALSO according to the reading (Elige VERDADERO o FALSO de acuerdo
con la lectura)

1. Santiago is a popular dance in Junin region True (___) False (___)

2. Santiago is celebrated in September True (___) False (___)

3. In Santiago, everyone dances a lot. True (___) False (___)

4. Women wear black pants. True (___) False (___)

5. People celebrate with their animals True (___) False (___)

Challenge (Reto): Make a graphic organizer in your reading plan notebook about
today's reading. (Elabora un organizador gráfico de la lectura presentada en la clase de hoy en tu
cuaderno de plan lector). Anota las ideas principales y si tienes más datos sobre la celebración del
Tayta Shanti los puedes añadir).

Use your Reading plan notebook

Usa tu Cuaderno de Plan Lector
Emilia: “I music on Saturday”.

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